Proceedings of the Fifth Annual International Conference on Business and Public Administration (AICoBPA 2022)

219 authors
AJ, Syukur Muhaymin
Public Service Innovation, in Village Administration Systems
Abdillah, Yusri
Market Orientation: Bibliometric Analysis
Abida, Novita Rifky
Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Purchase Decision
Abimanyu, Anggito
The Influence of Corporate Governance, Dividend Policy, and Capital Structure Policy on Company Performance
Adib, Noval
Developing the Concept of Post-Covid-19 SMEs Voluntary Tax Compliance Through a Social Contract Perspective: The Role of Incentive, Fairness, and Trust
Afrianty, Tri Wulida
The Influence of Innovation Culture, Self-efficacy, and Information Technology on Personal Knowledge Management
Aina, Asri Nur
The Importance of Health Accessibility Policies in Border Areas
Aina, Asri Nur
The Influence of Corporate Governance, Dividend Policy, and Capital Structure Policy on Company Performance
Aisjah, Siti
Digital Financial Inclusion and Financial Performance
Aisyah, Dzurrotun Nur
The Effect of Viral Marketing on E-Commerce Shopee’s Consumer Purchasing Intention
Alfianti, Vina
The Effect of Measuring the Quality of Human Resources and Gen Z Performance in Aching Financial Freedom
Amallia, Kharissima Ndaru
The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
Amin, Fadillah
Peer-Review Statements
Aprilian, Yudha Alief
Conceptualizing of Financial Resilient: Building Money Management Behavior
Arif, Ahmad Bachtiar
The Effectiveness of BUMDes Synergy with Business Partners in Achieving Village Economic Growth Acceleration During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Arifin, Ridwan
Future Indonesia’s Migration Landscape and Border Control Policy
Arifin, Zainul
Identification of Innovation Strategies in Companies Using a Systematic Literature Review
Arifin, Zainul
Strengthening Employee Performance in Indonesian SMEs:
Armani, Heidi
Anonymous and Reward Model: Intention in Becoming Whistleblower
The Effect of Environmental Dynamism Due to Covid-19 on Sustainable HRM: A Systematic Literature Review
Ashari, Nastiti Cahyaning Fitri
The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
Aspan, Henry
Business Institutional Model in the Omnibus Law Cluster as an Effort to Develop SMEs
Astuti, Endang Siti
Systematic Literature Review
Astuti, Endang Siti
Strengthening Employee Performance in Indonesian SMEs:
Astuti, Endang Siti
Understanding Virtual Reality Experience Quality as Drive Intention to Visit in Tourism
Astuti, Endang Siti
A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of IT Governance Disclosure in Scopus Database
Avicenna, Fitria
Architecture Governance Model of Local Government Website
Ayuningsih, Putri Benida
Implementation of Dinoyo Ceramic Industry Development Policy in Malang City
B., Sofyan
Tourism Development Strategy in Sidenreng Rappang District
Bagaskara, Dhenindra
The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
Baharuddin, Aswin
Reimagining Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy in Southeast Asia:
Bahfiarti, Tuti
Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Strategies for Health Workers Engaging with COVID-19 Patients at Bima City Hospital: A Path to Optimized Patient Care
Baridwan, Zaki
Innovation and Trust: Determinants of Intention Using Financial Technology Services (Evidence in Indonesia)
Bharata, Wira
Herd Behavior in Millennial Stock Investors in Indonesia: The Concept of Bandarmology
Budiwibowo, Agung
Systematic Literature Review
Chayati, Nur
Accountability of Government Procurement of Goods and Services Through E-Procurement
Damayanti, Cacik Rut
Conceptualizing of Financial Resilient: Building Money Management Behavior
Damayanti, Cacik Rut
The Effect of Risk and Corporate Governance on Profitability: The Role of Sustainability Report as a Moderator (A Study on Mining Companies Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2013–2020 Period)
Darmawan, Ari
A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of IT Governance Disclosure in Scopus Database
Reimagining Indonesia’s Economic Diplomacy in Southeast Asia:
Daryoto, Dwi Wahyu
The Influence of Innovation Culture, Self-efficacy, and Information Technology on Personal Knowledge Management
Domai, Tjahjanulin
Response of Regional Heads in Harmonization of Central and Regional Policy Directions to the Development of the National Capital in East Kalimantan
Does CEO's Financial Behavior Affect Startup Performance?
Effendi, Tolib
A Study of the Effectiveness of the Tourism Development Grand Plan (RIPPARKAB) Sumenep Regency for Coastal Area Potential Development
Endiramurti, Saktiana Rizki
Accountability of Government Procurement of Goods and Services Through E-Procurement
Ervianto, Whena
Factor of Marketing Mix on Purchase Intention: An Empirical Research in Fashion Industry, Mojokerto Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Fahmi, Muhamad Robith Alil
Factor of Marketing Mix on Purchase Intention: An Empirical Research in Fashion Industry, Mojokerto Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Fahrudi, Agung Nugroho Luthfi Imam
The Effect of Viral Marketing on E-Commerce Shopee’s Consumer Purchasing Intention
Farid, Muhammad
Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Strategies for Health Workers Engaging with COVID-19 Patients at Bima City Hospital: A Path to Optimized Patient Care
Assessing the Effectiveness of the Village Internet Program and Village Websites in Promoting Good Local Governance (GLG) and Electronic-Based Government Systems (SPBE) Through Administration and Governance Support
A Systematic Literature Review
Firmansyah, Aji Widya
Analysis of Implications of Digital Economy Development on Tax Treatment of E-Commerce
Firmanto, Yuki
Innovation and Trust: Determinants of Intention Using Financial Technology Services (Evidence in Indonesia)
Fourqoniah, Finnah
Herd Behavior in Millennial Stock Investors in Indonesia: The Concept of Bandarmology
Gede Eko Putra Sri Sentanu, I.
The Effect of Measuring the Quality of Human Resources and Gen Z Performance in Aching Financial Freedom
Gunawan, Alvien
Developing the Concept of Post-Covid-19 SMEs Voluntary Tax Compliance Through a Social Contract Perspective: The Role of Incentive, Fairness, and Trust
Gustin, Nindi Riyan
Leadership and Integrity as Determinants on Job Performance at Hospitals
Hadiwidjojo, Djumilah
The Effect of Environmental Dynamism Due to Covid-19 on Sustainable HRM: A Systematic Literature Review
Hakim, Abdul
Examine the Elements that Impact Food Security
Hakim, Luqman
The Importance of Health Accessibility Policies in Border Areas
Haliza, Diffa Nur
The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
Hanafiyah, Ayun
Analysis of Implications of Digital Economy Development on Tax Treatment of E-Commerce
Handayani, Sri
Indigenous Traditional Institutions and Common Pool Resources in Indonesia: The Case of Indigenous Society Tengger, Malang Regency
Hanita, Margaretha
Future Indonesia’s Migration Landscape and Border Control Policy
Hanum, Latifah
The Effect of PBB-P2 Online Service Quality on Taxpayer Compliance with Taxpayer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable in Sidoarjo Regency
Response of Regional Heads in Harmonization of Central and Regional Policy Directions to the Development of the National Capital in East Kalimantan
Hasanah, Uswatun
Enhancing Interpersonal Communication Strategies for Health Workers Engaging with COVID-19 Patients at Bima City Hospital: A Path to Optimized Patient Care
Tourism Development Strategy in Sidenreng Rappang District
Hayat, Ainul
The Importance of Health Accessibility Policies in Border Areas
Hendrawan, Muhammad Rosyihan
Architecture Governance Model of Local Government Website
Public Service Innovation, in Village Administration Systems
Hidayat, Kadarisman
Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
Hutahayan, Benny
A Systematic Literature Review: Determinants of Sustainable Competitive Advantage
Hutahayan, Benny
Moderation Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing on the Relationship of Corporate Resilience on Competitive Advantage
Hutahayan, Benny
A Systematic Literature Review
Imamah, Nur
The Modulating Role of Leverage in the Interplay Between Profitability and Stock Returns Within the Context of Indonesia’s Islamic Financial Landscape
Indrawati, Cahyani Adina
The Effect of PBB-P2 Online Service Quality on Taxpayer Compliance with Taxpayer Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable in Sidoarjo Regency
Iqbal, Mohammad
Peer-Review Statements
Iqbal, Mohammad
Systematic Literature Review
Iqbal, Mohammad
Factor of Marketing Mix on Purchase Intention: An Empirical Research in Fashion Industry, Mojokerto Regency, East Java, Indonesia
Iqbal, Muhammad
Moderation Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing on the Relationship of Corporate Resilience on Competitive Advantage
Business Institutional Model in the Omnibus Law Cluster as an Effort to Develop SMEs
Irawanto, Dodi Wirawan
The Effect of Environmental Dynamism Due to Covid-19 on Sustainable HRM: A Systematic Literature Review
Irianto, Gugus
Innovation and Trust: Determinants of Intention Using Financial Technology Services (Evidence in Indonesia)
Kaewmanee, Pongsathon
Sharpening Strategic Collaborative of Social Safety Net Program in Covid-19 Era:
Karima, Tsabita
The Effect of Risk and Corporate Governance on Profitability: The Role of Sustainability Report as a Moderator (A Study on Mining Companies Listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2013–2020 Period)
Karismariyanti, Magdalena
A Systematic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis of IT Governance Disclosure in Scopus Database
Khasanah, Ulvi Rohmatul
Influence of Brand Image and Service Quality on Purchase Decision
Kumalasari, Klara
Sharpening Strategic Collaborative of Social Safety Net Program in Covid-19 Era:
Kurnia, Lusi
The Influence of Corporate Governance, Dividend Policy, and Capital Structure Policy on Company Performance
Kurnia, Nur Fera Indah
The Effect of Direct Marketing on Purchase Decision with Purchase Intention as Intervening Variable
Kurniawati, Estetika Mutiaranisa
Accountability of Government Procurement of Goods and Services Through E-Procurement
Kusmayadi, Dimas Rizky
Moderation Effect of Entrepreneurial Marketing on the Relationship of Corporate Resilience on Competitive Advantage
Kusumawati, Andriani
Understanding Virtual Reality Experience Quality as Drive Intention to Visit in Tourism
Lestari, Yuliannova
Sharpening Strategic Collaborative of Social Safety Net Program in Covid-19 Era:
Lin, Tsui-Jung
The Modulating Role of Leverage in the Interplay Between Profitability and Stock Returns Within the Context of Indonesia’s Islamic Financial Landscape
Ludigdo, Unti
Developing the Concept of Post-Covid-19 SMEs Voluntary Tax Compliance Through a Social Contract Perspective: The Role of Incentive, Fairness, and Trust
Maharani, Dea Avriliya
Management of Educators in Improving the Quality of Education at the Junior High School Level in Magetan Regency
Mandalika, Jerry Charisa
The Role of Business Models and Bank Competitiveness in Driving Bank Resilience Moderated by Ownership
Maulidia, Dina
The Effect of Measuring the Quality of Human Resources and Gen Z Performance in Aching Financial Freedom