Proceedings of the International Conference on Law, Governance and Islamic Society (ICOLGIS 2019)

192 authors
The Agricultural Land Conversion Control as a Policy for the Welfare of the People
Ablisar, Madiasa
The Effect of Legal Culture Toward Criminal Policies of Bribery in Indonesia
Ablisar, Madiasa
Legal Formulation to Protect the Victims of Criminal Sexual Violence in the Household
The Existence of Distinction Principle in Preventing Victims of Armed Conflicts Based on the International Humanitarian Law
The Influence of Post Tsunami Aceh Aid Agencies on the Participation of People in Banda Aceh Toward the Arrangement of Land Tenure and Its Use
The Effectiveness of Imprisonment and Fine Penalties for Narcotics Criminal Acts in Medan
Legal Protection for Outsourced Workers Based on Regulation Number 24 Year 2011 in Kota Medan
Local Wisdom and Role of Society in Spatial Planning in the Region
Ahyat, Muhammad Ikhsan
The Role of Mukim in Aceh Development
Apriani, Desi
Building the Law of Indonesian Business Competition Based on Islamic Economic Principles
Implementation of Law Number 10 of 2009 Concerning Tourism: Regional Tourism Development Plan (Case Study of Tapanuli Selatan)
Legal Protection for Coastal and Marine Activities from Pollution of the Marine Environment
Armiya, Muhammad Zaki
Type of Agreement and Default Case Settlement for Debtors of Sharia Pawnshop in Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Asnawi, Muhammad Iqbal
The Presence of Government in Managing SOEs: A Criticism from the Perspective of Law
Azwar, Devi
Jurists Analysis on the Development of Limited Partnership in Indonesia
Azwar, T. Keizerina Devi
Legal Certainty in the Land Registration Process Originating from Inheritance
Azwar, T. Keizerina Devi
Responsibilities of the Application Provider in the Sales of Goods and Services Through E-Commerce
The Role of Mukim in Aceh Development
Bahri, Syamsul
Customs Policy for Land and Building Rights in Optimization of Original Income in Aceh Besar District, Indonesia
Bariah, Chairul
Legal Analysis of the Sultan Grant Existence as Evidence of Ownership to the Land
Bintang, Sanusi
Choice of Law, Forum, and Language in International Investment Contracts of Aceh, Indonesia
Chaidir, Ellydar
Synthetic Analysis of Alam Takombang Manjadi Guru as a Method of Normalizing the Customary Law of Kampar
Deananda, Andre Zanij
Alternative Optimization of Hajj Fund Using Sharia Shares
Desiandri, Yati Sharfina
The Urgency of the 1951 International Convention Ratification in Fulfilling the Rights of Refugees in Indonesia
Dewi, Gemala
Utilizing the Function of Waqf Land for Development of Flats Building for Public Housing (Study of Cooperation Agreement Between the Indonesian Government with the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama)
Din, Moh.
Career Development of Civil Servants in the Autonomy Era in Indonesia
Din, Mohd.
Criminal Policy Concerning Restitution and Its Implementation for Victims of Sexual Violence in Aceh
The Effect of Legal Culture Toward Criminal Policies of Bribery in Indonesia
Implementation of Diversion in General Prosecutor Levels on Children as Criminal Offenders According to Law No. 11 of 2012 on Juvenile Justice System
Legal Formulation to Protect the Victims of Criminal Sexual Violence in the Household
The Urgency of the 1951 International Convention Ratification in Fulfilling the Rights of Refugees in Indonesia
Ekaputra, Mohammad
Criminal Responsibilities of Corporation in Criminal Law System of Illegal Fishing in Indonesia
Erliyana, Anna
Legal Framework of Waste Management in Indonesia
How Effective is the Environmental Law for the Conservation of the Leuser Ecosystem Area in Indonesia?
Criminal Policy Concerning Restitution and Its Implementation for Victims of Sexual Violence in Aceh
Farsia, Lena
The Efforts to Resolve the Case of Illegal Fishing Conducted by Foreign Fishing Vessels in the Territorial Waters of Aceh
Fendri, Azmi
Gender Equality Perspective and Women Position in Islam
Fikri, Hafizh Mahendra
Optimization of Sukuk to Support Sustainable Development in Indonesia
Firdaus, A
Environmental Criminal Responsibility for Mining Corporation Through the Ultimum Remedium Principle
Firdaus, Muhammad
The Role of Microfinance Institutions in Supporting the Development of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises
Fitri, Ria
The Influence of Post Tsunami Aceh Aid Agencies on the Participation of People in Banda Aceh Toward the Arrangement of Land Tenure and Its Use
Fitriyeni, Cut Era
Customs Policy for Land and Building Rights in Optimization of Original Income in Aceh Besar District, Indonesia
Fitzpatrick, Daniel
Spatial Scales of Property: Custom, Islam, and Law in Aceh
Ginting, Budiman
Notary Role in the Development of Sharia-Based Economy
Ginting, Budiman
Legal Certainty in the Land Registration Process Originating from Inheritance
Ginting, Budiman
Responsibilities of the Application Provider in the Sales of Goods and Services Through E-Commerce
Ginting, Budiman
Legal Certainty in Foreign Investment Activities of Tourism in North Sumatra Within the Framework of ASEAN Economic Communities
Gultom, Okto Berlin
Legal Certainty in the Land Registration Process Originating from Inheritance
Haflisyah, T.
Choice of Law, Forum, and Language in International Investment Contracts of Aceh, Indonesia
Hamdan, M.
The Effect of Legal Culture Toward Criminal Policies of Bribery in Indonesia
Hasibuan, Syaiful Asmi
Legal Formulation to Protect the Victims of Criminal Sexual Violence in the Household
Herlinda, Erna
Legal Protection for Outsourced Workers Based on Regulation Number 24 Year 2011 in Kota Medan
Hidayat, Nur
Synthetic Analysis of Alam Takombang Manjadi Guru as a Method of Normalizing the Customary Law of Kampar
Hum, M.
Comparison of Rights and Obligations of Believers in Islam and Regulation in Indonesia
The Role of Mukim in Aceh Development
Legal Protection for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Aceh Province, Indonesia
Idami, Zahratul
Comparison of Rights and Obligations of Believers in Islam and Regulation in Indonesia
Ikhsan, Edy
Protection of Legal Contracts from Islamic Perspective
Ikhsan, Edy
Strengthening Sharia Economy Through Halal Industry Development in Indonesia
Ikhsan, Edy
Registration Conflict of Sultan Grant Land in Melayu Deli
Iqbal, M. Putra
The Efforts to Resolve the Case of Illegal Fishing Conducted by Foreign Fishing Vessels in the Territorial Waters of Aceh
The Normative Analysis of Marriage Age After the Constitutional Court Decision No. 22/PUU-XV/2017
Ismail, Ilyas
The Agricultural Land Conversion Control as a Policy for the Welfare of the People
Ismail, Ilyas
The Influence of Post Tsunami Aceh Aid Agencies on the Participation of People in Banda Aceh Toward the Arrangement of Land Tenure and Its Use
Jauhari, Imam
Legal Protection for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Aceh Province, Indonesia
Kadir, M. Ya’kub A
Customs Policy for Land and Building Rights in Optimization of Original Income in Aceh Besar District, Indonesia
Kadir, M. Ya’kub Aiyub
Toward a New Legal Framework for Settling Rohingya’s Refugee Crisis in Indonesia: A Lesson Learned from Aceh Province
Kadir, Nadhilah A.
The Theory of Compulsion (Ijbar) in Marriage Under Islamic Law: Incorporation of the Hanafis View on Compulsory Consent in Marriage Under the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984
The Normative Analysis of Marriage Age After the Constitutional Court Decision No. 22/PUU-XV/2017
Kalo, S
Implementation of Diversion in General Prosecutor Levels on Children as Criminal Offenders According to Law No. 11 of 2012 on Juvenile Justice System
Kalo, Syafruddin
Notary Role in the Development of Sharia-Based Economy
Kamello, Tan
Protection of Legal Contracts from Islamic Perspective
Kamello, Tan
Strengthening Sharia Economy Through Halal Industry Development in Indonesia
Kamello, Tan
The Role of Microfinance Institutions in Supporting the Development of Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises
Kamello, Tan
Implementation of Authentic Notarial Deed in Making Financing Contract in Islamic Banks
Kamello, Tan
Legal Protection for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Aceh Province, Indonesia
Keizerina, T.
Jurists Analysis on the Development of Limited Partnership in Indonesia
Bringing Legal Services Closer to Community: Strengthening the Role of Legal Laboratories and Clinics at Higher Education Institutions
Kosmanto, Yenni
Legal Certainty in Foreign Investment Activities of Tourism in North Sumatra Within the Framework of ASEAN Economic Communities
Kristiyanto, Eko Noer
Local Wisdom and Role of Society in Spatial Planning in the Region
Kurniasari, Eka
Industrial Dispute Settlement in Industrial Relations Court of Banda Aceh
Kusmanto, Heri
The Role of Mukim in Aceh Development
Leviza, Jelly
Environmental Criminal Responsibility for Mining Corporation Through the Ultimum Remedium Principle
Leviza, Jelly
The Urgency of the 1951 International Convention Ratification in Fulfilling the Rights of Refugees in Indonesia
Listriani, Sophia
Toward a New Legal Framework for Settling Rohingya’s Refugee Crisis in Indonesia: A Lesson Learned from Aceh Province
Lubis, M. Yamin
Legal Certainty in the Land Registration Process Originating from Inheritance
Lubis, M.Yamin
Registration Conflict of Sultan Grant Land in Melayu Deli
Lubis, Tri Murti
The Regulatory Framework of Village-Owned Enterprise in Indonesia: Does It Conform with Good Corporate Governance Principles?
Madiasa, A
Rehabilitation System as Legal Protection Efforts for Victims of Narcotics Crime
Majid, Sabri Abd.
Career Development of Civil Servants in the Autonomy Era in Indonesia
Malahayati, Malahayati
The Development of Vocational Village Concept Based on Local Wisdom and Inclusiveness in North Aceh
Legal Formulation to Protect the Victims of Criminal Sexual Violence in the Household
Mohd, Azizah
The Theory of Compulsion (Ijbar) in Marriage Under Islamic Law: Incorporation of the Hanafis View on Compulsory Consent in Marriage Under the Islamic Family Law (Federal Territories) Act 1984
Mokhtar, Khairil Azmin
An Assessment of the Objectives of Decentralization in Aceh Autonomous Region
Moulia, Nouvan
The Position of Defendant’s Statement in the Proof of Adultery Case (The Analysis of Syar’iyah Court Verdict Banda Aceh)
Choice of Law, Forum, and Language in International Investment Contracts of Aceh, Indonesia
Munte, Herdi
Administrative Dispute Settlement Local Leaders Election in Indonesia
Nasution, A H
Transparency of Information Disclosure in the Management of State-Owned Enterprises
Nasution, B
Transparency of Information Disclosure in the Management of State-Owned Enterprises
Nasution, Bismar
The Importance of Transparency Principles in Management of State-Owned Plantation Enterprises