Proceedings of the International Conference on Democracy, Accountability and Governance (ICODAG 2017)

Session: Innovation and Reinventing Government

7 articles
Proceedings Article

Innovation Towards The Effectiveness of Governance

Yanhar Jamaluddin, Asep Sumaryana, Budiman Rusli, Rd. Achmad Buchari
The implementation of post-reform democracy is marked by direct election of regional heads by the people. This becomes the starting point of changing the paradigm of government towards producing a leader with good leadership. On the other hand the elected regional head is required to innovate to realize...
Proceedings Article

Implementation of E-Government In Kelurahan of Tanjungpinang City (Study on SIMDA BMD application)

Shahril Budiman, Zamzami A. Karim, Eki Efriyansyah, Mr Junriana, Raja Abumanshur Matridi
E-government is the utilization of information technology used to speed up the implementation of the government in improving the accessibility of the data presented in a timely, accurate urban villages for employees without requiring any intermediary information systems, the implementation of applications...
Proceedings Article

E- Implementation of E-Government In Regional Financial Management (Study at the Regional Finance and Asset Management Board of Riau Province)

Hendry Andry, Eko Handrian
Today in digital era, local governments are developing public services and improving performance in local financial management through Communication and Information Technology called E-Government. Referring to the implementation of e-government there are several aspects that become the basis in the implementation...
Proceedings Article

Influence of Management Information System on Health Care in Puskesmas Cigeureung Tasikmalaya Town

Kiki Endah, Irfan Nursetiawan, Endah Vestikowati
The globalization era has led to a new paradigm in the utilization of information technology as a catalyst in improving the quality of public services. The quality of relevant information will lead to proper decision making and provide information dynamically. Because the output of the Management Information...
Proceedings Article

The Implementation Of Fast, Safe, Modern, Accountable And Transparent Subdistrict Administration Service Applications As An Innovation Of Public Services In Tanjungpinang Barat, Indonesia

Nur.A.Dwi Putri
In Order to improve the quality of service for the community, the subdistrict goverment of Tanjungpinang Barat innovate by launching the application of sub-district administration service that is fast, safe, modern, accountable and transparent or abbreviated with "PAK CAMAT". This Android-based applications...
Proceedings Article

Application Promotion Mix of Political Marketing in General Election 2014

Septian Wahyudi
Mechanism marketing that happened namely by transactional and paradigm expanding is how an company can sell their product. How concept and theory of marketing is told with the political activity which hence and used the event promotion of campaign. Political meaning is art and science to reach for the...
Proceedings Article

Disparities of Implementation of National Test Based on Computer Between Western and Eastern Indonesia

Geovani Meiwanda, Mr Monalisa
E Government is an innovation of government in organizing government. This paper will explain about how currently the Government of Indonesia is running a system change of Education, which is the implementation of National test based on Computer (UNBK) through the Indonesian Ministry of Education and...