Proceedings of the Brawijaya International Conference on Business, Administration, Taxation, and Tourism (BICBATT 2022)
21 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Inggang Perwangsa Nuralam, Ari Darmawan, Agung Nugroho Luthfi Imam Fahrudi, Anni Rahimah
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Effect of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Security, and Trust on Intention to Use E-Wallet Gopay
(Survey of Gopay Users in DKI Jakarta)
Agung Nugroho Luthfi Imam Fahrudi, Nyimas Khairani Zata, Safarudin Hisham Tualeka
This research investigates the factors influencing the intention to use the Gopay E-Wallet in DKI Jakarta. This study uses Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Security, and Trust as independent variables and Intention to Use as the dependent variable. The investigation was conducted...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Locus of Control and Social Capital on Digital Literacy through Knowledge Acquisition as an Intervening Variable
(Study on Micro and Small Enterprises in East Java)
Angelina Helen Cendra Kartika Yamahuchi, Kusdi Raharjo, Tri Wulida Afrianty
This research is a research with a Quantitative Method approach. This type of research is included in the type of Explanatory Research. To explain and analyze the influence of Locus of Control, Social Capital on Digital Literacy through Knowledge Acquisition in MSEs. The population in this study is micro...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Locus of Control and Need for Achievement on Digital Business Transformation and Mediation of Digital Literacy
(Survey on Micro and Small Business in East Java)
Anggito Abimanyu, Kusdi Raharjo, Tri Wulida Afrianty
Micro and small business actors in Indonesia have an important role in economic growth in Indonesia. So that these business actors need to be developed for their business because they see their contribution to the country of Indonesia is very large. Therefore, this study uses LOC and NFA variables to...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Experiential Marketing, Brand Image on Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: Coffee-Shop Context
Burhani Maulana Suprayogi, Andriani Kusumawati, Mukhammad Kholid Mawardi
The purpose of this literature research was to establish what kinds of antecedent circumstances produced consumer loyalty in the context of coffee shops. Our research also sought to determine the type of experience that customer had while dining or drinking in a coffee shop. This research drew on a variety...
Proceedings Article
Adoption of Green Innovation in SMEs: A Literature Review
Caroline Bella Charist Haryono, Nafizha Trie Permata Sari
SMEs as engines of macroeconomic expansion, not only contribute to social and economic progress but also have a significant negative impact on the environment. SMEs are the main source of greenhouse gas emissions in every region, but due to lack of resources as well as knowledge, they are unable to engage...
Proceedings Article
Determinants of User Satisfaction with Local Tax Online Applications with Modifications of the EGovsat Approach
Dessanti Putri Sekti Ari, Muhammad Nashrullah Arifin
The online local tax application is one of the e-government owned by the Malang city government. This online local tax application was created to make it easier for taxpayers to pay local taxes. The Government of Malang City has socialized the use of local tax applications. However, there are still some...
Proceedings Article
An Analysis of the Process of Converting Paper Documents into Electronic Documents in the Tax Administration System in Indonesia
Devi Nur Cahaya Ningsih, Dewi Noor Fatikhah Rokhimakhumullah, Krisna Ganda Saputra, Anjani Bunga Irawan
Tax is a mandatory levy imposed on citizens as well as a source of revenue in Indonesia. In order to increase the potential for taxation in Indonesia, the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) is implementing tax reforms to enhance services and simplify the process for the public to pay taxes by converting...
Proceedings Article
K-Means Cluster Analysis of Consumer Behavior Toward Health and Green Fast Food Restaurant
Eliana Sandy Yuliaji, Mohammad Iqbal, Anni Rahimah
The purpose of this study is to investigate customer behavior regarding healthy and ecologically friendly food products. This study evaluates the amount of environmental concern, health consciousness, and attitudes about the purchase of environmentally friendly and nutritious food products. On the basis...
Proceedings Article
Antecedents of Competitive Advantage of Medium Business Actors
(Study on Medium Business Actors Registered at Department of Cooperatives, Micro and Trade, Banyuwangi Regency)
Ika Ruhana, Adi Luhur Sanjaya
This research was conducted in the wake of the emergence of many small and medium businesses in Indonesia, especially in Banyuwangi regency. How can these medium-sized business actors compete, especially after the Covid-19 Pandemic conditions. These medium-sized business actors can compete to exist and...
Proceedings Article
Ownership Structure, Capital Structure, and Dividend Policy
The Moderating Role of Free Cash Flow in Indonesia
Nur Imamah, Saparila Worokinasih, Tsui-Jung Lin, Fernanda Dewi, Gafar M. Ragap Elganzory
Dividend policy is an important topic that is always interesting to research. The dividend policy determines the profit distributed to shareholders and the profit reinvested in the company. However, managers have different interests and seek to achieve personal gain and harm shareholders. This study...
Proceedings Article
Integration of SWOT-AHP Approach for Measuring the Critical Factors Affecting Rural Development
Phan-Anh-Huy Nguyen, Dong-Thanh Lam
This study uses the combined method of SWOT and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to assess the factors affecting the process of new rural development (NRD) in An Giang province Vietnam. Objectives of the study is assessing the current situation of NRD and factors affecting the NRD process in An Giang...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis of Stock Systematic Risk Based on Business Sector
David Kaluge, Tyas Danarti, Puspitasari Wahyu
In the realm of financial investment, stock investments are categorized as high-risk investments, especially in conditions of economic shocks due to the pandemic. The condition of increasing risk seems contradictory when compared with the fact that the number of individual investors in the capital market...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Current Ratio, Cash Ratio, Earning Per Share, and Return on Equity on Stock Prices
Reika Happy Sugiastuti, Mellenia Rizky Ananda Putri Harianto, Achmad Husaini
The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of financial ratios on stock prices. This research was made for doubts about making investment decisions in the capital market by analyzing financial ratios to stock prices. The results showed that the Current ratio, Cash ratio, Earning Per Share,...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Servicescape of Second-Hand Clothing Stores on Impulse Buying for Generation Z
Risnawati, Anni Rahimah
One of Generation Z’s most significant interests is their interest in dressing. Generation Z uses fashion as a way to express themselves. Their impulsive behavior makes them buy things quickly with lack of deliberation before making a purchase. They want new products, good quality, in terms of second-hand...
Proceedings Article
A Value Chain Analysis of Rice Commodity: Value Addition and Develop Strategies
Shinta Amelya Sandra, Wisynu Ari Gutama, Destyana Ellingga Pratiwi, Anni Rahimah
Uncertainties in rice demand and supply has been impacted market price and simultaneously to each main actors marketing margin. Taking consciousness to the phenomenon, recent study was organized in order to serve a proper explanation of current rice marketing channel activity, involving its value addition...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Influence of Destination Image, Islamic Value, and Brand Ambassador on Perceived Value and Satisfaction
Siti Zulhaikhah, Edy Yulianto, Edriana Pangestuti
Because more and more travellers are starting to show interest in halal tourism, halal tourism has started to expand in Indonesia. There are numerous sharia-compliant natural attractions in Indonesia, including Islamic boarding schools and locations of Islamic regal heritage. Researchers are interested...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Business Resilience in MSMEs Malang City in Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic
Sovia Rosalin, Rani Auliawati Rachman
The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on changes in all fields, including in the economic field with its multidimensional impact. The biggest impact is felt by MSME players, especially small-scale ones. In minimizing these impacts, MSME actors need special methods that can be used as the right solution...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Human Capital on Profitability with Productivity as Intervening Variable
(Study on Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Subsector Companies in 2017–2019)
Sri Sulasmiyati, Fathya Dina Adila
Human Capital plays a crucial role in companies by providing valuable knowledge and skills, motivating employees, promoting competence, and fostering teamwork. Research has demonstrated that a strong Human Capital can enhance a company’s profitability and productivity. For this study, the variable being...
Proceedings Article
How Islamic Law Affects the Relationship Between Corporate Governance and Capital Structure?
Evidence from Indonesia
Tsui-Jung Lin, Wei-Chuan Wang, Nur Imamah
Islamic finance has vast growth potential and will significantly impact the international economy in the future. There have been many discussions on Islamic finance in the past, but it has been few discussions on corporate Islamic law, governance, and capital structure in developing countries. This article...
Proceedings Article
Consumers’ Trust Transferability in Cross-Border Social Commerce and Its Impact on Perceived Risk and Purchase Intention
Wiyata, Setyono Langgeng
Cross-border social commerce is a fast-growing business leveraging social networks, offering hope to reach potential buyers around the world. However, the risk perception of foreign products still discourages consumers from purchasing. According to the trust transfer theory and the trust risk perspective,...