Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2023)

163 authors
Bae, Chang
A Study on the Improvement Plan of Citizens’ Park Through Metaverse Convergence Focusing on the Case of Busan Citizens Park
Cao, Yuxin
An Analysis on Measurement of the Development Level of Digital Economy and Influencing Factors of the Tertiary Industry in Eastern China
Cao, Zedong
Management and Analysis of Chinese Business Information System in the New Era
Chen, Bowei
Analysis and Application of Investment Cost of 10 kV and Below Power Grid Infrastructure Projects
Chen, Jinwen
Analysis of Causation and Future Trends of Service Industry in Hong Kong
Chen, Junyao
Are Formalized Management and Job Transfer the New Solution for the Perfect Fit Between the Street-Stall Economy and the City?
Chen, Su
Disincentive or Incentive? What Role Do Government Subsidies Play for High-Tech Companies in the New “Double-Cycle” Development Model?- The Moderating Role of the Internal Corporate Governance Mechanism
Chen, Weijian
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Overview of Router Architecture in High Performance Computing
Chen, Yu
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Main Problems, Opportunities and Countermeasures of China India Cooperation from the Perspective of Geopolitics
Cheng, Zhihao
The Influence Mechanisms of Policy Guidance on the Innovation Performance of Enterprises: A Case Study on High-Technology Shipbuilding Enterprises
Cheong, Kasoi
Comparison Between the Fama-French Three-Factor Model and the Fama-French Five-Factor Model: An Empirical Study on China’s Stock Market
Cui, Yuan Li
Research on the Demand of Intelligent Accounting Talents for the Development of Digital Economy
Deng, Qingyang
An Analysis of Public Infrastructure Investment and the Thai Economy
Dong, Jian
Research on the Current Situation and Cultivation Path of Financial Literacy of College Students in the New Era
Dou, Xun
Study on the Benefit Evaluation of System Operation and Market Operation After the Participation of Electric-Gas-Heat Multi Energy in the Market
Feng, Jing
Research on the Market Situation and Positioning of the Tequila Industry: A Case Study of Teremana Tequila
Feng, Junshui
A Literature Review of the Impact of Russia Ukraine Conflict on the Global Economy and China’s Countermeasures Under the Background of Agent Strategy
Gao, Weisen
A Study on the Improvement Plan of Citizens’ Park Through Metaverse Convergence Focusing on the Case of Busan Citizens Park
Gao, Yuchen
Research on the Application of CAPM Model in Investment
Geng, Tianzi
Study on the Mechanism of Value Creation Role of Enterprise Digital Transformation: A Theoretical Analysis Framework
Gu, Jiarong
An Analysis of China’s Cosmetics Market: Taking Estee Lauder Companies Inc. as an Example
Gu, Ranran
Are Formalized Management and Job Transfer the New Solution for the Perfect Fit Between the Street-Stall Economy and the City?
Guo, Xiaoxuan
Study on the Mechanism of Value Creation Role of Enterprise Digital Transformation: A Theoretical Analysis Framework
Guo, Yintong
Research on the Current Situation and Cultivation Path of Financial Literacy of College Students in the New Era
Han, Xiaohu
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Overview of Router Architecture in High Performance Computing
Hao, Jie
A Study on the Improvement Plan of Citizens’ Park Through Metaverse Convergence Focusing on the Case of Busan Citizens Park
Hao, Liyang
A Literature Review of the Impact of Russia Ukraine Conflict on the Global Economy and China’s Countermeasures Under the Background of Agent Strategy
He, Yi
Reaching for the Goal: Do Economic Growth Targets Drive FDI Inflows in China?
Hoe, Jia Khang
Adoption of Robo-Advisory Service in the Personal Financial Planning Industry in Australia
Hong, Yidan
Financial Risk Caused by Climate Change and Its Countermeasures
Hu, Jinbo
Monetary System and Economic Situation of Japan from 2013 to 2019
Hu, Xiaoyue
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Urban Governance Dilemma and Countermeasures of Shared Bikes
Hu, Xinping
The Impact of the Global Grain Problem Caused by the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Chinese Grain Market
Hu, Yongquan
Digital Innovation Networks: Theory Building and Future Research
Hu, Zeting
A Literature Review of the Impact of Russia Ukraine Conflict on the Global Economy and China’s Countermeasures Under the Background of Agent Strategy
Huang, Jian
Analysis and Application of Investment Cost of 10 kV and Below Power Grid Infrastructure Projects
Huang, Xiaotong
The Impact of Extreme International Political Conflicts on the Household Consumption Based on Big Data Analysis
Jia, Dingluo
Research on NIO Healthy and Sustainable Development of the Automotive Industry
Jiang, Yumeng
The Impact of the Global Grain Problem Caused by the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Chinese Grain Market
Jiang, Yushi
Peer-Review Statements
Jiang, Yushi
Retraction Note to: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2023)
Jin, Zhexu
Analysis and Outlook of Blockchain Technology Application in China Internet Finance
Ke, Shuzhen
Internet Finance Risk Warning Based on Big Data Analysis from the Perspective of Personal Consumption Finance
Li, Chang
Research on Innovation of Total Quality Management Implementation in Aerospace Manufacturing Enterprises——Based on PDCA Cycle
Li, Feng
The Influence Mechanisms of Policy Guidance on the Innovation Performance of Enterprises: A Case Study on High-Technology Shipbuilding Enterprises
Li, Guangming
Peer-Review Statements
Li, Guangming
Retraction Note to: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2023)
Li, Haiyi
Portfolio Selection Effectiveness Based on Absolute Parity Premium: Evidence from Convertible Bond Factor
Li, Hongliang
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Overview of Router Architecture in High Performance Computing
Li, Jiaqi
Research on Innovation of Total Quality Management Implementation in Aerospace Manufacturing Enterprises——Based on PDCA Cycle
Li, Qi
Internet Finance in China
Li, Qian
Optimization of HEYTEA'S Crossover Marketing Strategy
Li, Suxian
Platform Leadership and Platform Exploration and Innovation: An Empirical Analysis by Big Data on Mediating Role of Relationship Management Skills and Platform Openness
Li, Wilson Xinbao
Peer-Review Statements
Li, Wilson Xinbao
Retraction Note to: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2023)
Li, Xingchi
An Analysis of Public Infrastructure Investment and the Thai Economy
Li, Yicun
Are Formalized Management and Job Transfer the New Solution for the Perfect Fit Between the Street-Stall Economy and the City?
Li, Yifan
Empirical Analysis of Constructing GARCH Model to Predict Stock Prices with Trading Volume
Li, Yikun
Economic Analysis of China’s Beauty Market
Li, Zeyao
Impact of Technological Innovation on the Yangtze River Delta Region's Economy Based on a Quantile Regression
Lin, Zhiyi
The Positioning and Future Development of Hong Kong International Financial Center
Liu, Jiawu
Research on the Role and Existing Problems of Enterprise Supply Chain Management in Zhejiang Province
Liu, Zhixu
Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-Border E-Commerce in International Economy and Trade
Lu, Yu
A Study on the Impact of Cross-Border Marketing on Potential Users’ Purchase Intention - Mediating Effect Based on Brand Perception
Lu, Yuchen
The Impact of the Global Grain Problem Caused by the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Chinese Grain Market
Ma, Li
Research on the Mechanism of Blockchain and Distributed Generation Participating in Provincial Regional Power Grid Electricity Trading
Ma, Li
Study on the Benefit Evaluation of System Operation and Market Operation After the Participation of Electric-Gas-Heat Multi Energy in the Market
Ma, Lichen
How the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Alter the Global Economy
Ma, Qianya
Portfolio Selection Effectiveness Based on Absolute Parity Premium: Evidence from Convertible Bond Factor
Ma, Sisi
Financial Technology, Market Contest and Commercial Bank’ Business Performance
Pan, Xia
Analysis and Application of Investment Cost of 10 kV and Below Power Grid Infrastructure Projects
Peng, Xingrui
Financial Technology, Market Contest and Commercial Bank’ Business Performance
Qian, Junkai
Analysis of the Cause of Recent Mortgage Boycotts in the Chinese Real Estate Market
Qiu, Yi
Analysis and Application of Investment Cost of 10 kV and Below Power Grid Infrastructure Projects
A Study on the Improvement Plan of Citizens’ Park Through Metaverse Convergence Focusing on the Case of Busan Citizens Park
Shao, Guanze
Prediction of Stock Prices Based on the LSTM Model
Shen, Jiyuan
Assessing Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention for Over-the-Top (OTT) Video Services in China: A Perceived Value Theory and UTAUT Perspective
Shen, Weiliang
Research on Innovation of Total Quality Management Implementation in Aerospace Manufacturing Enterprises——Based on PDCA Cycle
Shi, Daniel Yixuan
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Algorithmically Detecting Whether a Compact Set is Connected or Not
Shi, Dejun
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Overview of Router Architecture in High Performance Computing
Shu, Yanfei
Impact of High-Tech Product Import on Export Quality Level
Song, Yalan
Optimization of HEYTEA'S Crossover Marketing Strategy
Song, Zhitian
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Algorithmically Detecting Whether a Compact Set is Connected or Not
Sun, Fengyi
The Impact of the Global Grain Problem Caused by the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Chinese Grain Market
Sun, Hongmin
Portfolio Selection Effectiveness Based on Absolute Parity Premium: Evidence from Convertible Bond Factor
Sun, Teng
Research on Innovation of Total Quality Management Implementation in Aerospace Manufacturing Enterprises——Based on PDCA Cycle
Sun, Yingzi
Credit Default Prediction Based on Multivariate Regression
Sun, Yixuan
Value-Based Management of Chinese and Foreign Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Enterprise Innovation
Sun, Yiyun
Impacts of Financial Decentralization on China’s Innovation
Sun, Yuan
Research on the Influence of Independent Director Scale of Listed Companies on the Quality of Accounting Information Disclosure
Tan, Linruyuan
Research on the Market Situation and Positioning of the Tequila Industry: A Case Study of Teremana Tequila
Tan, Xinyu
Disincentive or Incentive? What Role Do Government Subsidies Play for High-Tech Companies in the New “Double-Cycle” Development Model?- The Moderating Role of the Internal Corporate Governance Mechanism
Tian, Can
Platform Leadership and Platform Exploration and Innovation: An Empirical Analysis by Big Data on Mediating Role of Relationship Management Skills and Platform Openness
Wang, Guoyao
Research on Innovation of Total Quality Management Implementation in Aerospace Manufacturing Enterprises——Based on PDCA Cycle
Wang, Jing
Research on the Theoretical Basis of Rural Economy Based on the Background of Rural Revitalization
Wang, Jingjing
Are Formalized Management and Job Transfer the New Solution for the Perfect Fit Between the Street-Stall Economy and the City?
Wang, Rouzhi
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Algorithmically Detecting Whether a Compact Set is Connected or Not
Wang, Shiqi
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Impact of Online Education During Covid-19 Epidemic Lock-Down on Students’ Satisfaction and Mental Health
Wang, Shuning
RETRACTED CHAPTER: Research on the Construction and Promotion of Countermeasures for the Culture of Local Government Administrative Organizations Based on the Case of Dalian Biliu River Reservoir Administration
Wang, Xiaohan
Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Demand for Commercial Health Insurance