Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM 2020)

208 authors
Lumbantobing, Rudolf
The Mediating Effect of Enterprise Risk Management on the Determinant Factors of Firm Value
Ly-Le, Tuong-Minh
Assessing Entrepreneurial Motivations: From the Perspectives of Vietnamese Founders in the Public Relations Industry
Marchellina, Vienna
Financial Ratio and Company Characteristics Effect on Earnings Management
Determinants of Brand Loyalty: Survey of Wardah Cosmetics Consumer in Jabodetabek, Indonesia
Maulana, Johan
A Study on Human Resource in a General Directorate in the Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture
Merawati, Endang Etty
The Analysis of Factors in Increasing Patient Satisfaction in Hospital
Mularsih, Heni
Behind the Pattern: Maintaining the Sustainability of Local Cultural Wisdom in Batik Entrepreneurial Sector
The Perception of Individual Taxpayers in Jakarta Towards Tax Compliance with Tax Attitude as a Moderating Variable
Natsir, Khairina
The Role of Intellectual Capital in Increasing Company Value with Profitability as an Intervening Variable
Natsir, Khairina
Using Quality Cycle in Maintaining the Quality and Performance of Small-Scale Herbal Enterprises
Nawawi, M. Tony
The Effects of Retail-Mix Strategy on Performance and Competitive Advantage
Nguyen, Phuoc-Thien
The Influence of Social Capital on Expatriates’ Adjustment: The Moderating Effects of Work-Role Demand and Work-Family Conflict
Nugroho, Michael Adhi
Consumer Tribalism in Buying Decision Role
Nuringsih, Kartika
Behind the Pattern: Maintaining the Sustainability of Local Cultural Wisdom in Batik Entrepreneurial Sector
Nuringsih, Kartika
Using Quality Cycle in Maintaining the Quality and Performance of Small-Scale Herbal Enterprises
Nuryasman, M. N.
Behind the Pattern: Maintaining the Sustainability of Local Cultural Wisdom in Batik Entrepreneurial Sector
Nuryasman, M. N.
Periodic Revenue Fluctuation Among Listed Companies in Property and Real Estate Sub-Sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Onasie, Vania
Gender and Millennials in Indonesian Capital Market
Pamungkas, Ary Satria
The Role of Financial Behavior, Financial Attitude, Financial Strain, and Risk Tolerance in Explaining Financial Satisfaction
Pamungkas, Ary Satria
Consumer Intention Index in Batik Industry Using Structural Equation Modeling
Parmin, Yohanes
A Study on Human Resource in a General Directorate in the Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture
Pertiwi, Setya Ambar
Empal Gentong and Culinary Culture
Pratama, Viter
Family Firm and Capital Expenditure
Priscillia, Melissa
The Effects of Website Design Quality and Service Quality on Repurchase Intention Among Shopee Customers in Jakarta, with Customer Trust as a Mediating Variable
Pujiastuti, Natalia Sari
A Study of SMEs’ Retention Marketing During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Puspitowati, Ida
Analysis of Leading Sectors and the Role of MSMEs in the Kedungsepur Development Area in Supporting Central Java Economy
Puspitowati, Ida
A Study of SMEs’ Retention Marketing During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Rahardjo, Thea Herawati
Analysis of Investment Decision Making Through Overconfidence, Herding Effect, and Self-Monitoring Variable During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
Rahardjo, Thea Herawati
The Effects of Retail-Mix Strategy on Performance and Competitive Advantage
Rasyid, Ardiansyah
Family Firm and Capital Expenditure
Retnaningsih, Ch.
The Resilience of SMEs Facing Pandemic: A Case Study of Processed Seafood Products in Pekalongan City, Indonesia
Retnawati, Berta Bekti
The Resilience of SMEs Facing Pandemic: A Case Study of Processed Seafood Products in Pekalongan City, Indonesia
The Effects of Retail-Mix Strategy on Performance and Competitive Advantage
Rodhiah, Rodhiah
Using Quality Cycle in Maintaining the Quality and Performance of Small-Scale Herbal Enterprises
Rorlen, Rorlen
The Effects of Capital Adequacy, Credit Risk, and Liquidity Risk on Banks’ Financial Distress in Indonesia
Ruswidiono, Wasisto
How Social Media are Successfully Transforming the Marketing of Local Street Food to Better Serve the Constantly-Connected Digital Consumer
Salim, Susanto
Factors Affecting Financial Shenanigans in the Perspective of Fraud Triangle: An Empirical Study Among Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Sander, Ongky Alex
Factors Affecting Consumer Attitude to Shop at Miniso
Santioso, Linda
Factors That Influence the Tax Compliance: An Empirical Study Among Individual Taxpayers as Business Owners in West Jakarta
Saparso, Saparso
The Influence of Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate Mediated by Motivation on Employee Performance in PT Talenta Wirama Berkat
Sapriya, Sapriya
The Perceptions of Building Students’ Social Entrepreneurship in a Higher Education Context
Selamat, Frangky
Brand Salience, Brand Association, Brand Quality, and Brand Value to Predict Brand Loyalty Among the Tourists of Mount Bromo, East Java, Indonesia
Selamat, Frangky
Sustainable Entrepreneurship in SMEs: The Case of Creative-Industry SMEs in Jambi, Indonesia
Setijaningsih, Herlin Tundjung
Locus of Control as an Intervening Variable Towards the Behavior of Financial Management
Setyawan, Ignatius Roni
The Determinants of Stock Return Using by Fama and French Three Factor Model (FF3FM) in IDX
Shieunt-Han, Tsai
Pet Business Opportunities and Sharing Economy in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Sihombing, Sabrina O.
The Identification of Personal Values and Buying Behavior of Youth During Covid-19 Pandemic in the Indonesian Context
Siregar, Siti Rahma
The Institutionalization of New Public Management (NPM) on Indonesia Healthcare and Social Security Agency
Siswanto, Halim Putera
The Effects of Capital Adequacy, Credit Risk, and Liquidity Risk on Banks’ Financial Distress in Indonesia
Siswanto, Halim Putera
Factors Affecting Financial Shenanigans in the Perspective of Fraud Triangle: An Empirical Study Among Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Siswanto, Halim Putera
The Effect of Audit Committee Size, Independent Commissioner Size, and Shareholder Equity Ratio on Financial Distress Avoidance: A Study on Public Companies in Manufacturing Sector Listed in IDX During 2015-2017
Soelaiman, Lydiawati
Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition Among Food and Beverage SMEs
Soniawati, Neng Ida
The Institutionalization of New Public Management (NPM) on Indonesia Healthcare and Social Security Agency
Subroto, Wilson
The Determinants of Stock Return Using by Fama and French Three Factor Model (FF3FM) in IDX
The Impact of IFRS 16 (PSAK 73) Implementation on Key Financial Ratios: An Evidence from Indonesia
Suhendah, Rousilita
TQM, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovation, and Organizational Performance in Indonesian Palm-Oil Industry
Sungkar, Vita Vanessa Angelina
Factors Affecting the Value of Non-Financial Companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Supriatna, Nana
The Perceptions of Building Students’ Social Entrepreneurship in a Higher Education Context
Supriyadi, Edy
The Analysis of Factors in Increasing Patient Satisfaction in Hospital
Susanti, Merry
The Impact of IFRS 16 (PSAK 73) Implementation on Key Financial Ratios: An Evidence from Indonesia
Susilawaty, Lilis
The Impact of Consumer-Brand Engagement on Smartphone’s Brand Loyalty in Indonesia
Susilo, Sophia Reni
How Family Business in SME Scale Alleviate Their Business Amid Pandemic
Tampubolon, Lambok D. R.
The Influence of Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate Mediated by Motivation on Employee Performance in PT Talenta Wirama Berkat
Factors Affecting Consumer Attitude to Shop at Miniso
Tanuwijaya, Helvenni
The Effect of Financial Performance and Intellectual Capital on Firm Value with CSR as a Mediating Variable in Banking Industry
Tecoalu, Melitina
The Effect of Spirituality on Turnover Intention Mediated by Employee Engagement
Teng, Phuah Kit
Food Security Through Entomophagy
Teoh, Ai-Ping
The Adoption of Big Data Analytics Among Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises During Covid-19 Crisis in Malaysia
Tjaraka, Heru
The Competitive Strategy of SMEs in Digital Era
Tjokrosaputro, Miharni
The Roles of CSR and Marketing Ethics in FMCG Company’s Reputation During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Trisnawati, Estralita
The Accounting Educators’ Perceptions of Integrated Reporting
Trisnawati, Estralita
The Effect of Accounting Irregularities Toward Tax Aggressiveness Before and After the Tax Amnesty
Trisnawati, Estralita
Tax-Saving Components on Tax Disclosures
Tunjungsari, Hetty Karunia
Sustainable Entrepreneurship in SMEs: The Case of Creative-Industry SMEs in Jambi, Indonesia
Tunjungsari, Hetty Karunia
The Mediating Role of Work Satisfaction in the Effect of Professional Identity and Organizational Support on the Intention to Quit from Work
Valencia, Yunita
Locus of Control as an Intervening Variable Towards the Behavior of Financial Management
Veronica, Agnessia
Factors that Influence the Auditors in Issuing Qualified Opinion
Vidia, Johana Maria Angela Prima
The Influence of Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate Mediated by Motivation on Employee Performance in PT Talenta Wirama Berkat
Vu, Minh-Quan
The Influence of Social Capital on Expatriates’ Adjustment: The Moderating Effects of Work-Role Demand and Work-Family Conflict
Waei, Ow Mun
Food Security Through Entomophagy
Wahyoedi, Soegeng
The Effect of Spirituality on Turnover Intention Mediated by Employee Engagement
Wahyuni, Ayu Endah
The Development of TRAM Model for Blockchain Use Readiness Among MSMEs in Indonesia
Wai, Khoong Tai
Food Security Through Entomophagy
Wang, Chieh-Ming
Preliminary Study of Factors Affecting the Training Performance in Property Management Companies
Wardhana, Ali
The Impact of Consumer-Brand Engagement on Smartphone’s Brand Loyalty in Indonesia
Widayati, Tri
Analysis of Leading Sectors and the Role of MSMEs in the Kedungsepur Development Area in Supporting Central Java Economy
Widayati, Tri
A Study of SMEs’ Retention Marketing During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Widjaya, Hannes
The Effects of Website Design Quality and Service Quality on Repurchase Intention Among Shopee Customers in Jakarta, with Customer Trust as a Mediating Variable
Widoatmodjo, Sawidji
Gender and Millennials in Indonesian Capital Market
The Perception of Individual Taxpayers in Jakarta Towards Tax Compliance with Tax Attitude as a Moderating Variable
Wijaya, Andreas
How Family Business in SME Scale Alleviate Their Business Amid Pandemic
Wijaya, Henryanto
Factors That Affect the Financial Performance of Family-Owned Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Wijaya, Henryanto
Factors Affecting Financial Shenanigans in the Perspective of Fraud Triangle: An Empirical Study Among Manufacturing Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Wijaya, Novia
Tax Avoidance: A Study of Non-Financial Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Wilson, Nicholas
The Role of Consumers’ Perceived Risk and Sales Promotion Towards Consumers’ Intention to Visit in the Fast-Food Restaurant Sector During the Current COVID-19 Pandemic
Wilson, Nicholas
The Effect of Brand Image, Website Quality, and Trust Towards Customer Loyalty in the Indonesian Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) E-Commerce Business
Wilson, Nicholas
The Impact of Brand Image Towards Loyalty in the Indonesian Smartphone Sector: The Role of Trust as an Intervening Variable
Winarta, Stella
The Role of Financial Behavior, Financial Attitude, Financial Strain, and Risk Tolerance in Explaining Financial Satisfaction
Winoto Tj, Hery
The Influence of Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate Mediated by Motivation on Employee Performance in PT Talenta Wirama Berkat
Wiyanto, Hendra
The Effects of Website Design Quality and Service Quality on Repurchase Intention Among Shopee Customers in Jakarta, with Customer Trust as a Mediating Variable