Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business Law and Local Wisdom in Tourism (ICBLT 2021)

191 authors
Abbas, Asmah
The Impact of Customary Wedding Culture Rampanan Kapa’ in Strengthening the Customary Law and Improving Cultural Tourism in Tana Toraja-South Sulawesi
Agung, Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Jaya
Management Model of Traditional Village-based Tourism Objects in the Perspective of Tourism Law
Amelia, Tina
The Legal Responsibility of the Management Company on the Economic Rights of Local Residents in Special Economic Zones (SEZ) for Tourism in Indonesia
Amir, Nabbilah
Rebuilding the Tourism Area of Palu City After Three Years of Earthquake: An Overview of Spatial Law Studies
Role of Business Law School in the Development of Indigenous Culinary Tourism
Anggriyani, Ni Made
“Sunflower Garden” Eco-Tourism Area Development Strategy in Batannyuh Belayu Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency
Antaguna, I Nyoman Gede
The Role of Mediator in the Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes Amid Covid-19 Pandemic
Apriliani, Kadek
Implementation of the Determination of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards at the Institutions for Airport Job Training
Ardison, Hansel
Legal Aspects in Indonesian Digital Marketing Business: What should Be Complied With?
Ardyo, Bebeto
Dynamics of BMKT Investment Policy: Challenges in Application
Arifin, Karen Michaelia
Corporate Criminal Responsibility in the Crime of Environmental Pollution in Tourist Areas
Arini, Desak Gde Dwi
Misuse of Visitation Visas by Foreigners
Arjaya, I Made
The Role of Indigenous Communities and Entrepreneurs in Developing Village with an Ecological Insight in Bali by Implementing CSR
Arsika, I Made Budi
Observing the Role of Local Governments in Bali in Stimulating the Business Sector
Arthanaya, I Wayan
Constitutionality of Judicial Review Versus Judicial Review in Civil Cases Based on Constitutional Court Adjudication Number 108/PUU-XIV/2016
Artono, Harry Budi
Authority of Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) in Optimizing SOE Assets in Indonesia
Asmara, Galang
Implementation of Concept ‘Halal Tourism’ in Nusa Tenggara Barat and Their Effect in Increasing Number of Tourists
Astara, I Wayan Wesna
Bali Tourism Law and Philosophical-based Ecotourism Management Tri Hita Karana
Astiti, Ni Gusti Ketut Sri
Responsibility of the Board of Directors for the Activities of a Limited Company That Does Not Have Legal Entity Status
Atmadja, I Dewa Gede
Policy License of Law of Natural Resources Especially on Management Coastal and Small Island in Indonesia
Bhartos, Megawati
Recovery of State Losses in Corruption Law Enforcement Effort
Budiartha, I Nyoman Putu
The Role of Indigenous Communities and Entrepreneurs in Developing Village with an Ecological Insight in Bali by Implementing CSR
Cahyady, Yadhy
State Responsibility in Protecting the Intellectual Property Rights of Micro and Small Enterprise Products in the Culture-Based Tourism Industry
Cahyowati, RR.
Halal Tourism Policy in West Nusa Tenggara Province During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Candranegara, I Made Wimas
“Sunflower Garden” Eco-Tourism Area Development Strategy in Batannyuh Belayu Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency
Candranegara, I Made Wimas
Arak Bali: Between Culture and Economic Recovery in Realizing the Vision of Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali Based on Local Wisdom
Candranegara, I Made Wimas
Analysis of Gender Equality in Education Through the Pisuke Tradition in Padamara Village, East Lombok District: Karl Marx’s Conflict View
Dewi, A.A. Sagung Laksmi
The Synergy Between the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency Function and the Police Function in Handling Criminal Acts of Narcotics Abuse
Dewi, Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi
The Role of Mediator in the Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes Amid Covid-19 Pandemic
Dewi, Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi
Mandatory Clause Implications on Arbitration Disputes in Indonesia
Dewi, Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi
Traditional Market Revitalization in the Persfective of Cultural Tourism Development in Denpasar City
Dewi, Monica Puspa
Reconceptualization Ideal Model for the Construction of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Context of Realizing Social Justice
Dewi, Putu Eka Trisna
Legal Protection for Workers’ Rights in Company Bankruptcy Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Dharsana, I Made Pria
Law and Land for Investment Tourism at Bali
Dinar, I.G.A.A. Gita Pritayanti
Mandatory Clause Implications on Arbitration Disputes in Indonesia
Durianto, Darmadi
The Impacts of the 1890 U.S. Antitrust Policy and the Current Indonesia Competition Law
Fakrulloh, Zudan Arief
Implementation of Pancasila Values in Population and Civil Registration Services
Fakrulloh, Zudan Arief
Responsibility of the Board of Directors (Management) of State- Owned Enterprises Using the Principles of Business Judgement Rule in Criminal Liability
Fakrulloh, Zudan Arif
Environmental Law in the Tourism Development of Investment in Indonesia
Ferdian, Muhammad
Legal Protection of Geographical Indications for Local Handicrafts in Tourism Activities in Indonesia
Fitran, Muhamad Ali
Formulation of the Principle of Fairness in Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes
Fransiska, Asmin
Contercyclical and Omnisbus Law
Gianyar, I Made
The Existence of Telajakan Land as a Road Borders in the Customary Law of Traditional Villages in Bali
Gorda, A.A.A. Ngr. Tini Rusmini
Consignment Agreement Regulation Model Between Craft MSMEs and Corporations Based on the Principle of Contract Balance
Strengthening Regulations to Improve Tourism in the Globalization Era
Hadiati, Mia
Personal Data Protection Related to Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (Drone) in Indonesia
Hae-Cheol, Byun
Customary Law in Constitutional Review in Korea
Harianto, Aries
Wages Problems of Local Wisdom-based Tourism Development During Covid-19 Pandemic
Hartanto, Tri
Transformation of Land Ownership with Reclamation Result Right to Manage (HPL) on Behalf of the Government of DKI Jakarta Through Capital Participation in BUMD PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk
Hasibuan, Edi Saputra
The Role of Bale Mediasi in Settlement of Tourism Disputes in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)
Hermanto, Asep Bambang
The Position of the Corruption Eradication Commission in Indonesia’s Constitutional Law Perspective
Hernawarman, Kiki Oditya
Implementation of the Principle of Justice in Implementing the Death Penalty Against Criminal Acts of Corruption Procurement of Social Assistance in Handling Covid-19
Hidayah, Nur
The Impact of Customary Wedding Culture Rampanan Kapa’ in Strengthening the Customary Law and Improving Cultural Tourism in Tana Toraja-South Sulawesi
Idris, Siti Hafsyah
Gene Pollution Due to Transgenic Organisms – Regulatory Measures
Jayasenastri, Ni Made
The Role of Indigenous Communities and Entrepreneurs in Developing Village with an Ecological Insight in Bali by Implementing CSR
Jennifer, Jennifer
Corporate Criminal Responsibility in the Crime of Environmental Pollution in Tourist Areas
Jika, I Ketut
Analysis of Gender Equality in Education Through the Pisuke Tradition in Padamara Village, East Lombok District: Karl Marx’s Conflict View
Kalalo, Flora P.
The Strengthening of Agrarian Customary Law in Minahasa Indigenous Community Through Local Regulation
Karyadi, Sigit
Extraordinary Crimes Prevention: A Positive Legal Study and Social-Humanistic Approach
Kasih, Desak Putu Dewi
Multimodal Transport: Liability of Third Party Under International Carriage of Goods
Khuana, Josep Robert
The Essence of Regulation and Dynamics of Submission of Judicial Review in Criminal Cases in Indonesia and Phenomena in Cases of Criminal Acts of Corruption
Kismilarsih, Fatikhah
Actions of Tourism Business Actors Against Tourism Workers on Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic
Kosasih, Johannes Ibrahim
Modes of Bank Fund Transfer Crime in Digital Transactions
Kosmiko, Novit
Investigation of the Economic Criminal Action of Subsidied Fertilizer Abuse in the Solok Resort Police’s Criminal Reserse Unit
Lee, Gunardi
Personal Data Protection Related to Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (Drone) in Indonesia
Maharani, Dewi Nadya
Legal Smuggling of Share Ownership Using Nominee Arrangements Associated with a Violation of the Negative Investment Lists
Mahasanti, Aldina Putri
Digital Authenticity of Trade Agreements in the Era of Globalization
Mahendrawati, Ni Luh Made
Zoning the People’s Market in the Middle of the Modern Shops in the Badung District Aspect of Business Competition
Mahendrawati, Ni Luh Made
The Principle of Balance to Realize Justice of the Parties in Standard Agreements for Business Format
Mahottama, Mas Aditya
Constitutionality of Judicial Review Versus Judicial Review in Civil Cases Based on Constitutional Court Adjudication Number 108/PUU-XIV/2016
Malintang, Lulus Purna
Determination of Non-Performance of Contract in an Orally Made Loan Agreement Without an Agreement on a Return Period in Terms of Contract Law
Marditia, Putri Purbasari Raharningtyas
Contercyclical and Omnisbus Law
Masitah, Siti
Urgency of Harmonization and Synchronization of Regional Regulations and/or Regulation of Regional Heads After the Enactment of Law No. 11 of 2020 on Work Copyright
Michael, Tomy
Omnibus Law Legal Certainty in the Perspective of Legislation
Mirta, I Wayan
Analysis of Gender Equality in Education Through the Pisuke Tradition in Padamara Village, East Lombok District: Karl Marx’s Conflict View
Muliarta, I Gusti Ngurah
The Meaning of Good Faith Philosophy in Sale and Purchase Agreement of Land Rights Drawn up Before a Notary/Land Deed Conveyancer
Mulyawati, Kade Richa
Mandatory Clause Implications on Arbitration Disputes in Indonesia
Nangi, Mozes D. F.
Legal Protection for Bali Tourism Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic
Nugrahani, Rr.Aline Gratika
Protection of Local Products Through the Law of Geographical Indication
Nugrahanto, Erwin
Transformation of Land Ownership with Reclamation Result Right to Manage (HPL) on Behalf of the Government of DKI Jakarta Through Capital Participation in BUMD PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk
Nurhidayat, Nurhidayat
Recovery of State Losses in Corruption Law Enforcement Effort
Nurjaya, I Nyoman
Legal Policy of Sustainable Tourism Development: Towards Community-Based Tourism of Indonesia
Nurtjahjo, Hendra
Role of Business Law School in the Development of Indigenous Culinary Tourism
Nusantara, Gede Agung Wirawan
Economic Influence Relating to Traditional Village Role in the Welfare of Children According to Local Regulations on Traditional Village in Bali
Oktarina, Evi
Role of Residence Permit Section and Immigration Status in the Management of Extended Visitation Residence Permit
Paksi, Tutut Ferdiana Mahita
Rebuilding the Tourism Area of Palu City After Three Years of Earthquake: An Overview of Spatial Law Studies
Pattinaja, Henri Christian
Legal Protection of Consumers Using E-Commerce Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Paul, Eka Poedjihartanto
Environmental Law in the Tourism Development of Investment in Indonesia
Permanasari, Arlina
Humanitarian Law Aspects Concerning Cultural Heritage Protection in Tourism Business: Special Reference to Jakarta Old City Area
Permatasari, Indah
The Impact of Mass Tourism Concept on Tourism Development in Bali
Pontoh, Kathleen C.
The Strengthening of Agrarian Customary Law in Minahasa Indigenous Community Through Local Regulation
Prathama, Anak Agung Gede Agung Indra
The Function of Law in the Protection of Culture in Bali: A Study on Tourism Business Based on Omnibus Law
Predangga, Nyoman
Legal Regulation for Coastal Areas for the Purpose of Traditional Ceremonies and Tourism Activities
Priatini, R. A. Nanik
Regulation for the Tradition of Ngaben Through Crematorium According to Balinese Society’s Customary Law and Local Wisdom
Purnani, Desi
Legal Standing of Foreign Workers in Tourism Sector in Indonesia and Carrying out Mixed Marriage with Indonesian People
Purwanto, Ricky
The Effectiveness of Licensing on Tourism Business Activity in the Area of the Toba Lake
Purwanto, Ricky
Crimines and Corruption Culture Related to Tourism Business Investment
Putra, I Made Aditya Mantara
Modes of Bank Fund Transfer Crime in Digital Transactions
Putra, I Made Agus Dwi Mandala
Pandan War as Potential Local Wisdom in Eco-Tourism Development in the Tenganan Pegringsingan Traditional Village, Karangasem Regency, Bali
Putra, Tri Janea Eka
Prohibited Fish as a Form of Local Wisdom of West Sumatra Traditional Law Communities