Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Accounting, Management and Economics (ICAME-7 2022)

183 authors
Analysis of the Effect of Non-cash Payment Transactions, Inflation, Interest Rate on the Money Supply in Indonesia During the Pandemic Covid-19
Nohong, Mursalim
The Antecedents of Employee Performance in Public Service Quality: Case Study in Local Government of Tangerang City
Nohong, Mursalim
Period of Pentahelix Collaborative Participation
Nohong, Mursalim
The Influence of Leadership Style, Competence of the Employee, and the Application of E-Government on the Performance of the Employee in the Tangerang City Government
Nohong, Mursalim
The Influence of Discipline, Motivation, and Leadership Style on the Performance of Employees of Perumda Tirta Benteng Tangerang City
Nohong, Mursalim
Asset Sustainability as Determinant of State-Owned Enterprise Financial Sustainability
Nohong, Mursalim
Influence of Income, Business Expenses, and Business Capital on Net Profit of Business
Nohong, Mursalim
The Relationship of Leadership Style to Employee Performance: A Schematic Literature Review
Noor, Aris Setia
Influence of Income, Business Expenses, and Business Capital on Net Profit of Business
Nugraha, Rakhmat Prima
Peer-Review Statements
Nurqamar, Insany Fitri
Peer-Review Statements
Nurqamar, Insany Fitri
Fraud Diamond Analysis and Its Effect on Commiting Sobis in the Sidrap District
Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance Based on Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture
Analysis of Factors Affecting Income of Songkok Recca Business SME’S in Bone Regency
Paddu, Abdul Hamid
Foreign Investment Intervention on Economic Growth in Indonesia
Pagalung, Gagaring
Employee Satisfaction: Service Profit Chain Approach in Tourism Destination
Pahlevi, Cepi
Analysis of Firm Value Through Intellectual Capital, Capital Structure, and Competitive Advantage Intervenin in Companies Coal Mining in Indonesia
Parawansa, Dian As
Role of Marketing Orientation and Marketing Assets in Improving Sustainable Business Performance of Private Colleges in Maluku
Patigai, Hema Maline
Fraud Diamond Analysis and Its Effect on Commiting Sobis in the Sidrap District
Patiiha, Muzayanah
Comparison of Inventory Control Using the Periodic Method in PT. Rajawali Nusindo Branch of Sorong City, West Papua
Payangan, Otto Randa
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Company Performance
Pono, Maat
The Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Company Performance
Pono, Maat
The Influence of Intellectual Capital on the Financial Performance of Property and Real Estate Sector Companies
Pono, Maat
Analysis of Green Marketing and Performance of Environmentally Friendly Based SMEs in South Sulawesi
Prihatini, Dewi
Description of Local Wisdom Culture “Waja Sampai Kaputing” in Palm Oil Companies in Banjarmasin
Qomariah, Nurul
Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance Based on Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture
Rahayu, Duwi
Analysis of Publishing Information and Popular Topics of Tax Accounting Periodical Issues in Indonesia
Rahim, Fauzi R.
Financial Literacy as a Supporting Factor for Sustainability MSMEs in Samarinda City
Rahmadi, Saiful
The Effect of State Openness and Institutional Economy on Economic Growth in ASEAN Countries: An Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model
Rakhmawan, Ato
The Effect of Fiscal Decentralization, Financial Performance and Human Development Index on Economic Growth in Makassar City for the 2011–2021 Period
Ramadhani, Rezky
Correlation Analysis Between Accounting Information and Daily Twitter’s Happiness Sentiment on Stock Return
Reni, Andi
Are Lecturers Agile?: Analysis the Agility of Lecturers’ Teaching Role as Human Resources in Private Universities
Reni, Andi
The Influence of Intellectual Capital on the Financial Performance of Property and Real Estate Sector Companies
Reviane, Indraswati Tri Abdi
Patterns of International Capital Flows in Indonesia
Ridolloh, R. Rizal
Implementation of Integrated District Administrative Services (Patent) Policy in the Order of Improving the Quality of Public Services in Cipondoh District, Tangerang City
Rohaeti, Yeti
Analysis of E-Government Implementation on Organizational Performance
The Effect of State Openness and Institutional Economy on Economic Growth in ASEAN Countries: An Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model
Ryketeng, Masdar
Implementation of Management Accounting Practices in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
The Effect of Regional Original Income, Special Allocation Funds and General Allocation Funds on Economic Growth in Makassar City for the 2010–2021 Period
Saffrudin, Moch
The Relationship of Leadership Style to Employee Performance: A Schematic Literature Review
Salenussa, Stenly
Role of Marketing Orientation and Marketing Assets in Improving Sustainable Business Performance of Private Colleges in Maluku
Sampepajung, Daniella Cynthia
Peer-Review Statements
Factors Affecting Fisherman’s Income in Bone Regency
Sanosra, Abadi
Analysis of the Effect of Influencer and Social Media Engagement on Sales Level with Brand Image as Intervening Variable(Study on the Coffee Industry in Banyuwangi)
Sanusi, Abdullah
Efficiency of the Intermediation Function of Regional Development Bank (BPD) in Indonesia
Fraud Diamond Analysis and Its Effect on Commiting Sobis in the Sidrap District
The Relations of Organizational Culture and Job Satisfaction with Employee Performance Capabilities in the Pakuan Jaya Market Area Company, Bogor City
Sobarsyah, Muhammad
Asset Sustainability as Determinant of State-Owned Enterprise Financial Sustainability
Sobarsyah, Muhammad
Efficiency of the Intermediation Function of Regional Development Bank (BPD) in Indonesia
Sobarsyah, Muhammad
Influence of Income, Business Expenses, and Business Capital on Net Profit of Business
Soniawan, Tubagus Sani
Analysis of the Implementation of the Pentahelix Model as a Way Out to Save Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) During Covid 19 in Tangerang City
Sophian, Tihar
Strategy for Optimizing Urban Waste Management Based on Industrialization Technology: Optimization Strategy for Urban Waste Management Based on Industrialization Technology
Sudirman, Indrianty
Role of Marketing Orientation and Marketing Assets in Improving Sustainable Business Performance of Private Colleges in Maluku
Suhaely, Achmad
The Antecedents of Employee Performance in Public Service Quality: Case Study in Local Government of Tangerang City
Sultan, Nurul Fahmi
Analysis the Effect of Internal Control and Whistleblowing System in Fraud Prevention with Ethical Climate as Moderator
Employee Performance Improvement Based on Talent Management
Sundari, Sri
Analysis of Z Generations Toward Stock Investment Intention: Testing the Theory of Planned Behavior
Strategy for Optimizing Urban Waste Management Based on Industrialization Technology: Optimization Strategy for Urban Waste Management Based on Industrialization Technology
Susanti, Dwi
Analysis of the Effect of Influencer and Social Media Engagement on Sales Level with Brand Image as Intervening Variable(Study on the Coffee Industry in Banyuwangi)
Syahzaeni, Taufik
The Architectural Migration of Investment Sectors – Case Study Tangerang City; Airport City
The Effect of Financial Distress and Free Cash Flow on Earnings Management with Quality of Audit as a Moderator
Taba, Muhammad Idrus
The Effect of Internal Communication on the Performance of Lecturers at Doctoral University Husni Ingratubun (Uningrat) Tual
Thamrin, Muhammad
Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance Based on Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture
Thamrin, Muhammad
The Effect of Transactional Leadership and Transformational Leadership on Innovative Behavior
Tikson, Shinta Dewi Sugiharti
Analysis of University Culture Using the OCAI Instrument
Toaha, Muhammad
Are Lecturers Agile?: Analysis the Agility of Lecturers’ Teaching Role as Human Resources in Private Universities
Touwely, Godprit Haris
Employee Performance Improvement Based on Talent Management
Ulfa, Sri
Fraud Diamond Analysis and Its Effect on Commiting Sobis in the Sidrap District
Umar, Fauziah
How Leadership Style, Commitment, Work Climate, and Work Motivation Affect on Satisfaction and Performance
Employee Performance Improvement Based on Talent Management
Waly, Nur Aeni
Comparison of Inventory Control Using the Periodic Method in PT. Rajawali Nusindo Branch of Sorong City, West Papua
Wardhany, Mugiya
The Participation and Budget Clarity Effect on Government Agencies Accountability Performance with Culture and Work Commitment as Moderating Variables
Wawo, Andi
The Effect of Financial Distress and Free Cash Flow on Earnings Management with Quality of Audit as a Moderator
Wibhawa, Kiki
Analysis of Calculation of Regional Taxes (PBB-P2 and BPHTB) on Increasing Native Regional Income
Wibowo, Agus
Optimization Strategy of Transportation System Development in Improving City Competitiveness
Wibowo, Harry Adi
Effective Leadership’s Role in Facilitating Change in Organizations Through Improvement and Innovation
Widodo, Heri
Analysis of Publishing Information and Popular Topics of Tax Accounting Periodical Issues in Indonesia
Wiguna, Putu Kartika Saraswati
Improvement of Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance Based on Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture
Wismansyah, Arief Rahadiono
Assessing the Success of the E-Government System in Terms of the Quality of Public Services: A Case Study in the Regional Government of the City of Tangerang
Yasir, Alamsyah
Efficiency of the Intermediation Function of Regional Development Bank (BPD) in Indonesia
Yusuf, Nurhaya
The Influence of Intellectual Capital on the Financial Performance of Property and Real Estate Sector Companies
Zaenal, M.
Identification of MSMEs Digital Economy Accessibility as Competitiveness Before and After Covid-19 in Gowa Regency
Zuriantomy, Busmart
Analysis of Risk Management and Performance of SOEs in Infrastructure Services During COVID-19