Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICoMSE 2017)

Session: E1. Science Education

8 articles
Proceedings Article

Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions

Muntholib, Jian Mayangsari, Yunilia N. Pratiwi, Muchson, Ridwan Joharmawan, Yahmin, Sri Rahayu
Alternative conception is students' conception of scientific concepts that are inconsistent with the conception of scientists. Various studies show that alternative conceptions of chemical concepts occur in students, including acid-base concepts. Various identification of alternative conception methods...
Proceedings Article

The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy

Parlan, Suhadi Ibnu, Sri Rahayu, Suharti
Learning content of chemistry includes factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge. To well master the learning content, students’ metacognition is required. Students’ metacognition can be formed and developed through learning. Metacognitive learning strategy is one of the strategies...
Proceedings Article

Patrap Triloka Ethno-Pedagogy With Research-Based Learning Settings to Develop Capability of Pre-Service Science Teachers: Literature Review

Hasan Subekti, Herawati Susilo, Ibrohim Ibrohim, Hadi Suwono
Student’s capabilities are among the most commonly discussed research in higher education. In the Indonesian history, developing student capabilities is well-documented aligning with Patrap Trilokathe, a local wisdom-based education. This was initially raised by Ki Hadjar Dewantara which was then scrutinized...
Proceedings Article

Student’s Problem-Solving Skill on Momentum Conservation Law

Dina Prihartanti, Lia Yuliati, Hari Wisodo
Problem-solving skill is one of the competencies that must be achieved by vocational students. This study aimed to describe the problem-solving skill of students on the concept of momentum's conservation law. The participants of this study were 28 students of eleventh graders at SMK in Blitar in the...
Proceedings Article

The Validity of ARICESA-Based Learning Materials in Basic Science Concept for Student of Primary School Teacher Education Department

Rahyu Setiani, Gaguk Resbianton, Aldila Wanda
The learning motivation and science concepts comprehension must be fostered by students in the department of primary school teacher education. That is due to the diversity of high school background of this department students. This research aimed to determine the validity of ARICESA-based learning materials...
Proceedings Article

Scientific Explanation of Light through Phenomenon-based Learning on Junior High School Student

Khoirotul Islakhiyah, Sutopo Sutopo, Lia Yulianti
This study was intended to explore the improvement of scores that measure students’ scientific explanation of light through phenomenon-based learning. Students conduct an investigation and make an explanation about the phenomenon being observed. The study employed mixed methods with an embedded experimental...
Proceedings Article

Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Design to Teach Problem Solving Skills

Avia Riza Dwi Kurnia, Muslimin Ibrahim, Wahono Widodo, Toto Nusantara
Science as a field of science that investigates the universe is closely related to natural phenomena. Natural phenomena exist holistically, not independent, and interrelated. Why is integrated science learning so important? This multidisciplinary learning method can train students to think multidimensional,...
Proceedings Article

A Literature Study of Science Process Skill toward Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students

Ediyanto Ediyanto, Iva Atika, Masashi Hayashida, Norimune Kawai
The purpose of science education is that students can individually master the science process skill and engage in inquiry. The basic science process skills consist of observing, communicating, classifying, measuring, inferring and predicting. Meanwhile, integrated science process skills are controlling...