Proceedings of the World Conference on Governance and Social Sciences (WCGSS 2023)
363 authors
- Hatimah, Andi Husnul
- Shamans and Democracy: An Analysis of the Shaman’s Role in the 2019 Village Chief Election in Pasir Putih Village
- Hermansyah, Andi Marwah
- Analysis of the Potential Development of Waste Power Generation (PLTSa) Program in the Long Term
- Hidayat, Andi Rahmat
- Community-Based Urban Violence Mapping
- Hidayat, Andi Rahmat Nizar
- Government Supervision Overcomes Fertilizer Scarcity at The Bone Regency Horticulture and Plantation Food Crops Service
- Hidayat, Ikhsan
- The Development of Tourist Destinations in Increasing Local Revenue in Gowa District
- Hidayatullah, Fauzan
- Bibliometric Analysis: the Graphic Growth of Digital Literacy Research on the Scopus Database in Southeast Asia
- Hijjang, Pawennari
- Respons of Indigenous Community Towards the Plan of Carbon Forest Kahayan in Central Kalimantan
- Hijjang, Pawennari
- Sibaliparriq: Study on The Resilience of Farmers’ Families in Lampoko Village, Campalagian District, Polewali Mandar Regency, Indonesia
- Hijjang, Pawennari
- Socio-Cultural and Ecological Dynamics of Local Communities in the Face of Karst Transformation During the Anthropocene Era (Case Study Rammang-Rammang Area of Maros)
- Hijriah, Hijriah
- Becoming a Hafiz: How a Santri becomes a Quran Memorizer in Majelis Qurra Wal Huffaz, Kabupaten Bone Sengkang
- Hudaya, Zuhdan Ali
- Analysis of Leadership Style and Digital Transformation in Banyumas Villages
- Humaizi, Humaizi
- The Role of Community Radio in Multicultural Integration
- Humaizi, Humaizi
- The Important of Discovering Communication Values in the Internalization of Corporate Culture: The Case of “AKHLAK” Indonesian State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)
- Humaizi, Humaizi
- Student Character Building in the Era of Digital Transformation
- Humaizi, Humaizi
- Netnography Study on Reverse Culture Shock and Re-Adaptation Process Among Content Creator on Youtube Channel
- Husni, A. Hasyim Asyari Amir
- Organizing Civil Society: Case Study of the Formation of Democratic Volunteers to Increasing Voter Participation in Gowa Regency
- Hussein, Ananda Sabil
- The effect of experience quality on achievement of training and its impact on customer loyalty: case study at training and learning center ‘X’ Institution in Local Government
- Ibrahim, Muhammad Akmal
- Borderline Trust: Dynamics of Political Public Confidence in an Indonesian Border Society
- Ibrahim, Muhammad Akmal
- Transparency and Accountability in the Management of BOS Funds at SMP 17 Makassar: Public Administration Perspective
- Ihsan, Nur
- Community-Based Urban Violence Mapping
- Imran, Muhammad
- Populism in Politics is a Global Phenomenon and a Challenge to Democracy
- Indar, Indar
- Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in The Environmental Field of PT JAS MULIA in Minangatallu Village, Sukamaju Sub-District, North Luwu District
- Indar, Nur Indrayati Nur
- Transparency and Accountability in the Management of BOS Funds at SMP 17 Makassar: Public Administration Perspective
- Indrayanto, Adi
- Analysis of Leadership Style and Digital Transformation in Banyumas Villages
- Irawan, Andi Lukman
- Social-Ecological Awareness and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Ecotourism Political Paradigm
- Irwan, A. Lukman
- Revitalizing Urban Slum through Community-Based Program: Evidence from Makassar, Indonesia
- Irwan, A. Lukman
- Analysis of New Public Services at the Investment Office One-Stop Integrated Service Labor and Transmigration of Soppeng District
- Irwan, A. Lukman
- Implementation and Impact of Investment Policy on Regional Development in Batam City
- Irwan, Andi Lukman
- Water Governance: Case of Clean Water Supply in the City of Makassar
- Irwan, Lukman
- Accountability of Regional Tax Management in Sinjai District
- Irwanto, Irwanto
- The Evolution of Mass Media: the Significance and Influence of Automated Journalism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
- Irwanto, Irwanto
- Challenges Faced by Graphic Designers in Developing Brand Communication within the Realm of Artificial Intelligence
- Ishak, Moh. Yusuf
- Analysis of Governance in Public Services of the Department of Population and Civil Registration in Bolaang Mongondow Regency
- Isir, Otten Marsun
- Merit System in Bureaucracy: Study of Employee Placement Based on Job Analysis at Politeknik STIA LAN Makassar
- Ismail, Ahmad
- Peer-Review Statements
- Ismail, Ahmad
- Respons of Indigenous Community Towards the Plan of Carbon Forest Kahayan in Central Kalimantan
- Ismail, Ahmad
- Kafa’ah Nasab: The Ethnographic Study of Marriage in the Alawiyyin Group
- Ismail, Ahmad
- Communication Accommodation Strategies of Non-Mappi Communities towards Indigenous People of Mappi District
- Isra, Andi Batara
- Islamic Acculturation and Ethnography of Maddoa Tradition in Samaenre Village Community, Mattiro Sompe District, Pinrang Regency
- Isra, Andi Batara
- Becoming a Hafiz: How a Santri becomes a Quran Memorizer in Majelis Qurra Wal Huffaz, Kabupaten Bone Sengkang
- Jabbar, Andi Ridha Aulia Ar
- Review of Environmental Political Theory on Environmental Policy in Indonesia
- Jabbar, Jabbar
- Variety of Female Politicians in Polewali Mandar in Political Imagery on Facebook
- Jihad, Suryani
- Transparency and Accountability in the Management of BOS Funds at SMP 17 Makassar: Public Administration Perspective
- Juliastri, Rika
- The Involvement of Walhi Region of South Sulawesi in Environmental Politics Against the Polemic of the Lae-Lae Island Reclamation Plan
- Junedi, Junedi
- The Factor of Household Head’s Education in Child Marriage in Southeast Sulawesi
- Kahar, Kahar
- Interpersonal Communication between Parents and Children Due to Divorce in Gorontalo City
- Kahar, Kahar
- Resilience of Children Growing Up with Single Parent (Study of Symbolic Interactionism)
- Kahar, Kahar
- Communication Privacy Management of Annyabbu Pangngiori Tradition in Bontosunggu Village, South Bontonompo District, Gowa Regency
- Kambo, Gustiana
- Tourism Politics: Symptom of Conflict of Interest in Development of Tourism Villages in East Bolaang Mongondow Regency
- Kambo, Gustiana
- Kinship Politics in the 2020 Regional Elections in Pasangkayu Regency
- Kambo, Gustiana
- Strengthening Bawaslu on The Legitimacy of Local Democracy in South Sulawesi Case Study of Gowa Regional Election In 2020
- Kambo, Gustiana
- The Power Of Political Party Elites In Determining The Nomination Pairs Of Regional Head Candidates
- Kambo, Gustiana A
- Ilham Arif Sirajuddin (IAS) and the Tenuous Relationship between Politicians and Political Parties
- Kambo, Gustiana A.
- Continuity of Buton Sultanate Leadership Values in Baubau City Development Vision and Mission
- Karim, Syahrir
- Islamic Mass Organizations: Ideological Networks and Political Movements
- Karmila, Andi
- Identify and Analyze Efforts to Preserve the Local Values of Cultural Traditions “Madduppa” in Sidrap
- Karnay, Sudirman
- Variety of Female Politicians in Polewali Mandar in Political Imagery on Facebook
- Kasim, Sinta Nurul Oktaviana
- Developing School-Based Mechanism for Handling and Referral of Child Protection Cases through Co-Design Process
- Kasmini, Nini
- Analysis of Social Penetration of Bajo and Bugis Ethnic Marriage Couples (Interpersonal Communication Study)
- Kasnawi, M. Tahir
- The Factor of Household Head’s Education in Child Marriage in Southeast Sulawesi
- Kembara, Jayana Suryana
- Respons of Indigenous Community Towards the Plan of Carbon Forest Kahayan in Central Kalimantan
- Kembara, Jayana Suryana
- Socio-Cultural and Ecological Dynamics of Local Communities in the Face of Karst Transformation During the Anthropocene Era (Case Study Rammang-Rammang Area of Maros)
- Kembara, Jayana Suryana
- Islamic Acculturation and Ethnography of Maddoa Tradition in Samaenre Village Community, Mattiro Sompe District, Pinrang Regency
- Kurniasari, Riska
- Implementation and Impact of Investment Policy on Regional Development in Batam City
- Kurniawati, Dewi
- Communication Barriers in Disaster Resilient Villages
- Kurniawati, Dewi
- Tourism Communication of Village Government and Community Based Tourism Destination Development In Hilisataro Nandisa Village, South Nias Regions
- Kurniawati, Dewi
- The Function of Public Relations in Dealing with Hoaxes
- Lampe, Munsi
- Sibaliparriq: Study on The Resilience of Farmers’ Families in Lampoko Village, Campalagian District, Polewali Mandar Regency, Indonesia
- Lampe, Munsi
- Online Credit Culture of University Students at XYZ Credit Apps
- Latief, Das’ad
- Utilization of Websites as a Public Communication Strategy in Disseminating Religious Moderation (Case Study: Indonesian Ministry of Religion)
- Latief, Muh Iqbal
- Poverty Trap of Seaweed Farmers in South Sulawesi Province
- Latuheru, Rido Dominggus
- The Evolution of Mass Media: the Significance and Influence of Automated Journalism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
- Lubis, Lusiana A.
- The Role of Community Radio in Multicultural Integration
- Lubis, Suwardi
- Communication Barriers in Disaster Resilient Villages
- Luhur, Luhur
- Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility in The Environmental Field of PT JAS MULIA in Minangatallu Village, Sukamaju Sub-District, North Luwu District
- Magfirah, Magfirah
- Communication Privacy Management of Annyabbu Pangngiori Tradition in Bontosunggu Village, South Bontonompo District, Gowa Regency
- Malik, Muhammad Kurniawan
- Bureaucratic Politicization in the Era of Regional Direct Elections
- Mamonto, Sam Sachrul
- Tourism Politics: Symptom of Conflict of Interest in Development of Tourism Villages in East Bolaang Mongondow Regency
- Marhaini, Marhaini
- Designing a Web Service Based Recording Application at Asia Farm
- Mario, Mario
- Job Inclusion: Opportunities and Barriers for People with Disabilities
- Marissangan, Hasbi
- Job Inclusion: Opportunities and Barriers for People with Disabilities
- Marissangan, Hasbi
- Remodeling Sustainable Development Pillar Based on the Bugis Local Wisdom
- Marissangan, Hasbi
- Transactional Politics In 2020 North Toraja Elections: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective
- Masjaya
- Problems with Energy Security and Environment in Maritime Border of Timor Leste
- Mau, Muliadi
- Gigolo Communication Patterns in Online Prostitution on Social Media
- Mau, Muliadi
- Political Communication Strategy for South Sulawesi Provincial DPRD Members through Social Media in the 2019 Election
- Mau, Muliadi
- Analysis of Photojournalism in Branding Candidates for Regent of Kolaka Regency 2024
- Meganingratna, Andi
- Security and Environment Concern of Energy Cooperation Between China and Myanmar
- Misi, Muh. Rais
- Developing School-Based Mechanism for Handling and Referral of Child Protection Cases through Co-Design Process
- Mudiyati, H.
- Political Review of the Development of New Renewable Energy Sources by European Countries at Tolo Wind Farm, Jeneponto
- Mugiono, Mugiono
- The effect of experience quality on achievement of training and its impact on customer loyalty: case study at training and learning center ‘X’ Institution in Local Government
- Muhaimin, Muhammad Nur
- Implementation and Impact of Investment Policy on Regional Development in Batam City
- Muhammad, A. Y.
- Local Political Dynamics of Natural Resource Exploration: A Case Study of Nickel Mining in Sulawesi Island
- Muhammad, Muhammad
- Analysis of the Potential Development of Waste Power Generation (PLTSa) Program in the Long Term
- Muhammad, Muhammad
- Tourism Politics: Symptom of Conflict of Interest in Development of Tourism Villages in East Bolaang Mongondow Regency
- Muhammad, Rahmat
- Job Inclusion: Opportunities and Barriers for People with Disabilities
- Muhammad, Rahmat
- Youth’s Decision to Work in the Agricultural Sector Determinants: Case of Bima Regency 2022
- Muharram, Ardan
- Gigolo Communication Patterns in Online Prostitution on Social Media
- Mundi, Moris
- Shifting Government Policies Toward Foreign Workers in an Effort to Boost Economic Growth
- Munzier, Dhiya’ Zielfita
- The Evolution of Mass Media: the Significance and Influence of Automated Journalism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence