Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Studies and Environmental Issues (ICOSSEI 2019)

198 authors
Adi, Khofifatu Rohmah
Increasing Dedication Awareness in Disadvantaged Areas for Geography Education Students Through PBL (Project Based Learning)
Ainurrizqi, Ahmad Fikri
Analysis of Glocalization Phenomena: Advertising of Starbucks Special Edition Products with Indonesian Local Wisdom in Social Media
Al Siddiq, Imamul Huda
Encouraging Economic Development Through Local Community Participation in Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Alfahmi, Moch Nizam
Visitor Flow and Spatial Collection of Learning Museum, Universitas Negeri Malang
Amalia, Rizki
Analysis of Glocalization Phenomena: Advertising of Starbucks Special Edition Products with Indonesian Local Wisdom in Social Media
Amin, Saiful
Redesign Presentation Technique: Challenges to Encourage Learning Motivation
Andalas, Maharani Intan
Literacy Development Through Discussion of Literature for the Book Community in Semarang
Female Homeworkers Alienation Under Putting Out System
Anggraeni, Restia Minati
The Development of Sendang Biru Beach in Malang Regency Through Marine Edutourism
Anggraini, Luvi Mei
Analysis of Globalization Phenomena: Forms of K-Pop Cultural Fanaticism Among Students (Case Study of Sociology Student at Universitas Negeri Malang)
Anggraini, Rista
Industrialization: The Transition of the Community of Agrarists Toward the Gresik Wringinanom Industry
Aqlima, Zaini
Changes in Behavior Patterns of the Indomaret Customers (Indomaret Case Study on Terusan Surabaya Street of Malang City)
Arifin, Imron
Development of Curriculum Management For Basic Education Based Multicultural
Aristantia, Sania
Phenomenon of Social Climbing in the Younger Generation in Malang City Hotels
Aristin, Nevy Farista
Redesign Presentation Technique: Challenges to Encourage Learning Motivation
Aristin, Nevy Farista
Using Geographic Information System to Analyze Dryland Pattern in Wringin Subdistrict, Bondowoso Regency
Asrori, Muhammad Irfan
Analysis of Globalization Phenomena: Forms of K-Pop Cultural Fanaticism Among Students (Case Study of Sociology Student at Universitas Negeri Malang)
Ayundasari, Lutfiah
The Development of Sendang Biru Beach in Malang Regency Through Marine Edutourism
Azizah, Kiki Nur
SWOT Analysis in the Development Tourism of Kampung Topeng Malangan
Azizah, Siti Nur
Analysis of Globalization Phenomena: Forms of K-Pop Cultural Fanaticism Among Students (Case Study of Sociology Student at Universitas Negeri Malang)
Bachri, Syamsul
The Management of Mina Salt Ponds, Tradition, and Economy’s Rhythm of the Community in Madura Island
Bahtiar, Muhammad
The Development of Sendang Biru Beach in Malang Regency Through Marine Edutourism
Batubara, Chuzaimah
Social Capital and Economic Development: Learning From Kasih Sayang Village
Chandra, Widya
Mapping of Potential and Obstacles of Tourism Development in Coban Parang Tejo, Gading Kulon, Dau, Malang Regency
Chrismastianto, Imanuel Adhitya Wulanata
Learning Model Development Based on Biblical Christian Worldview in Financial Principles Course in Disruption Era
Degeng, I Nyoman S.
Millennial Leaner Scaffolding Needs: A Comparative Study at STKIP Saint Paul Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
Dewi, Panca Kumala
Phenomenon of Social Climbing in the Younger Generation in Malang City Hotels
Dharmanto, Dian Ferry
Mapping of Potential and Obstacles of Tourism Development in Coban Parang Tejo, Gading Kulon, Dau, Malang Regency
Ditanilasari, Irza Devi
Characteristics, Work Motivation, and How to Work as Tea Picker in PTPN XII Sirah Kencong
Dwikristanto, Y.P.
Learning Model Development Based on Biblical Christian Worldview in Financial Principles Course in Disruption Era
Eskasasnanda, I Dewa Putu
Implementation of Tokkatsu to Improve Face-to-Face Interaction Between Students
Eskasasnanda, I Dewa Putu
The Enthusiasm of Citizens to Get Involved in Bersih Desa Tradition
Eskasasnanda, I Dewa Putu
Characteristics, Work Motivation, and How to Work as Tea Picker in PTPN XII Sirah Kencong
Fahmi, Ridwan Tajul
Changes in Community Behavior Patterns in Choosing Public Transportation Modes
Faizal, Rahmad
Using Geographic Information System to Analyze Dryland Pattern in Wringin Subdistrict, Bondowoso Regency
Feriandi, Yoga Ardian
Analysis Potency of Character Education Values in “Kebo Ketan” Ceremony as a Source of Social Studies Learning
Fibrianto, Alan Sigit
Teacher Professionalism Training Program as a Solution for Teacher Problems
Fibrianto, Alan Sigit
Communicative Action in Public Sphere “Solo Mengajar” Community
Fibrianto, Alan Sigit
Analysis of Glocalization Phenomena: Advertising of Starbucks Special Edition Products with Indonesian Local Wisdom in Social Media
Fibrianto, Alan Sigit
Phenomenon of Social Climbing in the Younger Generation in Malang City Hotels
Fibrianto, Alan Sigit
Changes in Community Behavior Patterns in Choosing Public Transportation Modes
Fibrianto, Alan Sigit
Kaffa: The Black Pearl as Forming Consumer Behavior in Industry 4.0
Fibrianto, Alan Sigit
Changes in Behavior Patterns of the Indomaret Customers (Indomaret Case Study on Terusan Surabaya Street of Malang City)
Fibrianto, Alan Sigit
Analysis of Globalization Phenomena: Forms of K-Pop Cultural Fanaticism Among Students (Case Study of Sociology Student at Universitas Negeri Malang)
Fibrianto, Alan Sigit
Malang’s K-Pop Fans Hyperreality
Glenn, Patrick
Essential Role of Community to Supporting Sustainable Tourism in Baluran National Park
Glenn, Patrick
Community Participation to Develop Rural Tourism in Cafe Sawah Pujon Kidul Village
Gunawan, Rudy
Functions and Role of Social Studies Teachers in the Disruption and Abundance Era
Habibi, Muhammad Mujtaba
Institutional Approach as a Learning Innovation in Social Praxis Learning
Hamidah, Septyane
Mapping of Potential and Obstacles of Tourism Development in Coban Parang Tejo, Gading Kulon, Dau, Malang Regency
Hana, Siti Ifroh
The Utilization of Colonial Government Buildings in Malang as the Learning Sources
Harahap, Isnaini
Social Capital and Economic Development: Learning From Kasih Sayang Village
Haryanto, Zeni
The Literacy of Tropical Community and the Needs for Tropical Environment-Based Learning
The Literacy of Tropical Community and the Needs for Tropical Environment-Based Learning
Hongdiyanto, Charly
The Role of BKKBN Bali on Promoting New Concept High Quality Family
Encouraging Experiential Skill Through Self-Learning Approach: A Case Study of Fieldwork Program
Encouraging Economic Development Through Local Community Participation in Sidoarjo, Indonesia
Indrasari, Novita
Changes in Community Behavior Patterns in Choosing Public Transportation Modes
Indriwati, Sri Endah
Empowerment of Community Economic Independence Through Utilization of Local Potential
Insani, Nailul
Increasing Dedication Awareness in Disadvantaged Areas for Geography Education Students Through PBL (Project Based Learning)
Insani, Nailul
Study of Environmental Carrying Capacity in the Development of Kayangan Api Tourism Object, Bojonegoro Regency
Irawan, Listyo Yuda
The Management of Mina Salt Ponds, Tradition, and Economy’s Rhythm of the Community in Madura Island
Jannah, Nur Faridatul
Malang’s K-Pop Fans Hyperreality
Kadir, Abdul
Mining in Southeast Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi: Shadow Economy and Environmental Damage Regional Autonomy Era in Indonesia
Khakim, M. Nurfahrul Lukmanul
SWOT Analysis in the Development Tourism of Kampung Topeng Malangan
Khakim, M. Nurfahrul Lukmanul
Historical Learning with Outdoor Learning: Utilization of the General Sudirman Monument Historical Site in Nawangan Pacitan as a Learning Resource
Khakim, M. Nurfahrul Lukmanul
Gender-Based Women’s History Learning as an Effort to Answer the 21st-Century Challenge
Khoiron, Muhammad
Revitalization of Social Studies Education: A Developmental Study Based on Dick and Carey Instructional Design
Kurniasari, Praharisti
E-Mindmaps Application Development in Materials of Social and Basic Culture Using Android-Based Groupware
Kurniawan, Ardhi Catur
The Implementation of Sanitation Behavior Through Introducing and Training on Establishing Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Waste Management in Malang
Kurniawan, Bayu
Encouraging Experiential Skill Through Self-Learning Approach: A Case Study of Fieldwork Program
Kurniawan, Bayu
Historical Learning with Outdoor Learning: Utilization of the General Sudirman Monument Historical Site in Nawangan Pacitan as a Learning Resource
Kurniawan, Bayu
Redesign Presentation Technique: Challenges to Encourage Learning Motivation
Kurniawan, Feri
The Implementation of Sanitation Behavior Through Introducing and Training on Establishing Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Waste Management in Malang
Kurniawati, Elya
The Management of Mina Salt Ponds, Tradition, and Economy’s Rhythm of the Community in Madura Island
Kusanagi, Kanako N.
Education for Sustainable Development and the Implementation of “Tokkatsu” in Indonesia
Kusuma, Adi
Kaffa: The Black Pearl as Forming Consumer Behavior in Industry 4.0
Kuswandi, Dedi
Problem-Based Learning with the Gamification Approach in Ecopedagogy for Children Aged 4–7 Years: A Case Study of Kampung Kramat Malang, Indonesia
Kuswandi, Dedi
Millennial Leaner Scaffolding Needs: A Comparative Study at STKIP Saint Paul Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
Kweldju, Siusana
Comparing Signage in Geographic Space: Raising Students Readiness for the Disruptive Age
Lailani, Adib T.U
Analysis of Globalization Phenomena: Forms of K-Pop Cultural Fanaticism Among Students (Case Study of Sociology Student at Universitas Negeri Malang)
Lainah, Naula F.M
Changes in Community Behavior Patterns in Choosing Public Transportation Modes
Mafazah, Elsa Diah
Characteristics, Work Motivation, and How to Work as Tea Picker in PTPN XII Sirah Kencong
Mahardiansyah, Dadi
Analysis of Globalization Phenomena: Forms of K-Pop Cultural Fanaticism Among Students (Case Study of Sociology Student at Universitas Negeri Malang)
Mardikaningsih, Agusti
E-Mindmaps Application Development in Materials of Social and Basic Culture Using Android-Based Groupware
Institutional Approach as a Learning Innovation in Social Praxis Learning
Social Capital and Economic Development: Learning From Kasih Sayang Village
The Development of Sendang Biru Beach in Malang Regency Through Marine Edutourism
Masitoh, Ferryati
Understanding the Conservation Activities in Sumberpitu Water Springs Using Causal Loop Diagrams
Maskunati, Diah Rokhana
Analysis Potency of Character Education Values in “Kebo Ketan” Ceremony as a Source of Social Studies Learning
Maulidia, Mufidatul
Phenomenon of Social Climbing in the Younger Generation in Malang City Hotels
Mawarti, Rista Ayu
Institutional Approach as a Learning Innovation in Social Praxis Learning
Maya, Zulvida
Mapping of Potential and Obstacles of Tourism Development in Coban Parang Tejo, Gading Kulon, Dau, Malang Regency
Medida, Veneshia Auralia
Industrialization: The Transition of the Community of Agrarists Toward the Gresik Wringinanom Industry
Midun, Hendrikus
Millennial Leaner Scaffolding Needs: A Comparative Study at STKIP Saint Paul Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia
Revitalization of Social Studies Education: A Developmental Study Based on Dick and Carey Instructional Design
Mudahyana, Anny
Changes in Community Behavior Patterns in Choosing Public Transportation Modes
Mufid, Hanifa A
Study of Environmental Carrying Capacity in the Development of Kayangan Api Tourism Object, Bojonegoro Regency
Nafi’ah, Ulfatun
SWOT Analysis in the Development Tourism of Kampung Topeng Malangan
Nafi’ah, Ulfatun
Visitor Flow and Spatial Collection of Learning Museum, Universitas Negeri Malang