Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social, Economic and Academic Leadership (ICSEAL 2018)

121 authors
Strielkowski, Wadim
Leading organizational and economic models for the development of inbound medical tourism in Russia
Sukhorukova, Irina
Achieving academic leadership through teaching mathematical methods in economics and finance
Syomych, Mykola
Cybercrime as a leading threat to information security in the countries with transitional economy
Tarkhanova, Elena
Regional commercial banks: problems of leadership under the current economic conditions
Tarkhanova, Elena
Leading trends and contradictions in bank crediting of the population in Russia
Toropchin, Gleb
Female leadership and a competency-based portrait of a leader as perceived by female students
Tvaronavičienė, Manuela
Leadership fostering via teaching business case studies: opportunities and limitations
Vasileva, Yuliya
Development of students’ leadership competencies: a case of summer schools
Vasilyeva, Svetlana
Development of enterprise innovative activity for leadership in production and economic systems
Veynbender, Tatiana
Leading trends in state budget regulation: a case of the United States
Voloshin, Yuriy
Legal globalization and interstate integration as a leading factor of the formation of state security and sovereignty
Voronina, Viktoria
Marketing information for holding leading positions in the market segment of the grain processing enterprises
Vozgova, Zinaida
Computer-mediated discourse analysis: an overview of leading vocabulary teaching strategies
Vysotckaya, Valeriya
Economic sanctions, trade and economic relations between two leaders: a case of Russia and France
Yamova, Olga
Leadership and innovations in small and medium enterprises
Zarubin, Valeriy
Leadership in higher education: training specialists in humanitarian technologies
Zhang, Wenzhi
Problematic aspects and methods of developing leadership capabilities in young Chinese people
Zielińska, Anetta
Leading innovations and investments into the new energy technologies
Zubkov, Ruslan
Evaluation of investment attractiveness of a region as a guarantee for leadership in the territorial socio-economic development
Zykova, Tatiana
FIFA World Cup as a leading factor of sustainable development: a case of the Nizhny Novgorod region
Zykova, Tatiana
Risk factors in the leading sustainable development for the Nizhny Novgorod Region