Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Indonesian Legal Studies (ICILS 2019)

86 authors
Addink, Henk
Good Governance: A Norm for the Administration or a Citizen’s, Right?
Adji Rahardian Utama, Muhamad
The Role of ASEAN in Sipadan and Ligitan Case: An Analysis from Law and Diplomacy
Agustin Paramita, Puput
Cooperation Pattern Utilization Hak Pengelolaan (HPL) Between Government and Private Parties
Alfarizi, Yogi
Are we truly free to have a religion? Analysis of Religious Freedom in Indonesia in the Context of Human Rights and Pluralism
Amir, Nabbilah
Responsibilities of Mining Entrepreneurs for Losses from Mining Activities in Indonesia (Case Study in Samarinda Province of East Kalimantan)
Andari Dahlan, Tri
Cooperation Pattern Utilization Hak Pengelolaan (HPL) Between Government and Private Parties
Anggun Gading Pinilih, Sekar
The Reality of Spreading Hoaxes on Social Media: A Sociolegal Approach
Apriyani, Lusi
An Analysis of Defeated Single Candidate of Indonesia’s Simultaneous Regional Elections 2018
Arifin, Ridwan
Are we truly free to have a religion? Analysis of Religious Freedom in Indonesia in the Context of Human Rights and Pluralism
Arifin, Saru
The Citizen’s Rights to Water in the Era of Autonomy Government
Arsil, Thomas
Protection of Children Sexual Violence Victim through Promotive, Preventive, Curative and Rehabilitative Approaches
Azhar, Muhamad
State Financial Losses Due to Corruption in Goods and Service Procurement Systems by the Government
Bachri, Rifkiyati
Product Responsibility Lawsuit and Act No.8 of 1999 Concerning Consumer Protection
Harmonization of Islamic Law Norms in Sharia Banking Laws
Busro, Achmad
The Development of Indemnity Law in Indonesia (A Study of Problems Raised by the Existence of Peer to Peer Lending)
Endah Wahyuningsih, Sri
The Benefits of the E-Traffic Ticketing (E-Tilang) System in the Settlement of Traffic Violation in Indonesia
Anticipation of Probation Implementation as the Type of Sentence in the Draft of Indonesian Penal Code
Erike, Herlita
Sustainability of Rejang’s Indigenous Law in Completion of Criminal Acts: Perspective of the Principle of Deliberation
Fanny Kusumaningtyas, Rindia
Mineral Stone as a Natural Resource in the Protection of Geographical Indications Based on Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications
Fathoni, M. Ikhsan
Legal Protection for Land Holders
An Analysis of Defeated Single Candidate of Indonesia’s Simultaneous Regional Elections 2018
Fibrianti, Nurul
The Consumer Protection toward the Public Transportation Service of Bus Rapid Transit for the Disabilities in Semarang City
Fidiyani, Rini
Utilizing the Local Wisdom Values in the Disputes Settlement of Social Media for Building National Laws in the Paradigm Post Truth
Grace Natalia Mintia, Lady
Responsibilities of Mining Entrepreneurs for Losses from Mining Activities in Indonesia (Case Study in Samarinda Province of East Kalimantan)
Gultom, Elisatris
Reorientation of Corruption Criminal Act Removal in the Optimization of State Financial Loss Return Using Deferred Prosecution Agreement Concept
Trademark Legal Protection against SMEs in Enhancing Global Competitiveness Based on the values of Pancasila
Legal Protection for Land Holders
Sustainability of Rejang’s Indigenous Law in Completion of Criminal Acts: Perspective of the Principle of Deliberation
Reconstruction of Banking Consumer Dispute Settlement in a Law Perspective
Hidayat, Arif
The Ideal Relationship between Legal Knowledge and Actual Legal Actions in Indonesia
Iksan, Muchamad
The Benefits of the E-Traffic Ticketing (E-Tilang) System in the Settlement of Traffic Violation in Indonesia
K. Haris, Oheo
Legal Environmental Action Aspects, Based on Environmental Conservation, According to Law 32/2009 Concerning Protection and Management of Environment
Kamal, Ubaidillah
Transitional Function Conflicts of Protective Forest into Conservation Forest between Communities and Government
Maharya Ardyantara, David
The Harmonization of Maritime Law (UU No. 32 of 2014) for Indonesia’s Sovereignty in Marine Resource Management Facing UN Policy about Area beyond National Jurisdiction
Marselus Nggoro, Adrianus
Tradition of Caci Manggarai: The Spirit of Politics of Customary Inheritance Law for Democratic and Gender Equitable Law
The Citizen’s Rights to Water in the Era of Autonomy Government
Mashdurohatun, Anis
Trademark Legal Protection against SMEs in Enhancing Global Competitiveness Based on the values of Pancasila
Maulina Kharis, Tasya
Responsibilities of Mining Entrepreneurs for Losses from Mining Activities in Indonesia (Case Study in Samarinda Province of East Kalimantan)
Muftie Holish, Amarru
The Urgency of Codification of Criminal Law Regulation on Providing Legal Certainty in Indonesia
Niravita, Aprila
Legislation Inventory in a Spatial Planning: A Normative Juridical Study
Transitional Function Conflicts of Protective Forest into Conservation Forest between Communities and Government
PS. Wibowo, Antonius
The Role of Victim and Witnesses Protection Agency in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: The Best Practice of Indonesia
Patrick, Jeremy
An Argument against Registration of Religions
Prananingtyas, Paramita
The Importance of Money Market Reconstruction in Indonesia
Prasetyo Adhi, Yuli
The Development of Indemnity Law in Indonesia (A Study of Problems Raised by the Existence of Peer to Peer Lending)
Prasetyo Kurniawan, Yunan
Product Responsibility Lawsuit and Act No.8 of 1999 Concerning Consumer Protection
Prasetyo Kurniawan, Yunan
Protection of Children Sexual Violence Victim through Promotive, Preventive, Curative and Rehabilitative Approaches
Preludio Ramada, Diandra
Education Model in Children Prison Institutions and Social System of Children's Criminal Community
The Roles of The Indonesian National Arbitration Board (BANI) in Resolving Intellectual Property Disputes
The Ideal Relationship between Legal Knowledge and Actual Legal Actions in Indonesia
Putu Rahayu, Sang Ayu
Mineral Stone as a Natural Resource in the Protection of Geographical Indications Based on Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications
Ramadhan, Febriansyah
Presidential Threshold in the Presidential Election: A Democratic and Constitutional Study
Legal Protection for Children as Victims of Sexual Crime: Between Challenges and Expectations
Reza Maulana, Muhamad
The Role of ASEAN in Sipadan and Ligitan Case: An Analysis from Law and Diplomacy
Rifai, Anis
Legal Protection for Land Holders
The Role of ASEAN in Sipadan and Ligitan Case: An Analysis from Law and Diplomacy
Rumesten RS, Iza
An Analysis of Defeated Single Candidate of Indonesia’s Simultaneous Regional Elections 2018
Samekto, FX.Adji
Tradition of Caci Manggarai: The Spirit of Politics of Customary Inheritance Law for Democratic and Gender Equitable Law
Santoso, Budi
Termination of Agreements by the Government in the Agreement of Infrastructure Development with Build Operate Transfer Patterns
Saptono, Hendro
Termination of Agreements by the Government in the Agreement of Infrastructure Development with Build Operate Transfer Patterns
Saraya, Sitta
The Implementation of Agrarian Reform in the Settlement of Social Forest Management for Forest Village Communities (The Overview of Social Forestry Areas in Kendal Regency)
Setiawan, Andry
Utilizing the Local Wisdom Values in the Disputes Settlement of Social Media for Building National Laws in the Paradigm Post Truth
Setiawan, Andry
Harmonization of Islamic Law Norms in Sharia Banking Laws
Siagian, Lowrenszya
The Phenomenon of Child Labour: Causes, Consequences, and Protection under Indonesian Law
Sri Utari, Indah
Education Model in Children Prison Institutions and Social System of Children's Criminal Community
Sugiarto, Laga
The Ideal Relationship between Legal Knowledge and Actual Legal Actions in Indonesia
Legal Protection of Village Land for Infrastructure Development in Indonesia
Suharso, Putut
State Financial Losses Due to Corruption in Goods and Service Procurement Systems by the Government
Sujoko, Ajik
State Financial Losses Due to Corruption in Goods and Service Procurement Systems by the Government
Tradition of Caci Manggarai: The Spirit of Politics of Customary Inheritance Law for Democratic and Gender Equitable Law
Presidential Threshold in the Presidential Election: A Democratic and Constitutional Study
Sulistianingsih, Dewi
The Roles of The Indonesian National Arbitration Board (BANI) in Resolving Intellectual Property Disputes
Sulistiyo Saputro, Khoirul
The Consumer Protection toward the Public Transportation Service of Bus Rapid Transit for the Disabilities in Semarang City
Sulistiyono, Tri
The Phenomenon of Child Labour: Causes, Consequences, and Protection under Indonesian Law
Sumardiana, Benny
Education Model in Children Prison Institutions and Social System of Children's Criminal Community
Suran Ningsih, Ayup
Alternative Dispute Resolution as Soft Approach for Business Dispute in Indonesia
Sutiawan, Ihwan
Reorientation of Corruption Criminal Act Removal in the Optimization of State Financial Loss Return Using Deferred Prosecution Agreement Concept
Legal Environmental Action Aspects, Based on Environmental Conservation, According to Law 32/2009 Concerning Protection and Management of Environment
Thippimol, Onanong
The Future of Islam and Democracy in Indonesia: An Insight from Outsider
Wahanisa, Rofi
Legislation Inventory in a Spatial Planning: A Normative Juridical Study
Acquisition of Copyright and Related Rights in Economic Development for SMEs in Indonesia (Perspective of Economic Rights in National and International Contexts)
Wibowo, Aditya
Mineral Stone as a Natural Resource in the Protection of Geographical Indications Based on Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications
Widyawati, Anis
The Urgency of Codification of Criminal Law Regulation on Providing Legal Certainty in Indonesia
Windari, Rusmilawati
The Role of Victim and Witnesses Protection Agency in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: The Best Practice of Indonesia
Yuli Sulistyawan, Aditya
The Reality of Spreading Hoaxes on Social Media: A Sociolegal Approach
Zenno Januarsyah, Mas Putra
Reorientation of Corruption Criminal Act Removal in the Optimization of State Financial Loss Return Using Deferred Prosecution Agreement Concept