Proceedings of the 6th International Seminar of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science (ISANFS 2021)

281 authors
Khoirunisa, Khoirunisa
Nutrient Content and Total VFA Concentration Evaluation by Addition of Condensed Tannin and Myristic Acid in Complete Feed Through In Vitro Method
Khoirunnisa, Risna Nur
Evaluation of body condition score, reproduction performance and feed management in housing group system pangestu, girikerto, turi-sleman
Khoirunnisa, Risna Nur
Supplementary Feeding With Concentrated Protein Sources In Ettawa Crossbreed Does
Koni, Theresia Nur Indah
Mineral Content, Energy, and Fiber Fraction Analysis of Fermented Liquid Feed With Tamarind Seeds in Different Water Ratio
Koten, Bernadete Barek
Identification Of Weight And Size Diversity Of Arbila (Phaseolus lunatus L.) Seed As Feed In Amabi Oefeto District, Kupang Regency
Koten, Bernadete Barek
Mineral Content, Energy, and Fiber Fraction Analysis of Fermented Liquid Feed With Tamarind Seeds in Different Water Ratio
Kumala, Seraphina
Profiles of Steroid Hormones on Follicular and Luteal Phase in Saanen Etawah Crossbred (SAPERA) Does
Kurniawati, Asih
Legume and Methane Emission Reduction in Livestock
Kurniawati, Asih
Nutrient Content Digestibility of Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) with Different Nitrogen Source Fertilizers in the Third Harvest
Kurniawati, Asih
Pine Based Blend Essential Oil Did Not Reduce Methane Production But Increase Organic Matter Digestibility On Ruminal Feed Fermentation In Vitro
Kurniawati, Asih
The Effect of Different NPK Fertilizer on Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) Production on the First Harvest
Kustantinah, Kustantinah
Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Protected Lemuru Fish Oil on Nutrient Intake and Average Daily Gain of Thin-Tailed Sheep
Kustantinah, Kustantinah
Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Jackfruit Leaves and Soybean Meal on Nutrient Intake and Digestibility in Sheep
Kustantinah, Kustantinah
Estimation of Rumen Microbial Nitrogen Supply Based on Purine Derivatives Excreted in The Urine of Male and Female Garut Sheep Fed Ad Libitum
Kustantinah, Kustantinah
Evaluation of body condition score, reproduction performance and feed management in housing group system pangestu, girikerto, turi-sleman
Kustantinah, Kustantinah
Secondary Metabolites Content of Seaweed (Sargassum sp.) Based on the Different Drying Methods
Kustantinah, Kustantinah
Supplementary Feeding With Concentrated Protein Sources In Ettawa Crossbreed Does
Kustantinah, Kustantinah
Study of Chemical Compositions of Trembesi (Samanea saman): Potential as Ruminant Feed
Kusumah, Elsa Defrilitha
Nutrient Content Digestibility of Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) with Different Nitrogen Source Fertilizers in the Third Harvest
Laka, Christian Abimanyu More
Mineral Content, Energy, and Fiber Fraction Analysis of Fermented Liquid Feed With Tamarind Seeds in Different Water Ratio
Mahanani, Mutiara Mustika Putri
Estimation of Rumen Microbial Nitrogen Supply Based on Purine Derivatives Excreted in The Urine of Male and Female Garut Sheep Fed Ad Libitum
Mashudi, Mashudi
Effect of Condensed Tannin and Myristic Acid in Corn Straw-Based Complete Feeds on NH₃ Concentration and Microbial Protein Synthesis
Mashudi, Mashudi
Nutrient Content and Total VFA Concentration Evaluation by Addition of Condensed Tannin and Myristic Acid in Complete Feed Through In Vitro Method
Mashudi, Mashudi
Physicochemical Properties of Ongole Crossbreed (PO) Beef at Lamongan District of Indonesia
Maulida, C. R.
The Effects of Ciplukan, Betel, Moringa and Patchouli Waste Extract as Phytogenic Feed Additive and Their Effect on Broiler Performance
Mayasari, Novi
Effects of Bamboo Leaf Extract Supplementation on Heterophil, Lymphocyte, and Heterophil to Lymphocyte Ratio of Broiler Chickens
Mayasari, Novi
Effects of Different Milk Somatic Cell Count Level on Plasma Total Protein, Albumin, and Globulin in Transition Dairy Cows
Mayasari, Novi
Prepartum Zinc Supplementation in Dairy Cows and Its Effect on Plasma Calcium, Titers Antibodies and Milk Zinc Content in Postpartum Dairy Cow
Mbeong, Yustus Serani No
Effect of Mycorrhizal Provision at Different Watering Levels and Frequency on Nutrient production of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)
Muharlien, Muharlien
The Effect of Modified Palm Kernel Meal Utilization to Replacing Corn in The Diets Based on Intestinal Quality and Metabolizable Energy
Muhlisin, Muhlisin
Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Nutmeg Seed Essential Oil on Nutrient Consumption and Digestibility of Ettawa Crossbreed Goat
Muhlisin, Muhlisin
Effect of Dietary Supplementation with Protected Lemuru Fish Oil on Nutrient Intake and Average Daily Gain of Thin-Tailed Sheep
Muhlisin, Muhlisin
Effect of Mycorrhizal Provision at Different Watering Levels and Frequency on Nutrient production of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)
Muhlisin, Muhlisin
Pine Based Blend Essential Oil Did Not Reduce Methane Production But Increase Organic Matter Digestibility On Ruminal Feed Fermentation In Vitro
Muhlisin, Muhlisin
The Effect of Mixed Leaves Tannin Sources (Acacia mangium Willd, Swietenia mahagoni, and Artocarpus heterophyllus) in Pellets on In Vitro Methane Production
Munasik, Munasik
Feed Digestibility and Feeding Behaviour of Sheep Fed Gracilaria Sp. and Chromium Organic Supplementation
Muslim, Gatot
Comparison of Sorghum Straw (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Digestible Quality With and Without Indigofera (Indigofera sp) By In Vitro Technique
Mutia, Rita
Evaluation of Kandis Acid (Garcinia xanthocymus) as Acidifier on Broiler Performance
Muzaki, M. Shihabudin
Effect of Different Combinations of Rice Straw, Cassava Powder, and Palm Kernel Cake on Intake and Digestibility by Ongole Crossbred Bulls
Nahrowi, Nahrowi
The Quality of Hydrolized Palm Kernel Meal and Its Efficacy on Laying Hens Aged 21-27 Weeks
Natal, Emanuel
Identification Of Weight And Size Diversity Of Arbila (Phaseolus lunatus L.) Seed As Feed In Amabi Oefeto District, Kupang Regency
Natsir, Muhammad Halim
Effectiveness Of Rice Husk Charcoal As Bioadsorben In Absorbing Heavy Metal Lead (Pb) On Freshwater Snail Meat (Pomacea sp.)
Natsir, Muhammad Halim
Nutritional Value of Modified Banana Tuber Meal (M-BTM) as Duck Feed
Ndaru, Poespitasari Hazanah
Effect of Condensed Tannin and Myristic Acid in Corn Straw-Based Complete Feeds on NH₃ Concentration and Microbial Protein Synthesis
Ndaru, Poespitasari Hazanah
Nutrient Content and Total VFA Concentration Evaluation by Addition of Condensed Tannin and Myristic Acid in Complete Feed Through In Vitro Method
Nida, Ihsan Zain
Effect of Cinnamon Extract on Energy and Protein Utilization Efficiency of Broilers Chickens
Ningrum, Titi Widya
Effect of Sex on Rumen Fermentation Characteristics and Enzyme Activities of Garut Sheep
Nisa, Renata Lukman
Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea) Plants Nutrient Content and In Vitro Digestibility at Different Harvest Ages at the Second Defoliation
Nofriantika, Gita
Ratio Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein using Local Feed on in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics of Ongole Crossbreed
Nofriantika, Gita
The Proportion of Cassava and Palm Kernel Cake Affects in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics in Ongole Crossbreed
Noviandi, Cuk Tri
Crude Aflatoxin B₁ Production Using Maize and Rice Substrates for Animal Research
Noviandi, Cuk Tri
Effect of Different Combinations of Rice Straw, Cassava Powder, and Palm Kernel Cake on Intake and Digestibility by Ongole Crossbred Bulls
Noviandi, Cuk Tri
Production and Fatty Acid Content of Friesian Holstein Crossbred’s Milk Fed Fermented Completed Feed or Silage as Forage Replacement
Noviandi, Cuk Tri
Ratio Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein using Local Feed on in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics of Ongole Crossbreed
Noviandi, Cuk Tri
The Assessment of In Vitro Digestibility on Combination of Timor-Leste Native Grass, Leucaena leucocephala, and Corypa elata Robx
Noviandi, Cuk Tri
The Proportion of Cassava and Palm Kernel Cake Affects in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics in Ongole Crossbreed
Nugroho, Yuhud Agung
The Ks and µmax Determination of Proteolytic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Colostrum of Dairy Cattle with Differences in Energy Source Levels
Nur, Adli Danung
The Effect of Modified Palm Kernel Meal Utilization to Replacing Corn in The Diets Based on Intestinal Quality and Metabolizable Energy
Osfar, Sjofjan
The Effect of Modified Palm Kernel Meal Utilization to Replacing Corn in The Diets Based on Intestinal Quality and Metabolizable Energy
Paga, Agustinus
Secondary Metabolites Content of Seaweed (Sargassum sp.) Based on the Different Drying Methods
Pangestu, Eko
The Effect of Using Water Spinach on the Physical Quality of Pellets
Paradhipta, Dimas Hand Vidya
Effect of Different Combinations of Rice Straw, Cassava Powder, and Palm Kernel Cake on Intake and Digestibility by Ongole Crossbred Bulls
Paradhipta, Dimas Hand Vidya
Ratio Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein using Local Feed on in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics of Ongole Crossbreed
Paradhipta, Dimas Hand Vidya
The Proportion of Cassava and Palm Kernel Cake Affects in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics in Ongole Crossbreed
Poppi, Dennis
Effect of Different Combinations of Rice Straw, Cassava Powder, and Palm Kernel Cake on Intake and Digestibility by Ongole Crossbred Bulls
Poppi, Dennis
Ratio Effects of Dietary Energy and Protein using Local Feed on in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics of Ongole Crossbreed
Poppi, Dennis
The Proportion of Cassava and Palm Kernel Cake Affects in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics in Ongole Crossbreed
Prasetya, Rahma Dhani Dwi
The Quality of Hydrolized Palm Kernel Meal and Its Efficacy on Laying Hens Aged 21-27 Weeks
Prasmanasari, Maha Bintang Wanda
Evaluation of Kandis Acid (Garcinia xanthocymus) as Acidifier on Broiler Performance
Prasojo, Yogi Sidik
The Effect of Shade on Peanut Plant Performance as Fodder, in The ExS Merapi Volcano Eruption Land with Silvopastoral
Pratama, Anggriawan Naidilah Tetra
Comparison of Sorghum Straw (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) Digestible Quality With and Without Indigofera (Indigofera sp) By In Vitro Technique
Pratiwi, Alifya Putri
Application of Papaya Leaves Level on Multinutrient Block as Feed Supplement upon Palatability and Feed Consumption of Thin Tailed Sheep
Pratomo, Bambang Wahyudi
Peanut Plant (Arachis hypogaea) Productivities In Exs Merapi Pyroclastic Land With Different Fertilizers
Prayitno, Caribu Hadi
Feed Digestibility and Feeding Behaviour of Sheep Fed Gracilaria Sp. and Chromium Organic Supplementation
Prayitno, Caribu Hadi
Quality and Rumen Fermentation Profile of Indigenous Forage on Karst Mountain
Prayitno, Caribu Hadi
Feed Fermentability and Physiological Index of Sheep Supplemented with Garlic and Seaweed Powder in Organic Chromium Basal Feed
Pujaningsih, Retno Iswarin
Application of Papaya Leaves Level on Multinutrient Block as Feed Supplement upon Palatability and Feed Consumption of Thin Tailed Sheep
Putra, Eko Alfiansyah
Nutritional Value of Modified Banana Tuber Meal (M-BTM) as Duck Feed
Putriyana, Aulia Miftahunnisa Exa
The Effect of Ca-PUFA, Protein Protected by Tannin and Organic Minerals (Zn, Cu, Cr, and Se) on Thyroxine Levels in Dairy Calves
Quigley, Simon
Effect of Different Combinations of Rice Straw, Cassava Powder, and Palm Kernel Cake on Intake and Digestibility by Ongole Crossbred Bulls
Quigley, Simon
The Proportion of Cassava and Palm Kernel Cake Affects in situ Rumen Degradation Kinetics in Ongole Crossbreed
Radiati, Lilik Eka
The Difference Queen Cup Materials on the Acceptance Grafted Larvae and Wing Morphometrics in Apis cerana Queen Rearing
Rahmawati, Rahmawati
Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Jackfruit Leaves and Soybean Meal on Nutrient Intake and Digestibility in Sheep
Randu, Melkianus D.
Identification Of Weight And Size Diversity Of Arbila (Phaseolus lunatus L.) Seed As Feed In Amabi Oefeto District, Kupang Regency
Riska, Riska
Utilization of Rejected Salted Fish as Fish Meal
Riyadi, Zeka Septa
Production and Fatty Acid Content of Friesian Holstein Crossbred’s Milk Fed Fermented Completed Feed or Silage as Forage Replacement
Rusli, Ridho Kurniawan
Mineral Composition, Physical Properties, and Nutritive Values of Calcined Limestone and Bivalve Shell for Muscovy Duck Starter
S, Koji Al Adam.
Influence of Kiapu (Pistia Stratiotes, L) in Fermented Diet on Weight, Length of Intestine and Bacteria Population in Intestine of Selected Local Chicken
Sabuna, Cytske
Identification Of Weight And Size Diversity Of Arbila (Phaseolus lunatus L.) Seed As Feed In Amabi Oefeto District, Kupang Regency
Sahrul, Sahrul
Utilization of Rejected Salted Fish as Fish Meal
Sajimin, Sajimin
Productivity of Different Types of Grass That is Produced on Ex Coal Mining Land
Salman, Lia Budimulyati
Prepartum Zinc Supplementation in Dairy Cows and Its Effect on Plasma Calcium, Titers Antibodies and Milk Zinc Content in Postpartum Dairy Cow
Samudra, Iqbal Wahyu
Study of Kinetic Fermentation of Proteolytic Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Colostrum of Dairy Cattle with Inulin Substrate
Sariri, Ahimsa Kandi
Study of Chemical Compositions of Trembesi (Samanea saman): Potential as Ruminant Feed
Sarwanto, Doso
Quality and Rumen Fermentation Profile of Indigenous Forage on Karst Mountain
Sekarsari, Ni Gusti Ayu Mulyantini S.
Xylanase Enzyme on Broiler Performance Fed Cassava Based Diet in Forms of Pellet and Mash
Setiawan, Wahyu Adi
The Effect of Mixed Leaves Tannin Sources (Acacia mangium Willd, Swietenia mahagoni, and Artocarpus heterophyllus) in Pellets on In Vitro Methane Production
Setyaningrum, Agustinah
Feed Fermentability and Physiological Index of Sheep Supplemented with Garlic and Seaweed Powder in Organic Chromium Basal Feed
Setyono, Wahyu
Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Jackfruit Leaves and Soybean Meal on Nutrient Intake and Digestibility in Sheep
Setyowati, Endang Yuni
Prepartum Zinc Supplementation in Dairy Cows and Its Effect on Plasma Calcium, Titers Antibodies and Milk Zinc Content in Postpartum Dairy Cow