Proceedings of the 5th SEA-DR (South East Asia Development Research) International Conference 2017 (SEADRIC 2017)

Session: Research design in learning assessment

7 articles
Proceedings Article

Application of Assessment as Learning in Mathematics Instruction

Benidiktus Tanujaya
This research was conducted to determine the best approach to implement the assessment as learning in mathematics instruction. Assessment as learning is a classroom-based assessment that applies the principles of self-assessment by students on each of the instruction process. The main principle in the...
Proceedings Article

The Development of the Assessment Instrument for Biography Text Learning

Irni Cahyani
Learning assessment instruments are tools used in the process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting information regarding students 'ability in learning. Teacher assessment instruments which are used in assessing the ability of students of the biography text in SMAN 6 Banjarmasin include rubric assessment...
Proceedings Article

The Assesment of High Order Thinking Skills of Undergraduate Students in Biology Education Department

Maulana Khalid Riefani, Nurul Hidayati Utami
High order thinking skills include critical, logical, reflective, metacognitive, and creative thinking. They are activated when individuals encounter unfamiliar problems, uncertainties, questions, or dilemmas. Successful applications of the skills result in explanations, decisions, performances, and...
Proceedings Article

Creating Innovation in Education by Using Value Analysis System

Mr Abduloh
Human being are social creatures that cannot be separated from the other creatures. In their life, they are required to think because they will alwaysÿsocialize and interact with others. As a result, this will give an impact on the increasing needs and willÿalso ariseÿvarious problems as well as dynamicsÿofÿa...
Proceedings Article

The Analysis on the Quality of Test Items of the Summative Test

Rabiatul Adawiyah
This study aimed to determine the quality of grains from the Final Exam of Junior High School, in Balangan Regency subjects Citizenship Education Year 2015/2016, which is indicated from the level of difficulty, discriminator index, and the effectiveness of the distractors. The subjects of the study were...
Proceedings Article

Characteristics of School Examination Test of Biology Subject

Dyah Febria Wardhani, Mr Suratno, Aminuddin P. Putra
The results of the analysis of a test is indispensable for making the policies that should be done by a teacher in improving the quality of teaching and learning. This study aimed to describe characteristics of the school examination for Biology subject in Banjar Regency in the year of 2014/2015. The...
Proceedings Article

The Measurement of Science Process Skills for First Year Students at Biology Education Departement

Nurul Hidayati Utami, Maulana Khalid Riefani, Mr Muchyar, Mr Mirhanudin
A meaningful science teaching focuses on reconstructing knowledge and experience. One way for reconstructing knowledge is by using science process skill. It is an ability of students to solve problems. This research aimed to measure science process skills of first grade students at Biology Education...