Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICoMSE 2017)

132 authors
Adri, Delvi
Sustainable Reserve Food Garden (SRFG): Development of a Booklet for the Society
Al Muhdhar, Mimien Henie Irawati
Students’ Self-Efficacy on Biology Lesson of Senior High Schools in Bengkulu City, Indonesia
Anjani, Dewi
The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning Module to Improve the Cognitive Learning Outcomes
Ansori, Achmad Zanuar
Theoretical Study of the A Truth-Seeking Learning Model: The Learning Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Disposition
Ardiyani, Shila Majid
An Analysis on the Need for Cooperative Learning Model with RME Approach for Mathematics Learning of Elementary School
Arwanto, Arwanto
Profile of Intuition of Male Student Mathematics Education in Mathematics Problem Solving
Ashari, Ari
Integrating Place-Based Education in Biology Learning through Inquiry to Improve Student’s Cognitive Ability and Scientific Attitudes in Sumbawa
Asári, Abdur Rahman
Error Analysis on Prospective Teacher in Solving the Problem of Critical Thinking Mathematics with Apos Theory
Atika, Iva
A Literature Study of Science Process Skill toward Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
Buang, Yohanes
[WITHDRAWN] Extraction and Characterization of Crop Oil from Seed Kernel of Feun Kase (Thevetia peruviana)
Budayasa, Ketut
Profile of Intuition of Male Student Mathematics Education in Mathematics Problem Solving
Budiarto, Mega Teguh
Profile of Intuition of Male Student Mathematics Education in Mathematics Problem Solving
Budiono, Eddy
Graphics Development Control and Analysis Process Capability Based Distribution Beta Binomial
Budiyono, Budiyono
Students’ Error Analysis in Solving The Math Word Problems of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Type on Trigonometry Application
Chaerani, D
Fractional Differential Equation as a Models of Newton Fluids for Stress and Strain Problems
Chandra, Tjang Daniel
Variation of Mathematical Representation Used in Students’ Textbook Grade 8 Semester 2
Dewanto, Muhammad Darmawan
Students’ Error Analysis in Solving The Math Word Problems of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Type on Trigonometry Application
Ebadi, Davoud
Derivations on Trellises
Ediyanto, Ediyanto
A Literature Study of Science Process Skill toward Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
Elisanti, Evi
The Profile of Critical Thinking Skill Students in XI Grade of Senior High School
Fauziyyah, Fithri Ana
Description Profile of Understanding Layer Concept of Conic Section of Mathematics Education Students 2016 of FKIP UKSW
Fauziyyah, Fithri Ana
Profile Description of Students’ Thinking Skills on The Topic of Divisions of Integer Number Based on SOLO Taxonomy in Class VII-C SMP Negeri 1 Salatiga
Fitriani, Apriza
Students’ Self-Efficacy on Biology Lesson of Senior High Schools in Bengkulu City, Indonesia
Gunarhadi, Gunarhadi
An Analysis on the Need for Cooperative Learning Model with RME Approach for Mathematics Learning of Elementary School
Hastuti, Utami Sri
The Need Analysis of Handout as A Teaching Material on Mycology Course about Antagonism between Molds at Biology Department State University of Malang
Hayashida, Masashi
A Literature Study of Science Process Skill toward Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
Herawaty, Dewi
The Influence of Contextual Learning Models and the Cognitive Conflict to Understand Mathematical Concepts and Problems Solving Abilities
Herawaty, Dewi
The Effects of the Extended Triad Model and Cognitive Style on the Abilities of Mathematical Representation and Proving of Theorem
Ibnu, Suhadi
The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy
Ibrahim, Muslimin
Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Design to Teach Problem Solving Skills
Ibrahim, Muslimin
Theoretical Study of the A Truth-Seeking Learning Model: The Learning Model to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Disposition
Ibrohim, Ibrohim
Patrap Triloka Ethno-Pedagogy With Research-Based Learning Settings to Develop Capability of Pre-Service Science Teachers: Literature Review
Ibrohim, Ibrohim
Integrating Place-Based Education in Biology Learning through Inquiry to Improve Student’s Cognitive Ability and Scientific Attitudes in Sumbawa
Indrawatiningsih, Nonik
Arguments in Critical Thinking Ability
Indriwati, Sri Endah
Problems Analysis and Utilization Strategy for Local Potential Empowering the Character of Healthy Living for the Poor in Malang Regency
Irawati, Mimien Henie
Sustainable Reserve Food Garden (SRFG): Development of a Booklet for the Society
Islakhiyah, Khoirotul
Scientific Explanation of Light through Phenomenon-based Learning on Junior High School Student
Jaya, Oki Saputra
An Optimal Schedule for Toll Road Network Construction Based on Greedy Algorithm
Joharmawan, Ridwan
Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
Kawai, Norimune
A Literature Study of Science Process Skill toward Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
Kotta, Herry Z.
[WITHDRAWN] Extraction and Characterization of Crop Oil from Seed Kernel of Feun Kase (Thevetia peruviana)
Kriswandani, Kriswandani
Description Profile of Understanding Layer Concept of Conic Section of Mathematics Education Students 2016 of FKIP UKSW
Kriswandani, Kriswandani
Profile Description of Students’ Thinking Skills on The Topic of Divisions of Integer Number Based on SOLO Taxonomy in Class VII-C SMP Negeri 1 Salatiga
Kurnia, Avia Riza Dwi
Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Design to Teach Problem Solving Skills
Kuspambudhi, Susy
Graphics Development Control and Analysis Process Capability Based Distribution Beta Binomial
Lisarani, Varetha
Variation of Mathematical Representation Used in Students’ Textbook Grade 8 Semester 2
Listyani, Endang
Examining Prospective Teachers’ Mathematical Communication Skills in Statistics
Lukiati, Betty
Integrating Place-Based Education in Biology Learning through Inquiry to Improve Student’s Cognitive Ability and Scientific Attitudes in Sumbawa
Maharani, Jihan
The Application of Multi-Class Support Vector Machines on Intrusion Detection System with the Feature Selection using Information Gain
Maridi, Maridi
The Effect of Biology Learning Using Concept Attainment Model and Discovery Learning on the Problem Solving Ability
Maridi, Maridi
The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning Module to Improve the Cognitive Learning Outcomes
Masykuri, Mohammad
The Effect of Biology Learning Using Concept Attainment Model and Discovery Learning on the Problem Solving Ability
Mayangsari, Jian
Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
Muhiddin, Muhiddin
Developing Scientific Approach Based Learning Module in Plantae Concept
Muhsetyo, Gatot
Implementing The Use of Magic Triangles for Developing Mathematical Reasoning Process in Delivering School Mathematics
Muhsetyo, Gatot
Implementing a Recurrence Relation Model for Finding the General Form of a Special Integer Sequence Generated by Geometric Sequences with t Representing the First Term and p Representing the Ratio
Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
Nurinda, Sindy
Enhancing High School Students's Rebuttals as An Important Aspect of Scientific Argumentation Skill Through Problem Based Learning
Nurmawati, Ira
Graphics Development Control and Analysis Process Capability Based Distribution Beta Binomial
Nusantara, Toto
Multidisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Design to Teach Problem Solving Skills
Pangestuti, Ardian Anjar
The Characteristics of Concept Maps Developed by the Secondary Schools and University Students
Pariris, Anugrah Aji
The Need Analysis of Handout as A Teaching Material on Mycology Course about Antagonism between Molds at Biology Department State University of Malang
The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy
Parmikanti, Kankan
Fractional Differential Equation as a Models of Newton Fluids for Stress and Strain Problems
Parta, I Nengah
Variation of Mathematical Representation Used in Students’ Textbook Grade 8 Semester 2
Permadi, Hendro
Graphics Development Control and Analysis Process Capability Based Distribution Beta Binomial
Pratiwi, Hasih
Students’ Error Analysis in Solving The Math Word Problems of High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Type on Trigonometry Application
Pratiwi, Yunilia N.
Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
Prayitno, Baskoro Adi
The Profile of Critical Thinking Skill Students in XI Grade of Senior High School
Prayitno, Baskoro Adi
Enhancing High School Students's Rebuttals as An Important Aspect of Scientific Argumentation Skill Through Problem Based Learning
Prihartanti, Dina
Student’s Problem-Solving Skill on Momentum Conservation Law
Pujiank, Sakila
Integrating Place-Based Education in Biology Learning through Inquiry to Improve Student’s Cognitive Ability and Scientific Attitudes in Sumbawa
Purwanto, Purwanto
Why Do Students Make Errors when Solving Problem in Semiotic Representation?
Rahayu, Ira Sulistiani
Profile Description of Students’ Thinking Skills on The Topic of Divisions of Integer Number Based on SOLO Taxonomy in Class VII-C SMP Negeri 1 Salatiga
Rahayu, Sri
Development of Simple Multiple-Choice Diagnostic Test of Acid-Base Concepts to Identify Students’ Alternative Conceptions
Rahayu, Sri
The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy
Ramli, Murni
The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Module to Empower the Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Resbianton, Gaguk
The Validity of ARICESA-Based Learning Materials in Basic Science Concept for Student of Primary School Teacher Education Department
Riyadi, Riyadi
An Analysis on the Need for Cooperative Learning Model with RME Approach for Mathematics Learning of Elementary School
Rohman, Fathur
The Need Analysis of Handout as A Teaching Material on Mycology Course about Antagonism between Molds at Biology Department State University of Malang
Rustam, Zuherman
The Application of Multi-Class Support Vector Machines on Intrusion Detection System with the Feature Selection using Information Gain
Rustam, Zuherman
An Optimal Schedule for Toll Road Network Construction Based on Greedy Algorithm
Rusyaman, Endang
Fractional Differential Equation as a Models of Newton Fluids for Stress and Strain Problems
Sa'dijah, Cholis
Error Analysis on Prospective Teacher in Solving the Problem of Critical Thinking Mathematics with Apos Theory
Sajidan, Sajidan
The Profile of Critical Thinking Skill Students in XI Grade of Senior High School
Sajidan, Sajidan
Enhancing High School Students's Rebuttals as An Important Aspect of Scientific Argumentation Skill Through Problem Based Learning
Sajidan, Sajidan
The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Module to Empower the Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
Saragih, Glori Stephani
Prediction of Disease-Resistant Gene in Rice Based on Support Vector Machine and Fuzzy Kernel C-Means
Sari, Murni Sapta
The Relationship between Metacognitive Skills and Cognitive Learning Outcomes through Guided Inquiry Model
Satyananda, Darmawan
Improvement of CVRP and MTVRP Solution using Local Search Method and its Implementation Using Google Map
Setiani, Rahyu
The Validity of ARICESA-Based Learning Materials in Basic Science Concept for Student of Primary School Teacher Education Department
Setyaningrum, W
Examining Prospective Teachers’ Mathematical Communication Skills in Statistics
Solekhudin, Imam
Time-dependent Infiltration from Periodic Semi-Circular Channels with Two Different Types of Root-Water Uptake
Suarsini, Endang
Problems Analysis and Utilization Strategy for Local Potential Empowering the Character of Healthy Living for the Poor in Malang Regency
Subanji, Subanji
Why Do Students Make Errors when Solving Problem in Semiotic Representation?
Subekti, Hasan
Patrap Triloka Ethno-Pedagogy With Research-Based Learning Settings to Develop Capability of Pre-Service Science Teachers: Literature Review
Suciati, Suciati
The Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Learning Module to Improve the Cognitive Learning Outcomes
Sueb, Sueb
Sustainable Reserve Food Garden (SRFG): Development of a Booklet for the Society
The Improvement of Metacognition of Chemistry Education Students using Metacognitive Learning Strategy