Proceedings of the Conference Psychology and Flourishing Humanity (PFH 2023)

70 authors
Agniacakti, Ainindita
Online self-presentation for male and female adolescents: A study on university students
Agung, Yusuf Ratu
Peer-Review Statements
Akrom, Muhammad Rizqi Aufaqi
Decision making in Javanese cultural background in Javanese & Mataraman communities
Amalia, Rahmatika Sari
The differences of work engagement permanent and contract employee in a multinational company in Indonesia
Asih, Sali Rahadi
The role of psychological capital (psycap) in strengthening family resilience post-pandemic
Astutik, Fuji
Father’s Involvement related to academic success in coastal areas: Phenomenological study
Astutik, Fuji
Overview of psychological well-being of college students in Malang City: Wright map Rasch Model
Aziz, Rahmat
Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
Basori, Muchamad Adam
Peer-Review Statements
Basori, Muchamad Adam
Storytelling for Prosocial Behavior in Young Children: Scoping Review
Candra, Selly Ayu
Online self-presentation for male and female adolescents: A study on university students
Cholili, Abd. Hamid
Promoting boarding student engagement regards resiliency and gender: A mediated - moderation analysis
Chusairi, Achmad
Mindful parenting as a compassionate parenting approach and effective communication with adolescents
Difayanti, Alifah Aulia Putri
Child engagement in Female Prisoners
Djulian, Fadilah Purnama Wulandari A.
Child engagement in Female Prisoners
Efendi, Muhammad Agus
The effect of work-life balance on quiet quitting in millennial generation workers
Efianti, AlfiyanaYuli
Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
Fahmi, Elok Fa’iz Fatma El
Overview of psychological well-being of college students in Malang City: Wright map Rasch Model
Fuaturosida, Rika
Build self-awareness in late childhood
Fu’ady, Muh. Anwar
The role of psychological capital (psycap) in strengthening family resilience post-pandemic
Hakim, Alifan
Build self-awareness in late childhood
Hakim, Lukman
Online self-presentation for male and female adolescents: A study on university students
Halida, Hilda
Online self-presentation for male and female adolescents: A study on university students
Hamim, Hamim
The language of gratitude: “Alhamdulillah” as an expression of appreciation to improve well-being
Hartini, Nurul
Mindful parenting as a compassionate parenting approach and effective communication with adolescents
Hawabi, Agus Iqbal
The effect of work-life balance on quiet quitting in millennial generation workers
Hidayah, Rifa
Psychodynamics of resilience in depression sufferers
Hidayati, Fina
Peer-Review Statements
Hidayati, Fina
Student’s grit quality; Contribution of school well-being in Islamic boarding school
Hidayati, Fina
The role of self-compassion to form interpersonal communication between parents and adolescents
Hidayati, Fina
Mindful parenting as a compassionate parenting approach and effective communication with adolescents
Hikmah, Nurul
The role of language in the recovery of mental disorders
Huda, Miftahul
Decision making in Javanese cultural background in Javanese & Mataraman communities
Khoirot, Umdatul
Describing school age children problem using strengths and difficulties questionnaire (SDQ)
Magfiroh, Norma Hasanatul
Restructuring western personality theory the perspective of abu laits as samarqandi with a qur’anic approach
Mahmudah, Siti
Psychological Dynamics of Victims of the Kanjuruhan Football Supporter Incident: Phenomenological Study
Mahpur, Mochammad
Decision making in Javanese cultural background in Javanese & Mataraman communities
Maimunah, Iffat
Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
Mangestuti, Retno
Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
Muallifah, Muallifah
Student’s grit quality; Contribution of school well-being in Islamic boarding school
Muallifah, Muallifah
The role of self-compassion to form interpersonal communication between parents and adolescents
Noviyanti, Ma’rifatul Ika
Child engagement in Female Prisoners
Nuqul, Fathul Lubabin
Child engagement in Female Prisoners
Pudjiati, Sri Redatin Retno
The role of psychological capital (psycap) in strengthening family resilience post-pandemic
Purwaningtyas, Endah K.
The effect of work-life balance on quiet quitting in millennial generation workers
Putera, Zulmy Faqihuddin
Challenges and opportunities in the use of artificial intelligence in education for academic writing: A scoping review
Rahmawati, Kencana Andini
Child engagement in Female Prisoners
Ridho, Ali
Promoting boarding student engagement regards resiliency and gender: A mediated - moderation analysis
Rochim, Edvin Eka Nur
Build self-awareness in late childhood
Rochmawati, Rochmawati
The role of language in the recovery of mental disorders
Rosdiana, Aprilia Mega
Promoting boarding student engagement regards resiliency and gender: A mediated - moderation analysis
Rosyidah, Risvi Uly
The language of gratitude: “Alhamdulillah” as an expression of appreciation to improve well-being
Sakdiyah, Elok Halimatus
Student’s grit quality; Contribution of school well-being in Islamic boarding school
Sarif, Nur Ikhsan Mahmudi
Restructuring western personality theory the perspective of abu laits as samarqandi with a qur’anic approach
Sa’diyah, Elok Halimatus
The role of self-compassion to form interpersonal communication between parents and adolescents
Sa’diyah, Elok Halimatus
Mindful parenting as a compassionate parenting approach and effective communication with adolescents
Sa’diyah, Halimatus
The role of language in the recovery of mental disorders
Shofiah, Nurul
Challenges and opportunities in the use of artificial intelligence in education for academic writing: A scoping review
Shofiah, Nurul
Storytelling for Prosocial Behavior in Young Children: Scoping Review
Sholichatun, Yulia
The comparison of acceptance and ridha
Solichah, Novia
Challenges and opportunities in the use of artificial intelligence in education for academic writing: A scoping review
Solichah, Novia
Storytelling for Prosocial Behavior in Young Children: Scoping Review
Solichah, Novia
Psychodynamics of resilience in depression sufferers
Urgenadila, Aulia
Decision making in Javanese cultural background in Javanese & Mataraman communities
Wafa, Iqbal Ali
Storytelling for Prosocial Behavior in Young Children: Scoping Review
Wahyuni, Esa Nur
Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
Wargadinata, Wildana
Empowering families in the digital learning era: strategies to promote positive education
Widyarini, Rr. Ayu Sri
Child engagement in Female Prisoners
Zakiyah, Ermita
Peer-Review Statements
Zakiyah, Ermita
Restructuring western personality theory the perspective of abu laits as samarqandi with a qur’anic approach