Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Social and Political Sciences (ICSPS 2017)

118 authors
Sulaiman, Rusydi
NKRI and The Phenomenon of Religious Radicalism
Sununianti, Vieronica Varbi
Social Vulnerability of Oil Miners in Rural Areas
Supraja, Muhamad
Questioning the Low of Woman Political Participation in Neo-Liberal Democracy
Supyandi, Dika
Reviews on Theories and Practices of Modernization: Rural Experience in Indonesia
Suryani, Ms
Disalignment of Political Parties in Indonesia : Study on Declining Electability of Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) in General Election 2014
Syarifuddin, Mr
Consumption and Nationalism of Indonesia: Between Culture and Economy
T. Irmayani, Ms
The Phenomenon of De-radicalization in Al Hidayah Boarding School, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia
Toyibah, Dzuriyatun
Gendered Student Political Participation and The Influences Of Voluntary Organizations
Ubaedillah, Achmad
Civic Education for Muslim Students in the Era of Democracy: Lessons Learned from Indonesia
Warburton, Eve
Indonesia: The Dangers of Democratic Regression
Wardoyo, Broto
Epistemic Community and Military Reform in Indonesia
Warsilah, Henny
Inclusive Development in Health Sector : A Case in Surakarta City
Widodo, Bambang Eka Cahya
Political Volunteerism : Electoral Process of Independent Candidates in Jogja Independent (JOINT)
Witianti, Siti
Women's Political Participation through Representation in The Legislature
Wulandari, Eliana
Reviews on Theories and Practices of Modernization: Rural Experience in Indonesia
Z. Zulkifli, Mr
Shi'i Identity and Nationalism in Indonesia's ReformasiShi'i Identity and Nationalism in Indonesia's Reformasi
Zuada, La Husen
Democracy and Development at the Local Level: Synergy of Local Boss, Entrepreneur and Bandit in North Kolaka
Zuhri, Ahmad Syaifuddin
Trans Pacific Partnership and China's Involvement: How Can Indonesia Benefit from Both Worlds?