Proceedings of the 2018 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Automation and Mechanical Engineering (EAME 2018)
281 authors
- Lin, Qi
- Application of Machine Learning Method in Simulation Model Validation
- Lin, Yufeng
- Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of the Hydraulic Arm of Mobile Coal Sampling Robot
- Liu, Changjiang
- Identification Method of Task Community Based on Bayesian Belief Network
- Liu, Chongxin
- Hyperbolic Sliding Mode Trajectory Tracking Control of Mobile Robot
- Liu, Daming
- The Void Fabric Study of Sand Based on Image Processing Technology
- Liu, Guoqiang
- Research on Electromagnetic Detection Emission System for Spread Spectrum Code
- Liu, Huiling
- A Novel Method for Fault Diagnosis of Planetary Gearbox
- Liu, Jinqiao
- A Novel Device of True Triaxial Apparatus for Making Layered Sand Specimen
- Liu, Qingyong
- Improvement of Several Classical Matching Algorithms for Underground Positioning
- Liu, Qixian
- Solving Highly-dimensional Fractional Oscillators via an Efficient Scheme Based on Adams and Newmark-β Algorithms
- Liu, Shihua
- Study on Ballistic Missile Infrared Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction Algorithm Based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization--Feasibility Analysis
- Liu, Yanjun
- Structural Analysis and Optimization of Liquid Nitrogen Fire Monitor Based on FLUENT
- Liu, Zheng
- The Design of Smart and Multi-channel Sampling Circuits with Pre-correction Function
- Liu, Zhichao
- A Research of Truck’s Quality Online Estimation Based on CAN Information
- Liu, Zifa
- Research on Planning of PV-integrated Transmission Grid Considering Operation Efficiency
- Liu, Zifa
- Quantitative Evaluation of Reserve Projects Based on the Grid Contribution
- Lou, Xiaofang
- Design and Realization of a Handheld Terminal of Consumption Data Acquisition
- Lu, Junjie
- Signal Timing for an Isolated Intersection Based on the Two-Stage Fuzzy Logic Controller
- Lu, Sheng
- A Low Speed Control Algorithm Based on Fuzzy-PI
- Lu, Shengmin
- Hyperbolic Sliding Mode Trajectory Tracking Control of Mobile Robot
- Lu, Yiqing
- The Development of E-government under the Influence of Big Data
- Lu, Zehong
- A Slicing Algorithm Based on Virtual Edge for 3D Printing
- Luo, Xiaodong
- A Modeling Method of Press-Pack IGBT from Chip-level to Module-level
- Lv, Xuezhi
- Identification Method of Task Community Based on Bayesian Belief Network
- Ma, Hongzhong
- Thermal Mechanical Effects Research Based on Magnetic Thermal Mechanical Coupling Fields for Large Section Cables
- Ma, Lin
- Signal Timing for an Isolated Intersection Based on the Two-Stage Fuzzy Logic Controller
- Ma, Peng
- Direction of Arrival Estimation for Uniform Circular Array Based on Monte Carlo Importance Sampling
- Ma, Xiaojin
- A Low Power Fast Locking PLL Frequency Synthesizer with Temperature Compensation
- Ma, Ying
- A Low Speed Control Algorithm Based on Fuzzy-PI
- Meng, Qiaoling
- Structure Synthesis of Wheelchair-type Lower Limb Rehabilitation System Based on Exercise Rehabilitation
- Niu, Honghai
- Design and Implementation of High Speed UART Based on DMA
- Nsengiyumva, Walter
- Design and Implementation of a Novel Self-adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller for a pH Neutralization Process
- Ou, Dongxiu
- Recognition of Multiple Human Body Postures Based on Six-axis Sensor
- Ou, Dongxiu
- Fall Detection System for Monitoring an Elderly Person Based on Six-Axis Gyroscopes
- Pan, Wulue
- Secondary Information Fault-tolerance Method for Smart Substation Based on Residuals of Measurement Equations
- Peng, Dong
- Quantitative Evaluation of Reserve Projects Based on the Grid Contribution
- Qi, Shiju
- Method of Top-level Design for Automated Test Systems
- Qi, Wei
- Study on Ballistic Missile Infrared Hyperspectral Endmember Extraction Algorithm Based on Non-negative Matrix Factorization--Feasibility Analysis
- Qian, Weijie
- A New Method to Evaluate the Reliability of the Relay Protection System in Intelligent Substation
- Qin, Xia
- Identification of the Electric Spark Electromagnetic Waveform Based on SVM
- Qin, Zhiwen
- Small Sugarcane Harvester Conveying Failure Analysis
- Qiu, Chuanfei
- Design and Realization of a Handheld Terminal of Consumption Data Acquisition
- Qiu, Chuanfei
- Design and Realization of Consumption Data Acquisition and Management System
- Qiu, Wei
- Research on Impedance Adaptive Correction Method for Low Voltage Short Circuit Test System
- Qiu, Weiping
- A Novel Multi-level Wavelet Image Coding Algorithm by Full Sub-band Compressed Sensing
- Qiu, Yutao
- Secondary Information Fault-tolerance Method for Smart Substation Based on Residuals of Measurement Equations
- Qu, Fuqi
- Design and Realization of Consumption Data Acquisition and Management System
- Ren, Fangyan
- Structural Analysis and Optimization of Liquid Nitrogen Fire Monitor Based on FLUENT
- Ren, Huipeng
- A Modeling Method of Press-Pack IGBT from Chip-level to Module-level
- Shao, Zhichao
- Design and Realization of Consumption Data Acquisition and Management System
- Shen, Xiaowei
- Method of Top-level Design for Automated Test Systems
- Shen, Yiming
- Demagnetization Analysis of Line-Start Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors during Its Starting Process
- Shen, Zhonghua
- Small Sugarcane Harvester Conveying Failure Analysis
- Shi, Lei
- Overview of Communication Network Switches Technology Development in Smart Substations
- Shi, Ping
- Portable Anti-bedsore System
- Shih, Chien-Jong
- Assessment of a Car Hood of Aluminum Foams
- Shing, Chen-Chi
- Test Spark Installation on Linux Clusters
- Shing, Lee-Hur
- Test Spark Installation on Linux Clusters
- Shing, Lee-Pin
- Test Spark Installation on Linux Clusters
- Shing, Marn-Ling
- Test Spark Installation on Linux Clusters
- Song, Yu
- Analysis of Institution Mechanism on Cable-strut-beam
- Su, Hui
- Design and Test of Universal Super High Efficiency Motor
- Su, Jianxin
- Design and Test of Universal Super High Efficiency Motor
- Suchkov, Маtbеn
- Motor Side-View Recognition System Based on Wavelet Entropy and Naïve Bayesian Classifier
- Sun, Gang
- Dynamic and Elastic Response of Aircraft in Gust Loads
- Sun, Min
- A Fast Quality Scalable Video Coding Method Based on Compressed Sensing
- Sun, Shuai
- A Modeling Method of Press-Pack IGBT from Chip-level to Module-level
- Tan, Lin
- Study of Short Stroke Control Model on Hot Rolling Mill
- Tan, Xianglin
- Design and Realization of Consumption Data Acquisition and Management System
- Tan, Xiliu
- Overview of Communication Network Switches Technology Development in Smart Substations
- Tang, Maojie
- Fall Detection System for Monitoring an Elderly Person Based on Six-Axis Gyroscopes
- Tang, Shoufeng
- Identification of the Electric Spark Electromagnetic Waveform Based on SVM
- Tang, Shoufeng
- Improvement of Several Classical Matching Algorithms for Underground Positioning
- Tang, Xueqin
- Design and Test of Universal Super High Efficiency Motor
- Teng, Tso-Liang
- Assessment of a Car Hood of Aluminum Foams
- Tian, Weiqing
- Design and Realization of a Handheld Terminal of Consumption Data Acquisition
- Tong, Mingming
- Identification of the Electric Spark Electromagnetic Waveform Based on SVM
- Tong, Minming
- Improvement of Several Classical Matching Algorithms for Underground Positioning
- Tong, Ziyuan
- Identification of the Electric Spark Electromagnetic Waveform Based on SVM
- Tong, Ziyuan
- Improvement of Several Classical Matching Algorithms for Underground Positioning
- Tu, Jianhua
- Design and Realization of Consumption Data Acquisition and Management System
- Tu, Xiangzheng
- Dynamic and Elastic Response of Aircraft in Gust Loads
- Wang, Bolun
- A Slicing Algorithm Based on Virtual Edge for 3D Printing
- Wang, Chunning
- Thermal Mechanical Effects Research Based on Magnetic Thermal Mechanical Coupling Fields for Large Section Cables
- Wang, Dewen
- Overview of Communication Network Switches Technology Development in Smart Substations
- Wang, Duoli
- Research on Artificial Intelligence Basic Platform and its Application in Educational Robot
- Wang, Fengqin
- Study of Short Stroke Control Model on Hot Rolling Mill
- Wang, Fujue
- Thermal Mechanical Effects Research Based on Magnetic Thermal Mechanical Coupling Fields for Large Section Cables
- Wang, Hong
- Design on Dropsonde Meteorological Detection System Based on UAV
- Wang, Hong
- The Dispersion of Nanometer SiC on Electroless Ni-P-nano SiC Composite Plating
- Wang, Huazhang
- Design and Implementation of Motorcycle Circuit Based on Flywheel Balance
- Wang, Jiaming
- Research on Planning of PV-integrated Transmission Grid Considering Operation Efficiency
- Wang, Jingqin
- Research on Impedance Adaptive Correction Method for Low Voltage Short Circuit Test System
- Wang, Jun
- Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of the Hydraulic Arm of Mobile Coal Sampling Robot
- Wang, Jun
- Kinematics Analysis of a Mobile 6-DOF Coal Sampling Robot
- Wang, Lei
- Study of Short Stroke Control Model on Hot Rolling Mill
- Wang, Meng
- Structure Synthesis of Wheelchair-type Lower Limb Rehabilitation System Based on Exercise Rehabilitation
- Wang, Shiquan
- Direction of Arrival Estimation for Uniform Circular Array Based on Monte Carlo Importance Sampling
- Wang, Weimin
- Portable Anti-bedsore System
- Wang, Xin
- Study on Cleaning Performance of Small Road Sweeper Vehicle