Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Phenomena in Multimodal Communication (KLUA 2018)

Session: Multimodal issues in Translation and Interpreting

6 articles
Proceedings Article

Approaches in Forming and Interpreting the Translation of Reading Text in the Diploma Class

Mr Dewanto
Translation is the process of transferring one language to another language by changing source language (SL) into target language (TL). Translation is the changing of one language into other language (Webster, 1984). Translation involves a process of language transmitting that turns out to be problematic...
Proceedings Article

Ellipsis of Subject Pronouns in Laskar Pelangi Translation Niji no Shonentachi

Adis Kusumawati
The ellipsis of sentence elements commonly happens both in Bahasa Indonesia and Japanese language. In Japanese, the common sentence element in which ellipsis occurs is the sentence element that is categorized into nouns, such as subject and object. Although noun ellipsis also occurs in Bahasa Indonesia,...
Proceedings Article

Text Reduction: Strategies Adopted in Audio Visual Subtitle Translation

Antonius Suratno, Devina Christine Wijaya
AVT (Audio Visual Translation), is one of the translation activities involving transfer of spoken and audial messages from the source text (ST) into written target texts (TT) to get displayed on digital screens. It is considered challenging because subtitle translation is constrained by the speed of...
Proceedings Article

Translation of Lexicons qala and its Derivation: Translation of Surah Taha by Mahmud Yunus

Rusda Salaeh
This research has some aims; 1) to describe qala and its derivations of surah Taha, 2) to explain the techinques in translating qala into Indonesian of surah Taha by Mahmud Yunus. This research uses qualitative and quantitative descriptive method which emphasize on describing the form of translating...
Proceedings Article

Fidelity In Graphic Novel Translation: A Multimodal Approach

Retno Wulandari Setyaningsih, Titien Diah Soelistyarini
Literary translation is not a simple and easy work due to the peculiar problems that often occur in the process. The problems may be cultural, linguistic, and psychological, or also include style and mode, especially when the translation does not only involve text in narratives but also in images. Focusing...
Proceedings Article

The Universal Language Phenomena in the Translation of English Modality into Indonesian

Deden Novan Setiawan Nugraha
Modality is one of the language universal phenomena. This means that modalities can appear in all languages with their respective forms of disclosure. By using descriptive method, this research describes the futurity modalities in English and Indonesian based on its structure and meaning. The data was...