Proceedings of the International Conference on Cultural Studies (ICCUS 2023)

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23 articles
Proceedings Article

Peer-Review Statements

Prasetyo Adi Wisnu Wibowo, Dwi Susanto, Mibtadin Mibtadin
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the ICCuS 2023 during October 14th, 2023 in Surakarta, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Paper Management and Conference Proceeding and approved by the Editor-in-Chief, who affirms that this document...
Proceedings Article

Commercialism of the Banyu Panguripan Tradition in the Wong Gunung Festival in Pemalang District

Afiliasi Ilafi, Bani Sudardi, Slamet Subiyantoro, Titis Srimuda Pitana
Tradition and society are interrelated things, because tradition is a legacy that has been passed down from generation to generation by previous ancestors. The traditions that exist in society sometimes become crucial when their sacredness shifts into traditions that have entertainment value. This is...
Proceedings Article

Rethinking Cultural Study of Music Through Contemporary Music Activities in Indonesia Present Day

Erie Setiawan, Widodo Aribowo, Mibtadin Mibtadin
For at least the last six years (since 2016), several music activists in Yogyakarta who are members of the Art Music Today Foundation, have held an annual agenda entitled October Meeting Contemporary Music and Musicians. This agenda, although performing the works of composers like a festival, is more...
Proceedings Article

Donyane Pelanyah in Modern Javanese Poetry (Guritan) an Analysis with Semiotic Approach

Ucik Fuadhiyah, Andrik Purwasito, Wakit Abdullah, Teguh Supriyanto
This study aims to reveal the urgency and reality of the life of donyane pelanyah (the world of prostitution) who are expressed and appear in modern Javanese poetry texts (guritan) as a form of literary work and a product of society’s culture. The poems that will be discussed are poems entitled “Balada...
Proceedings Article

Capitalism Ideology of Islamic Cyber Literature Writers in Wattpad Media in Indonesia

Risma Nur Rahmawati
Technological developments also have an impact on the development of literature in the digital realm. One of them is the emergence of applications used by the public to read literary works in the digital world. One application that can be used to read literary works is Wattpad. Through this application,...
Proceedings Article

Relations between Minang Culture and Women in the 1990s in Selasih Literature

Andhika Yudha Pratama, Daya Negri Wijaya, Evania Yafie, Dhara Alim Cendekia, Norhafiza Mohd Hed
This scientific article is about the connection between culture and women in Minang in the 1990s, illustrated in Selasih literature. The author, Sariamin Ismail, or Selasih Success, describes Minangkabau women at that time who still influenced customs and traditions but were also open to changing social...
Proceedings Article

Character and Complexity of Literary Works Based on Artificial Intelligence

Rahmadiansyah Diva Alleta Irawati, Tarra Umayya, Angelica Adelwies, Aulia Salsabiela Yasinta, Arinda Milanita, Cecilia Marsa Bella, Isnadiah Youwanda Wardani, Valentina Salsabila Putriardita, Anggun Mei Yuntari, Yuyun Kusdianto
The technological disruption that permeates all parts of human life now forces people to rethink culture and civilization. Artificial intelligence-based technology has accelerated the revolution of civilization on a massive scale that was previously only present in plans and shadows. Many people think...
Proceedings Article

Javanese Culture Integration in Mangkunegaran on the 20th Century

Insiwi Febriary Setiasih, Singgih Tri Sulistyono, Dhanang Respati Puguh
Javanese culture was the foundation of human mental development in Praja Mangkunegaran. The formation of Praja Mangkunegaran embraces the basic philosophy of love for the motherland which is represented in various cultural forms. Interesting trends regarding the development of Javanese culture in Mangkunegaran...
Proceedings Article

Macapat Song as a Representation in Religiosity of Sapta Darma Adherents

Antonius Sukoco, Widodo Aribowo, Prasetya Adi Wisnu Wibowo
The purpose of this research is for showing representation of the religiosity of Sapta Darma adherents in macapat songs as part of their religious rituals. The method of this research is qualitative descriptive with representation theory from Stuart Hall. This type of research emphasizes in analyzing disclosure...
Proceedings Article

The Role of Visual Communication in Ornament as an Indonesia Cultural Identity

Sri Wahyuning Septarina, Retno Purwanti, Rifki Risandhy
Indonesia is a country that has a variety of cultures. Ornament as an art form can be a sign of Indonesian cultural identity. Ornaments have the role of visual communication of a culture which is historical evidence of the meeting and mixing between local culture and foreign culture which is often called...
Proceedings Article

Coworking Space, Social Space Articulated as Working Zone in Millennial Era

Eni Nur Aeni, Tri Murniati
This study focuses on the widespread use of using coworking space as a room to carry out office tasks. To analyze such phenomena, it employs a qualitative approach with library research methods. The concept of hegemony from Antonio Gramsci and the cultural circuit of Paul Du Gay combined with the two...
Proceedings Article

Moderator or Provocator? The Teacher’s Contribution of the Algemeene Middelbare School AI in Strengthening Indonesian Cultural Identity 1926–1932

Heri Priyatmoko, Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, Dhanang Respati Puguh
This article analyses the story of the teachers of the Algemeene Middelbare School (AMS) AI Eastern Literature department in strengthening Indonesian cultural identity in its students from various regions in the Dutch East Indies. Indologists who teached at AMS AI were among others, Dr. W.F. Stutterheim,...
Proceedings Article

From Chinese Schools to National Schools: Efforts to Integrate Chinese Ethnicities Through Education, Surabaya 1966–1998

Shinta Devi Ika Santhi Rahayu, Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, Dhanang Respati Puguh, Alamsyah Alamsyah
This article examined how the closure of Chinese schools in 1966 did not diminish the enthusiasm of the Chinese community to revive education. This study is essential, as the education provided by the Chinese during the New Order era had not received adequate attention from historians. This spirit exemplified...
Proceedings Article

Social Issues Reflected in Performances Wayang Beber Kota The story of “Suluk Banyu” by Dani Iswardana

Bobby Akhbar, Warto Warto, Susanto Susanto
So far the Wayang Beber story has always been attached to the epic meeting of Dewi Sekartaji and Panji Asmarabangun. This affects the narrative of Wayang Beber’s stories in the end monotonous and boring. Many efforts have been made to contemporary wayang, one of them is by modifying wayang stories that...
Proceedings Article

Jagannath Consciousness on Digital Platforms: A Study of Doodles and Drawings on Social Media

Rituparna Priyadarshini, Pallavi Kiran, Arpita Goswami
Jagannath Culture and Folklore have inspired numerous artists from different regions. Through addition to being represented in films, online series, documentaries, and cartoons, it has now been represented as doodles. Now that social media is thriving, all primary sources of entertainment and secondary...
Proceedings Article

Tong-Tong Fair Festival as a Representation of Collective Memory and Identity of the Indonesian Diaspora in the Netherlands

Rumtini Rumtini, Hary Sulistyo, Endang Sartika, Panji Satrio Binangun
This article will discuss the Tong-Tong Fair festival which is held every year in the city of The Hague, as a representation of the “night market” of the Indonesian diaspora in the Netherlands. This is interesting to research because, apart from the historical aspect which has relevance to the existence...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of Bible Integration in Integrated IPS Learning in The Kurikulum Merdeka at Christian Junior High School, Surakarta City

Riko Andarista, S. Leo Agung, Suryo Ediyono
The purpose of this research is to find out the application of the actualization of Bible integration through Integrated Social Studies learning using the Freedom to Learn Curriculum. This type of research uses a qualitative approach. In contrast, the approach uses a phenomenological design that attempts...
Proceedings Article

Development of Innovative Bank Fabric Products as a Cultural Heritage Based on Local Wisdom

Muhammad Rusli Baharuddin, Wahyu Hidayat, Seriyanti Seriyanti, Fitrah Anshori
The development of bark fabric products, which is contained in the village service activities of the bark cloth center for this innovative product, aims to preserve the cultural heritage of the rampi community which is almost extinct because it is eroded by modernity in the midst of today's technological...
Proceedings Article

A Satirical Review of the Alienation Phenomenon on Modern Society in the Song “Dalam Hitungan” by Feast

Nur Sitha Afrilia, Regyna Margaretha, Taufiq Annas, Emmanuel Putro Prakoso
Poetry is one of the literacy products which has many words that could be interpreted from any perspective and a song is the product of poetry which has tones because of the musicalization process. So, in a simply way, every song could be understood as a result of the musicalization of poetry. Based...
Proceedings Article

Sustainability and Sustainable Development Goals: A Select Study of the Traditions and Rituals of Odisha

Richita Sulagna Pradhan, Arpita Goswami
Natural resources are vital for the planet in their given state without human intervention. When they get depleted it will lead to bigger problems such as global warming eventually leading to climate change, water scarcity, lack of proper electricity. Sustainability is truly the need of the hour, more...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Beauty Standards on Women’s Lives: An Exploration of The Bald Wife, a Folk Story from West Bengal, through a Feminist Lens

Jhilik Chakraborty, Arpita Goswami
From ancient times to the present day, the initial judgments we make about girls and women have heavily relied on their physical appearance and their adherence to society’s traditional beauty standards. Literary works from different time periods have delved into the notion of beauty. Folktales, passed...
Proceedings Article

Semiotic Analysis of Barbie Movie Poster

Dini Anggraheni, Anandha Anandha, Adiprana Yogatama
The poster was a type of visual media used mostly for cinema marketing and the sense of sight to communicate messages that required visual communication and message symbols to be comprehended. One of the popular movies in 2023 is Barbie Movie, which has a unique gesture in the poster. This article offers...
Proceedings Article

Empowering Women Through Ecoprint for Creativity Enhancement in Solo

Dyah Yuni Kurniawati, Andrik Purwasito, Sri Kusumo Habsari, Agus Purwantoro, Magdalena Asmara
The evolving fashion landscape has spurred people in the Solo region to compete in creating new trends with artistic value as an integral component. The growing fashion demand has led to the expansion of the textile industry in Solo, which, in turn, has environmental implications. Leveraging its rich...