Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ICMMEd 2020)

267 authors
Jamaluddin, Dindin
Determine the Elective Courses in Islamic Higher Education Using Transportation Vogel’s Approximation Method
Jani, R
Sumatra Land Surface Temperature Increase
The Effect of E-Learning Towards the Implementation of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) to the Students of Mathematics Education Study Program at Almuslim University
Jehadus, Emilianus
The Effect of the Realistic Mathematics Education Approach: Meta-Analysis of the Measured Mathematical Ability Angle
Kalla, Yusuf
Estimating Lookback Price Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Binomial Lattice
Kamlasi, Yusuf
Learning by Doing in Mathematics Class of Fisheries Agribusiness Student in Agriculture Polytechnics Kupang
Karima, Nadhira
The 2ⁿd, 4th, and 6th-Order Finite Difference Schemes for Pollutant Transport Equation
Karma, I Gede Made
Validation of Teaching Materials for the Blended Learning Model of Applied Mathematics for Polytechnic Student
Khasanah, N
The Determinant of Pentadiagonal Centrosymmetric Matrix Based on Sparse Hessenberg’s Algorithm
Khumaeroh, Mia Siti
Analysis of Herd Immunity on the Mathematical Model of Covid-19 Transmission
Kita, Naoyasu
Extension of internal ratio of a line segment into complex values and its application to the generalization of Menelaus’ theorem
Kusrini, Dwi Endah
Generalized Method of Moment Estimation Method Lagrange Multiplier Test for Simultaneous Spatial of Dynamic Panel Data
Kustiawan, Elyas
Genetic Algorithm Approach in Forming the Optimal Portfolio of Issuer Companies with Dividend Distribution Criteria
Kusumawinahyu, Wuryansari Muharini
Mathematical Modelling of Schistosomiasis Transmission Dynamics in Traditional Cattle Farmer Communities
Laamena, Christina M
Cognitive Proficiency Analysis of Adventist High School Students Tenth-Grade Aliciously Solve Linear Equations System of Two Variables Reviewed of Gender
Lekitoo, John N.
Influence of the Learning Model Using a Geogebra - Based Software on the Potential Mathematical Problem Based on a Self Confidence Student on the Cone Slices
Lesmana, Donny Citra
Prediction of Future Insurance Premiums When the Model is Uncertain
Lestari, Trianingsih
First Year Undergraduate Mathematics Students Error Analysis on Solving Rational Inequality
Lestari, Trianingsih Eni
Investigating Students’ Errors in Graphing Polynomial Functions
Magdalena, Ikha
The 2ⁿd, 4th, and 6th-Order Finite Difference Schemes for Pollutant Transport Equation
Maharani, Yulianita
The Impact of Using a Single Image in a Representation on a Misconception of Fraction Concept
Mahmud, Randy Saputra
Analyzing Misconception of Exponent for High School in Makassar
Mandur, Kanisius
The Effect of the Realistic Mathematics Education Approach: Meta-Analysis of the Measured Mathematical Ability Angle
Manuharawati, Manuharawati
Gedhek, When Culture Teaches Mathematical Concepts
Mariani, Y
The Missing Link Between the Fraction Concept and Its Representation
Marlinda, E
The Missing Link Between the Fraction Concept and Its Representation
Martalyna, Wihdati
Dealing with Challenges in Teaching & Learning Mathematics in Flipped Classroom Model in Pandemic Era
Martina, Annisa
Analysis the Increment of COVID-19 Cases in Indonesia with One of Multivariate Markov Chain Model Parameter
E-Learning-Based Task Design for Developing Mathematics Instructional Tools Containing 4C Skills
Mataheru, W
The Effect of Contextual Teaching and Learning Model Based on Ethnomathematics on the Students’ Interest and Learning Outcomes of Class XII SMA Negeri 2 Salahutu in Three-Dimensional Materials
Mataheru, Wilmintjie
Cognitive Proficiency Analysis of Adventist High School Students Tenth-Grade Aliciously Solve Linear Equations System of Two Variables Reviewed of Gender
Matsumoto, Hiroto
Extension of internal ratio of a line segment into complex values and its application to the generalization of Menelaus’ theorem
McNeil, R
Sumatra Land Surface Temperature Increase
Meidiana, Sitepu
Investigating Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability by Using PMRI Based on Emergent Modeling
Muchtadi-Alamsyah, I.
Completely Prime Modules Over Path Algebras for Dynkin Quiver of Type An and Dn
Muchtar, Susy
E-Learning Based Mathematics Learning Media
Muftirridha, A M
Ordered Left Almost Hyperring
Practical Analysis of Differential Equation Module to Improve Student’s Logical Thinking Ability
Munawar, M
Sumatra Land Surface Temperature Increase
Muniroh, Lailatul
Determinants of Stunting Among Under-Five Years Children Using the Ordinal Logistic Regression Model
Murtikusuma, R P
Analysis of Introverted Students’ Error Based on Newman in Solving Arithmetic Sequences and Series Problems
Murtikusuma, Randi
Experimentation of Brain Based Learning Model Based on Lesson Study Learning Community Towards Students’ Reasoning Ability on Sequences and Series Material
Murtikusuma, Randi Pratama
Mathematical Representation of the Grade 11 of Senior High School Students in Solving Linear Programming Questions Based on David Keirsey’s Personality Type
Nakamura, Yoshihisa
Extension of internal ratio of a line segment into complex values and its application to the generalization of Menelaus’ theorem
Ndiung, Sabina
The Effect of the Realistic Mathematics Education Approach: Meta-Analysis of the Measured Mathematical Ability Angle
Nenohai, Juliana M.H.
Developing Cultural Context Teaching Material of Geometry with GeoGebra to Increase Students’ Higher-order Thinking Skill
Ngilawajan, Darma A
The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Education and Problem Based Learning Model on Mathematics Problem Solving Ability in Terms of Precondition Mathematics Abilities
Ningrum, Tiara Prita
Mathematical Representation of the Grade 11 of Senior High School Students in Solving Linear Programming Questions Based on David Keirsey’s Personality Type
Development of Discrete Mathematics Learning Content Using Google Classroom in Mathematics Education Students
Practical Analysis of Differential Equation Module to Improve Student’s Logical Thinking Ability
Nubatonis, Ofirenty E.
Developing Cultural Context Teaching Material of Geometry with GeoGebra to Increase Students’ Higher-order Thinking Skill
Nugraha, E S
ARIMA Model for Forecasting COVID-19 in East Java
Nur, Wahyudin
Mathematical Modelling of Schistosomiasis Transmission Dynamics in Traditional Cattle Farmer Communities
Nuraini, Atia
Performance Evaluation of New Ranking Function Methods with Current Ranking Functions Using VAM and MM-VAM
Nuraini, Putri
Determinants of Stunting Among Under-Five Years Children Using the Ordinal Logistic Regression Model
Nurhafsari., B
Portfolio Performance Evaluation for LQ 45 Index in 2016-2020 Periods Using the Treynor Method
An Analysis Conceptual Understanding and Student’s Learning Self-Reliance in the New Normal Era Assisted by Photomath on SLETV Material
The Effect of E-Learning Towards the Implementation of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) to the Students of Mathematics Education Study Program at Almuslim University
Nurjaman, Adi
The Effect of the Realistic Mathematics Education Approach: Meta-Analysis of the Measured Mathematical Ability Angle
Nurlaelah, Elah
High School Students’ Perceptions Towards Quiz-Based Smartphone Learning Management System (S-LMS) as Learning Evaluation Media
Nurmuslimah, Hilda
Analysis of Longitudinal Regression Model Using the Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) for the Child Welfare Composite Index (CWCI) in West Java
Nurwahyu, Budi
Analysis of Ability for Understanding the Basic Concepts of Probability Theory
Nurwijaya, Sugian
Development of Discrete Mathematics Learning Content Using Google Classroom in Mathematics Education Students
Nyimas, Aisyah
Investigating Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability by Using PMRI Based on Emergent Modeling
Oktafiana, D A
The Missing Link Between the Fraction Concept and Its Representation
Oktalidiasari, Dwi
Learning Mathematical Modelling: How to Design Visual Formed Students’ Worksheets Problem
Oktariani, Dwi
What Preschool Age Child’s Perceptions About Division in Fair Sharing
Oktavianingtyas, E
Analysis of Introverted Students’ Error Based on Newman in Solving Arithmetic Sequences and Series Problems
Oktavianingtyas, Ervin
Mathematical Representation of the Grade 11 of Senior High School Students in Solving Linear Programming Questions Based on David Keirsey’s Personality Type
Oktavianingtyas, Ervin
Experimentation of Brain Based Learning Model Based on Lesson Study Learning Community Towards Students’ Reasoning Ability on Sequences and Series Material
Oktoviana, Lucky
First Year Undergraduate Mathematics Students Error Analysis on Solving Rational Inequality
Oktoviana, Lucky Tri
Investigating Students’ Errors in Graphing Polynomial Functions
Padang, Nely Salu
Development of Discrete Mathematics Learning Content Using Google Classroom in Mathematics Education Students
Palinussa, Anderson L
The Effect of Realistic Mathematics Education and Problem Based Learning Model on Mathematics Problem Solving Ability in Terms of Precondition Mathematics Abilities
Pambudi, Didik
Experimentation of Brain Based Learning Model Based on Lesson Study Learning Community Towards Students’ Reasoning Ability on Sequences and Series Material
Pambudi, Didik Sugeng
Mathematical Representation of the Grade 11 of Senior High School Students in Solving Linear Programming Questions Based on David Keirsey’s Personality Type
Perdana, Hendra
Web Application Development for Inferential Statistics using R Shiny
Prasetya, T A E
Sumatra Land Surface Temperature Increase
Pratama, Himawan Aditya
Cadets’ Effectivity and Perception on Moodle Online Learning in Economy Mathematics Course
Pratiwi, Nurul
Analysis of Junior High School Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Solving Non-routine Problems on Material of Two-variable Linear Equation Systems
Pratiwi, Weni Dwi
Analysis of Junior High School Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Solving Non-routine Problems on Material of Two-variable Linear Equation Systems
Pratiwi, Weni Dwi
Investigating Student’s Mathematical Reasoning Ability by Using PMRI Based on Emergent Modeling
Purnaba, I Gusti Putu
Prediction of Future Insurance Premiums When the Model is Uncertain
Putra, Egha Alifa
High School Students’ Perceptions Towards Quiz-Based Smartphone Learning Management System (S-LMS) as Learning Evaluation Media
Putra, Tri Andika Julia
Prediction of Future Insurance Premiums When the Model is Uncertain
Rahayu, Ningsih Puji
Rahman, S I
Fuzzy Left Almost Semihyperring
Ramdani, Reski
Development of Discrete Mathematics Learning Content Using Google Classroom in Mathematics Education Students
Ratumanan, Tanwey G.
Influence of the Learning Model Using a Geogebra - Based Software on the Potential Mathematical Problem Based on a Self Confidence Student on the Cone Slices
Ratumanan, Tanwey Gerson
Introduction to Problem Solving Based Learning Model
Resmawan, R
Dynamic Model Analysis of the Spread of Drug Addicts with Educational Effects
Rifada, Marisa
Determinants of Stunting Among Under-Five Years Children Using the Ordinal Logistic Regression Model
Rika, Wulandari
Riski, Desi
An Analysis Conceptual Understanding and Student’s Learning Self-Reliance in the New Normal Era Assisted by Photomath on SLETV Material
Completely Prime Modules Over Path Algebras for Dynkin Quiver of Type An and Dn
Roby, Agus Maolana
Determine the Elective Courses in Islamic Higher Education Using Transportation Vogel’s Approximation Method
An Analysis Conceptual Understanding and Student’s Learning Self-Reliance in the New Normal Era Assisted by Photomath on SLETV Material
Rolan, Eka Nanda Azer
Learning Mathematical Modelling: Junior School Student’s Argumentative Ability Through a Visual-Formed Problem
Romundza, Febbry
Practical Analysis of Differential Equation Module to Improve Student’s Logical Thinking Ability
Roufista, Larasati Onna
Ideal Generated by The Coefficient of a Polynomial Over ℤk, k > 1