Proceedings of the International Conference on Science, Technology, Education, Arts, Culture and Humanity - "Interdisciplinary Challenges for Humanity Education in Digital Era" (STEACH 2018)

Session: Educational science

7 articles
Proceedings Article

Development of Motion and Mobility Teaching Materials Based on Blended Learning for Master Students of Special Education Program

Endang Pudjiastuti Sartinah, Sri Joeda Andajani
The aim of this research was to produce prototypes of products development of motion and mobility based on blended learning for master students special education program at the Graduate School of Universitas Negeri Surabaya. This development research used ADDDEM model design (Analyze, Design, Develop,...
Proceedings Article

Revisiting the Focus of Indonesian Higher Education: A Proposition toward Arts and Design as Promoted College Majors

Pranakusuma Sudhana, Ali Abdulbaqi Ameen AL Awadhi
Education has been an important service industry for many countries due to its economic contributions and roles in developing human capital. Deriving from preceding assertion, nations across the world have spent significant amount of their financial resources in the sector. Unfortunately, research in...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Joyful Learning Approach in Providing Learning Motivation for Elementary School Student

Rizki Widyawulandari, Sarwanto, Mintasih Indriayu
Cognitive development is an important aspect that is directly related to the learning process. Students in elementary schools have concrete operational development skills where they begin to solve concrete problems in logical mode and are able to clarify and understand causal relationships. However,...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of ARIAS Learning Models on Thematic Learning for Elementary School Students

Salvina Wahyu Prameswari, Suharno, Sarwanto
The purpose of this research is to describe the ARIAS learning model in thematic learning for elementary school students. The application of innovative learning models in student learning process are very important. The fact that there are many teachers who still do not understand how to optimize the...
Proceedings Article

The Application of Outdoor Learning Method as a Means of Knowing the Environment

Maharani Nimasayu Hendraswaeri, Siti Sutarmi Fadhilah, Peduk Rintayati
Outdoor learning is a learning method that can be used by teachers in teaching to students. With outdoor learning, students can get to know the environment and can also make learning more interesting because activites are usually done in the classroom. Outdoor learning helps students to get know more...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Chapter II Article 3 in Government Education and Culture Regulation No. 23 of 2016 (Study in Bekasi Regency)

Slamet Maulana, Hanna Ade Ningtiyas
The purpose of this research to study about implementation of Chapter II Article 3 concerning Scope of Assessment of Students in Government Education and Culture Regulation No. 23 of 2016 concerning Educational Assessment Standards in Bekasi Regency. This research method using juridical-empirical where...
Proceedings Article

Developing Training And Coaching Model To Improve Director’s Performance In Education Institution (Research And Development In Al Ibroh Foundation Gresik)

Shobikhul Qisom
This research aims to: (1) find out the process of developing training and coaching model to improve Director’s performance of Education Foundation, (2) know the implementation process of training and coaching model trials for Education Foundation Director to improve their performance based on the results...