Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2023)
163 authors
- Bae, Chang
- A Study on the Improvement Plan of Citizens’ Park Through Metaverse Convergence Focusing on the Case of Busan Citizens Park
- Cao, Yuxin
- An Analysis on Measurement of the Development Level of Digital Economy and Influencing Factors of the Tertiary Industry in Eastern China
- Cao, Zedong
- Management and Analysis of Chinese Business Information System in the New Era
- Chen, Bowei
- Analysis and Application of Investment Cost of 10 kV and Below Power Grid Infrastructure Projects
- Chen, Jinwen
- Analysis of Causation and Future Trends of Service Industry in Hong Kong
- Chen, Junyao
- Are Formalized Management and Job Transfer the New Solution for the Perfect Fit Between the Street-Stall Economy and the City?
- Chen, Su
- Disincentive or Incentive? What Role Do Government Subsidies Play for High-Tech Companies in the New “Double-Cycle” Development Model?- The Moderating Role of the Internal Corporate Governance Mechanism
- Chen, Weijian
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Overview of Router Architecture in High Performance Computing
- Chen, Yu
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Main Problems, Opportunities and Countermeasures of China India Cooperation from the Perspective of Geopolitics
- Cheng, Zhihao
- The Influence Mechanisms of Policy Guidance on the Innovation Performance of Enterprises: A Case Study on High-Technology Shipbuilding Enterprises
- Cheong, Kasoi
- Comparison Between the Fama-French Three-Factor Model and the Fama-French Five-Factor Model: An Empirical Study on China’s Stock Market
- Cui, Yuan Li
- Research on the Demand of Intelligent Accounting Talents for the Development of Digital Economy
- Deng, Qingyang
- An Analysis of Public Infrastructure Investment and the Thai Economy
- Dong, Jian
- Research on the Current Situation and Cultivation Path of Financial Literacy of College Students in the New Era
- Dou, Xun
- Study on the Benefit Evaluation of System Operation and Market Operation After the Participation of Electric-Gas-Heat Multi Energy in the Market
- Feng, Jing
- Research on the Market Situation and Positioning of the Tequila Industry: A Case Study of Teremana Tequila
- Feng, Junshui
- A Literature Review of the Impact of Russia Ukraine Conflict on the Global Economy and China’s Countermeasures Under the Background of Agent Strategy
- Gao, Weisen
- A Study on the Improvement Plan of Citizens’ Park Through Metaverse Convergence Focusing on the Case of Busan Citizens Park
- Gao, Yuchen
- Research on the Application of CAPM Model in Investment
- Geng, Tianzi
- Study on the Mechanism of Value Creation Role of Enterprise Digital Transformation: A Theoretical Analysis Framework
- Gu, Jiarong
- An Analysis of China’s Cosmetics Market: Taking Estee Lauder Companies Inc. as an Example
- Gu, Ranran
- Are Formalized Management and Job Transfer the New Solution for the Perfect Fit Between the Street-Stall Economy and the City?
- Guo, Xiaoxuan
- Study on the Mechanism of Value Creation Role of Enterprise Digital Transformation: A Theoretical Analysis Framework
- Guo, Yintong
- Research on the Current Situation and Cultivation Path of Financial Literacy of College Students in the New Era
- Han, Xiaohu
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Overview of Router Architecture in High Performance Computing
- Hao, Jie
- A Study on the Improvement Plan of Citizens’ Park Through Metaverse Convergence Focusing on the Case of Busan Citizens Park
- Hao, Liyang
- A Literature Review of the Impact of Russia Ukraine Conflict on the Global Economy and China’s Countermeasures Under the Background of Agent Strategy
- He, Yi
- Reaching for the Goal: Do Economic Growth Targets Drive FDI Inflows in China?
- Hoe, Jia Khang
- Adoption of Robo-Advisory Service in the Personal Financial Planning Industry in Australia
- Hong, Yidan
- Financial Risk Caused by Climate Change and Its Countermeasures
- Hu, Jinbo
- Monetary System and Economic Situation of Japan from 2013 to 2019
- Hu, Xiaoyue
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Urban Governance Dilemma and Countermeasures of Shared Bikes
- Hu, Xinping
- The Impact of the Global Grain Problem Caused by the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Chinese Grain Market
- Hu, Yongquan
- Digital Innovation Networks: Theory Building and Future Research
- Hu, Zeting
- A Literature Review of the Impact of Russia Ukraine Conflict on the Global Economy and China’s Countermeasures Under the Background of Agent Strategy
- Huang, Jian
- Analysis and Application of Investment Cost of 10 kV and Below Power Grid Infrastructure Projects
- Huang, Xiaotong
- The Impact of Extreme International Political Conflicts on the Household Consumption Based on Big Data Analysis
- Jia, Dingluo
- Research on NIO Healthy and Sustainable Development of the Automotive Industry
- Jiang, Yumeng
- The Impact of the Global Grain Problem Caused by the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Chinese Grain Market
- Jiang, Yushi
- Peer-Review Statements
- Jiang, Yushi
- Retraction Note to: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2023)
- Jin, Zhexu
- Analysis and Outlook of Blockchain Technology Application in China Internet Finance
- Ke, Shuzhen
- Internet Finance Risk Warning Based on Big Data Analysis from the Perspective of Personal Consumption Finance
- Li, Chang
- Research on Innovation of Total Quality Management Implementation in Aerospace Manufacturing Enterprises——Based on PDCA Cycle
- Li, Feng
- The Influence Mechanisms of Policy Guidance on the Innovation Performance of Enterprises: A Case Study on High-Technology Shipbuilding Enterprises
- Li, Guangming
- Peer-Review Statements
- Li, Guangming
- Retraction Note to: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2023)
- Li, Haiyi
- Portfolio Selection Effectiveness Based on Absolute Parity Premium: Evidence from Convertible Bond Factor
- Li, Hongliang
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Overview of Router Architecture in High Performance Computing
- Li, Jiaqi
- Research on Innovation of Total Quality Management Implementation in Aerospace Manufacturing Enterprises——Based on PDCA Cycle
- Li, Qi
- Internet Finance in China
- Li, Qian
- Optimization of HEYTEA'S Crossover Marketing Strategy
- Li, Suxian
- Platform Leadership and Platform Exploration and Innovation: An Empirical Analysis by Big Data on Mediating Role of Relationship Management Skills and Platform Openness
- Li, Wilson Xinbao
- Peer-Review Statements
- Li, Wilson Xinbao
- Retraction Note to: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Financial Innovation and Economic Development (ICFIED 2023)
- Li, Xingchi
- An Analysis of Public Infrastructure Investment and the Thai Economy
- Li, Yicun
- Are Formalized Management and Job Transfer the New Solution for the Perfect Fit Between the Street-Stall Economy and the City?
- Li, Yifan
- Empirical Analysis of Constructing GARCH Model to Predict Stock Prices with Trading Volume
- Li, Yikun
- Economic Analysis of China’s Beauty Market
- Li, Zeyao
- Impact of Technological Innovation on the Yangtze River Delta Region's Economy Based on a Quantile Regression
- Lin, Zhiyi
- The Positioning and Future Development of Hong Kong International Financial Center
- Liu, Jiawu
- Research on the Role and Existing Problems of Enterprise Supply Chain Management in Zhejiang Province
- Liu, Zhixu
- Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Cross-Border E-Commerce in International Economy and Trade
- Lu, Yu
- A Study on the Impact of Cross-Border Marketing on Potential Users’ Purchase Intention - Mediating Effect Based on Brand Perception
- Lu, Yuchen
- The Impact of the Global Grain Problem Caused by the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Chinese Grain Market
- Ma, Li
- Research on the Mechanism of Blockchain and Distributed Generation Participating in Provincial Regional Power Grid Electricity Trading
- Ma, Li
- Study on the Benefit Evaluation of System Operation and Market Operation After the Participation of Electric-Gas-Heat Multi Energy in the Market
- Ma, Lichen
- How the Russia-Ukraine Conflict Alter the Global Economy
- Ma, Qianya
- Portfolio Selection Effectiveness Based on Absolute Parity Premium: Evidence from Convertible Bond Factor
- Ma, Sisi
- Financial Technology, Market Contest and Commercial Bank’ Business Performance
- Pan, Xia
- Analysis and Application of Investment Cost of 10 kV and Below Power Grid Infrastructure Projects
- Peng, Xingrui
- Financial Technology, Market Contest and Commercial Bank’ Business Performance
- Qian, Junkai
- Analysis of the Cause of Recent Mortgage Boycotts in the Chinese Real Estate Market
- Qiu, Yi
- Analysis and Application of Investment Cost of 10 kV and Below Power Grid Infrastructure Projects
- Seo
- A Study on the Improvement Plan of Citizens’ Park Through Metaverse Convergence Focusing on the Case of Busan Citizens Park
- Shao, Guanze
- Prediction of Stock Prices Based on the LSTM Model
- Shen, Jiyuan
- Assessing Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intention for Over-the-Top (OTT) Video Services in China: A Perceived Value Theory and UTAUT Perspective
- Shen, Weiliang
- Research on Innovation of Total Quality Management Implementation in Aerospace Manufacturing Enterprises——Based on PDCA Cycle
- Shi, Daniel Yixuan
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Algorithmically Detecting Whether a Compact Set is Connected or Not
- Shi, Dejun
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Overview of Router Architecture in High Performance Computing
- Shu, Yanfei
- Impact of High-Tech Product Import on Export Quality Level
- Song, Yalan
- Optimization of HEYTEA'S Crossover Marketing Strategy
- Song, Zhitian
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Algorithmically Detecting Whether a Compact Set is Connected or Not
- Sun, Fengyi
- The Impact of the Global Grain Problem Caused by the Russia-Ukraine Conflict on Chinese Grain Market
- Sun, Hongmin
- Portfolio Selection Effectiveness Based on Absolute Parity Premium: Evidence from Convertible Bond Factor
- Sun, Teng
- Research on Innovation of Total Quality Management Implementation in Aerospace Manufacturing Enterprises——Based on PDCA Cycle
- Sun, Yingzi
- Credit Default Prediction Based on Multivariate Regression
- Sun, Yixuan
- Value-Based Management of Chinese and Foreign Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Enterprise Innovation
- Sun, Yiyun
- Impacts of Financial Decentralization on China’s Innovation
- Sun, Yuan
- Research on the Influence of Independent Director Scale of Listed Companies on the Quality of Accounting Information Disclosure
- Tan, Linruyuan
- Research on the Market Situation and Positioning of the Tequila Industry: A Case Study of Teremana Tequila
- Tan, Xinyu
- Disincentive or Incentive? What Role Do Government Subsidies Play for High-Tech Companies in the New “Double-Cycle” Development Model?- The Moderating Role of the Internal Corporate Governance Mechanism
- Tian, Can
- Platform Leadership and Platform Exploration and Innovation: An Empirical Analysis by Big Data on Mediating Role of Relationship Management Skills and Platform Openness
- Wang, Guoyao
- Research on Innovation of Total Quality Management Implementation in Aerospace Manufacturing Enterprises——Based on PDCA Cycle
- Wang, Jing
- Research on the Theoretical Basis of Rural Economy Based on the Background of Rural Revitalization
- Wang, Jingjing
- Are Formalized Management and Job Transfer the New Solution for the Perfect Fit Between the Street-Stall Economy and the City?
- Wang, Rouzhi
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Algorithmically Detecting Whether a Compact Set is Connected or Not
- Wang, Shiqi
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Impact of Online Education During Covid-19 Epidemic Lock-Down on Students’ Satisfaction and Mental Health
- Wang, Shuning
- RETRACTED CHAPTER: Research on the Construction and Promotion of Countermeasures for the Culture of Local Government Administrative Organizations Based on the Case of Dalian Biliu River Reservoir Administration
- Wang, Xiaohan
- Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Demand for Commercial Health Insurance