Proceedings of the 4th Padang International Conference on Education, Economics, Business and Accounting (PICEEBA-2 2019)

345 authors
Syah, Dedy Husrizal
Learning Media of Financial Statements Analysis Based on Mobile Learning
The Effect of Competencies and Job Stress on Work Engagement with Job Satisfaction as Mediating Variable
The Effect of Career Development, Compensation, Work Environment and Job Satisfaction on Work Engagement
The Relations Interpersonal Communication and Work Environment to Work Satisfaction: Openness to Experience as a Moderator Approach
Analysis of Human Capital, Infrastructure Spending Allocations, Economy Openness, and Formation of Fixed Capital on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Syofya, Heppi
High School Student Considerations in Choosing Economic Faculty in Private Colleges at Pekanbaru City
Syofyan, Efrizal
Analysis of Factors Affecting Indonesia’s Cinnamon Exports to the United States
Syofyan, Rita
The Role of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Implementation in Indonesian Company
Development Strategy of Embroidery Product Market Based on WEB E-Commerce in West Sumatra
Abusive Earnings Management and Annual Report Readability
Tasman, Abel
Fillecya (Financial Literacy) Board: Analysis of Media Development Needs from the Teacher’s Perspective in Understanding Financial Literacy Early
Tasman, Abel
The Relationship Between E-Banking and Financial Performance of Go Public Bank in Indonesia
Tasman, Abel
An Implementation of Good Corporate Governance in Rural Bank
Thabrani, Gesit
The Linkages of the Role of Human Capital and Knowledge Management on Innovation: According to a Literature Studies
The Effect of Service Quality and Perceived Value to Visitor Satisfaction in Hot Waterboom Tourism Objects of Sapan Maluluang Kabupaten Solok Selatan
Trinanda, Okki
Tourism and Social Media: Do “Likes” and “Comments” Determine Re-Visit Intention? (Case Study: Tourist Destination in West Sumatra)
Trinanda, Okki
Exploring Tourist Satisfactions in Eco-Tourism: Antecedents and Consequences
Vebrina, Dinda
The Effect of Using Group Discussion Methods on the Learning Outcomes of Economic Paper Working Materials in Class XII of Angkola Barat 1 High School
Wardani, Marita Kusuma
The Audit Quality: An Empirical Study of Indonesian Banking Company
Wardi, Yunia
The Effect of Brand Image, Service Quality, Relationship Marketing on Satisfaction to Increase Students Loyalty Nurul Fikri in Padang City
Wardi, Yunia
The Effect of Service Quality, Price, and Brand Image on the Decision of Using Go-Jek Online Transportation in Padang
Wardi, Yunia
The Impact of Tourist Engagement and Tourist Satisfaction on Tourist Loyalty: A Literature Review
Widayat, Prama
High School Student Considerations in Choosing Economic Faculty in Private Colleges at Pekanbaru City
Widjaja, Sri Umi Mintarti
Revitalization Strategy of Traditional Markets: A Case Study in Malang
Yahya, Muhammad
The Transformation of Economic Structure in Gowa Regency
Yani, Sona Rahmada
The Effect of Social Media, Digital Learning Resources, and Learning Motivation on Digital Native Learning Outcomes in SMAN 2 Painan
The Relations Interpersonal Communication and Work Environment to Work Satisfaction: Openness to Experience as a Moderator Approach
Yeni, Isra
The Potency of fish cultivation’s development in Agam Regency of West Sumatera
Yoda, Tilawatil Ciseta
Tax Revenue Inequality Analysis Using Williamson Index (Comparison Between Cities in West Sumatera Province-Indonesia)
Yoda, Tilawatil Ciseta
Regional Financial Independence Inequality Analysis Using Williamson Index: Comparison between Regencies in West Sumatera – Indonesia
The Implementation of ICARE Learning Model to Improve Professional Competence of Students as Economics Pre-Service Teachers in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0: A Literature Review
The Effect of Store Atmosphere, Product Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Electronic Word of Mouth on Customer Loyalty in Gubuk Coffee Padang
Yuniarsih, Tjutju
The Influence of Knowledge Management Mediation and Work Motivation on Leadership and Organizational Task Performance
Yurianda, Diyo
The Effect of Capital Structure and Intellectual Capital on Corporate Value with Financial Performance as Intervening Variable
Potential Study and Strategy of Enhancement Local Tax in Bungo Regency
Zen, Fadia
The Effect of Discount Price on Purchasing Intentions Through Consumer’s Perceived Risk in the Flash Sale Program at Shopee
Zevaya, Faradina
Potential Study and Strategy of Enhancement Local Tax in Bungo Regency
Zevaya, Faradina
Analysis of Human Capital, Infrastructure Spending Allocations, Economy Openness, and Formation of Fixed Capital on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Zona, Mega Asri
The Long Defining Factor of Undergraduate Students’ Term of Study on Economic Faculty Students of Universitas Negeri Padang
Zona, Mega Asri
Innovation and Employee Creativity in Hospitality Industry in West Sumatra
Analysis of Human Capital, Infrastructure Spending Allocations, Economy Openness, and Formation of Fixed Capital on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Zulvia, Yolandafitri
Capital Structure, Ownership Structure, and Firm Size: It’s Implication on Agency Cost (A Study in Indonesia Manufacturing Company)
fitria, Anggi
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach Module with Group Settings to Reduce Youth Consumptive Behavior
kuniawati, Tri
Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Teacher Competence and Self-Efficacy on Economic Learning Achievement
wulandari, Arik
Archive Management in the Digital Age: Development of Village Administration Systems