Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Cultural (ICLC 2022)
Conference name: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Cultural (ICLC 2022)
Date: 25-26 November 2022
Location: Makassar, Indonesia (Hybrid)
Website: The 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Culture (ICLC-3) 2022 was organized by the Cultural Sciences Faculty of Hasanuddin University held in a hybrid manner with a focus on activities in the Mattulada Hall, Makassar, on November 15, 2022. The keynote speakers’ presentation of Indonesia was delivered by the professor in the Cultural Sciences Faculty of Hasanuddin University such as Prof. Dr. Akin Duli, M.A. (Dean of Cultural Sciences Faculty), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Darwis, M.S., and Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, M. Hum. Furthermore, the keynote speakers’ presentation of International was presented by Prof. Dr. Haruya Kagami from Japan, Natalia Aleksandrovna Sabaldan from Philipina, Zawawi Pakde Amin from Thailand, and Prof. Madya Dr. Awang Azman Awang Pawi from Malaysia. It also presented around 60 speakers from various universities in Indonesia. Those 60 papers have been presented at this conference relevant to the theme set by the committee, namely Innovation in Research and Teaching of Language, Literature and Culture in the New Normal Era. November 2022 Nurhayati
Chairman of the Committee
Date: 25-26 November 2022
Location: Makassar, Indonesia (Hybrid)
Website: The 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Culture (ICLC-3) 2022 was organized by the Cultural Sciences Faculty of Hasanuddin University held in a hybrid manner with a focus on activities in the Mattulada Hall, Makassar, on November 15, 2022. The keynote speakers’ presentation of Indonesia was delivered by the professor in the Cultural Sciences Faculty of Hasanuddin University such as Prof. Dr. Akin Duli, M.A. (Dean of Cultural Sciences Faculty), Prof. Dr. Muhammad Darwis, M.S., and Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, M. Hum. Furthermore, the keynote speakers’ presentation of International was presented by Prof. Dr. Haruya Kagami from Japan, Natalia Aleksandrovna Sabaldan from Philipina, Zawawi Pakde Amin from Thailand, and Prof. Madya Dr. Awang Azman Awang Pawi from Malaysia. It also presented around 60 speakers from various universities in Indonesia. Those 60 papers have been presented at this conference relevant to the theme set by the committee, namely Innovation in Research and Teaching of Language, Literature and Culture in the New Normal Era. November 2022 Nurhayati
Chairman of the Committee