Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS 2020)

526 authors
Widyawati, Fitrah
Santri Education Problems at Darul Huffadh Islamic Boarding School in Bone Regency, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
Wijaya, Dodik Pranata
Community Participation in Tackling Domestic Violence
Wijaya, Rahmanu
The Implementation of Human Rights Fulfillment as an Effort to Strengthen Positive Peace in Indonesia
Wilujeng, Biyan Yesi
Sensory Analysis as a Tool in Determining Customer Acceptability in Natural Mask From Red Dragon Peels (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) Flour and Kefir Flour
Winarsih, Sri
Aesthetic Values in Balada Cenderawasih Traditional Dance of Papua
Winarsih, Sri
The Meaning of Kei Proverbs in Behavior of the People
Winoto, Darmawan Edi
Budi Clinic: Actualization and Habituation of Mapalus Cultural Value
The Killing of Brigadier General A.W.S. Mallaby in Allied Duty in Surabaya 1945
Wua, Telly D.
Child Friendly School Organizational Culture in Minahasa North Sulawesi Indonesia
Wua, Telly Delly
Analysis and Evaluation on Teachers’ Professional Competence at Junior High School of Siau Island, Sitaro Regency
Wua, Telly Delly
The Effectiveness of Inquiry Jurisprudential Development Model in Civics Learning Process at SMA Negeri 1 Kawangkoan Minahasa
Wulan, Dewi Putri Anjar
The Role of Schools to Improve Entrepreneur Spirit in Kumbe Village, Papua
Wullur, Magdalena
Geoclogs: The Potential of a Special Economic Zone in Halmahera Utara Regency
Yampap, Umar
Cooperative Learning Using Jigsaw Type on Thematic Learning
Yampap, Umar
Implementation of Problem Based Learning Models to Improve the Attitude of Environmental Care of Grade V Elementary School
Yani, M. Turhan
Empowerment Academic Data as the Basis of Mapping Priority Program of Quality Assurance Organization
Yani, Turhan
Development of Senior High School Pancasila & Civics Learning by Utilizing Contemporary Issues to Increase Civic Competence
Yuherawan, Deni Setya Bagus
Construction Policy Renewal of Criminal Law Through the Formulation of Corruption in the Penal Code Draft
Yuliani, Endang Mei
Analysis of Assertive Communication Skills in Adolescents Health With Aggressive Behavior
Yulianti, Rina
A Dispute Resolution of Land Sale and Purchase Without the Heirs’ Consent
Yuliari, Kartika
Implementation of Total Quality Management at UPT Nganjuk Children’s Social Services, Indonesia
Yuliari, Kartika
The Effect of Security and Trust on Online Purchasing Decisions at Shopee by Kadiri University Students
The Fashion Design Curriculum: Implementing the Learning Freedom and COVID-19 Pandemic Era
Yusuf, Andi Patta
Transforming Capacity of the Farmer Community in Improving Paddy Yields through the Empowerment of Gapoktan Program in Semangga District
Zain, Ita Mardiani
Study of Reproductive Health of Young Women in the District of Jombang
Zain, Ita Mardiani
Analysis of Green Open Space Needs in Surabaya City