Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Computers & Informatics
1004 authors
- Sun, Yabo
- Analysis on Low-carbon & Green Container Port-building Goal System
- Sun, Ying
- Research on 3-D Trajectory Prediction
- Sun, Ying
- Study of Motion Blurred Image Restoration Method
- Sun, Yongwei
- Text Retrieval analysis based on Deep Learning
- Sun, Yu-Shan
- Control System of Underwater Vehicle Based on Neural Network
- Sun, Zening
- The simulation study on montmorillonite and its effecting to borehole stability
- Sun, Zhijun
- Video Denoising based on Sparse Transformation and Low Rank Matrix Completion
- Sun, Zhijun
- The Summary of Video Denoising Method
- Tan, Xiaodong
- Tan, Xiuhu
- Applied-Information Technology with Transmission Features of New Media on News Communication
- Tan, Xiuhu
- The Component in Functional Structure of News Communication
- Tan, Xiuhu
- Applied-Information Technology for the Strength of Intellectual Property Protection Based on Digital Transmission
- Tan, Yu-An
- The Storage Protection of Block Device in Android
- Tang, Bin
- Overview of Method for Reducing Grounding Resistance of Substation Grounding System
- Tang, Lili
- The Simulation of Three Phase VSR Based on Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation
- Tang, Meixia
- Independent sets, codes and their properties
- Tang, Yaowu
- Resistance furnace temperature control based on prediction BP neural network
- Tian, Jiaping
- Prediction of the Costs of the Missile Equipment Based on SVR
- Tian, Xi
- Research on the Statistical Method Based on Neural Network
- Tian, Zhihong
- Statistical Analysis of The Privilege Level of Vulnerability
- Tong, Guang
- Research On the Application of Static Var Compensator in Fushun Power Grid
- Tong, Jifeng
- Prediction of the Costs of the Missile Equipment Based on SVR
- Wan, Benting
- Research on Mobile Context-aware Platform of Problem-Solving First
- Wan, Fuxiong
- Crack features of flexural members strengthened by carbon fiber sheet bonded with inorganic adhesive after fire
- Wan, Lei
- Control System of Underwater Vehicle Based on Neural Network
- Wang, Baochao
- Investigation on multi-dimensional energy saving system
- Wang, Biao
- Application Research of Dimensional Engineering in XBRL Taxonomy
- Wang, Bin
- The Rock Pressure Detection System Based on the Vibrating Wire Sensor
- Wang, Chenglu
- Application of Internet of Things in Development of e-Navigation Architecture
- Wang, Chishe
- Design of smart printing System based on cloud computing
- Wang, Dan
- Forecastable Component Analysis and Partial Least Squares Applied on Process Monitoring
- Wang, Dan
- Nonlinear Process Fault Detection Method using Slow Feature Analysis
- Wang, Dazhou
- Ill-conditioned linear equations and its algorithm
- Wang, Di
- Analysis of Underwater Disparity Map and Parameter Optimization of SIFT Algorithm
- Wang, Ding
- Application Research of Dimensional Engineering in XBRL Taxonomy
- Wang, Dongxia
- Research on Gravity Interpolation Technology for RAPINS/Log/Gravity Matching Integrated Navigation System
- Wang, Dongxia
- The hardware modeling and analysis techniques based on Kripke structure
- Wang, Fenglin
- Research on Gravity Interpolation Technology for RAPINS/Log/Gravity Matching Integrated Navigation System
- Wang, Fengyou
- Vertical distribution of Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Jiaozhou Bay
- Wang, Fengyou
- Vertical water body effect of benzene hexachloride
- Wang, Fengyou
- Distribution and homogeneity of petroleum hydrocarbon in Jiaozhou Bay
- Wang, Hai-bin
- Time-Frequency MUSIC Encephalon Source Localization Algorithm in Impulsive Stable Distribution Noise
- Wang, Heyuan
- The Research and Implementation of 3DES Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaos System
- Wang, Hongping
- Design And Implementation Of Remote Digital Oscilloscopes Calibration System
- Wang, Hui
- Novel Crossover Genetic Artificial Fish Swarm DNA Encoding Sequence Based Blind Equalization Algorithm
- Wang, Hui
- Weibull Distribution Parameter Estimation of the Algorithm Based on the Improved Flies
- Wang, Jiangwei
- Design and Research of Intelligent Mobile Platform
- Wang, Jianjun
- Design of OFDM-CPM Transceiver and Its Application in Optical Access System
- Wang, Jinfeng
- Numerical Algorithm of Two Mixed Finite Element Schemes for A Fourth-Order Diffusion Equation
- Wang, Jinsong
- Study on TCP Performance Improvement in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Based on Spectrum Switch Estimation
- Wang, Juan
- Speech Recognition Using Locality Preserving Projection Based on Multi Kernel Learning Supervision
- Wang, Le
- Platform Angle Signal Blind Source Separation Algorithm Based on Wavelet –EEMD Method
- Wang, Lei
- A Service-based Congestion Control Strategy for Content Centric Networking
- Wang, Liandong
- Design of OFDM-CPM Transceiver and Its Application in Optical Access System
- Wang, Lina
- S-Distance Based Deterministic Block Parallel Interleaver for Turbo Codes
- Wang, Lizong
- Design and Implementation of Comprehensive Anti- Electric Larceny Remote Online Monitoring System
- Wang, Nan
- The Calibration of Wide Range Meter Based on ML610Q495
- Wang, Ning
- The Kinematics Analysis and Modeling about the Constraint Chain of a 3-TPT Parallel Machine Tool
- Wang, Qiang
- Comparative Research of Video Compression Algorithm for Mobile Device
- Wang, Qingwu
- Design and Implementation of an Intelligent System for Seafarers’ “Cargo stowage and securing” Assessment
- Wang, Qinming
- Investigation into the Surface Topography of Coated Paper related to Calender
- Wang, Qinming
- Study on the Binder Distribution related to Drying
- Wang, Ruoran
- Fuzzy Tuning PID Control of Strip Rolling Mill Hydraulic APC System
- Wang, Shanshan
- Automatic-Generation and Optimization of Elastic Scaling Rules Based on Neural Network
- Wang, Shanshan
- Research and implementation of high-availability model of information application system
- Wang, Shikui
- A Novel Overcomplete Dictionary Training Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and Its Performance Analysis
- Wang, Song
- The Drive Design of the STM32-based Brushless DC Motor
- Wang, Song
- A Service-based Congestion Control Strategy for Content Centric Networking
- Wang, Tao
- Innovated Safety Inspection System on Construction Site Based on Mobile Phone Application
- Wang, Tian
- Improved BP Neural Network for Intrusion Detection Based on AFSA
- Wang, Tianqi
- Mail Security Gateway Mechanism for Email Security
- Wang, Tong
- Research on Lean Cloud Process Management
- Wang, Wanying
- The Effect of Glycosaminoglycan from Urechis unicinctus on the Protein C system and Relevant Factors Expression of HUVECs
- Wang, Weiping
- A Novel Term Selection Approach in sLDA for Imbalanced Text Categorization
- Wang, Wenguang
- Types of Sedimentary Facies of Palace Area in Songliao Basin
- Wang, Xiaomin
- On Evolution Properties of E-bound Growing Network Models
- Wang, Xiaomin
- On Directed Randomized Network Models
- Wang, Xiaoyi
- Fuzzy Evaluation Modeling and Simulation Research on the Skin Condition Based on CRITIC
- Wang, Xin
- Development of Tower Crane Simulation System with Flexible Wire Rope
- Wang, Xiuyun
- Symmetric graphs of order 4p of valency prime
- Wang, Xuejiao
- Development of an Optimal Design Software for Conveyors based on the Discrete Element Method
- Wang, Xun
- Development Strategy of fruit and vegetable intake based on comprehensive evaluation model
- Wang, Yang
- Study on Cutting Processing Technology of Titanium Alloy
- Wang, Yang
- Simulation and Test on Vibration Characteristics of Power Transformer Windings
- Wang, Yangping
- Review of Traffic Safety Situation Based on Analysis
- Wang, Yangping
- Road Safety Evaluation Based on Direct Approach for Identification Problems and Significance of Countermeasures
- Wang, Yarong
- Study of human identification by Electrocardiography frequency features
- Wang, Yatao
- Research for Emergency Exercise Network System based on Scenario Analysis
- Wang, Ying
- Digits and Numeral Expressions Analysis in Machine Translation
- Wang, Ying
- Application Research of Dimensional Engineering in XBRL Taxonomy
- Wang, Yong
- A Novel Term Selection Approach in sLDA for Imbalanced Text Categorization
- Wang, Yongjie
- Research on Three-source Layout of Active Decoy against ARM
- Wang, Yongjie
- Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System for Embedded Computer
- Wang, Yu
- Research on the Freeway Fast Response System Based on “3G”Technology
- Wang, Yuegang
- Platform Angle Signal Blind Source Separation Algorithm Based on Wavelet –EEMD Method
- Wang, Zhao-Wei
- The Storage Protection of Block Device in Android
- Wang, Zhaoyang
- Fuzzy Evaluation Modeling and Simulation Research on the Skin Condition Based on CRITIC
- Wang, Zhenfa
- A Service-based Congestion Control Strategy for Content Centric Networking
- Wang, Zhengwei
- A Plant Growth Simulation Algorithm for for Time-table Problems
- Wang, Zhenhai
- Image Denoising Based on TVD Runge-Kutta Method And Projection Algorithm