Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism (ICOSEAT 2022)

526 authors
A, RCecep E
Effect of additional balance of temulawak extract (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) on organoleptic characteristics and antioxidant content, of clove (Eugenia aromaticum), and Cinnamon (Cinanomum burmanni) extracts as functional drinks
AG, M. Ramadhan
The Utilization of Sentinel-1 Soil Moisture Satellite Imagery for Crop’s Water Requirement Analysis in the Dryland Agriculture
Abdullah, Sirajuddin H.
The Effect of Coconut Coir Waste as A Mixture of Planting Media in A Natural Greenhouse
Adawiah, Syifa Wismayati
Empirical vs Semi-Analytic Model for Total Suspended Solid Detection
Adianto, Rahmi Aprilia
Phenotypic Variability of The S2 Families Derived from Crosses Between Local and Introduced Okra Cultivars
Adisty, Ziza
Mortality and Attack Intensity of Spodoptera exigua on Shallots with Clove Essential Oil Application
Adriani, Dewi Erika
Application of Oil Palm Dissection Method to Predict Bunch Production in Commercial-Scale Oil Palm Plantation
Afgatiani, Pingkan Mayestika
Empirical vs Semi-Analytic Model for Total Suspended Solid Detection
Agasa, Yubelia
Thigmomorphogenesis of Root-Crop Growth Due to Drip and Mist Irrigation
Aghnia, Sokhwatul
Characteristics and Potential of Confined Aquifers in Genuk and Surrounding Area, Semarang City, Central Java Province
Agustina, Wawan
Formulation and Characteristics of Dried Herbs for Herbal Tea Drink
Ahimsa-Putra, Heddy Shri
The Potential of Local Wisdom for Food Processing as Tourism Attraction in the District of Muna, Southeast Sulawesi
Ahsan, Nurhadi
Potential and Strategy of Ecotourism Development in Lae Mbilulu Pakpak Bharat Regency
Aisyah, Siti
Small-scale Fisheries Management Strategy on the Eastern Coast of the Bangka Regency, Indonesia
Alfiano, Rafli
The Sabila Farm Culture, Education and Tourism for Melenial Indonesia 4.0
Alfiansyah, Chandra
The Sabila Farm Culture, Education and Tourism for Melenial Indonesia 4.0
Alfirdaus, Laila Kholid
Women's Role in Village-Based Renewable Energy Development: Assessing the Challenges and Supports
Alwy, Sudarman
Tourism in the Sharia Region Of West Aceh
Amalia, Dian Nur
Ready To Eat (RTE) Meatballs with Natural MSG Sources as Delicacy Potency in Indonesia
Amanah, Hanim Z
Drying Profile of Coarse Coconut Palm Sap Sugar Using Simple Air-Oven Dryer
Amanah, Hanim Z.
Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis on the Drying Process of Coconut Palm Sugar Using Air-oven Dryer
Amanah, Hanim Zuhrotul
Physiochemical Characteristic of Fermented Coffee with yeast addition (Hanseniaspora uvarum and Candida parapsilosis)
Anas, Muhsin
The Effect of Tannin Sources from Acacia mangium Willd, Swietenia mahagoni, and Artocarpus heterophyllus Leaves in Pellets on In Vitro Nutrient Digestibility
Andriansyah, Raden Cecep Erwan
Formulation and Characteristics of Dried Herbs for Herbal Tea Drink
Anggraeni, Tri
Groundwater Quantity and Quality of Springs of Karst Region in Pacitan Regency, East Java
Anna, Zuzy
Modeling Degraded Land Area in Province of Bangka Belitung Islands Based on Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Service to Support Sustainable Tourism
Annisa, Tiana Nur
Thigmomorphogenesis of Root-Crop Growth Due to Drip and Mist Irrigation
Anoraga, Satria Bhirawa
Effect of Extract Concentration of Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora) Husk Extract and Cooking Temperature on Quality Characteristics of Hard Candy
Anoraga, Satria Bhirawa
Comparison of Material Handling and Process Preparation Methods for Cocoa Pod Husk Powder
Operator Workload Analysis of Corn Seed Planting Equipment in Corn Planting
Ansari, Habib
Hydraulic Study on The Use of Gates to Improve Drainage Performance of Dadahup Lowland Irrigation Area
Aprilianto, Rizky Ajie
Performance Investigation of a Humpback Whale-Inspired Vertical Axis Current Turbine
Apriyadi, Rion
Growth Response and Yield of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) with NPK Application and Cassava Bark Compost in Ultisol Land
Ardhiati, Yuke
The Sabila Farm Culture, Education and Tourism for Melenial Indonesia 4.0
Ardi, A.
Growth Responses of Watermelon (Citrullus Vulgaris L.) to Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Application and Pruning Variation on Peat Soil Growing Media
Ariadhy, Shulby Yozar
Sustainable Palm Oil Governance
Ariefianto, Rizki Mendung
Performance Investigation of a Humpback Whale-Inspired Vertical Axis Current Turbine
Arif, Maulana
Article Integration of Water and Energy Sustainable Program in Cluster Starch Industry
Arifin, HS
Landscape Character Assessment of Pekarangan towards Healthy and Productive Urban Village in Bandung City, Indonesia
Arkum, Darol
Sustainable Palm Oil Governance
Arkum, Darol
Analysis of Economic Growth and Regional Inequalities in Bangka Belitung Islands Province Over the 2010-2020 Period
Arkum, Darol
Analysis of Klassen Typology and Spatial Pole of Economic Growth and Development of Disadvantaged Regions in Bangka Belitung Islands Province over the 2004-2019 Period
Arkum, Darol
Structural Change: Applying Location Quotient and Shift-Share Analysis in Determining Leading Sectors in Bangka Regency Over The 2000-2021 Period
Arkum, Darol
Interest-Free Unsecured Micro Credit Innovation for People’s Oil Palm Plantation in Bangka Regency
Arkum, Darol
Management of Ex-Tin Mining Land for Rice Cultivation as an Effort to Achieve Food Security
Armanto, M. Edi
Predictive Mapping for Soil pH and Phosphate based on Kriging Interpolation
Arum, Ayu Puspita
Local Wisdom of Horticultural Farmers in Adapting and Facing the Obstacles in Climate Change
Ascariena, Rafinda
Travel Influencer on Instagram : Visual Content Management Based on Digital Influencer Marketing Strategy for Tourism Awareness Groups (Kelompok Sadar Wisata) Kaliputu Kudus
Effect of additional balance of temulawak extract (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) on organoleptic characteristics and antioxidant content, of clove (Eugenia aromaticum), and Cinnamon (Cinanomum burmanni) extracts as functional drinks
Astuti, Rutfi Puji
Application of LEISA (Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture) for Vegetable Cultivation in Balunijuk Village
Interest-Free Unsecured Micro Credit Innovation for People’s Oil Palm Plantation in Bangka Regency
Ayu, Pratiwinindya Ratih
Travel Influencer on Instagram : Visual Content Management Based on Digital Influencer Marketing Strategy for Tourism Awareness Groups (Kelompok Sadar Wisata) Kaliputu Kudus
Azis, Atri Dewi
Operator Workload Analysis of Corn Seed Planting Equipment in Corn Planting
Bahri, Harry Pujiansyah
Article Integration of Water and Energy Sustainable Program in Cluster Starch Industry
Bahtera, Novyandra Ilham
The Social Network Analysis in the Environmental-Based Tourism Development in Manggar Belitung Timur
Baren, Maria
Tourism in the Sharia Region Of West Aceh
Performance Analysis of MOS Sensors on Electronic Nose for Synthetic Flavor Classification
Response of Semiconductor Sensor in An Electronic Nose with Multi-Sample Delivery System
Barus, Junita
Survey of Farming System Farmers Perception for Phenacoccus Manihoti in Sukaraja-Bogor District, Indonesia
Basak, Jayanta Kumar
Applicability of ANN and MLR Models in Measuring the Impact of Environmental Parameters on the Body Temperature of Swine
Bayu, Cristyn Salle
Comparison of Material Handling and Process Preparation Methods for Cocoa Pod Husk Powder
Bidayani, Endang
Small-scale Fisheries Management Strategy on the Eastern Coast of the Bangka Regency, Indonesia
Borges, Ana Pinto
How Important Events and Their Environmental Practices are to Visitors: The Case of Serralves em Festa!
Borompichaichartkul, Chaleeda
Peer-Review Statements
Brillyansyah, Degita Fahmi
Application of Geographic Information Systems for Analysis of Rice Agricultural Land Resources Potential in Paser Regency as a Supporting Area for the Capital City Nusantara
Buana, Lalu Aliyya Tirang ga Aji
Groundwater Recharge Estimation Using Chloride Mass Balance (CMB)
Budaraga, IKetut
Characteristics of Brown Rice (Oryza nivara) Stored Using Various Packaging with The Addition of Pandanus Powder (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb.)
Budhiman, Syarif
Empirical vs Semi-Analytic Model for Total Suspended Solid Detection
Landscape Character Assessment of Pekarangan towards Healthy and Productive Urban Village in Bandung City, Indonesia
Budianta, Wawan
Hydrogeochemistry of springwater in Leuwisari subdistrict and surrounding, Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia
Budianta, Wawan
Heavy Metal Pollution in Sediments of Panreng River, Sidenreng Rappang Regency, South Sulawesi Province
Budianta, Wawan
Heavy Metal Pollution in River Sediments on Tin Mining Location at Pakil River, Bangka, Indonesia
Budianta, Wawan
Numerical Analysis of Seepage in the Bener Dam, Purworejo Regency, Central Java
Chaer, MSI
Mathematic Modelling of Bok Choy Plant Canopy Area on Different Artificial Light at Plant Factory
Chaer, MSI
Plant Growth Prediction Model of Red Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) by Different Manipulation Environment
Chairuniza, Hannum Cintya
Visible-Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy for Rhodamine B Detection in Chili Paste Using Principal Component Analysis
Chen, C. C.
MSMEs’ Technology Readiness: Indicator and Index in Adopting Digital Marketing
Choi, Young-Woo
Worker’s location prediction system for providing location-based service inside poultry houses
Citraningrum, Irmaziza
Effect of Extract Concentration of Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora) Husk Extract and Cooking Temperature on Quality Characteristics of Hard Candy
D, Ashri Prawesthi
The Sabila Farm Culture, Education and Tourism for Melenial Indonesia 4.0
Dahlan, MZ
Landscape Character Assessment of Pekarangan towards Healthy and Productive Urban Village in Bandung City, Indonesia
Daniawan, M
Drip irrigation system on Pakcoy (Brassica rapa subsp.) Based on Microcontroller in open land, Bolo District, Bima Regency
Darlan, Nuzul H.
Profile of Soil Properties in Several Land Uses
Darlan, Nuzul H.
Fertilizer placement in circle weeding vs. in interrow: which one is better for oil palm?
De Side, Gagassage N.
The Effect of Coconut Coir Waste as A Mixture of Planting Media in A Natural Greenhouse
Deb, Nibas Chandra
Applicability of ANN and MLR Models in Measuring the Impact of Environmental Parameters on the Body Temperature of Swine
Defrianto, Muhammad
Management of Ex-Tin Mining Land for Rice Cultivation as an Effort to Achieve Food Security
Deliarnoor, Nandang A.
Colaborative Governance in Increasing Foreign Investment in Dumai City, Riau Province, Indonesia
Dewi, Hilda M. S.
Simultaneous Heat and Mass Transfer Analysis on the Drying Process of Coconut Palm Sugar Using Air-oven Dryer
Drestalita, Naya Cinantya
Healthy City and Tourism Planning to Create a Healthy Tourism
Dwisaputra, Indra
Energy Efficiency In Lighting Systems Using Fuzzy Logic Control
Potential of Mangrove Ecosystems for Ecotourism based on Tourist Perceptions
Ekafitri, Riyanti
Formulation and Characteristics of Dried Herbs for Herbal Tea Drink
Ernawati, Rr.
Yield Results Evaluation of Local Coffee Clones Tanggamus – Lampung
Erzagian, Egy
Analysis of Liquefaction Potential based on CPT data in the Samas Coastal Area, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Province, Indonesia
Fadilah, Mira Aprilia Nur
Melting and Textural Characteristics of Dark Chocolate Formulated with Carrageenan-based Hydrogel Sweetened with Sucrose
Fadillah, Sofia
Hydrogeochemistry of springwater in Leuwisari subdistrict and surrounding, Tasikmalaya, West Java, Indonesia
Fahri, Farisi
Design of a Simple and Low-cost Fluorescence-based Chlorophyll Meter
Modeling Degraded Land Area in Province of Bangka Belitung Islands Based on Remote Sensing and Ecosystem Service to Support Sustainable Tourism
Faisal, Budi
Landscape Character Assessment of Pekarangan towards Healthy and Productive Urban Village in Bandung City, Indonesia