Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Business Law and Local Wisdom in Tourism (ICBLT 2021)
191 authors
- Abbas, Asmah
- The Impact of Customary Wedding Culture Rampanan Kapa’ in Strengthening the Customary Law and Improving Cultural Tourism in Tana Toraja-South Sulawesi
- Agung, Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Jaya
- Management Model of Traditional Village-based Tourism Objects in the Perspective of Tourism Law
- Amelia, Tina
- The Legal Responsibility of the Management Company on the Economic Rights of Local Residents in Special Economic Zones (SEZ) for Tourism in Indonesia
- Amir, Nabbilah
- Rebuilding the Tourism Area of Palu City After Three Years of Earthquake: An Overview of Spatial Law Studies
- Amirudin
- Role of Business Law School in the Development of Indigenous Culinary Tourism
- Anggriyani, Ni Made
- “Sunflower Garden” Eco-Tourism Area Development Strategy in Batannyuh Belayu Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency
- Antaguna, I Nyoman Gede
- The Role of Mediator in the Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes Amid Covid-19 Pandemic
- Apriliani, Kadek
- Implementation of the Determination of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards at the Institutions for Airport Job Training
- Ardison, Hansel
- Legal Aspects in Indonesian Digital Marketing Business: What should Be Complied With?
- Ardyo, Bebeto
- Dynamics of BMKT Investment Policy: Challenges in Application
- Arifin, Karen Michaelia
- Corporate Criminal Responsibility in the Crime of Environmental Pollution in Tourist Areas
- Arini, Desak Gde Dwi
- Misuse of Visitation Visas by Foreigners
- Arjaya, I Made
- The Role of Indigenous Communities and Entrepreneurs in Developing Village with an Ecological Insight in Bali by Implementing CSR
- Arsika, I Made Budi
- Observing the Role of Local Governments in Bali in Stimulating the Business Sector
- Arthanaya, I Wayan
- Constitutionality of Judicial Review Versus Judicial Review in Civil Cases Based on Constitutional Court Adjudication Number 108/PUU-XIV/2016
- Artono, Harry Budi
- Authority of Indonesia Investment Authority (INA) in Optimizing SOE Assets in Indonesia
- Asmara, Galang
- Implementation of Concept ‘Halal Tourism’ in Nusa Tenggara Barat and Their Effect in Increasing Number of Tourists
- Astara, I Wayan Wesna
- Bali Tourism Law and Philosophical-based Ecotourism Management Tri Hita Karana
- Astiti, Ni Gusti Ketut Sri
- Responsibility of the Board of Directors for the Activities of a Limited Company That Does Not Have Legal Entity Status
- Atmadja, I Dewa Gede
- Policy License of Law of Natural Resources Especially on Management Coastal and Small Island in Indonesia
- Bhartos, Megawati
- Recovery of State Losses in Corruption Law Enforcement Effort
- Budiartha, I Nyoman Putu
- The Role of Indigenous Communities and Entrepreneurs in Developing Village with an Ecological Insight in Bali by Implementing CSR
- Cahyady, Yadhy
- State Responsibility in Protecting the Intellectual Property Rights of Micro and Small Enterprise Products in the Culture-Based Tourism Industry
- Cahyowati, RR.
- Halal Tourism Policy in West Nusa Tenggara Province During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Candranegara, I Made Wimas
- “Sunflower Garden” Eco-Tourism Area Development Strategy in Batannyuh Belayu Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency
- Candranegara, I Made Wimas
- Arak Bali: Between Culture and Economic Recovery in Realizing the Vision of Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali Based on Local Wisdom
- Candranegara, I Made Wimas
- Analysis of Gender Equality in Education Through the Pisuke Tradition in Padamara Village, East Lombok District: Karl Marx’s Conflict View
- Dewi, A.A. Sagung Laksmi
- The Synergy Between the Indonesian National Narcotics Agency Function and the Police Function in Handling Criminal Acts of Narcotics Abuse
- Dewi, Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi
- The Role of Mediator in the Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes Amid Covid-19 Pandemic
- Dewi, Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi
- Mandatory Clause Implications on Arbitration Disputes in Indonesia
- Dewi, Anak Agung Sagung Laksmi
- Traditional Market Revitalization in the Persfective of Cultural Tourism Development in Denpasar City
- Dewi, Monica Puspa
- Reconceptualization Ideal Model for the Construction of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Context of Realizing Social Justice
- Dewi, Putu Eka Trisna
- Legal Protection for Workers’ Rights in Company Bankruptcy Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Dharsana, I Made Pria
- Law and Land for Investment Tourism at Bali
- Dinar, I.G.A.A. Gita Pritayanti
- Mandatory Clause Implications on Arbitration Disputes in Indonesia
- Durianto, Darmadi
- The Impacts of the 1890 U.S. Antitrust Policy and the Current Indonesia Competition Law
- Fakrulloh, Zudan Arief
- Implementation of Pancasila Values in Population and Civil Registration Services
- Fakrulloh, Zudan Arief
- Responsibility of the Board of Directors (Management) of State- Owned Enterprises Using the Principles of Business Judgement Rule in Criminal Liability
- Fakrulloh, Zudan Arif
- Environmental Law in the Tourism Development of Investment in Indonesia
- Ferdian, Muhammad
- Legal Protection of Geographical Indications for Local Handicrafts in Tourism Activities in Indonesia
- Fitran, Muhamad Ali
- Formulation of the Principle of Fairness in Settlement of Industrial Relations Disputes
- Fransiska, Asmin
- Contercyclical and Omnisbus Law
- Gianyar, I Made
- The Existence of Telajakan Land as a Road Borders in the Customary Law of Traditional Villages in Bali
- Gorda, A.A.A. Ngr. Tini Rusmini
- Consignment Agreement Regulation Model Between Craft MSMEs and Corporations Based on the Principle of Contract Balance
- Gunardi
- Strengthening Regulations to Improve Tourism in the Globalization Era
- Hadiati, Mia
- Personal Data Protection Related to Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (Drone) in Indonesia
- Hae-Cheol, Byun
- Customary Law in Constitutional Review in Korea
- Harianto, Aries
- Wages Problems of Local Wisdom-based Tourism Development During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Hartanto, Tri
- Transformation of Land Ownership with Reclamation Result Right to Manage (HPL) on Behalf of the Government of DKI Jakarta Through Capital Participation in BUMD PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk
- Hasibuan, Edi Saputra
- The Role of Bale Mediasi in Settlement of Tourism Disputes in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB)
- Hermanto, Asep Bambang
- The Position of the Corruption Eradication Commission in Indonesia’s Constitutional Law Perspective
- Hernawarman, Kiki Oditya
- Implementation of the Principle of Justice in Implementing the Death Penalty Against Criminal Acts of Corruption Procurement of Social Assistance in Handling Covid-19
- Hidayah, Nur
- The Impact of Customary Wedding Culture Rampanan Kapa’ in Strengthening the Customary Law and Improving Cultural Tourism in Tana Toraja-South Sulawesi
- Idris, Siti Hafsyah
- Gene Pollution Due to Transgenic Organisms – Regulatory Measures
- Jayasenastri, Ni Made
- The Role of Indigenous Communities and Entrepreneurs in Developing Village with an Ecological Insight in Bali by Implementing CSR
- Jennifer, Jennifer
- Corporate Criminal Responsibility in the Crime of Environmental Pollution in Tourist Areas
- Jika, I Ketut
- Analysis of Gender Equality in Education Through the Pisuke Tradition in Padamara Village, East Lombok District: Karl Marx’s Conflict View
- Kalalo, Flora P.
- The Strengthening of Agrarian Customary Law in Minahasa Indigenous Community Through Local Regulation
- Karyadi, Sigit
- Extraordinary Crimes Prevention: A Positive Legal Study and Social-Humanistic Approach
- Kasih, Desak Putu Dewi
- Multimodal Transport: Liability of Third Party Under International Carriage of Goods
- Khuana, Josep Robert
- The Essence of Regulation and Dynamics of Submission of Judicial Review in Criminal Cases in Indonesia and Phenomena in Cases of Criminal Acts of Corruption
- Kismilarsih, Fatikhah
- Actions of Tourism Business Actors Against Tourism Workers on Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic
- Kosasih, Johannes Ibrahim
- Modes of Bank Fund Transfer Crime in Digital Transactions
- Kosmiko, Novit
- Investigation of the Economic Criminal Action of Subsidied Fertilizer Abuse in the Solok Resort Police’s Criminal Reserse Unit
- Lee, Gunardi
- Personal Data Protection Related to Operation of Unmanned Aircraft (Drone) in Indonesia
- Maharani, Dewi Nadya
- Legal Smuggling of Share Ownership Using Nominee Arrangements Associated with a Violation of the Negative Investment Lists
- Mahasanti, Aldina Putri
- Digital Authenticity of Trade Agreements in the Era of Globalization
- Mahendrawati, Ni Luh Made
- Zoning the People’s Market in the Middle of the Modern Shops in the Badung District Aspect of Business Competition
- Mahendrawati, Ni Luh Made
- The Principle of Balance to Realize Justice of the Parties in Standard Agreements for Business Format
- Mahottama, Mas Aditya
- Constitutionality of Judicial Review Versus Judicial Review in Civil Cases Based on Constitutional Court Adjudication Number 108/PUU-XIV/2016
- Malintang, Lulus Purna
- Determination of Non-Performance of Contract in an Orally Made Loan Agreement Without an Agreement on a Return Period in Terms of Contract Law
- Marditia, Putri Purbasari Raharningtyas
- Contercyclical and Omnisbus Law
- Masitah, Siti
- Urgency of Harmonization and Synchronization of Regional Regulations and/or Regulation of Regional Heads After the Enactment of Law No. 11 of 2020 on Work Copyright
- Michael, Tomy
- Omnibus Law Legal Certainty in the Perspective of Legislation
- Mirta, I Wayan
- Analysis of Gender Equality in Education Through the Pisuke Tradition in Padamara Village, East Lombok District: Karl Marx’s Conflict View
- Muliarta, I Gusti Ngurah
- The Meaning of Good Faith Philosophy in Sale and Purchase Agreement of Land Rights Drawn up Before a Notary/Land Deed Conveyancer
- Mulyawati, Kade Richa
- Mandatory Clause Implications on Arbitration Disputes in Indonesia
- Nangi, Mozes D. F.
- Legal Protection for Bali Tourism Amid the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Nugrahani, Rr.Aline Gratika
- Protection of Local Products Through the Law of Geographical Indication
- Nugrahanto, Erwin
- Transformation of Land Ownership with Reclamation Result Right to Manage (HPL) on Behalf of the Government of DKI Jakarta Through Capital Participation in BUMD PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Tbk
- Nurhidayat, Nurhidayat
- Recovery of State Losses in Corruption Law Enforcement Effort
- Nurjaya, I Nyoman
- Legal Policy of Sustainable Tourism Development: Towards Community-Based Tourism of Indonesia
- Nurtjahjo, Hendra
- Role of Business Law School in the Development of Indigenous Culinary Tourism
- Nusantara, Gede Agung Wirawan
- Economic Influence Relating to Traditional Village Role in the Welfare of Children According to Local Regulations on Traditional Village in Bali
- Oktarina, Evi
- Role of Residence Permit Section and Immigration Status in the Management of Extended Visitation Residence Permit
- Paksi, Tutut Ferdiana Mahita
- Rebuilding the Tourism Area of Palu City After Three Years of Earthquake: An Overview of Spatial Law Studies
- Pattinaja, Henri Christian
- Legal Protection of Consumers Using E-Commerce Services During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Paul, Eka Poedjihartanto
- Environmental Law in the Tourism Development of Investment in Indonesia
- Permanasari, Arlina
- Humanitarian Law Aspects Concerning Cultural Heritage Protection in Tourism Business: Special Reference to Jakarta Old City Area
- Permatasari, Indah
- The Impact of Mass Tourism Concept on Tourism Development in Bali
- Pontoh, Kathleen C.
- The Strengthening of Agrarian Customary Law in Minahasa Indigenous Community Through Local Regulation
- Prathama, Anak Agung Gede Agung Indra
- The Function of Law in the Protection of Culture in Bali: A Study on Tourism Business Based on Omnibus Law
- Predangga, Nyoman
- Legal Regulation for Coastal Areas for the Purpose of Traditional Ceremonies and Tourism Activities
- Priatini, R. A. Nanik
- Regulation for the Tradition of Ngaben Through Crematorium According to Balinese Society’s Customary Law and Local Wisdom
- Purnani, Desi
- Legal Standing of Foreign Workers in Tourism Sector in Indonesia and Carrying out Mixed Marriage with Indonesian People
- Purwanto, Ricky
- The Effectiveness of Licensing on Tourism Business Activity in the Area of the Toba Lake
- Purwanto, Ricky
- Crimines and Corruption Culture Related to Tourism Business Investment
- Putra, I Made Aditya Mantara
- Modes of Bank Fund Transfer Crime in Digital Transactions
- Putra, I Made Agus Dwi Mandala
- Pandan War as Potential Local Wisdom in Eco-Tourism Development in the Tenganan Pegringsingan Traditional Village, Karangasem Regency, Bali
- Putra, Tri Janea Eka
- Prohibited Fish as a Form of Local Wisdom of West Sumatra Traditional Law Communities