Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)

Local Economic Development Through Village Funds in Barru District

Herman, Dalilul Falihin
Corresponding Author
Available Online November 2019.
10.2991/icss-19.2019.241How to use a DOI?
Local Economy; Village Fund component

The purpose of this study is to impact the management of village funds for the local economy; the determinant factors in managing village funds in developing the local economy; the efforts made by the government in developing the local economy. This research uses descriptive type with a qualitative approach. Collection techniques used include the method of observation; interviews; and documentation. Collection techniques used include the method of observation; interviews; and documentation. The results of the study show that the utilization of village funds in local economic development in Paccekke Village; Soppeng Riaja sub-district; Barru Regency has a positive impact with the development of infrastructure built by the community so that the crops can be channeled properly thereby increasing income and making an increase in the community economy in Paccekke Village; Soppeng sub-district Riaja Barru Regency The factors that support the implementation of the Village Fund program in local economic development are the existence of policies from the government to cooperate with the private sector such as in the construction of roads involving the participation of local communities. Efforts made in developing the local economy are gathering community aspirations; improving public facilities and infrastructure; infrastructure so that it can provide community access in managing their agricultural products

© 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
Open Access
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC license (

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Volume Title
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Publication Date
November 2019
10.2991/icss-19.2019.241How to use a DOI?
© 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
Open Access
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC license (

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AU  - Herman
AU  - Dalilul Falihin
PY  - 2019/11
DA  - 2019/11
TI  - Local Economic Development Through Village Funds in Barru District
BT  - Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)
PB  - Atlantis Press
SP  - 41
EP  - 47
SN  - 2352-5398
UR  -
DO  - 10.2991/icss-19.2019.241
ID  - 2019/11
ER  -