Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Sports Sciences and Health (ICSSH 2020)

92 authors
Abdullah, Ahmad
Analysis of Sports Injury Knowledge in Ball Games Athletes
Abdullah, Ahmad
Correlation Between Detraining During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Ability of the Body Agility of Karate UKM Athletes State University of Malang
Abdurrohman, Rifan
Level of Interest in Participating at Sports Extracurricular Activity of High School Students
Adi, Sapto
Benefits of Sports Activities with FITT Principles During the Covid-19 Pandemic in a “New Normal” Life for Health
Akhmad, Imran
Interactive Media as Optimization of Understanding Basic Football Techniques in Pandemic Period
Ali, Mohammad Arif
Fatigue and Physical Performance in Recreational Sports
Ambardini, Rachmah Laksmi
Interpersonal Skills’ Analysis of Students in Physical Education Subjects in the Pandemic Situation
Amiq, Fahrial
Morning Aps: The Game Rules Learning Application and Football Referee Signals
Andiana, Olivia
Correlation Between Detraining During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Ability of the Body Agility of Karate UKM Athletes State University of Malang
Angga, Prayogi Dwina
Morning Aps: The Game Rules Learning Application and Football Referee Signals
Arfiansyah, Eggy Nur
Analysis of Sports Injury Knowledge in Ball Games Athletes
Ariani, Luh Putu Tuti
Development of Interactive Media for the Basic Techniques of Multimedia-Based Badminton Games
Asmawi, M
Petanque: Mental Imagery and Shooting Accuracy
Bowo, Doari
Interactive Media as Optimization of Understanding Basic Football Techniques in Pandemic Period
Danardani, Wasti
Identification of Tourism Sport Developmrnt in Panji Anom Village, Kecamatan Sukasada Buleleng
Danardani, Wasti
The Readiness of the Community in Developing the Panji Anom Village Area as a Sport Tourist Destination
Dewi, Rahma
Design of the Pencak Silat Learning Model Using Variations in the Learning of Medan City Junior High School Students, North Sumatra Province
Erwin, Fill
Design of the Pencak Silat Learning Model Using Variations in the Learning of Medan City Junior High School Students, North Sumatra Province
Fadli, N.R
Performance Laboratory as a Research Center for Lectures and Students
Fafylia, Syamsiatul Faricha
Effectiveness of Song and Brochure Media on Increasing Adolescent Knowledge in the Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus at SMP Negeri 5 Kota Mojokerto
Gayatri, Rara Warih
The Correlation Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Belly Circumference and Hypertension Occurence on Elderly in Tulungagung, Indonesia
Gayatri, Rara Warih
The Correlation Between Physical Activity, Body Mass Index (BMI), and Abdominal Circumference with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Cases at Public Health Center Dinoyo Malang
Genurianto, Gomang
Interpersonal Skills’ Analysis of Students in Physical Education Subjects in the Pandemic Situation
Heynoek, Febrita Paulina
Analysis of Junior High School Students’ Motivation in Attending the Learning of PE in Bali and East Java
Heynoek, Febrita Paulina
Discovery Learning Approach for Elementary School Student (A Case study in Elementary School PE Subject)
Heynoek, Febrita Paulina
Level of Interest in Participating at Sports Extracurricular Activity of High School Students
Heynoek, Febrita Paulina
Interactive Multimedia as a Guidance for Adherencing to Maintain Fitness for High School Students
Hidayat, Syarif
Identification of Tourism Sport Developmrnt in Panji Anom Village, Kecamatan Sukasada Buleleng
Hidayat, Syarif
The Readiness of the Community in Developing the Panji Anom Village Area as a Sport Tourist Destination
Ilmi, Masrurdin
Interactive Multimedia as a Guidance for Adherencing to Maintain Fitness for High School Students
Imansary, Yogi
The Correlation Between Physical Activity, Body Mass Index (BMI), and Abdominal Circumference with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Cases at Public Health Center Dinoyo Malang
Iskandar, Tatang
The Effect of Attack Exercises Using Futsal Passing System Pattern
I’tamada, E.Z
Performance Laboratory as a Research Center for Lectures and Students
Kardiawan, I Kadek Happy
Comparison of Increased Running Speed Using Resistance Parachute and Ladder Assisted Training Methods
Katmawanti, Septa
Effectiveness of Song and Brochure Media on Increasing Adolescent Knowledge in the Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus at SMP Negeri 5 Kota Mojokerto
Katmawanti, Septa
Dissemination of Guidelines for Child Development as an Effort to Increase Mother’s Knowledge About Child Nutritional Intake During the Covid-19 Pandemic for Madurese
Kinanti, Rias Gesang
Analysis of Sports Injury Knowledge in Ball Games Athletes
Kongchulagul, Natsuangkorn
Fatigue and Physical Performance in Recreational Sports
Kurniawan, Ari Wibowo
Analysis of Junior High School Students’ Motivation in Attending the Learning of PE in Bali and East Java
Kurniawan, Ari Wibowo
Interactive Multimedia as a Guidance for Adherencing to Maintain Fitness for High School Students
Kushartanti, BM. Wara
Fatigue and Physical Performance in Recreational Sports
Kusuma, Ketut Chandra Adinata
Comparison of Increased Running Speed Using Resistance Parachute and Ladder Assisted Training Methods
Kusuma, Ketut Chandra Adinata
Identification of Tourism Sport Developmrnt in Panji Anom Village, Kecamatan Sukasada Buleleng
Lesmana, Kadek Yogi Parta
Psychometric Properties of Indonesian Version of Athletes Psychological Condition Scale
Listiarini, Dian
Fatigue and Physical Performance in Recreational Sports
Lokananta Teguh, H. W
Analysis of Junior High School Students’ Motivation in Attending the Learning of PE in Bali and East Java
Lubis, Johansyah
Petanque: Mental Imagery and Shooting Accuracy
Lumintuarso, Ria
Analysis of the Use of Statistical Data in the Formulation of Strategies, Tactics and Evaluation of Football Matches
Marti, Ni Wayan
Development of Interactive Media for the Basic Techniques of Multimedia-Based Badminton Games
Mufida, Latifatul
Correlation Between Detraining During the Covid-19 Pandemic and Ability of the Body Agility of Karate UKM Athletes State University of Malang
Discovery Learning Approach for Elementary School Student (A Case study in Elementary School PE Subject)
Ni Putu, Dwi Sucita D
Development of Game Models in Physical Education to Support Thematic Learning in Grade 1 Elementary School
Design of the Pencak Silat Learning Model Using Variations in the Learning of Medan City Junior High School Students, North Sumatra Province
Nugroho, Didit Prakosa Adi
Fatigue and Physical Performance in Recreational Sports
Pane, Bessy Sitorus
Forehand Drive Exercise Model in Table Tennis Game
Pelana, Ramdan
Analysis of Movement and Rhythmic Skills in Physical Education Students
Prakoso, Muhammad Lintu Aji
Analysis of the Use of Statistical Data in the Formulation of Strategies, Tactics and Evaluation of Football Matches
Pratama, Reza Resa
The Effect of Attack Exercises Using Futsal Passing System Pattern
Puspita, Intan Ayu
A Development of Mushroom Nugget Using Dragon Fruit Peel Additive (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) to Know the Organoleptic Products
Rahayu, Setya
Fatigue and Physical Performance in Recreational Sports
Ridlo, Azi Faiz
The Effect of Attack Exercises Using Futsal Passing System Pattern
Rochman, Taupik
The Effect of Attack Exercises Using Futsal Passing System Pattern
Rony, M R
Petanque: Mental Imagery and Shooting Accuracy
Samah, Dea Aflah
Dissemination of Guidelines for Child Development as an Effort to Increase Mother’s Knowledge About Child Nutritional Intake During the Covid-19 Pandemic for Madurese
Satyawan, I Made
Comparison of Increased Running Speed Using Resistance Parachute and Ladder Assisted Training Methods
Semarayasa, I Ketut
Development of Game Models in Physical Education to Support Thematic Learning in Grade 1 Elementary School
Septian, Robby
The Influence of Physical Education in Virtual Environment Towards Students Activity in the New Normal Era: Student & Teacher Perceptions
Septiana, Ikbal
The Effect of Attack Exercises Using Futsal Passing System Pattern
Siregar, Nofi Marlina
Analysis of Movement and Rhythmic Skills in Physical Education Students
Spyanawati, Ni Luh Putu
Development of Game Models in Physical Education to Support Thematic Learning in Grade 1 Elementary School
Sugiarto, Tatok
Level of Interest in Participating at Sports Extracurricular Activity of High School Students
Interpersonal Skills’ Analysis of Students in Physical Education Subjects in the Pandemic Situation
Sukarmin, Yustinus
The Influence of Physical Education in Virtual Environment Towards Students Activity in the New Normal Era: Student & Teacher Perceptions
Sukur, Abdul
Forehand Drive Exercise Model in Table Tennis Game
Sundari, Sri
Analysis of Movement and Rhythmic Skills in Physical Education Students
Effectiveness of Song and Brochure Media on Increasing Adolescent Knowledge in the Prevention of Diabetes Mellitus at SMP Negeri 5 Kota Mojokerto
Suranata, Kadek
Psychometric Properties of Indonesian Version of Athletes Psychological Condition Scale
Tangkudung, James
Forehand Drive Exercise Model in Table Tennis Game
Performance Laboratory as a Research Center for Lectures and Students
Taufik, Muhamad Syamsul
The Effect of Attack Exercises Using Futsal Passing System Pattern
Tisna, Gede Doddy
The Effectiveness of Physical Education in Elementary Schools Assessed from the Physical Fitness and Obesities of Elementary School Students
Tricahyanti, Fadhila
Dissemination of Guidelines for Child Development as an Effort to Increase Mother’s Knowledge About Child Nutritional Intake During the Covid-19 Pandemic for Madurese
Ulum, Maghfirotul
Discovery Learning Approach for Elementary School Student (A Case study in Elementary School PE Subject)
Valianto, Budi
Interactive Media as Optimization of Understanding Basic Football Techniques in Pandemic Period
Wardani, Hartati Eko
The Correlation Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Belly Circumference and Hypertension Occurence on Elderly in Tulungagung, Indonesia
Wijaya, Made Agus
Analysis of Junior High School Students’ Motivation in Attending the Learning of PE in Bali and East Java
Windanastiti, Agista
Dissemination of Guidelines for Child Development as an Effort to Increase Mother’s Knowledge About Child Nutritional Intake During the Covid-19 Pandemic for Madurese
Wulandari, A.M
Performance Laboratory as a Research Center for Lectures and Students
Wulandari, Devi
The Correlation Between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Belly Circumference and Hypertension Occurence on Elderly in Tulungagung, Indonesia
Yoda, I Ketut
The Effectiveness of Physical Education in Elementary Schools Assessed from the Physical Fitness and Obesities of Elementary School Students
Yunus, Moch.
The Correlation Between Physical Activity, Body Mass Index (BMI), and Abdominal Circumference with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Cases at Public Health Center Dinoyo Malang
Yunus, Moch.
Performance Laboratory as a Research Center for Lectures and Students