Proceedings of the International Conference on Democracy, Accountability and Governance (ICODAG 2017)
133 authors
- Adni, Dita Fisdian
- Bureaucratic Reforms in Administering Government Based Electronic Government
- Afrizal, Mr
- Government policy of District Bintan Increasing The Ability of Village in Managing The Authority (Study of Malang Rapat Village Authority in Managing Tourism Potential)
- Ali, Muhammad Nur
- The Study of Conflict Victim Aggression at Poso Conflict Region
- Ali, Zaini
- Village Democracy: The Deliberations of Voting
- Amaliatulwalidain, Mrs
- Initiating The Concept of Democracy As Reaffirming In Efforts To Increase Women Capacity In Bureucracy
- Amin, Raja Muhammad
- The Dynamic of Formation of Indigenous Village in Kuantan Singingi Distric of Riau Province
- Amri, Pahmi
- Political Participation And Electoral Society
- Amriyanto, Husni
- Democracy and Political Consciousness Investigating Difabel Toward Political Participation in the 2014 Presidential Election in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Andriyus, Mr
- Development of Performance Management System - The Bureucracy of Local Government
- Andry, Hendry
- E- Implementation of E-Government In Regional Financial Management (Study at the Regional Finance and Asset Management Board of Riau Province)
- Ardiansyah, Mr
- General Election In Indonesia
- Barisan, Mr
- Accountability of Simultaneous Village Head Elections in Sidenreng Rappang District (Case Study: Compong Village, Mattiro Tasi Village, Kanie Village and Bolu Bulu Village)
- Buchari, Rd. Achmad
- Innovation Towards The Effectiveness of Governance
- Budiman, Shahril
- Implementation of E-Government In Kelurahan of Tanjungpinang City (Study on SIMDA BMD application)
- D, Herman
- The Political Behavior of Communities Towards Party 2018 (Case Study Ahead of Election in Sidenreng Rappang Regency)
- Damayanti, Ratnaningsih
- Mapping Model of City Branding Formulation In Indonesia
- Darumurti, Awang
- Governing State Borders An Investigating "Collaborative Governances" in strengthening Social Welfare Development in Nunukan Regency, Indonesia
- Deliarnoor, Nandang Alamsah
- The Governance of Border Areas' Determination In Riau Province
- Efendi, David
- Democracy and Political Consciousness Investigating Difabel Toward Political Participation in the 2014 Presidential Election in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Efendi, David
- Governing State Borders An Investigating "Collaborative Governances" in strengthening Social Welfare Development in Nunukan Regency, Indonesia
- Efriyansyah, Eki
- Implementation of E-Government In Kelurahan of Tanjungpinang City (Study on SIMDA BMD application)
- Endah, Kiki
- Influence of Management Information System on Health Care in Puskesmas Cigeureung Tasikmalaya Town
- Febrian, Ranggi Ade
- Development of Technopolitan Region in Pelalawan Regency of Riau Province in Collaborative Governance Perspective
- Febrina, Rury
- The Dynamic of Formation of Indigenous Village in Kuantan Singingi Distric of Riau Province
- Haboddin, Mohtar
- Existence of Golkar Party in Banggai Regency 1999-2009
- Hafis, Raden Imam Al
- Professionalism as an Indicator of the Success of Bureaucratic Activities
- Hamid, Hariyanti
- The Political Behavior of Communities Towards Party 2018 (Case Study Ahead of Election in Sidenreng Rappang Regency)
- Handrian, Eko
- E- Implementation of E-Government In Regional Financial Management (Study at the Regional Finance and Asset Management Board of Riau Province)
- Harakan, Ahmad
- Development of Policy Network of Tenayan Raya Industrial Area
- Hartati, Sri
- Demography Bonus And Policy Projection For Riau Province Youth Development
- Herman, Mr
- The Role Of Stakeholders For Rural Community Development In Dealing With Globalization Competition In Era Mea Distributed Pelalawan
- Hevi Kurnia, Suwarta
- Integrative Tourism Policy Development Based on Agro-Tourism In The City of Batu Malang East Java Indonesia
- Isabella, Mrs
- Strengthening The National Resilience of Indonesia Through Socialization of National Insight
- Ishak, Mr
- Deliberation in Planning Development in the Village of Renak Dungun Subdistrict Pulau Merbau Regency Kepulauan Meranti Year 2014-2015
- Jainuri, Hardini
- Integrative Tourism Policy Development Based on Agro-Tourism In The City of Batu Malang East Java Indonesia
- Jamaluddin, Yanhar
- Innovation Towards The Effectiveness of Governance
- Junriana, Mr
- Implementation of E-Government In Kelurahan of Tanjungpinang City (Study on SIMDA BMD application)
- Jupendri, Mr
- Perception of Voters About Campaign and Money Politics (Case Study on the Election of Head of Region in Rokan Hulu and Dumai, Riau Province 2015)
- Karim, Zamzami A.
- Implementation of E-Government In Kelurahan of Tanjungpinang City (Study on SIMDA BMD application)
- Karim, Zamzami A.
- Strategic Plan of Development of Tourism in Bintan Regency
- Kartini, Dede Sri
- Participation of Y Generation in 2018 General Elections
- Kartini, Dede Sri
- Development of Technopolitan Region in Pelalawan Regency of Riau Province in Collaborative Governance Perspective
- Kartini, Dede Sri
- POLICY OF REGIONAL DIVISION: Developing Closeness, Convenience and Accessibility of Service (Study about Impacts of Regional Division in Kabupetan Bandung Barat Propinsi Jawa Barat)
- Kencana, Novia
- Street-Level Bureaucracy: Bureaucratic Reform Strategies Initiated From Bottom Level
- Khairil, Muhammad
- The Transformation of the Symbolic Meaning of Radicalism in Acts of Terrorism Post-Conflict in Poso Central Sulawesi
- Khotami, Mr
- The Concept Of Accountability In Good Governance
- Krisbintoro, R. Sigit
- Strengthening The Ideational Functions of "Sastrawan" In The Effort Democratic Governance in Lampung Province
- Kurniasih, Dewi
- Good Governance vs Sound Governance: A Comparative Theoretical Analysis
- Latif, Syahrul Akmal
- Smog and Environmental Crime (Reflected From Cases in Riau)
- Lubis, Sandi
- Participatory Rural Appraisal in Deliberations of Development Planning
- Mariana, Dede
- Governance of Forest and Peatland Fire Prevention in Riau Province
- Mariana, Dede
- Sexuality and Governmentality
- Mariana, Dede
- The Dynamics Policy of the Deputy Head of Region in the Implementation of Local Government
- Marta, Auradian
- State And Community Organization In Indonesia
- Matridi, Raja Abumanshur
- Implementation of E-Government In Kelurahan of Tanjungpinang City (Study on SIMDA BMD application)
- Maulidiah, Sri
- The Role Of The Government In The Implementation Of The Poor Family Love Program In The City Of Pekanbaru Province Riau
- Meiwanda, Geovani
- Disparities of Implementation of National Test Based on Computer Between Western and Eastern Indonesia
- Monalisa, Mr
- Disparities of Implementation of National Test Based on Computer Between Western and Eastern Indonesia
- Muammar, Alkadafi
- Voter Absence Factors in Disappearance From Legislative Election and General Election of President and Vice President of 2014 (Study in Pekanbaru City, Kampar Regency and Indragiri Hilir Regency
- Mukhlis, Maulana
- Strengthening The Ideational Functions of "Sastrawan" In The Effort Democratic Governance in Lampung Province
- Mulianto, Budi
- Spiritual Capital and Social Welfare in Indonesia
- Munaf, Yusri
- Network Pattern of Regional Election Commission (KPUD) Pekanbaru City Increasing Political Participation in Society
- Munir, Abdul
- Smog and Environmental Crime (Reflected From Cases in Riau)
- Munir, Fitrisia
- The Role of Local Government and Illegal Foreign Refugees
- Muradi, Mr
- Participation of Y Generation in 2018 General Elections
- Murtasidin, Bahjatul
- Demography Bonus And Policy Projection For Riau Province Youth Development
- Murti, Awang Daru
- Political Dynasty and Kinship Networking in Bantanese Pilkada
- Mustanir, Ahmad
- Participatory Rural Appraisal in Deliberations of Development Planning
- Mutiarin, Dyah
- Government Organizational Restructuring of West Borneo Province Based on Government Regulation Number 18 Year 2016 on Regional Apparatus
- Nazir, Yendri
- Governance in Financial Management of Villages in Kepulauan Meranti Regency
- Negara, Purnawan D.
- Integrative Tourism Policy Development Based on Agro-Tourism In The City of Batu Malang East Java Indonesia
- Nengsih, Neng Suryanti
- Good Governance vs Sound Governance: A Comparative Theoretical Analysis
- Nengsih, Neng Suryanti
- Collaboration of Local Development In The Kepulauan Riau Province And Non-Military Threat To Support The Implementation Of State Defense
- Nurhamin, Mr
- Relationship of Voters' Ideology, Disbelief of Political Parties and Disappointment in Government With Voter Disappearance In 2014 Presidential Election in Riau Province
- Nursetiawan, Irfan
- Influence of Management Information System on Health Care in Puskesmas Cigeureung Tasikmalaya Town
- Nursnaeny, Poppy Setiawati
- Good Governance vs Sound Governance: A Comparative Theoretical Analysis
- Pratama, Amri
- Government Organizational Restructuring of West Borneo Province Based on Government Regulation Number 18 Year 2016 on Regional Apparatus
- Prihatin, Panca Setyo
- The Coalition Party And The Performance Of Government (Evaluation Of The Performance Of Government And The Challenges Forward)
- Purba, Darmawan
- Strengthening The Ideational Functions of "Sastrawan" In The Effort Democratic Governance in Lampung Province
- Purnomo, Agustina M.
- The Space of Potential Conflict and Urban Spatial Justice: The Case of Johar Baru Subdistrict, Central Jakarta
- Purwningsih, Titin
- Political Dynasty and Kinship Networking in Bantanese Pilkada
- Putra, Agus Andika
- Democracy and Political Consciousness Investigating Difabel Toward Political Participation in the 2014 Presidential Election in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Putri, Nur.A.Dwi
- The Implementation Of Fast, Safe, Modern, Accountable And Transparent Subdistrict Administration Service Applications As An Innovation Of Public Services In Tanjungpinang Barat, Indonesia
- Rafi, Muhammad
- Deliberation in Planning Development in the Village of Renak Dungun Subdistrict Pulau Merbau Regency Kepulauan Meranti Year 2014-2015
- Rahayu, Restu Karlina
- Mapping Model of City Branding Formulation In Indonesia
- Rahman, Fathur
- Existence of Golkar Party in Banggai Regency 1999-2009
- Rahman, Khairul
- The Dynamics Policy of the Deputy Head of Region in the Implementation of Local Government
- Rauf, Rahyunir
- Growth of Government Urban- Village Development In Indonesia
- Redjo, Samugyo Ibnu
- Governance of Forest and Peatland Fire Prevention in Riau Province
- Rinaldi, Kasmanto
- Women Actors of Corruption in Governance: the concept of "Demonizing" "Violent Girls" and "Woman"
- Rizqi, Siti Khikmatul
- Solidarty Theory In The Modern Government Development Plan (A Study of The Thought of Ibn Khaldun)
- Rusadi, Sylvina
- The Allocation of Village Fund as a Basis for Decentralization in the Region
- Rusli, Budiman
- Innovation Towards The Effectiveness of Governance
- S, Rizky Setyawan
- Spiritual Capital and Social Welfare in Indonesia
- Sanahdi, Rifki
- Democracy and Political Consciousness Investigating Difabel Toward Political Participation in the 2014 Presidential Election in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Setyadiharja, Rendra
- Good Governance vs Sound Governance: A Comparative Theoretical Analysis
- Setyadiharja, Rendra
- Collaboration of Local Development In The Kepulauan Riau Province And Non-Military Threat To Support The Implementation Of State Defense
- Shiddiqy, M.Arsy Ash
- The Dilemma of Regional Autonomy "Between Equality of Development and Scramble of Power"
- Suherry, Mr
- Strategic Plan of Development of Tourism in Bintan Regency
- Sukarman, Mr
- Principles Governance In Management Water Supply and Community Based Sanitation (Pamsimas) In Banglas Barat Village Tebing Tinggi Subdistrict Meranti Islands Regency In 2014-2016