Proceedings of the 4th Borobudur International Symposium on Humanities and Social Science 2022 (BIS-HSS 2022)

655 authors
Cultural Values in the Toponymy of Medalsari Village and a Conservation Model to Support Tourism Based on Local Wisdom in Karawang District
Implementation of Education Quality Assurance Management in the Process Blended Learning
Abidin, Nurul
The Effect of the Sharia Credit Payment System on Increasing Income (Study Gold Store “Mas-Masan”)
Adelia, Mustika
Health Seeking Behavior for the Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Disorder
Adirakasiwi, Alpha Galih
Teacher Ability in Designing Entrepreneurship-Based Mathematics Learning
Adirakasiwi, Alpha Galih
Innovation in Learning Financial Literacy Through the Development of Animation Film for Elementary School Students
Afif, Naufal
Analysis of Financial Resilience in Magelang to Develop Effective Policies
Afifah, Hasna
Teachers Public Speaking Ability in Teaching English at Islamic Boarding School in Karawang Regency
Afifah, Riza Nur
Drug Consultation Prototype Based WhatsApp Bot
Agustin, Fitri
Middlemen and The Debt bondage System in Salt Production at Madura
Agustina, Putri
Formulation and Antibacterial Tests of Serum Preparation of Ethanol Extract of Guava Leaves (Psidium Guajava L) as an Anti-Acne
Ahmad, Yousef Bani
Teachers Public Speaking Ability in Teaching English at Islamic Boarding School in Karawang Regency
Ahmad, Yousef Bani
Perceptions of Karang Taruna Management in Karawang Regency on Mastery of English Skills in the Globalization Era
Aimang, Hasrat Abu Bakar
The Implementation of Multiple Intelligence-Based Soft Skill Learning Model for Students
Aini, Indrie Noor
Mathematical Learning Media in Set Material with The Futsal Context
Aini, Indrie Noor
Mathematical Understanding: Learning Number Operation Using Media in The Context of Futsal
Aisha, Dinda
Phenomenological Study on Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace in the Karawang Region
Aisyah, Siti
Digital Financial Transformation in The Financial Inclusion Program and Its Impact on Income Inequality: The Case of Middle-Income Countries
Akbars, Muhammad
Middlemen and The Debt bondage System in Salt Production at Madura
Akmalia, Dinda Nur
The Effect of Using Paper Plate Media on Expressive Language Skills in Early Childhood
Social Values Reflecting Character Education in the Process of Making the Walasuji Miniature Gate
Albanjari, Fatkhur Rohman
The Effect of the Sharia Credit Payment System on Increasing Income (Study Gold Store “Mas-Masan”)
Alifuddin, Abdullah Hasan
Summary of Factors Affecting Indonesian Islamic Banking Efficiency in 2014-2022
Amaldi, Fitra
How is HOTS Applied in Elementary Schools? A Review
Amanajas, Igor de Almaida
Indonesian Multiethnic of the Dinasti Matahari Music Video in the Iconography Context
Ambarwati, Evi Karlina
EYL Students’ Engagement in Flipped English Classroom through Interactive Digital Text
Ambarwati, Winarsih Nur
Prevalence Analysis of Intestinal Worm Infection in Pregnant Women
Amran, Ellyana
The Influence of The Human Development Index and Unemployment on Poverty: Zakat as Moderation
Amran, Ellyana
The Role of Emotional Attachment in Mediating the effect of Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intention
Andansari, Dita
Soft Innovation Strategy of Batik MSMEs in Indonesia
Andarmoyo, Sulistyo
The Correlation between Random Glucose Levels and Stroke Severity Using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients at RSUD Dr. Harjono S Ponorogo
Social Interaction in Local Government Financial Reporting
Andriyani, Lilik
Investigation of Firm Value in Transportation Sector: The Impact of Covid 19 in Indonesia
Correction to: The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
The Power of Ergo-Iconic Values Applied to the Management of Scientific Seminar Implementation to Improve Service Quality
Anggraeni, Yessy Bella
TikTok as a Promotional Media for Post COVID-19 Art Exhibitions
Annisa, Safira Bela
Utilization of Herbal Supplements to Improve Health Quality after Suffering from Covid-19 Infection in Elderly Posyandu Partners
Annisa, Safira Bela
Utilization of Antidiabetic Herbal Medicines Research Results as Adjuvant Treatment of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Vulnerable to Covid-19 at the Elderly Posyandu, Sukoharjo Regency
Antika, Febrianti Nur
Utilization of Herbal Supplements to Improve Health Quality after Suffering from Covid-19 Infection in Elderly Posyandu Partners
Antika, Febrianti Nur
Utilization of Antidiabetic Herbal Medicines Research Results as Adjuvant Treatment of Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Vulnerable to Covid-19 at the Elderly Posyandu, Sukoharjo Regency
Anwar, Saiful
An Economic Added Value Analysis of Ready-To-Drink Prebiotic Candidate Milk
Ardianto, Yusuf
A Model of Harmony Village in Magelang District: The Perspective of Cross-Religious Leaders
Ardini, Ni Wayan
Keisya Levronka’s “Tak Ingin Usai” Phenomenon in the Context of the Music Industry
Arifah, Siti
Prevalence Analysis of Intestinal Worm Infection in Pregnant Women
Arifi, Yollawati
The Effect of Peer Conformity on Intention to Buy In-Game Virtual Goods in Adolescent Free Fire Online Game Players
Arifianto, Aji Seto
Application of Financial Technology and Increasing Literacy Finance for MSME Business Strengthening Strategy
Arifin, Ja’far
The Role of Science in Islamic Religious Education in the Modern Era
Arifin, Syamsul
The Role of Science in Islamic Religious Education in the Modern Era
Application of Financial Technology and Increasing Literacy Finance for MSME Business Strengthening Strategy
Arlini, Lida
Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategy and Government Policy to Improve MSMEs Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Armyati, Eky Okviana
Trends in Mental Health Research during Covid-19
Arrasul, Abdul Rabbi
Linguistics Factors as Speaking Obstacle of the EFL Students in Classroom
Arunita, Aziza Vira
The Effect of Acupressure on Length of Labor: A Literature Review
Aryanto, Vincent Didiek Wiet
Improving Marketing Performance in Construction Companies as a Significant Impact from Value Co-Creation and Business Process Agility
Asmaroini, Ambiro Puji
Disaster Management and Citizens Value as the Basic Policy
Asmorojati, Anom Wahyu
Streamlining the Bureaucracy for First-Time Voters in Indonesian General Elections
Astuti, Athanasia Budi
The Effectiveness of Dasa Wisma Empowerment on Stunting Prevention Behavior with The Approach of Inter Professional Collaboration in Puskesmas Karanganom Klaten
Astuti, Niki Dwi
Socioeconomic Status and Protein Intake Adequacy in Elementary Children in Surakarta
As’ad, Ach Fawaid
Middlemen and The Debt bondage System in Salt Production at Madura
Atamtajani, Asep Sufyan Muhakik
Social Values Reflecting Character Education in the Process of Making the Walasuji Miniature Gate
Aulia, Dany
Mathematical Understanding: Learning Number Operation Using Media in The Context of Futsal
Awwalia, Luthfi
The Initiation of Madura’s Content Creator, Digital Community, and Citizen Media Development as the Strengthened Strategy of Marketing Communication in the Madura Region within the Digital Communication Era
Ayob, Ahmad Faisal
Changes in Priority Scale Between Needs vs Wants in Customer Perspective During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic Using Fuzzy AHP
Azizah, Amiril
The Influence of Product Packaging/Packaging Design, Health Consciousness and Advertising on Purchase Decision Through Attitude and Intention on You C-1000 Consumers in Samarinda City
Azizah, Amiril
Environmental and Financial Performance of Publicly Traded Indonesian Companies
Azzahra, Alya Farah
Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategy and Government Policy to Improve MSMEs Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Azziz, Muhammad
Formalin and Borax Content of Chicken Sempol Marketed in Purworejo Regency, Indonesia
Bachry, Ramadhana Anindyajati
Investigative Audit and Forensic Accounting from the Perspective of Criminal Procedural Law
Bachry, Ramadhana Anindyajati
Legal Standing of Criminal Confiscation Against General Confiscation Based on Indonesian Bankruptcy Procedural Law
Bachtiar, Nia Kurniati
MSMEs Sustainability: Application of GSM-DE as a Business Growth Model for MSME
Bachtiar, Nia Kurniati
An Analysis of Protection Model for Women Workers in Informal Sector towards Gender Equality and justice
Baharudin, Maulana Yusuf
Drug Consultation Prototype Based WhatsApp Bot
Bakar, Abu
Relationship of Arm Muscle Strength and Hand-Eye Coordination with Pointing Throwing Ability in Petanque Game of Banggai Regency Athletes
Baliartati, Beta Oki
The Effect of Toxic Workplace Climate Dimensions on Millennial Employees in Jakarta
Baso, Ridhayana Andi
Countering Transnational Shadow Economy Crime: Mutual Legal Assistance Mechanism
Budiman, Johan Arief
The Effect of Gender and High School Origin towards English Grammar Mastery
Budiono, Arief
Problematics of Intolerance Conflict Between Religious People in Islamic Law Politics in the Digitalization Era
Budiono, Arief
Health and Halal of Sea Products: Legal Perspective Halal Product Assurance
Budiyana, Ketut Hery
Indonesian Multiethnic of the Dinasti Matahari Music Video in the Iconography Context
Cahyadi, Dwi
Local Government Spending on Information and Communication Technology
Cahyadi, I Wayan Agus Eka
The Implementation of Mural Thematic and Individual Whitespace as an Interaction Concept of Innovative Learning Space for Elementary School Students in Bali
Cahyono, Hadi
Disaster Management and Citizens Value as the Basic Policy
Cangara, Hafied
Precision Journalism: Digitalization and Research Approaches in Journalism Practices in Indonesian Online Media
Choirun, Annisa’u
An Economic Added Value Analysis of Ready-To-Drink Prebiotic Candidate Milk
Cholil, Ahmad
Heritage Tourism Branding Strategy (Comparative Study of Heritage Tourism Branding Strategies in Madura, Indonesia and Malaysia)
Ciptandi, Fajar
Post Covid-19 Student’s Burnout Level in Boarding School’s Non-Academic Programs
Ciptandi, Fajar
Walasuji’s Transformation Opportunity in Today’s Life
DS, Yulistina Nur
Analysis of the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Mathematics Subjects in Elementary Schools
Is Social Support a Mediator in the Relationship between Gratitude and Resilience of Covid-19 Survivors?
Damaiyanti, Varinia Pura
Strengthening the Role of Communities in the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges
Darmadi, Ravindra Ardiana
Determinants of Profit Efficiency among Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Indonesia
Darmawan, Andreas James
Creation Process and Visual Aesthetics at Jesus and Mary Images in Balinese Wayang Characters
Darmiyanti, Astuti
Implementation of Education Quality Assurance Management in the Process Blended Learning
Daroini, Ahsin
Mapping Farmer’s Digital Compentencies Using The Agrowing Digital Platforms
Dartiningsih, Bani Eka
Digitalization of Madura Tourism Branding in the New Normal
Dartiningsih, Bani Eka
The Initiation of Madura’s Content Creator, Digital Community, and Citizen Media Development as the Strengthened Strategy of Marketing Communication in the Madura Region within the Digital Communication Era
Das, Siti Wardah Hanafie
The Learning Paradigm of Democracy-Based Islamic Education in Fostering Students’ Tolerance
Demartoto, Argyo
The Development of Tourist Object and Attraction Digitization in Surakarta, Indonesia
Dewi, Dyah Adriantini Sintha
Utilization of Prime-Legal Drafting (Prime-LD) Application in The Preparation of Legislation for The Government in Indonesia
Dewi, Indah Purnama
EYL Students’ Engagement in Flipped English Classroom through Interactive Digital Text