Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Computer Science and Intelligent Communication
340 authors
- Zhang, Haiyue
- Constructions of Finite Groups
- Zhang, Hongke
- Traffic Matrix-Based Routing Optimization
- Zhang, Jiong
- A Development Strategy of O2O Business in China
- Zhang, Liang
- A Novel Framework of Grid Cloud Operating and Comparison Analysis of Its Virtualization Realization
- Zhang, Manman
- Research on the Influence Law and Suppression Methods of Seismic Wavelet Time-varying Nature on Seismic Data Processing
- Zhang, Meng
- An Access Control Scheme For Limiting The Number Of Users Based on Cloud Computing
- Zhang, Mingsheng
- Study on Access Control for Cloud Storage Security
- Zhang, Peng
- Research on the Influence Law and Suppression Methods of Seismic Wavelet Time-varying Nature on Seismic Data Processing
- Zhang, Shaoyun
- Study of Electric Power Steering System
- Zhang, Tairan
- A Novel Efficient SDN Based Broadcast Scheme
- Zhang, Tairan
- A SDN Based Scalable Layer 2 Network for Next Generation Internet Testbed
- Zhang, Weijie
- An Algorithm to Realize the Real-time Interpolation of Bezier Curves Based on DSP
- Zhang, Wentong
- Software Risk Assessment Method based on Fuzzy Neural Network
- Zhang, Yan
- Environmental Audio Classification Based on Active Learning with SVM
- Zhang, Ying
- Competitive Facility Location Problem with Foresight in Discrete Space based on Tabu Search
- Zhang, Yonggang
- An Algorithm on Solving Car Sequencing Problem based on ACO
- Zhang, Yujie
- An Algorithm to Realize the Real-time Interpolation of Bezier Curves Based on DSP
- Zhang, Zhenya
- Research on Reconstruction Method for Illumination Field based on CMAC Neural Network
- Zhang, Zhiying
- The Design of Main Transmission System of the CK1440A Series Numerically-Controlled Machine Tool
- Zhao, Dan
- Learning to Recommend with Hidden Factor Models and Social Trust Ensemble
- Zhao, Dequn
- Oil Spill Image Segmentation Based on Fuzzy C-means Algorithm
- Zhao, Dianjiao
- Iterative Algorithms for a System of Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problems
- Zhao, Jianna
- Evaluation of Investment Risk in Thermal Power Project Based on Risk Matrix
- Zhao, Jianna
- Research on the Post Evaluation for Thermal Power Construction Project Based on Entropy Weight Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
- Zhao, Xuesong
- Research of High Voltage Intelligent Capacitor
- Zhao, Yali
- Iterative Algorithms for a System of Generalized Mixed Equilibrium Problems
- Zhao, Yanbei
- The Study on Dynamic Supply Chain Coordination under the Premise of Risk-neutral
- Zhao, Yuanyuan
- Research on the Post Evaluation for Thermal Power Construction Project Based on Entropy Weight Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
- Zhao, Yubo
- An Optimal Algorithm based on the Solution to the Coarse-Grained Arc Consistency Algorithms of the Constraint Satisfaction Problems
- Zhao, Yun
- Wavelet Thresholding Method based on Hypotheses Testing and Noise Estimation for Multipath Mitigation in GPS Receivers
- Zhao, Zhilong
- Building of Laser-assisted Micromachining Temperature Field
- Zheng, Wei
- Test Data Automatic Generation Based on Modified Condition/Decision Coverage Criteria
- Zheng, Yidong
- A High-Performance Key-Value Query Solution Based on Hash Dictionary and Trie Tree
- Zhong, Yuan
- Study on the Index System of Taxi Operation Monitoring Based on Multi-source Data
- Zhou, Jingxiong
- Research of Self-Set for Cloud Security Immune System Based on Bloom Filter
- Zhou, Leijing
- Intelligent Product Design for Baby Weighing Scale
- Zhou, Yunfeng
- A Test Point Selection Method Based on Circuit Topology Graph
- Zhu, Yafei
- An Access Control Scheme For Limiting The Number Of Users Based on Cloud Computing
- Zhuang, WeiChuan
- Support Vector Machine Based on Incremental Learning for Malware Detection
- Zhuang, Weiwei
- Support Vector Machine Based on Incremental Learning for Malware Detection