Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences Education - "Multicultural Transformation in Education, Social Sciences and Wetland Environment" (ICSSE 2017)

Session: Multiculturalism Values

8 articles
Proceedings Article

Authorizing Indonesia Diversity through the Inheritance of Multiculturalism Values Based on Local Wisdom of Maluku People

Agustinus Ufie
The reality of Indonesia diversity as a nation, today, enters momentum which is very worrying. Various social phenomena in society such as violence, conflict, terrorism, up to the chaotic of national politic (sectarian politic), etc. continually occur in the midst of our national life. These empirical...
Proceedings Article

Urgency of Character Education Based on Multiculturalism

Ahsani Taqwiem
In the last few days we have seen many actions of certain groups in society who want to undermine the harmony of Indonesian nation. Religious and racial issues are sensitive issues that can lead to disintegration. The solution to avoid disintegration is to strengthen unity. Strong unity comes in a long...
Proceedings Article

Multicultural Society Explanation of Islam (Donation of Islam on Modern Man to Manage a Good Multicultural Society in the Globalization Era)

Mr Darmawijaya, Irwan Abbas, Syahrir Ibnu
Multicultural society is a reality of a society that cannot be rebutted in the era of globalization. It is composed of various models of communities. Every community model has its own character and history. Indonesia is a multicultural country spreading from Sabang to Merauke, from Mianggas to Rote Island....
Proceedings Article

Traditional Rice Farming Ritual Practices of the Banjar Tribe Farmers in South Kalimantan

Karunia Puji Hastuti, Mrs Sumarmi
The majority of Banjar tribe communities work as farmers and convert to Islam. Banjar tribal society called the rice farming system in terms bahuma. Ritual activities in bahuma intended to ask to God in order to harvest abundant and avoided from crop failures. This study aims to describe ritual performed...
Proceedings Article

Religious and Cultural Values in Douglass Macarthur's Poem and It's Translation (a Discourse Analysis Study)

Yusuf Al Arief, Rizky Amelia
"A father's prayer" is a poem written by General Douglas MacArthur used by Andrie Wongso motivate people. Our research was to describe the differences of religious and cultural values based on the language use. These differences were based on discourse analysis using Systemic Functional Grammar. This...
Proceedings Article

The Inheritance of Multicultural Values in The Community of Kampung Gedang, Banjarmasin City, South Kalimantan

Yusuf Hidayat
This paper is the result of research that examines the inheritance of multicultural values in the community of Kampung Gedang, Banjarmasin. This community is a unique community in Banjarmasin because in this community lives in harmony four ethnic groups that have different socio-cultural: Madurese ethnic...
Proceedings Article

Exploring Cultural Values Through Banjarese Language Study

Mr Zulkifli
Culture as a human creation is constantly evolving, as well as experiencing change, along with the dynamics of the life of its supporting people. Every culture has some cultural values that become a part of the wisdom of its people. These values can be found through language as an important element in...
Proceedings Article

Cultural Education and Value Formation in Banjarese Women (A Study on Women’s Al-Qur’an Recitation Community in Martapura, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan, Indonesia)

Ms Alfisyah
This article aims to investigate the contribution of Pengajian or Al-Qur’an recitation community as an institution on the transformation process for Banjarese in South Kalimantan. It is not only playing a role as the transformation of the Islamic knowledge but also social and cultural values especially...