Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Indonesian Association for Public Administration (IAPA 2019)
14 articles
Proceedings Article
YouTube Adoption: Promoting Local Government Transparency?
Zailani Surya Marpaung, Anang Dwi Santoso
Youtube is a social media platform for the exchange of videos where the public can demonstrate their engagement by watching, sharing and commenting. Local governments have gradually adopted it, in particular for transparency purposes. Unfortunately, there has been not much research explored the use of...
Proceedings Article
Mediation of Land Disputes in South Sumatera Province
Ellyza Octaleny, Sri Suwitri, Endang Larasati, Kismartini
Land is a natural resource that is very valuable for human life. Limited land availability creates separate disputes for humans. The cases of land disputes in South Sumatra Province, according to the Head of the Regional Office of the National Land Agency, were 27 cases, 18 cases have been completed...
Proceedings Article
Challenges of Smart City: Local Government in Pekanbaru City and Community
Geovani Meiwanda
Every government in the region along with its ranks is entering the era of digital governance that demands all supporting elements in the government to be carried out by the Pekanbaru City Government. Smart City Madani is the tagline of the City of Pekanbaru since the reign of Mayor serving Firdaus,...
Proceedings Article
Intersectoral Collaboration Issues, Actions, and Structure: Study of Generation Planning Program in Makassar City, Indonesia
Nasrulhaq, Agus Heruanto Hadna, Muhlis Madani, Ihyani Malik
This research aims to examine intersectoral collaboration in the Generation Planning (GenRe) Program in Makassar city, Indonesia, especially on its issues, actions, and structure. The government of Makassar city as a municipality in east Indonesia is severe to implement the program. The involvement of...
Proceedings Article
Culture Collideation in Digital Government
Wini Prastuti, Gabriel Lele, Yeremias T Keban
This article focuses on the implementation of e-government as a form of digital government in the context of cultural theory. This is important since cultural analysis has not been discussed much in the topic of e-government stages. The success of e-government implementation is evaluated through stages...
Proceedings Article
Indecision in Emergency Situation: The Absence of Technology or Intuition? A Study of September 30, 2009 Earthquake in Padang
Siska Sasmita, Bevaola Kusumasari, Agus Pramusinto, Ely Susanto
An Actor’s cognitive ability has become a major requirement in making decisions during a state of emergency. Either collapsed infrastructure or the disappearance of emergency personnel often delays an effective response which could result in indecisive action. This paper examines how indecision occurred...
Proceedings Article
Talian Darussalam 123: Brunei Darussalam’s National Non-Emergency Call Centre
Li Li Pang
One of the most significant changes in the last five years in Brunei Darussalam’s public administration is the introduction of the national non-emergency call centre, Talian Darussalam 123 (TD123). From the initial 181,000 calls the centre received in the first nine months of its operation in 2014, it...
Proceedings Article
Envisioning Agile Government: Learning from the Japanese Concept of Society 5.0 and the Challenge of Public Administration in Developing Countries
Wahyudi Kumorotomo
Technological developments have shaped changes in communication and the ways people aspire for public services. Rigid, flaccid and slow bureaucratic type of organizations are no longer compatible with the new challenges in the so-called “disruptive environment”. This paper tries to elaborate on the emergence...
Proceedings Article
Key Success Factors for Implementation Code of Conducts and Ethics in Indonesian Public Sector
Septiana Dwiputrianti
Data from the Indonesian Civil Service Commission (KASN) shows that about four percent (ministries level); thirty-two percent (province-level) and eighty-four percent (city and district level) do not have internal regulations regarding the code of ethics. Moreover, from government institutions that have...
Proceedings Article
Transparency in Government: A Review on the Failures of Corruption Prevention in Indonesia
Siti Ngatikoh, Wahyudi Kumorotomo, Nunuk Dwi Retnandari
Transparency is a manifestation of good governance in a democratic government. Provision of accurate, clear, and relevant information is highly necessary for achieving an open government and gaining public trust. Today’s society tends to have more transparent government, especially with many corruption...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of Catchment for the Archipelagic Area within Mainland-dominated Local Government
M.R. Khairul Muluk
This study found that there was dis-catchment in the archipelagic area within Sumenep Regency. The regency has two separated areas while the capital is located in the mainland area. Imbalanced development exists between these two areas: a more developed mainland and underdeveloped archipelago. This study...
Proceedings Article
Cartel and Political Corruption: Insight from Beef Imports Collusion in Indonesia
Tonny Timbul Tampubolon, Gabriel Lele, Wahyudi Kumorotomo, Suripto
Cartel is a group of several companies collude and give the appearance of competitive rivalry while in fact they have reached an understanding to jointly maximise profits. These companies involved in a conspiracy in anti trust activities. In industry and trade many cartel groups because their goals and...
Proceedings Article
Poverty Reduction and Financial Literacy for Women in Indonesia
Fina Dian Arini, Ambar Widaningrum, Agus Heruanto Hadna
This article aims to discuss financial literacy as an integral part of poverty alleviation programs through women’s economic participation. Financial literacy is a supporter in increasing economic participation. Financial literacy is a set of information that refers to an individual’s ability to effectively...
Proceedings Article
Driving Indonesia’s Public Service Innovation Through Leadership Model
Andri Putra Kesmawan, Agus Pramusinto, Bevaola Kusumasari, Dewi Haryani Susilastuti
This study analyzes how the leadership model encourages public service innovation in Indonesia. So far, experts have reviewed the leadership and innovation as limited to the leader capacities, leadership styles and leader determinants towards innovation. However, the leadership model of the innovation...