Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Humanities, and Social Science (ICEHoS 2023)
22 articles
Proceedings Article
Peer-Review Statements
Dhea Adhela, Joko Suprapmanto
All of the articles in this proceedings volume have been presented at the 3rd International Conference on Education, Humanities and Social Science (ICeHoS 2023) during November, 09, 2023] in NTU Singapore, Indonesia. These articles have been peer reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee and...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of Science Learning Barriers in Elementary Schools
Pariz Alparuq, Solihin Nurhayat Kolbi, Salsabilla Zahra, Dhea Adela
This research examines the obstacles in learning science in elementary schools and seeks appropriate solutions to overcome these problems. The research method applied in this research is literature review. Despite its importance in the curriculum, science learning is faced with challenges such as the...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of The Relationship Between Parenting Style and Learning Independence of Grade V Elementary School Students
Wilda Widyana, Dea Agustin, Winda Winarti, Joko Suprapmanto
This article aims to determine the role of parenting on children’s learning independence. The research method used is a case study through an event. The analytical technique used in this study is thematic analysis. The objects of research used were 12 5th grade students, teachers and parents. The research...
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Relationship Between Teacher Teaching Style and Experience on Student Discipline
Dewi Puspitasari, Fina Agustina, Ira Rohimah, Joko Suprapmanto
This article aims to determine the relationship between teacher teaching style and experience on student discipline. The method used in this study is a case study. The analytical technique used in this study is thematic analysis. The subjects used in this study were 80 grade 6 students and 40 teachers....
Proceedings Article
Analysis of the Use of Manipulative Media to Understand Mathematical Concepts Elementary School Students
Hasna Fadiyah, Sri Wahyuni, Oktavia Rahmadiani, Fitria Nurulaeni, Dhea Adela
This study aims to analyze the use of manipulative media on elementary school students’ understanding of mathematical concepts. This research method uses literature review, which is a method by reading and recording and managing research material and then concluding research material. Sources of research...
Proceedings Article
Childfree in Islamic Persfective
Herwan Herwan, Jasmansyah Jasmansyah, Harapandi Dahri, Irfan Sofian
This research aims to understand more deeply the Islamic view regarding the Childfree phenomenon. This trend, which has pros and cons among society, is important to study in more depth. This study also aims to find out Childfree law from an Islamic perspective by conducting library research by examining...
Proceedings Article
Efforts to Improve Public Speaking Capability Through Linguistic-Based Learning
Sidinius Hulu, Sumarni P. Ola, Mutiara Azzahra, Teofilus Ardian Hopeman, Joko Supramanto
Public speaking skills are very important and useful and are part of linguistic intelligence, especially in the modern era. These skills are needed in various situations such as social (humanist) situations as unique individuals. Based on the identification of problems in this intelligence (1). To what...
Proceedings Article
Implementation of The Kamis Nyunda Program in Fostering Cultural Literacy Through the Use of Traditional Clothing Policy in School
Annisa Tri Rahmaningsih, Ruwina Nursafitri, Fuji Rahmandayani, Dhea Adela
Indonesia is one of the countries with ethnic and cultural diversity that must always be preserved. Because of the diversity of tribes in Indonesia, it has special characteristics in the manufacture and use of traditional clothing and also has a diversity of languages – local languages. Traditional clothing...
Proceedings Article
Optimization of Science Learning Outcomes of Elementary School Students through the Powtoon Audio Visual Assisted Group Investigation Learning Model (A Literature Study)
Dian Nasrudin, Gias Nuraliah, Muhamad Sandi Hidayat, Joko Suprapmanto, Teofilus Ardian Hopeman
This study focuses on optimizing students’ learning outcomes, particularly in the subject of Natural Sciences (IPA) at the Elementary School (SD) level. Quality education is considered crucial for advancing a nation. However, the integration of technology in education and the evolution of the era have...
Proceedings Article
Perceptions of Principals and Teachers in the Implementation of the Independent Curriculum in Driving Schools at SMAN 1 and SMAN 2 Sukabumi City
Jasmansyah Jasmansyah, Rachmat Mulyana, Mustiali Mustiali, M. Ridwan Fauzi
The curriculum is the core element in shaping the quality of education, determining its direction, and achieving educational goals. The success of education depends on the curriculum’s adaptability to meet the ever-changing needs of students, institutions, and stakeholders. In Indonesia, the Ministry...
Proceedings Article
Strategic Management of The National Narcotics Agency of Sukabumi City in Effort to Prevent Drugs Abuse in Cikole Sub-District Sukabumi City
Hesri Mintawati, Ayi Abdurahman
Cases of trafficking and drug abuse in Sukabumi are increasing every year. Based on data from the Sukabumi City Police and the Sukabumi BNNK (the National Narcotics Agency of Sukabumi City) in 2021, it was found that drug trafficking cases reached 112 cases with a prevalence of 12% compared to the previous...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Quantum Learning Model Assisted by Animation Media on PPKn Learning Outcomes of Class V
Neng Juwita Albela, Sabrina Sabrina, Ulfi Lutfiah Sari, Utomo Utomo
This research is a literature research that aims to investigate the extent of the impact of adopting the Quantum Learning model with the help of animation media as one way to enhance grade V students’ learning results in PPKn topics. Learning outcomes are benchmarks that determine the level of success...
Proceedings Article
The Effect of Using Class V Square Root Board (PAKU) Props at SD Negeri Kuta
Najmah Hisan Kamila, Nabilah Aulia, Anindita Oktaviani, Utomo Utomo
Based on the results of observations that have been made, it has been found that in SD Negri Kuta there is still a lack of understanding related to the basic material of the second power root in mathematics learning. This study used quantitative research methods with pre-experimental design research...
Proceedings Article
The Effectiveness of The SQ3R Method in Learning to Improve Reading Comprehension of Grade IV Elementary School Students
Rizqi Ardiansyah, Ujang Nurzaman, Dalfah Mauliddah Azzahra, Fitria Nurulaeni
This research is a Literature Research that aims to review the extent of the effectiveness and impact of the use of the Survey, Question, Read, Recite/Recall, and Review (SQ3R) learning method as a solution in overcoming reading comprehension problems in grade IV elementary school students. The problem...
Proceedings Article
The Impact of Motivation and Parental Attention on Students’ Science Learning Achievement
Rahma Maulida, Ayang Vina Alvionita, Aprilia Fransisca, Joko Suprapmanto
Parents’ attention and learning motivation are several factors that influence students’ science learning outcomes. Differences in the level of parental attention and learning motivation lead to different learning outcomes between students. The lack of attention received by children will have an impact...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship Between Reading Interest Of BPK PENABUR Sukabumi Elementary School Students And Narrative Writing Skills
Agata Valentin Selawati, Nenden Miranti Agustine, Nursiti Romlah, Utomo Utomo, Teofilus Ardian Hopeman
The importance of reading interest in education has an important role in creating a good literacy culture which will then become a breakthrough that can be made by an educational institution. With an interest in reading, it is hoped that there will be an interest from a person accompanied by strong curiosity...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of Bullying to Self-Confidence Students Through a Humanist Approach
Septi Laila Anjani, Winawati, Cindy Meisya, Teofilus Ardian Hopeman, Dhea Adela, Utomo Utomo
Cases of bullying are phenomena that we often encounter in society, especially the many cases of bullying in schools. Bullying is aggressive behavior in which a person intends to be carried out by a person or group to injure someone who is considered weaker than himself. However, for every problem, there...
Proceedings Article
The Relationship of Family Problems on The Development of Social and Emotional Attitudes of Primary Students
Rindi Mayrinda, Nurhasanah, Siti Maesaroh, Teofilus Ardian Hopeman, Fitria Nurulaeni
For a child, the family is the first non-formal educational institution so that they can live, develop, and gain experience. Every family has its own experience in living its life. Trigger factors in social relations usually occur due to a lack of interaction between family members. Problems in the family...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Professional Allowances on Teacher Performance (Research Case Study of Teacher Professional Education in Office and Mobile Teacher)
Zuliana Dwi Takari, Ai Dalfa, Mutiara Ananda, Utomo Utomo, Yusuf Iskandar
Teacher professional allowance is a form of wages given to certified teachers as a reward for their performance. Professional allowances are of course useful to support their performance. The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has made efforts to improve the welfare of certified teachers...
Proceedings Article
The Role of Teachers in Providing Guidance and Guidance Services to Overcome Elementary School Students’ Learning Problems
Isnawia R. Djou, Elsa Herliana, Nada Putri Suhaendi, Teofilus Ardian Hopeman, Fitria Nurulaeni
This research aims to determine the role of classroom teachers in providing guidance and counseling services to overcome problems experienced by elementary school students. This is known through observations and interviews with class teachers. The problem that occurs is that there are still students...
Proceedings Article
The Role of The Family Environment in Forming Children’s Social Attitudes in Elementary Schools
Alfira Nuralifa, Nita Nita, Dina Zesika Alparizi, Samsul Fahmi, Teofilus Ardian Hopeman
This study aims to describe the role of the family environment in shaping children’s social attitudes at school. Positive social attitudes in children are very important for their development in interacting with others and establishing healthy relationships in society. This study used a qualitative case...
Proceedings Article
The Young Generation as The Bearer of Education and Technology
Setiawati Setiawati, Yudi Yudi
The Development of the young generation in the world of education in the 4.0 era has upheld education in the process of learning to struggle for the nation by the use of technology. Teaching and learning process through learning media developments in technology like the emergence of various learning...