Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP 2018)

215 authors
Lubis, Dharmayati Utoyo
The Effectiveness of Psychoeducation in Managing Caregiver Burden in Schizophrenia Caregivers
Machdum, Sari Viciawati
Collective Efficacy as a Factor in Group Empowerment among People with Disabilities: A Case Study of Wheelchair Tennis Players of Bogor District’s National Paralympic Committee of Indonesia
Magsino, Maria Asuncion L.
Students’ Metacognition and Personal Epistemology: View on Family
Exploring Teachers’ Understanding of Psychological Violence in Responding to Indonesia’s Violence-free School Climate Policy
Mangundjaya, Wustari L.
The Mediating Role of Psychological Capital in the Organizational Climate and Work Engagement Relationship
Mangundjaya, Wustari L.
The Linkage between Transformational Leadership, and Organizational Sustainability: Testing the Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment
Mansoer, Winarini W.
Attachment to Significant Figures, Resilience, and Delinquency Among Adolescents in Orphanages in Jakarta
Manuaba, Ida Ayu Karina Adityanti
Increasing the Engagement of Millennials: Finding Autonomy and Salience in High Workload
Marliyani, Nina
Parental Beliefs and Children’s Metacognitive Awareness
Martoyo, Ihan
Religious and Spiritual Struggle among Indonesian Students: Who Struggle More, Males or Females?
Martoyo, Ihan
Can Religiousness be Associated with Religious and Spiritual Struggles?
Masril, Mardhiah
Relationship between intellectual intelligence, Figural Creativity, and Innovation
Maulina, Dewi
False Memory after a Traffic Accident: The Effect of Word Types and Gender
Mayangsari, Euis Desy
Pain Management, Coping with Stress, and Quality of Life for Women with Fibromyalgia: A Qualitative Case Study
Megawati, Alfath Hanifah
Can emotion acceptance-based interventions alleviate depression symptoms and alcohol consumption?
Megawati, Alfath Hanifah
The Impact of Negative Symptoms and Self-Criticism on the Urge to Self-Injure
Mulyadi, Seto
Cultural contact, cultural values, and education for life and work as predictors of future orientation in the Baduy community
Musabiq, Sugiarti
Volunteering Motivation in Emerging Adults and Generalized Self-Efficacy
Musabiq, Sugiarti
Parents’ Marital Status and Psychological Distress among College Students
Musabiq, Sugiarti
Seeking the Mediating Effect of Optimism toward Hardiness and Health-Promoting Behavior among East Jakarta’s Low-Income Community
Musabiq, Sugiarti
Combining Methods of CBT and Progressive Relaxation for Treating Primary Insomnia: A Case Study
Nabilla, Safira Putri
The Relationship between Boredom Proneness and Sensation Seeking among Adolescent and Adult Former Drug Users
Nadira, Hasna
Counseling as Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in a Woman Participating Radical Organization: A Case Study
Nainee, Sarvarubini
Filial Piety and Life Satisfaction Among Malaysian Adolescents in a Multi-Ethnic, Collectivist Society
Najih, Aizun
Exploring Teachers’ Understanding of Psychological Violence in Responding to Indonesia’s Violence-free School Climate Policy
Narindra, Syazka Kirani
Combining Methods of CBT and Progressive Relaxation for Treating Primary Insomnia: A Case Study
Ngo, Thanh Hue
School Climate : A Quantitative Study of Middle School Students in Vietnam
Nguyen, Hanh Lien
School Climate : A Quantitative Study of Middle School Students in Vietnam
Nugroho, Dwi Cahyo
Are Go-Jek Services Really Safe? Developing a Perceived Risk Scale
Parahyanti, Endang
Counterproductive Work Behavior Among Government Employees: The Role of Basic Psychological Needs, Compensation, and Organizational Justice
Parahyanti, Endang
Trust Me in Team Work! Study of The Influence of Knowledge Sharing on Team Effectiveness with Virtual Team Trust as a Moderator
Parahyanti, Endang
Empowering Leadership and Work Engagement: The Role of Psychological Empowerment as a Mediator
Parahyanti, Endang
Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Affective Commitment: Moderating Role of Psychological Contract Breach
Pasaribu, Patricia Evelyn
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Treatment for Reducing Stress: A Case Study of Self-Acceptance in an Early Adult College Student
Permadi, Didon
Brief Positive Psychotherapy: Implication of Reducing Negative Thoughts in College Student’s Interpersonal Relationships
Poerwandari, Elizabeth Kristi
Pain Management, Coping with Stress, and Quality of Life for Women with Fibromyalgia: A Qualitative Case Study
Poerwandari, Elizabeth Kristi
Schizophrenia Behind the Great Jazz
Poerwandari, Elizabeth Kristi
The Journey of Finding Meaning in Life: Posttraumatic Growth Experience in Notable Holocaust Survivors
Pohan, Lifina Dewi
Brief Positive Psychotherapy: Implication of Reducing Negative Thoughts in College Student’s Interpersonal Relationships
Pohan, Lifina Dewi
Correlation Between Family Functioning and Caregiver Burden among Family Caregivers of Patients with Breast Cancer
Pohan, Lifina Dewi
The Correlation between Family Functioning and Quality of Life among Family Caregiver of Cervical Cancer Patients
Poli, Liebe M. E. P. P.
“As if There is a Stranger in my House Now:” Psychological Ambiguous Loss Experienced by Spousal Caregivers of Patients of Anxiety Disorders
Prabowo, Hendro
Cultural contact, cultural values, and education for life and work as predictors of future orientation in the Baduy community
Pramono, Rudi
Religious and Spiritual Struggle among Indonesian Students: Who Struggle More, Males or Females?
Pramono, Rudi
Can Religiousness be Associated with Religious and Spiritual Struggles?
Pratama, Ahimsyah Wahyu
Counterproductive Work Behavior Among Government Employees: The Role of Basic Psychological Needs, Compensation, and Organizational Justice
Prianto, Rose Mini Adi
Improving Reading Comprehension using Summarization Techniques for Students with Borderline Intellectual Functions
Primasari, Indira
Counseling as Treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in a Woman Participating Radical Organization: A Case Study
Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
The Effectiveness of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy to Decrease Aggressive Behavior in a Child with Alopecia
Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
Yuk Makan! Program as an Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Principle to Overcome Selective Eating Problem in a 7-Year-Old Child
Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
“As if There is a Stranger in my House Now:” Psychological Ambiguous Loss Experienced by Spousal Caregivers of Patients of Anxiety Disorders
Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
Ethnic-Racial Socialization as an External Predictor of Tolerance for Diversity: A Study of Chinese-Indonesian Young Adults
Purba, Debora Eflina
Is the Relationship of Proactive Personalities to Creativity Mediated by Voice Behavior in Indonesian Marketing Employees?
Purba, Debora Eflina
Proactivity and Employee Creativity: Mediator Roles of Feedback-Seeking Behavior and Moderating Effect of Task Feedback
Purba, Debora Eflina
Organizational Embeddedness Dimensions’ Roles in Perceived Career Opportunities: Turnover Intention of Indonesian Millennials
Purba, Debora Eflina
How Does Leader-Member Exchange Affect Employee Creativity? The Role of Felt Responsibility for Change
Purwakancana N., Manggala
The Role of Age and Tenure as Moderators of Relationship Organizational Climate and Readiness for Change in Indonesian Air Force
Putri, Gusti Medinda Ridha
The Effectiveness of Behavior Modification Using the Fading Technique to Improve the Vocabulary of Deaf Students in SLB-C Negeri Pembina Banjarbaru
Putri, Raissa Dwifandra
Attachment to Significant Figures, Resilience, and Delinquency Among Adolescents in Orphanages in Jakarta
Qandhi, Fika Fatia
Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Inclusive Education
Qatrunnada, Rizqi Zulfa
Empowering Leadership and Work Engagement: The Role of Psychological Empowerment as a Mediator
Qoyyimah, Uswatun
Exploring Teachers’ Understanding of Psychological Violence in Responding to Indonesia’s Violence-free School Climate Policy
Radikun, Tulus Budi Sulistyo
Authentic Leaders May Increase Employee Innovation: The Mediation Effect of Psychological Capital
Rahayu, Puji
Tolerance and Attitudes toward Diversity in Concrete Operational Stage Children
Reksodiputro, Linda Mutiara Larassati
The Effect of Perceived Maternal Acceptance-Rejection on Mental Illness among Orphaned Adolescents in Indonesia
Riahta, Rafidah
The Sekolah Ramah Inklusi (SERASI) Training Program’s Effectiveness in Improving the Attitude of Primary Teachers to Inclusive Education
Rizkiah, Chairunnisa
Relationship Between Personality Traits and Attitude Toward Inclusive Education in Indonesian Preschool Teachers
Rochmi, Artisita
The Mediating Role of Affective Commitment in Perceived Organizational Support and Readiness for Change
Rumalutur, Nur Aisyah
The Attitudes of In-Service and Pre-Service Teachers Toward Inclusive Education
Rusli, Rudi
The Effectiveness of Behavior Modification Using the Fading Technique to Improve the Vocabulary of Deaf Students in SLB-C Negeri Pembina Banjarbaru
Sabila, Hanifah
Parental Attitudes of Preschool Children toward Students with Special Needs in Inclusive and Non-Inclusive Kindergartens: A Comparative Study
Safitri, Jehan
The Effectiveness of Behavior Modification Using the Fading Technique to Improve the Vocabulary of Deaf Students in SLB-C Negeri Pembina Banjarbaru
Sani, Riryn
Religious and Spiritual Struggle among Indonesian Students: Who Struggle More, Males or Females?
Sani, Riryn
Can Religiousness be Associated with Religious and Spiritual Struggles?
Santoso, Elisabeth
The Effectiveness of Antecedents Control and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviors in Reducing Screen Time on an Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Single-case Design
Saraswati, Harum
Using a Cognitive–Behavioral Approach to Reduce Aggressive Responses in an Adolescent with Borderline Intelligence
Saraswati, Ina
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to Reduce Caregiver Strain in Mothers of Autistic Children
Sari, Salsabila Mayang
Effectiveness of Positive Reinforcement to Improve Discipline through Caregiver
Sesilia, Ayudia Popy
Is the Relationship of Proactive Personalities to Creativity Mediated by Voice Behavior in Indonesian Marketing Employees?
Shabrina, Adrianisa Kamila
Volunteering Motivation in Emerging Adults and Generalized Self-Efficacy
Siregar, Sandra M. W.
Parenting Styles and Gender Practices of Teachers and How These Effect the Way Gifted Girls Face Adversities
Sulaeman, Nabilah Puteri
A Comparative Study of Emotion Word Production Between Sundanese Females and Males
Sulaiman, Nessi
Attachment to Significant Figures, Resilience, and Delinquency Among Adolescents in Orphanages in Jakarta
Sulaiman, Riza
Relationship between intellectual intelligence, Figural Creativity, and Innovation
Suradijono, Sri Hartati R.
Parental Beliefs and Children’s Metacognitive Awareness
Susantya, Carissa Dwilani
Teacher Characteristics and Gifted Student Engagement as Influencing Factors on Academic Performance in Junior High School
Sya, Inggil Sholata
A Virtuous Company Makes Me Engage! The Mediation Role of Organizational Identification in the Workplace
Tan, Chee Seng
Filial Piety and Life Satisfaction Among Malaysian Adolescents in a Multi-Ethnic, Collectivist Society
Tan, Soon Aun
Filial Piety and Life Satisfaction Among Malaysian Adolescents in a Multi-Ethnic, Collectivist Society
Tan, Ting-Ying
Relation of Work-life Balance to Counterproductive Work Behavior and Turnover Intention among Malaysian Employees
Tanael, Judy S.
Students’ Metacognition and Personal Epistemology: View on Family
Tedjasaputra, Mayke Sugianto
The Effectiveness of Antecedents Control and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behaviors in Reducing Screen Time on an Adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Single-case Design
Tedjasaputra, Mayke Sugianto
The Effectiveness of Backward Chaining in Improving Buttoning Skills in a Child with Moderate Intellectual Disability and Poor Vision: Single-Case Design
Tran, Thu Huong
School Climate : A Quantitative Study of Middle School Students in Vietnam
Turnip, Sherly Saragih
Support Group Intervention Reduces Social Alienation and Loneliness among College Students with Victimization Experience
Tyara, Ayunda Shabriani
Yuk Makan! Program as an Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Principle to Overcome Selective Eating Problem in a 7-Year-Old Child
Umemuro, Hiroyuki
Changes in Affective Experiences in Convergent and Divergent Creative Group Works
Umemuro, Hiroyuki
The Impact of Affect and Leadership on Group Creative Design Thinking
Utama, Fajrin Putra
Proactivity and Employee Creativity: Mediator Roles of Feedback-Seeking Behavior and Moderating Effect of Task Feedback
Utami, Aryani Rahmah
Changing Hitting Chest to be Stroking Chest with Shaping and Differential Reinforcement of Alternative Behavior Method for a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder with Intellectual Impairment