Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)

Spatial Planning of the Noongan Minahasa Watershed

Grace Suoth, Maxi Tendean, Murdiyanto, Deny Maliangkay, Helena Sulastriningsih
Corresponding Author
Grace Suoth
Available Online November 2019.
10.2991/icss-19.2019.70How to use a DOI?
Spatial planning; sub-watershed; conservation of lake Tondano

The spatial plan that has been made is not realized properly; due to inadequate law enforcement; so that land use in the Noongan Sub-watershed is not by the ability of the land. Therefore; a reassessment needs to be done and more importantly; the enforcement of spatial rules and their more explicit realization in the Noongan Sub-watershed area to support environmental sustainability and sustainable use of space in Lake Tondano. Problem Formulation; to formulate the right spatial model based on the function of the area in the Noongan Sub-watershed; which can support environmental sustainability and sustainable use of space”. Research Objectives; to formulate appropriate spatial planning models by the function of the area in the Noongan Sub-watershed; to support environmental sustainability and sustainable utilization of space. The method used; a) Making a Map of the Land Unit with GIS. b) Determination of Regional Functions. Results of the study: Protected forest area category (A); this area covers the upstream area of the Noongan River Sub-Region namely Protected Area is an area with natural water resources; flora and fauna conditions such as protected forest; asylum forest; tourism forest; area around water source; river channel; and other protected areas; Buffer Zone (B) is a buffer function area; an area that can function as a protection and cultivation function; located between the protected function area and cultivation function areas such as limited production forests; plantations (perennials); mixed gardens and the like; Annual Crop Cultivation Area (C); The area of annual crop cultivation function is the cultivation area cultivated with annual crops such as Permanent Production Forest; Industrial Plantation Forest; Community Forest; Plantation (perennials); and fruit plants; Seasonal Plant Cultivation Area (D); the annual cultivation function area is an area that has the function of cultivation and cultivated with annual crops; especially food crops or for settlements.

© 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
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Volume Title
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Publication Date
November 2019
10.2991/icss-19.2019.70How to use a DOI?
© 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
Open Access
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC license (

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AU  - Grace Suoth
AU  - Maxi Tendean
AU  - Murdiyanto
AU  - Deny Maliangkay
AU  - Helena Sulastriningsih
PY  - 2019/11
DA  - 2019/11
TI  - Spatial Planning of the Noongan Minahasa Watershed
BT  - Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Science 2019 (ICSS 2019)
PB  - Atlantis Press
SP  - 844
EP  - 846
SN  - 2352-5398
UR  -
DO  - 10.2991/icss-19.2019.70
ID  - Suoth2019/11
ER  -