Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics and Business Studies (ICOEBS-22-2)
89 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Huda Maulana, Muhammad Sholahuddin, Muhammad Anas, Zulfikar Zulfikar
Proceedings Article
Absorption of Labor in the Surakarta Residency
Masga Azhary Haznur, Eni Setyowati
Labor absorption can be defined as the number of jobs that have been filled, seen from the number of working people. Every year the labor force continues to experience fluctuations, but the jobs created tend to be small. As a result of the imbalance between the growth of the labor force and employment,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis and Measurement of the Impact of Export Value, Import Value, Exchange Rate, and Inflation on Indonesia Budget Deficit 1996–2021
Elva Vonny Ventika, Eni Setyowati
The economic development of a country requires a comprehensive policy carried out by the Government through the APBN. This policy can cause a budget deficit, where expenditure is more significant than income. It was due to high imports and declining exports, the weakening exchange rate against the dollar,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Human Development Index in West Sumatera
C. Arya Dita Natasya, Sitti Retno Faridatussalam
The Human Development Index (HDI) is one of the tools used to measure the achievement of human development in a country based on the basic components of indicators of life expectancy, average years of schooling, and living standards. This study aims to determine the effect of the number of public health...
Proceedings Article
Analysis Influence Ratio Finance to Profitability Return On Assets (ROA) at Commercial Banks in Indonesia
Berliana Agustin Febrianti, Eni Setyowati
Study this aim for analyze influence ratio finance which includes net interest margin (NIM), cost operational to income operations (BOPO) and loan to deposit ratio (LDR) to profitability return on assets (ROA). Method analysis used is the panel data with cross section 4 (four) commercial banks in Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Consumers and Competitors of Sweet Condensed Milk Case on PT Nestle Indonesia
Anisa Listiyani, Rini Kuswati
The more intense the competition and the more open the opportunities for the domestic market, the more the business world is growing in today's era. It means that sweet condensed product has many competitors. This study aimed to determine why consumers chose the product and to find product sales...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Economic Growth Patterns and Regional Potential Sectors in Grobogan Regency Central Java in 2017–2021
Maya Nur Izza, Didit Purnomo
Economic growth and economic development are strongly intertwined, and economic development can spur economic growth. This study aims to investigate economic growth patterns and potential sectors in Grobogan Regency between 2017 and 2021. The analytical methods used in this study were the location quotient...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia's Foreign Exchange Reserves from 2001 to 2020
M. Wafdan Shobriyani, Eni Setyowati
In this study, the impact of exports, foreign debt, FDI (foreign direct investment), currency rates, and real interest rates on Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves from 2001 to 2020 is to be determined and measured. Multiple linear regression is the methodology applied in this research. The study...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Income of Street Seller at Karangpandan
Mika Febriani, Eni Setyowati
This study intends to identify and examine the factors that affect micro-enterprises’ income in Karangpandan using various linear regression analysis tools. The area around the Karangpandan Bus Terminal is an example. The data were examined using open-ended questionnaire data collection methods and Ordinary...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Number of Poor People in Central Java in 2017–2021
Annisa Fadhila Zahra Nizar, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini
The purpose of this research is to examine the direction and amount of the impact of the open unemployment rate, district/city minimum wage, population density, economic growth, and domestic investment on the number of poor people in Central Java between 2017 and 2021. The research data used in this...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Volume of Indonesian Coal Exports 1995–2020
Tofan Purri Chaylendra, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini
This study target to examine the factors that affect the volume of Indonesia’s coal exports in 1995–2020. This research uses the Error Correction Model (ECM) approach. The finding of this analysis argue wicht in the short term only Indonesian coal production variables are significant and have a positive...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Generation Z’s Investment Interest in the Islamic Capital Market
Amrina Rosada, Muhammad Sholahuddin
This research aimed to determine the extent to which motivation, investment knowledge, and technological advances affect Generation Z’s investment interest in the Islamic Capital Market. This research uses quantitative methods. The data source of this research is primary data obtained from distributing...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Ideal Cost Service Claims for Hospitalized Covid-19 Patient
Sri Umaryani, E. M. Sutrisna, Imronuddin Imronuddin, Edy Purwo Saputro
This study analyzes the ideal cost service claims for reimbursement of hospitalized COVID-19. The variable used in this study is the dependent variable which is divided into claim rates consisting of cost-per-day rates and INA-CBG’s rates. The independent variables were divided into accurate rates and...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Labor Absorption in the Agricultural Sector in Indonesia
Tatik Nur Tri Ani, Nur Hidayah
This study examines the factors that affect the absorption of labor in the agricultural sector. The variables in this study consisted of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of the Agricultural Sector, Farmers Exchange Rate (FER), Domestic Investment, and the Provincial Minimum Wage (PMW). This...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Leading Sector and Regional Development on Economic Growth in the Barlingmascakeb Region 2015–2020
Elisa Nurriyanti, Eni Setyowati
Economic growth is one of the important requirements for sustaining a region’s economic prosperity. Since population growth continues to increase, additional income is needed every year. The rising total output (goods and services) or Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) each year is evidence of this....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Leading Sectors in Wonogiri Regency for 2015–2020
Muslimah Putri Nugraheni, Eni Setyowati
Each region has sector advantages that can contribute to economic growth. This research is entitled Analysis of Leading Sectors in Wonogiri Regency for 2015–2020. The purpose of this research is to find out the potential of the leading sectors in the Wonogiri district in 2015–2020, and it is hoped that...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Pending Claim of BPJS Kesehatan Inpatient Due to Incompatibility Coding and Its Strategies at Muhammadiyah Selogiri Hospital
Prihatin, E. M. Sutisn, Kussudyarsana Kussudyarsana, Edy Purwo Saputro
The study aims to determine pending claims due to inappropriate coding and strategies at Muhammadiyah Selogiri Hospital. It is a qualitative study. Data collection techniques were interviews, observation, triangulation, and other data recording forms. Data analysis includes three stages: data reduction,...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Effect of Education, Gross Regional Domestic Product, District Minimum Wage and Population on Open Unemployment Rates in Central Java in 2020–2021
Alfiori Arisqi Hanira Putra, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini
In this analysis, the expected objective is to determine the influence of Education, Gross Regional Domestic Product, District Minimum Wage, and Population on the Open Unemployment Rate of Central Java Province in 35 Regencies/Cities in Central Java Province in 2020–2021. This study used the panel data...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Effect of Population, Unemployment Rate, Minimum Wage, and Human Development Index on Poverty Levels in Yogyakarta DIY Province in 2017–2021
Agung Wibowo, Eni Setyowati
This study intends to investigate and determine the effect of population, unemployment rate, the minimum wage in districts and cities, and human development index on poverty in DI Yogyakarta Province in 2017–2021. Panel data regression was used as the analytical method using cross-sectional data from...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Human Development Index in Bali Province from 2017–2021
Kharisma Sekar Pradha Ningrum, Muhammad Arif
The Human Development Index is one of the standards used to determine the quality of human life. In this study, the Chow and Hausman tests were used to choose between the Pooled Least Square (PLS) and Fixed Effect Model (FEM) estimation models. The quality of the human development index can be measured...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Influence of Economic Factors on Crime Rates in East Java Regencies/Cities in 2017–2021
Habib Bahtiar, Siti Fatimah Nurhayati
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of GRDP per capita, open unemployment rate, poverty, and human development index (HDI) on crime rates in East Java Regency/City in 2017–2021. The analysis method used is panel data regression analysis. The data used is secondary data from the publication...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Influence of Inflation, GDP, Import, and Interest Rate on Indonesia’s Foreign Debt, 2000–2019
Septian Dwi Suryo Kusumo, Didit Purnomo
The object of this research is Indonesia’s foreign debt. This study analyzes the effect of inflation, GDP, imports, and BI interest rates on Indonesia’s foreign debt. The data used by the author in this study is secondary data in the form of time series data from 2000 to 2019 obtained from the World...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Rupiah Exchange Rate’s Response to Interest Rates, Inflation, and Foreign Debt
Faisal Anas, Eni Setyowati
Today, the global market is highly valued by all countries. Every country undoubtedly needs aid from other countries to meet its requirements. An essential component of international trade is the exchange rate. The exchange rate may be used as a yardstick for the state of a country’s economy since it...
Proceedings Article
Analysis the Effect of Brand Experience on e-WOM: Brand Love as Mediating
Tiara Citra Cyntiya Dewi, Rini Kuswati
This study aims to analysis the effect of brand experience on e-WOM mediated by brand love. Quantitative is type of this research. 190 respondent are the size of the sample by the population, in this study using famous shoe brand. The type of data used in this research is primary data, data collected...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Company’s Financial Performance Using the Economic Value Added (EVA) Method
Case at PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk Period 2021
Devita Rahmawati, Sri Murwanti
The objective of this study is to assess the financial performance of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk for the period 2021, as measured by the Economic Value Added (EVA) method. This research is quantitative research, with the population used in this study is a banking sector financial technology...
Proceedings Article
Assessment of Financial Performance Using Market Value Added (MVA) Methods Company PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk Period 2019–2021
Nadila Halfa Aulia, Sri Murwanti
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the financial performance of PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk for 2019–2021 as determined by the Market Value Added (MVA) approach. This research type is Quantitative Research; this research’s population consists of industrial manufacturing firms in the Fast Moving...
Proceedings Article
Climate Change and Rice Production: A Study in Central Java
Zalfa Khoirunnisa, Winny Perwithosuci
Rice is a staple food of the Indonesian people, especially people in the regency or city of Central Java. Food needs such as rice are the primary basic needs of the community that must be met compared to other needs. The decline in harvest and rice production impacts the emergence of food shortages,...
Proceedings Article
Comparative Analysis of Banking Financial Performance Before and After Implementation of Financial Technology (FinTech)
Case Study on BUMN Banking Period 2012–2021
Rachma Tri Fatmawati, Wuryaningsih Dwi Lestari
The aim to be achieved by holding this research is to determine the comparison of financial performance after the implementation of Fintech in BUMN banking for the period 2012–2021. The data used in this research is secondary data. The sampling technique used was the purposive sampling method. The analysis...
Proceedings Article
Comparison of Financial Performance and Stock Prices Before and During COVID-19 of Primary Goods Retail Trade Sub-sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018–2021
Yessica Anindita, Wuryaningsih Dwi Lestari
Outspread COVID-19 in recent years has impacted every company in the world. One of them is Primary Goods Retail Trade Sub-Sector Companies. This research aims to understand whether financial performance and stock prices have been affected by COVID-19. Quantitative research was used in this research with...
Proceedings Article
Competitiveness and Influence of Indonesia’s Coal Exports on International Trade: Case Study of 5 Destination Countries
Shila Herbigovina, Eni Setyowati
This study intends to evaluate the competitiveness of Indonesian coal commodities and to quantify the impact of GDP per capita, population, exchange rate, and price ratio on the volume of coal exported from Indonesia to other nations. Exporting countries (India, the Philippines, Japan, Malaysia, and...
Proceedings Article
Cryptocurrency and Tech Stocks in Indonesia
Andreas Renard Widarto, Harjum Muharam, Irene Rini Demi Pangestuti
This study aims to test the effect of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) on the Indonesia Tech Stock Index (IDXTECHNO). BTC and ETH have the potential to become a hedge asset and haven if they are negatively correlated to IDXTECHNO. This research uses the GARCH model using daily closing prices from January...
Proceedings Article
Determinants Analysis of the Crime Rate with an Economic Approach in the Former Residence of Semarang Period 2018–2021
Siti Masitoh, Eni Setyowati
The high crime rate in a community result from the low amount of private property. It compels any person, regardless of gender, age, or other factors, to commit a crime to maintain a decent standard of living. Moreover, they could all be considered criminals. This research study aims to understand what...
Proceedings Article
Determinants of Macroeconomic Effects on the Stability of Indonesia’s Foreign Exchange Reserve
Nurus Sa’adah, Sitti Retno Faridatussalam
This research aimed to analyze and test the effect of exports, imports, rupiah exchange rates to the dollar, interest rates, inflation, and investment on the stability or state of Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserve. This examination resorts to quantitative methods with the ECM (Error Correction Model)...
Proceedings Article
Determination Analysis of Poverty Level in Five Districts of Central Java 2017–2021
Yeni Yesica Herwanti, Eni Setyowati
This study examines the impact of the human development index (HDI), the average length of schooling (RLS), the open unemployment rate (TPT), and regional minimum wage (UMR) on poverty levels in five districts of Central Java, including Boyolali. I’m looking into It was decided to designate Klaten, Sukoharjo,...
Proceedings Article
Development of Furniture Product Marketing Model by Proving Ergo-Iconic Value to Marketing Performance
Andriyansah, Ginta Ginting, Abdul Rahman Rahim
This research aims to discover and explore what factors or indications can affect the sustainability of Furniture MSME businesses amid a pandemic storm. The formulation of the problem studied in this paper is how to increase the value of the products offered to consumers. For companies that make innovations,...
Proceedings Article
Does Organizational Culture, Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction Affect Employee Performance
Dinawati, Sri Padmantyo
In recent years many managers have researched that the importance of culture and social aspects such as organizational culture will be a solution to problems due to employee turnover and to be able to increase employee productivity. Companies that have used these three concepts, namely Job satisfaction,...
Proceedings Article
Does Social Media Marketing Activity Affect Coffee Shop Visit Intentions If Mediated by Brand Experience and Brand Awareness?
Warih Risma Haryanti, Aflit Nuryulia Praswati
In the bridge coffee and eatery, this study examines the impact of SMMA on visit intention using brand experience and brand awareness as mediating variables. This study falls under the category of quantitative research. Tourists who frequent The Bridge Coffee and Eatery's tourism area make up the...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Capital Aquency Ratio, Non-Performing Financing, Operational Efficiency Ratio, Financing to Deposit Ratio on Financial Performance of Sharia Banks
Case at Sharia Commercial Banks Registered at OJK Republik Indonesia Tbk Period 2019–2021
Nofi Damayanti, Wuryaningsih Dwi Lestari
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Return On Assets (ROA) and the variables Capital Aquency Ratio (CAR), Non-Performance Ratio (NPF), Operational Efficiency Ratio (OER), and Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR). This study employs quantitative explanatory research as its...
Proceedings Article
Effect of Competence and Participation Against Accountability of Village Fund Management with the Use of Information Technology as a Moderation Variable
Yohanes Suhardjo, Faisal
This research aims to evaluate whether or not the usage of information technology acts as a moderating variable in the relationship between competence and involvement and the responsibility for managing village finances. Irregularities in village fund management can be avoided if people understand the...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Green Brand, Green Advertising, and Green Products on Consumer Purchase Decisions on Avoskin Hydrating Treatment Essence in Yogyakarta
Adisty Riska Hardianti, Sony Subroto Maheri Laksono, Ahsin Daroini
This study aims to determine the influence of green brands, advertising, and products on purchasing decisions for skin care products Avoskin Hydrating Treatment Essence in Yogyakarta. This research is an open quantitative descriptive study with buyers of Avoskin Hydrating Treatment Essence (HTE) skin...
Proceedings Article
Effectiveness of Risk Profile, GCG, Earning and Capital (RGEC) Methods on Managerial Performance Assessment in Green Banking Implementation
Atmalia Gabby Purwadani, Imronuddin Imronuddin
The purpose of this study was to determine the soundness level of Indonesia’s national private banking, namely Conventional Banks (PT. Bank BCA and PT. Bank Bukopin) and Islamic Banks PT. Bank BCA Syariah and PT. Bank BTPN Syariah) for the 2020–2022 period in supporting the green banking program as measured...
Proceedings Article
Environmental Degradation by Economic Activity: An Empirical Comparison Study in Indonesia and Germany
Mita Iskhomiya, Nur Andriyani
Sustainable economic growth must be the primary concern in every country to avoid environmental degradation, especially in G20 members. As a form of multilateral cooperation, policies and outcome of G20 discussions can be influenced globally, including ecological issues. This study uses the ECM method...
Proceedings Article
Exchange Rate Volatility in Indonesia During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Vita Kartika Sari, Dwi Prasetyani, Aulia Hapsari
Exchange rate volatility is an essential indicator of macroeconomics and the key variable of international trade. The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously impacted all economies, including Indonesia. This study reviewed the effect of exchange rate volatility on the bilateral trade performance of Indonesia-United...
Proceedings Article
Financial Knowledge on Financial Behavior: A Study of Students in Surakarta
Khofifah Dwiyanti, Liana Mangifera
This study aims to analyze the factors that influence students’ financial behavior in Surakarta from the aspects of financial attitude, financial knowledge, and lifestyle. This study is quantitative and employs a probability sampling method. The data was obtained by distributing questionnaires to as...
Proceedings Article
Health Analysis of Indonesian Conventional Banking in Supporting the Green Industry Program
(Study at Bank BCA and Bukopin for the Period 2020 to 2022)
Windi Ayu Andriyani, Ganang Ikhwanudin, Henri Dwi Wahyudi
The purpose of this study was to determine the health of Indonesian conventional banks in supporting the green industry program for the period 2020 to 2022 which was analyzed using the (RGEC) approach. The results of the study show that from the results of calculations of Non-Performing Loans (NPL) for...
Proceedings Article
Human Development Index in West Java Province 2017–2021
Febritarius Algae Kumalasari, Eni Setyowati
The human development index, which raises the standard of living, is one approach to gauging economic success. This study aims to examine and evaluate the impact of poverty, employment rates, minimum wages, and population size on the human development index in West Java Province from 2017 to 2021. Data...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on Gender Equality in Bangka Belitung’s Economic Growth
Annisa Nur Amelia, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini
The Gender Development Index (GDI) of Bangka Belitung women is still in the low category compared to men. In contrast, the economic condition of Bangka Belitung Province generally decreased in 2017–2020 due to Covid-19 Pandemic and changes in government regulations related to tin exports. Numerous studies...
Proceedings Article
Income Inequality in East Java
Nova Dwi Ise Aprelia, Muhammad Arif
The goal of this study is to determine the direction and strength of the relationship between local original income, purchasing power parity, dependency ratio, construction cost index, and the number of impoverished people, and how these variables relate to income inequality across all East Java province...
Proceedings Article
Income Inequality in West Java 2017–2021
Nadya Okta Khaerunnisa, Inda Fresti Puspitasari
Economic development is vital in each region, especially in improving regional problems. However, differences in total population, the minimum wage in the district/city, the human development index, the rate of open unemployment, and poverty can cause problems, one of which is income inequality. This...
Proceedings Article
Independence of the Agricultural Sector in the Province of Central Java
Della Nurika Romadyah, Didit Purnomo
The primary source of carbohydrates is corn, which serves as both a local staple meal and a national staple food. The demand for corn will keep rising year after year, necessitating attempts to boost production. The production of maize can be influenced by the availability of land, the availability of...
Proceedings Article
Indonesian Coastal Macroeconomic Performances and Problems Before and During Covid-19
Deviani Ainafa’id, Tasya Berliana Putri, Agung Riyardi, Bambang Setiaji, Salma Audiena Alfaizah, Nur Hidayah
The Indonesian government has introduced a maritime road map and policy to improve the coastal economy. Studies of the relationship between unemployment and the coastal macroeconomy are limited. This study aims to analyze unemployment as a main macroeconomic performance and problem, factors that influence...
Proceedings Article
Leading Sector Determination and Analysis of Economic Growth in the Former Pati Residence 2016–2020
Fathia Annisa Kultsum, Eni Setyowati
This study examines the performance of the sectors in the former Pati Residency area and determines the economic performance or productivity of the former Pati Residency using the area above it as a reference. The analytical methods used in this research are Location Quotient (LQ) and Shift Share. The...
Proceedings Article
Migrant Remittance Patterns from Areas of Origin
Case Study: Platarejo Village, Giriwoyo District, Wonogiri Regency
Galuh Rizqy Amallia, Didit Purnomo
Rapid population growth with disproportionate distribution has led to higher incentives for population mobilization. Migrants leave their hometowns, which they believe do not provide a sufficient source of income, and move to other places that are seen as beacons of hope and offer different types of...
Proceedings Article
Open Unemployment Rate in West Java in 2018 to 2021
Nur Khayati, Eni Setyowati
The open unemployment charge is a trademark of the fulfillment of a financial improvement program aimed at enhancing the monetary quality of an area or us of a’s people. West Java Province has a quite excessive percent of unemployed human beings. This research targets to investigate the impact of Gross...
Proceedings Article
Perceived Value is Proven to Affect Repurchase Intention Mediated by Customer Engagement and Customer Satisfaction
Sasya Laurisya Sofyan, Aflit Nuryulia Praswati
The era of digitalization, human needs, and lifestyle today is caused by changes in the world, both in the economic, social, and cultural fields. The fast development of online trading shows a strong market potential for competition. This study aims to determine and analyze the perceived value that is...
Proceedings Article
Purchase Decision Influenced by Brand Ambassador, Korean Wave, Brand Image Mediated by Buying Interest
Diva Ayu Pradani, Liana Mangifera
This study aimed to determine whether purchasing decisions can be influenced by brand ambassadors, Korean waves, and brand image and can be mediated by the interest in buying Scarlett Whitening products among students in Surakarta. This research is a quantitative study using a non-probability sampling...
Proceedings Article
Purchase Decision Through Tokopedia Marketplace: The Role of Consumer Trust in Mediating the Effect of Price and Product Reviews
Noverina Rahmawati, Liana Mangifera
This study examines e-commerce, especially online shopping applications with the role of consumer trust as a mediation that influences prices and product reviews on purchasing decisions through the Tokopedia application. The method used in this research is quantitative, using a purposive sampling method...
Proceedings Article
Purchase Intention is More Influenced by Authenticity Than Cosmetic Influencer Content: Social Exchange Theory
Tiara Putri Utami, Aflit Nuryulia Praswati
The high sales figures for the facial care category in e-commerce demonstrate the high market demand for skin care products. There are several competing products from MS Glow, such as Somethinc, Garnier, Scarlett, and Avoskin. The following is data on sales of MS Glow beauty products and those of its...
Proceedings Article
Readiness to Relocate to Indonesia’s New Capital: HRM/Institutional Studies Perspective
Dodi Wirawan Irawanto, Khusnul Rofida Novianti
The Indonesian government’s commitment to moving the nation’s capital to the island of Borneo, which will be named the Ibukota Nusantara, reaps pros and cons. In the civil servant performance theory approach, several determinants of the performance of relocated employees are determined by readiness for...
Proceedings Article
Real Cost of Analysis of INA CBGs Rates on Caesaean Section at Mother and Child Hospital Restu Ibu Sragen
Onnie Wira Tama, E. M. Sutrisna, Edy Purwo Saputro
This study aimed to analyze the difference between real cost and INA CBGs rates for caesarean section at Mother and Child Hospital Restu Ibu Sragen. This study applied a mixed method (quantitative and qualitative) with variables focusing on the INA CBGs rates and hospital real cost. The population in...
Proceedings Article
The Analysis of Poverty Level Determinants of South Sumatera Province in 2010–2020
Vanya Vashti Rahayuningtya, Muhammad Arif
Poverty is a condition of a person or group of people who are unable to meet food or non-food needs, opportunities to fulfill other needs; such as, self-esteem, health, freedom, and a decent life. In addition, it is one of the main complex problems in Indonesian economy. The purpose of this study is...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Brand Awareness and E-Wom on Purchase Intention: Evidence from Indonesia’s Online Food Delivery
Lungidya Chairul Anwar, Sri Padmantyo
E-commerce has grown rapidly and helps meet people’s needs quickly, effectively, and efficiently. This causes the habits and behaviors of the community in their activities to change. The study’s purpose was to see how brand awareness and electronic word of mouth performed concerning purchase intention...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Destination Image, Memorable Tourism Experiences, e-WOM, and Brand Trust on Revisit Intention in Trenggalek, East Java Indonesia
Dediek Tri Kurniawan, Sri Untari, Rizki Firmansyah, Andro Agil Nur Rakhmad, Yesiana Ihda Kusnayain, Hujjatullah Fazlurrahman, Muhammad Syukri Salleh
Trenggalek is one of the leading destinations in East Java, Indonesia. Trenggalek has the potential for natural, cultural, and artificial tourism. Some natural attractions include Pelang Beach, Prigi Beach, Dillem Willis Agrotourism, Kili-Kili, and Lingga Cliff Tourism. This study examines the relationship...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Domestic Tourist Perceived Risk on Revisit Intention in Yogyakarta
Ferdy Gunawan, Kussudyarsana, Muhammad Sholahuddin
This research aimed to determine the extent to which the perception of risk affects the intention of returning domestic tourists to tourist destinations in Yogyakarta. The sampling method for domestic tourists is the purposive sampling method. The primary data used in this study was collected by giving...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Financial Literature and Financial Capital on Business Performance in Small Medium Micro Enterprises (MSMEs) in Central Java
(on MSMEs in Grobogan Regency)
Vina Putri Anjelia, Wuryaningsih Dwi Lestari
This study aims to analyze the effect of financial literacy and financial capital on the business performance of MSMEs in Central Java. Financial literacy and financial capital are very important for business performance because to achieve good performance in business activities, business owners need...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Human Capital Expenditure on Labor Productivity in Central Java Province
Nurul Huda Nafi’ Maula, Muhammad Anas
Education and health are two essential aspects in improving the quality of human capital because higher education and good health make workers more productive. This study aims to estimate the direction and magnitude of the influence of human capital spending on labor productivity in Central Java Province...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Online Transactions and Capital on MSME Income in Jakarta
Nasel Puspika, Didit Purnomo
Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) are efforts to increase employment opportunities, provide broad and equitable economic services to the community to encourage an increase in gross domestic product (GDP). E-Commerce is electronic commerce carried out by sellers and buyers without meeting each...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Sales Growth, Profitability, Liquidity, and Operating Cash Flow in Predicting Financial Distress During the Covid-19 Pandemic
(Empirical Study of Property, Real Estate, and Construction Companies on the IDX for the 2019–2021 Period)
Yuli Tri Cahyono, Nurul Hidayanti
This research aims to determine the effect of sales growth, profitability, liquidity, and operating cash flow in predicting financial distress during the covid-19 pandemic. The population in this research are all property, real estate, and construction companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Social Media Advertising, Product Quality, and Market Orientation on MSME Resilience with Sales Performance as a Mediation Variable
Kussudyarsana Kussudyarsana, Bella Febrianti, Soepatini
In the millennial era, advertising can be categorized as the most effective means to increase sales of specific products or brands, such as advertisements carried out with the help of social media. It encourages marketers out there to compete in creating creative and unique ads. Market orientation is...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of the Determinants of Gender Empowerment Index on Economic Growth in West Nusa Tenggara Period 2018–2021
Clarissa Dyah Anggraini, Sitti Retno Faridatussalam
Achieving gender equality is the fifth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To see the development of gender quality and support the fifth goal of the SDGs, The Central Bureau of Statistics assesses the development of the gender dimension as stated in the Gender Development Index (GDI) and...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of the Tourism Sector on Regional Income of Regencies and Cities in East Java Province in 2016–2020
Novenna Rizka Pratiwi, Maulidyah Indira Hasmarini
This research was conducted to analyze and determine the impact of GRDP per capita, Number of Tourists, Population, and Number of Tourist Attractions in the local government revenue of Regencies and Cities in East Java Province in 2016–2020. The research method utilized secondary data (time series) 2016–2020...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of the Women’s Human Development Index on the Poverty Level: The Case of the Province of Bali
Fahrizal Julio Sumaw, Siti Aisyah
Poverty is a condition where a person is unable to meet the needs of a decent life. This study aims to analyze the effect of the female human development index which is proxied by the average length of schooling, life expectancy, per capita spending and women’s involvement in parliament on poverty rates...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of World Oil Price Fluctuations, CO2 Emissions, GDP Per Capita, Government Expenditures and Trade Openness on Income Inequality in ASEAN
Anisa Riski Apriani, Winny Perwithosuci
Income inequality is an economic problem that arises due to rapid economic growth. ASEAN is one region with stable economic growth and development dynamics. This steady economic growth and development are not accompanied by an improvement in the income distribution received by the community. Many factors...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) on Work Productivity Mediated by Environmental Performance
Evin Nabilla, Ahmad Mardalis, Nur Achmad, Minhayati Saleh
This study examines the effect of green human resource management on work productivity with environmental performance as a moderating variable. PT. Apsara Tiyasa Sambada, Klaten Regency. This study involved 42 employees of the company’s office to be used as respondents using a saturated sample, which...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Capital Structure and Firm Size on Financial Performance
Case Study of Sector Insurance Registered on Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2017–2021
Riska Setyowati, Wuryaningsih Dwi Lestari
This study was conducted aiming to determine the effect of Capital Structure and Firm Size on Finance in financial sector companies in the insurance sub-sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) where financial performance is projected using a profitability ratio, which is a ratio to provide...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Capital Structure, Profitability, and Dividend Policy on Firm Value in the LQ45 Index from 2017–2021
Chyntya Permata Nurutami Nandalena, Zulfa Irawati
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of Capital Structure, Profitability, and Dividend Policy on Firm Value. The method used in this study is quantitative with panel data regression data analysis techniques. The population of this study is all companies listed on the LQ45 index of the Indonesia...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Instagram Account Storytelling Posts on Brand Engagement: Social Influence Theory Approach
Lia Arum Sari, Aflit Nuryulia Praswati
This paper aims to determine the effect of storytelling posts on the Instagram account @jelajahmenusolo on brand engagement mediated by perceived influence and perceived information value on purchase intention. In this study, samples were taken from followers of the Instagram account @jelajahmenusolo....
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, and Risk Taking on Organizational Performance: Positive Innovation Outcomes as an Intervening Variable
Lisetyaningrum, Sri Padmantyo
Organizations today are faced with complex conditions along with the changes that occur. To sustain its place in the market, a company must, however, continue to be competitive. This study analyzes the relationship between knowledge management, organizational learning, risk-taking, positive innovation...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Leadership Style and Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Organizational Commitment as an Intervening Variable
Fian Sundari, Nur Achmad
This study aims to determine the influence of leadership style and also organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior with an organizational commitment that becomes the intervening variable in employees of PT PLN ULP in Balong. This research used a quantitative research method and applied...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of the Tourism Sector and Local Revenue on Economic Growth in Bali
Zulfikar Husein, Siti Aisyah
This study aims to determine the effect of the number of foreign tourists, local revenue, and the number of accommodations on economic growth in Bali Province in the 2017–2021 period in nine (9) regencies/cities. The technique used is a quantitative approach with panel data regression technique with...
Proceedings Article
The Influence of Training Instructors, Training Methods, Training Materials and Training Time on Knowledge Intensification of Tax Volunteers (Case Study at the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes Central Java 2)
Cantika Nova Andrea, Mujiyati
Intensification of knowledge of tax volunteers will have a positive impact in providing assistance to taxpayers, then taxpayers do not hesitate to be accompanied in reporting their tax obligations because taxpayers do not need to conduct tax consultations with the Tax Office ( KPP or KP2KP) so that for...
Proceedings Article
The Movement of Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) During the COVID-19 Pandemic from January 2020 to December 2021
Andika Wahyu Santoso, Eni Setyowati
The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 which caused the stock market crash in capital markets around the world and Indonesia became the background for this research. The purpose of this study is to analyze changes in the Jakarta Composite Index during the Covid-19 pandemic whether it is influenced by the variables...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Behavior of Financial, Financial Literature and Financial Information in Increasing Financial Performance: Study of Culinary Business
Mouriska Aurelia Safitri, Liana Mangifera
The study aims to determine the financial performance of SMEs in terms of financial behaviour, financial literacy, & financial information on Culinary Business in Surakarta. The respondents involved were 108 Culinary Business owners. The sampling method used probability random sampling by distributing...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Customer Trust in Mediating Service Quality and Perceived Value of Customer Satisfaction with Shopeefood Application Users
Mila Shefira, Liana Mangifera
The study aims to determine the effect of service quality and perceived value on customer satisfaction, with customer trust as a mediating variable or indirect influence. The study was conducted in Solo, Central Java, Indonesia, with sample students. This study uses quantitative and data collection methods...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Halal Certification Acceleration in Boosting Halal Business UMKM in Indonesia
Izzun Khoirun Nissa
We know that a halal certificate is an acknowledgment of the halalness of a product issued by the Halal Product Guarantee Agency based on a written fatwa issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council. This research belongs to the type of library study. The literature review step in this research has been determined,...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Work Quantity as an Intervening Variable of Social Support and Mental Health on Employee Work Quality
Heru Kristianto, Sri Padmantyo
Quality of work is the best performance from within each individual, and in forming good quality work, there needs to be a process. The use of a quantity of work can be a factor in the success of the quality of work; employees must work with discipline to produce a quantity of work. The foundation of...
Proceedings Article
The Roles of Brand Love in Predicting Brand Loyalty
Veraya, Rini Kuswati
The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of self-expressive brands on brand loyalty as mediated by brand love. The population of this study is H&M users in Indonesia and Taiwan, and we collected a sample from 170 respondents, divided between 85 respondents from Indonesia and 85 respondents...
Proceedings Article
The Strategy of Development for Bakso Restaurant xxx in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Through the Business Model Canvas (BMC) Approach
Khofidatur Rofiah, Muhammad Sholahudin, Muhammad Halim Maimun, Ihwan Susila
The research purpose is to evaluate the business model of the traditional restaurant in Bakso xxx, Surakarta, Indonesia post-pandemic COVID-19. Business Model Canvas (BMC) consists of customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities,...
Proceedings Article
Timeliness of Financial Reporting Factors in Indonesian Manufacturing Companies (A Case Study of the Period 2017–2021)
Kusuma Wijayanto, Imam Ghozali, Zulaikha
This research examines the factors influencing the timeliness of financial reporting in Indonesian companies. The research uses a sample of manufacturing companies in Indonesia during the observation years of 2017–2021. The sample used to process the data consists of 166 observations. The analytical...