Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, Philanthropy, and PhD Colloqium (ICIEBP 2022)

60 authors
Adirestuty, Fitranty
Bibliometric Analysis on Management of Halal Tourism
Adirestuty, Fitranty
Travel Risk Perception and Travel Intention of Muslim Travelers: The Moderating Role of Islamic Motivation During Covid-19
Ainun, Basyirah
Islamic Financial Institutions’ Preferences for Paying Zakat Through Zakat Institutions
Aminah, Indianik
Selection of Sharia Business Unit Separation Model at the Regional Development Bank: Internal and External Environment
Andriani, Andriani
Islamic Financial Institutions’ Preferences for Paying Zakat Through Zakat Institutions
Anggraini, Risma Vera
Determining Factors of Muslim Consumer's Purchase Intention Towards Halal Detergent for Sustainability of Halal Value Chain
Awaludin, Taufik
Selection of Sharia Business Unit Separation Model at the Regional Development Bank: Internal and External Environment
Bayuni, Eva Misfah
The Effect of GDP, Zakat, and Infaq Shadaqah On-Demand for Money and Their Relationship to Income and Poverty in Indonesia
Bayuny, Ahmad Fadlur Rahman
Socio-economic Impact Analysis of the Development of Mataram City Jogja Apartments in Sariharjo Village, Ngaglik Sub-district, Sleman District in Accordance to Maqashid Sharia Perspective
Cahyono, Eko Fajar
Optimizing the Intermediary Function of Zakat Institution Using Analytical Network Process Benefit Opportunity Cost Risk (ANP BOCR) Approach
Cakhyaneu, Aneu
Analysis of Islamic Bank Financial Performance in Asia: Sharia Conformity and Profitability (SCnP) Approach
Darmawan, Arga Radian
Socio-economic Impact Analysis of the Development of Mataram City Jogja Apartments in Sariharjo Village, Ngaglik Sub-district, Sleman District in Accordance to Maqashid Sharia Perspective
Esya, Lavlimatria
Analysis of Islamic Monetary Instruments and Islamic Bank Financing on Monetary Stability in Indonesia
Fauzi, M. Qudsi
Socio-economic Impact Analysis of the Development of Mataram City Jogja Apartments in Sariharjo Village, Ngaglik Sub-district, Sleman District in Accordance to Maqashid Sharia Perspective
Travel Risk Perception and Travel Intention of Muslim Travelers: The Moderating Role of Islamic Motivation During Covid-19
Firmansyah, Firmansyah
Implementation of Islamic Wealth Management in Women Entrepreneurs MSMES During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Descriptive Analysis Study
Hamid, Syahril
Selection of Sharia Business Unit Separation Model at the Regional Development Bank: Internal and External Environment
Hapsari, Meri Indri
Peer-Review Statements
Hardiansyah, Kiki
Bibliometric Analysis on Management of Halal Tourism
Hartanti, Amnanda
Determining Factors of Muslim Consumer's Purchase Intention Towards Halal Detergent for Sustainability of Halal Value Chain
Hasib, Fatin Fadhilah
Determining Factors of Muslim Consumer's Purchase Intention Towards Halal Detergent for Sustainability of Halal Value Chain
Hendratmi, Achsania
Risk Management of Islamic Crowdfunding Livestock-Based in Indonesia: The Case Study at Ternaknesia Farm Innovation
Ilmy, Rizky Maidan
Travel Risk Perception and Travel Intention of Muslim Travelers: The Moderating Role of Islamic Motivation During Covid-19
Iqbal, Muhammad
Interaction Model of Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Variables on Growth Volatility of Various Types of Financing in Islamic Banks
Isa, Muhammad
Sentiment Analysis on the Perception of Sharia Fintech in Indonesia
Jaenudin, M.
Risk Management of Islamic Crowdfunding Livestock-Based in Indonesia: The Case Study at Ternaknesia Farm Innovation
Junaeni, Irawati
Interaction Model of Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Variables on Growth Volatility of Various Types of Financing in Islamic Banks
Kurniawatib, Dian
Interaction Model of Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Variables on Growth Volatility of Various Types of Financing in Islamic Banks
Kusnendi, Kusnendi
Implementation of Islamic Wealth Management in Women Entrepreneurs MSMES During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Descriptive Analysis Study
Magfirah, Magfirah
Islamic Financial Institutions’ Preferences for Paying Zakat Through Zakat Institutions
Mahri, A. Jajang W.
Analysis of Islamic Bank Financial Performance in Asia: Sharia Conformity and Profitability (SCnP) Approach
Mairijani, Mairijani
Islamic Financial Institutions’ Preferences for Paying Zakat Through Zakat Institutions
Majid, Rifaldi
The Initial Discussions of MSMEs’ Green Sukuk Through Islamic Securities Crowdfunding: Behavioral Intentions Study of Prospective Investors
Maulana, Agung
The Initial Discussions of MSMEs’ Green Sukuk Through Islamic Securities Crowdfunding: Behavioral Intentions Study of Prospective Investors
Maulidiyah, Dewi Rahmawati
Determining Factors of Muslim Consumer's Purchase Intention Towards Halal Detergent for Sustainability of Halal Value Chain
Mawardi, Imron
Optimizing the Intermediary Function of Zakat Institution Using Analytical Network Process Benefit Opportunity Cost Risk (ANP BOCR) Approach
Monoarfa, Hilda
The Influence of Brand Image, Religiosity and Online Consumer Review on Intention to Purchase Halal Cosmetics (Study on Generations Z and Y in West Java)
Monoarfa, Hilda
Implementation of Islamic Wealth Management in Women Entrepreneurs MSMES During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Descriptive Analysis Study
Muayyad, Deden Misbahudin
Analysis of Islamic Monetary Instruments and Islamic Bank Financing on Monetary Stability in Indonesia
Mustofa, Muhammad Ubaidillah
Optimizing the Intermediary Function of Zakat Institution Using Analytical Network Process Benefit Opportunity Cost Risk (ANP BOCR) Approach
Nilasari, Widiyanti Ayu
Determining Factors of Muslim Consumer's Purchase Intention Towards Halal Detergent for Sustainability of Halal Value Chain
Nugraha, Dhimas Hadi
The Influence of Brand Image, Religiosity and Online Consumer Review on Intention to Purchase Halal Cosmetics (Study on Generations Z and Y in West Java)
Nurasyiah, Aas
Implementation of Islamic Wealth Management in Women Entrepreneurs MSMES During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Descriptive Analysis Study
Puspa, Adelia
Comparative Analysis of Islamic Mutual Fund Performance in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Indonesia in 2018–2020
Qolbi, Aýun
An Examination of the Determinant Intention to Use in Ziswaf Crowdfunding
Interaction Model of Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Variables on Growth Volatility of Various Types of Financing in Islamic Banks
Rohmana, Yana
University Funding Through Waqf: Lesson from Indonesia and Selected Countries
Rosida, Rida
The Influence of Brand Image, Religiosity and Online Consumer Review on Intention to Purchase Halal Cosmetics (Study on Generations Z and Y in West Java)
Rosida, Rida
Implementation of Islamic Wealth Management in Women Entrepreneurs MSMES During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Descriptive Analysis Study
Rosida, Rida
Comparative Analysis of Islamic Mutual Fund Performance in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Indonesia in 2018–2020
Rosida, Rida
Bibliometric Analysis on Management of Halal Tourism
Sadewa, Manik Mutiara
Islamic Financial Institutions’ Preferences for Paying Zakat Through Zakat Institutions
Saputra, Hendra Eka
Business Strategies of Muslim Traders in the Madina Restaurant
Savitri, Enny
Selection of Sharia Business Unit Separation Model at the Regional Development Bank: Internal and External Environment
Sintia, Ira
Analysis of Islamic Bank Financial Performance in Asia: Sharia Conformity and Profitability (SCnP) Approach
Suryomurti, Wiku
Sentiment Analysis on the Perception of Sharia Fintech in Indonesia
Syafrida, Ida
Selection of Sharia Business Unit Separation Model at the Regional Development Bank: Internal and External Environment
Utami, Suci Aprilliani
Comparative Analysis of Islamic Mutual Fund Performance in Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Indonesia in 2018–2020
Widiastuti, Tika
Optimizing the Intermediary Function of Zakat Institution Using Analytical Network Process Benefit Opportunity Cost Risk (ANP BOCR) Approach
Zulaikha, Siti
Optimizing the Intermediary Function of Zakat Institution Using Analytical Network Process Benefit Opportunity Cost Risk (ANP BOCR) Approach