Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Special Education (ICSE 2019)

220 authors
Abdullah, Nazmin
Parents Satisfaction with Services Provided by Shadow Aides in an Inclusive Classroom
Abdullah, Nor Zaiham Midawati
Differentiated Instruction: Definition and Challenging Factors Perceived by Teachers
Agung, Febriani
The Use of Lotto Baca in Improving Speech for Children with Intellectual Disability
Ahmad, Aznan Che
Perceptions towards disabilities among primary-school teachers in the Lao’s People Democratic Republic: Insights into a cultural view of ASD
Ahmad, Aznan Che
Designing an ASD Teacher Training Module through a Pictorial Narrative Approach
Ahmad, Aznan Che
Facilitating Children with Hearing Impairment Towards Inclusive Education in Malaysia: Document Analysis of Pediatric Clinical Audiology Guidelines
Ahmad, Nor Aniza
Knowledge in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) among Pre-School Teachers in Yemen
Ainin, Ima Kurrotun
A Needs Analysis of Instructional Materials on Early Literacy Dyslexia Student in Regular-Inclusive school
Ainin, Ima Kurrotun
Descriptive Analysis of Parent Involvement in Learning Students Special Needs in Inclusive Schools
Ainin, Ima Kurrotun
Increased Understanding of Principals and Deputy Principals Regarding the Implementation of Inclusive Education
Ainin, Ima Kurrotun
Scaffolding Task Analysis and Multimedia in Development Life Skill Intellectual Disability Student
Aisyah, Siti
Pornography Knowledge and the Risk of Sexual Deviation of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Inclusive Elementary Schools in Yogyakarta
Alaban, Mary Ann C.
Multigrade Team Teaching: How a Small Progressive Private School in a Non-Rural Philippine Set-Up Deviated from Monograde Teaching to Implement Its Age-Appropriate Inclusive School Program
Alaban, Mary Ann C.
Restorative Justice as Practiced in School: A Study of an Inclusive School’s Approach in Developing the Socio-Emotional Skills of Children with Special Educational Needs
Andajani, Sri Joeda
Development Of Big Book Media To Visualizing The Concept Of Narrative Text Through Shared Reading with Mentally Retarded
Andajani, Sri Joeda
Model Orientation of Social Mobility and Communication Based on Problem-Based Learning Concepts for Environmental Understanding on Visually Impaired Students
Anggadewi, Brigitta Erlita Tri
Identification and Assessment of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Elementary School
Anggraeny, Diah
Development of a Handbook to Improve Motor Coordination Among Students with Cerebral Palsy Type of Spastic Diplegia
Anjarsari, Agnes Fitri
Think Pair Share (TPS) Model to Improve Learning Outcomes Mathematical Concepts of Multiplication for Students with Mentally Retarded
Annisah, Khoirun
Job Opportunities For Mentally Retarded Children After High School
Anwar, Mohammad
The Analysis of Issues and Needs of Special Education Accessibility Services Toward Students with Disabilities at Universitas Sebelas Maret
Arbi, Riski Prasetya
The Influence of VAKT Method Toward Reading Ability to Learning Difficulty Children in Galuh Handayani Elementary School
Ardianingsih, Febrita
Slow-Learners Assessment Training in Inclusive School
Ariz, Diana Grace S.
Multigrade Team Teaching: How a Small Progressive Private School in a Non-Rural Philippine Set-Up Deviated from Monograde Teaching to Implement Its Age-Appropriate Inclusive School Program
Arumugam, Shyielathy
The Findings of Symptomatic Behaviour Screening Tool (Symbest) For Children of Age 3-4 years old
Ashar, Muhammad Nurul
Managing Challenging Behaviors of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Schools Setting
Asmara, Andree
Employability Skills: Perspectives Between Pre-Vocational Programme Teachers and Employers in Brunei Darussalam
Asningtias, Silfia
Center of Disability Services: Lesson Learned from INDOEDUC4ALL Consortiums Universities in Indonesia
Atika, Putrie Mei
Creating Jumputan Batik with Active Learning Methods of Small Group Type for Students With Intellectual Disabilities
Aw, Cheu Lih
Facilitating Children with Hearing Impairment Towards Inclusive Education in Malaysia: Document Analysis of Pediatric Clinical Audiology Guidelines
Bagaskorowati, Riana
Response to Intervention (RtI) Model: An Alternative to Identify Students with Specific Learning Disability (SLD) in Sub-type of Reading Skill on Elementary Level Grade 1- 3
Beramo, Jovel Ann R.
Restorative Justice as Practiced in School: A Study of an Inclusive School’s Approach in Developing the Socio-Emotional Skills of Children with Special Educational Needs
Budayasa, I Ketut
Think Pair Share (TPS) Model to Improve Learning Outcomes Mathematical Concepts of Multiplication for Students with Mentally Retarded
The Evaluation of Field Experience Program in Special Education Department: Pedagogy Competence of Master Students
Development of a Handbook to Improve Motor Coordination Among Students with Cerebral Palsy Type of Spastic Diplegia
Management Transition Program For Students with special needs in SMK Negeri 1 Buduran (SIDOARJO)
Evaluation Of Teacher And School Infrastructure Inclusive Education In Bontang
Cahyani, Leni Ambar
Pornography Knowledge and the Risk of Sexual Deviation of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Inclusive Elementary Schools in Yogyakarta
Chamid, Nur
Pornography Knowledge and the Risk of Sexual Deviation of Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in Inclusive Elementary Schools in Yogyakarta
Chanaponchai, Araya
Innovation in Life Skills Development of MDVI Children Using Task Analysis and Audible Liquid Level Indicator
Collantes, Genevieve Q.
Children’s Theater: An Inclusive School’s Venue for Children With Needs to Publicly Demonstrate Their Talents
Delgado, Nilda B.
Multigrade Team Teaching: How a Small Progressive Private School in a Non-Rural Philippine Set-Up Deviated from Monograde Teaching to Implement Its Age-Appropriate Inclusive School Program
Delgado, Nilda B.
Restorative Justice as Practiced in School: A Study of an Inclusive School’s Approach in Developing the Socio-Emotional Skills of Children with Special Educational Needs
Delgado, Nilda B.
Children’s Theater: An Inclusive School’s Venue for Children With Needs to Publicly Demonstrate Their Talents
Dewi, Liya
Scaffolding Task Analysis and Multimedia in Development Life Skill Intellectual Disability Student
Diah, Nurazzura Mohamad
Participation in Paralympic sports: What it means to female student-athletes with disabilities
Efrina, Elsa
Manual Techniques for Coffee Brewing as an Alternative Learning for Students with Hearing Impairment
Efrina, Elsa
Implementation Auditory and Speech Training in Special School and the Implications of Its Development
Emboltura, Frank S.
Multigrade Team Teaching: How a Small Progressive Private School in a Non-Rural Philippine Set-Up Deviated from Monograde Teaching to Implement Its Age-Appropriate Inclusive School Program
Emboltura, Frank S.
Restorative Justice as Practiced in School: A Study of an Inclusive School’s Approach in Developing the Socio-Emotional Skills of Children with Special Educational Needs
Ensimau, Nur Kamariah
Teacher’s Ability in Identifying Pupils With Disability in Classroom, Kapit, Sarawak
Ensimau, Nur Kamariah
Student’s Perception Against Special Education Programme
Evanjeli, Laurensia Aptik
Identification and Assessment of Children with Special Needs in Inclusive Elementary School
Famy, Wilda
The Use of Lotto Baca in Improving Speech for Children with Intellectual Disability
Farakh, Nil
Transition to School Program and School Placement of Children with Autism
Farochi, Muhammad Saifour
Management Transition Program For Students with special needs in SMK Negeri 1 Buduran (SIDOARJO)
Improving Fine Motor Skills of Children With Autism through Shibori Training
Fernandes, Reno
Manual Techniques for Coffee Brewing as an Alternative Learning for Students with Hearing Impairment
Halida, Jainatul
Employability Skills: Perspectives Between Pre-Vocational Programme Teachers and Employers in Brunei Darussalam
Hamzah, Mohd Isa
Student’s Perception Against Special Education Programme
Transition to School Program and School Placement of Children with Autism
Haq, Mohammad Syahidul
E-Counseling for Children with Disabilities
Haq, Mohammad Syahidul
Fingerprint-based Presence Application for Children with Disabilities
Haron, Zolkepeli
Student’s Perception Against Special Education Programme
Transition to School Program and School Placement of Children with Autism
Herviani, Vivi Kurnia
Evaluation Of Teacher And School Infrastructure Inclusive Education In Bontang
Hock, Kway Eng
The Findings of Symptomatic Behaviour Screening Tool (Symbest) For Children of Age 3-4 years old
Ifeoma, Okoroikpa Njideka
Impact of a Parent support group on parents of children with disabilities in Enugu Metropolis Nigeria
Isa, Zaniah Binti Mohamed
The Findings of Symptomatic Behaviour Screening Tool (Symbest) For Children of Age 3-4 years old
Jalil, Faridah
Legal Culture Perspective in Implementation of Inclusive Education in Indonesia
Jawawi, Rosmawijah
Differentiated Instruction: Definition and Challenging Factors Perceived by Teachers
Jiar, Yeo Kee
Dimensionality and Factor Structure for the TRIAD Social Skills Assessment (TSSA) within Malaysian Context
Kamaralzaman, Sazlina
Parents Satisfaction with Early Intervention Programme in GENIUS Kurnia
Karsidi, Ravik
Evaluation of The Inclusive Education Program Implementation in Central Java Province
Kasdi, Siti Nabilah binti
Increase 3-Dimensional Structure Drawing Skills For Special Needs Students With Learning Disabilities Through Minecraft Game
Kemp, Aurelia Escoto-
The Designated Priority Level (DPL) System: Establishing Priority Levels for Students with Special Needs in Brunei Darussalam
Khairiyah, Karunia Yulinda
Development Of Big Book Media To Visualizing The Concept Of Narrative Text Through Shared Reading with Mentally Retarded
Kholidya, Citra Fitri
Managing Challenging Behaviors of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Inclusive Schools Setting
Kongkul, Jansuda
Developing Braille Literacy Engagement Through Hand-Movement Training and Innovation in Instructional Materials
Koran, Leela
Transitions of Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Malaysian Parents’ Perspectives
Kurinawati, Farida
The Influence of Teachers Attitudes towards Inclusive Education on Teaching Strategies in Inclusive Public and Private Junior High School.
Kurniawati, Farida
Inclusive Preschool Teachers: Their Attitude and Engagement toward Inclusive Education
Kurniawati, Farida
The Influence of Teacher Self-Efficacy in Teaching towards Teacher Attitude in Inclusive Preschool
Kurniawati, Farida
The Effects of The Length of Teaching Experience and Previous Training on Teachers’ Attitude Towards Inclusive Education
Kurniawati, Farida
Teacher's Attitudes toward Inclusive Education and Their Emotional Support for Students with Special Education Needs: A Study in Inclusive Preschools
Kusmaningsih, Nindya Seva
Job Opportunities For Mentally Retarded Children After High School
Kusumah, Nizar Nata
The Use Of Artivive Application To Improve Children's Communication Skills
Kusumandyoko, Tri Cahyo
The Discourse of Creativity through Autism Art and Its Aesthetic Disability
Kusumastuti, Grahita
Using Sign Language to Enhance Vocabulary in Early Childhood with Autism
Kusumastuti, Grahita
Implementation Auditory and Speech Training in Special School and the Implications of Its Development
Lee, Ann Sien Sut
Perceptions towards disabilities among primary-school teachers in the Lao’s People Democratic Republic: Insights into a cultural view of ASD
Lee, Ann Sien Sut
Designing an ASD Teacher Training Module through a Pictorial Narrative Approach
Lee, Lay Wah
Perceptions towards disabilities among primary-school teachers in the Lao’s People Democratic Republic: Insights into a cultural view of ASD
Lee, Lay Wah
Designing an ASD Teacher Training Module through a Pictorial Narrative Approach
Lee, Lay Wah
Facilitating Children with Hearing Impairment Towards Inclusive Education in Malaysia: Document Analysis of Pediatric Clinical Audiology Guidelines
Low, Hui Min
Perceptions towards disabilities among primary-school teachers in the Lao’s People Democratic Republic: Insights into a cultural view of ASD
Low, Hui Min
Designing an ASD Teacher Training Module through a Pictorial Narrative Approach
Mahdi, Arisul
Manual Techniques for Coffee Brewing as an Alternative Learning for Students with Hearing Impairment
Mahmudah, Siti
Scaffolding Task Analysis and Multimedia in Development Life Skill Intellectual Disability Student
Makesavanh, Somchay
Perceptions towards disabilities among primary-school teachers in the Lao’s People Democratic Republic: Insights into a cultural view of ASD