Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Conference on Learning Organization (isclo-15)

The 3rd ISCLO is a joint event of Telkom Corporate University and Telkom University Indonesia, held on 25-26 November 2015 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The conference is attended by various participants to explore the main challenges in implementing a Learning Organization and Corporate University through more than 175 scientific works of academics and practitioners in the international world.

This conference is driven by the function of corporate university as a centralized training or education system within a corporation. The main purpose of the conference is to discuss learning organization and the characteristics of corporate university in an organization and see their real impacts on organizational performance as well.

ISCLO 2015 has received about 175 papers. To prepare for publication, these contributions have been reviewed by our reviewers. We have finally accepted 56 submissions. The accepted submissions are divided into eight areas:

1. Leadership in Learning Organization
2. Learning in Corporate Strategy
3. Learning for innovation
4. Learning Organization and Performance
5. Measuring Learning organization and Knowledge Management Audit
6. Multiculture Issues in Learning Organization
7. Role of Technology in Organizational Learning/Knowledge Management
8. Socials Network and Crowd Learning

We would like to thank all the authors and invited researchers who have submitted their scientific papers, and not to mention all the members of ISCLO Scientific Committee for their dedication especially in reviewing the manuscripts, hence we have highly qualified papers useful for any organization as a reference and learning materials to improve performance. Our deep thanks also go to Mr. Zeger Karssen and Atlantis Press for their kind and enthusiastic help and support for our conference

The Organizing committee of ISCLO 2015