Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Computers & Informatics
1004 authors
- Yang, Lei
- Study on a Certain Type of Equipment Order Device Test System
- Yang, Liu
- A quick calculation method for flight radius of fighter aircraft
- Yang, Peikai
- Embedded Wireless Video Grain Insect Monitoring Network
- Yang, Qiufen
- An Improved Algorithm for Moving Object Tracking
- Yang, Shuo
- Research On the Application of Chain STATCOM Redundancy Technologies in Power Grid
- Yang, Xiaolong
- Study on a Certain Type of Equipment Order Device Test System
- Yang, Xiaozhong
- A high order numerical method of MCM equation for image denoising
- Yang, Yantao
- Prediction Model for Nonlinear Deformation Time Series
- Yang, Yin
- A survey on failure prediction methods of information systems
- Yang, YingHong
- Research on Gravity Interpolation Technology for RAPINS/Log/Gravity Matching Integrated Navigation System
- Yang, Yinqiao
- Sun Grid Engine (SGE) and its application
- Yang, Yongqin
- VL-mac: Enabling Multiple Battery-free Users in Visible Light Cognitive Radio Systems
- Yang, Yupu
- Active learning favoring points near the border between clusters
- Yang, Yupu
- Forecastable Component Analysis and Partial Least Squares Applied on Process Monitoring
- Yang, Yupu
- Nonlinear Process Fault Detection Method using Slow Feature Analysis
- Yang, Zhengqiu
- General Research on Database Migration from RDBMS to Hbase
- Yao, Bing
- On Evolution Properties of E-bound Growing Network Models
- Yao, Bing
- On Directed Randomized Network Models
- Yao, Mian
- Research on Image Processing System for Retinal Prosthesis
- Yao, Ming
- On Directed Randomized Network Models
- Yao, Wei
- Empirical Study on Indicators Selection Model Based on significant Discrimination and R Clustering Analysis
- Yao, Zhong
- P System with Chain Structure and Simulation in Arithmetic Operation
- Ye, Xiaohui
- Optimal and Robust Data Aggregative Fusion in Internet of Things for Data Collection on Equipment Status
- Yi, Sanli
- Image segmentation based on gray-level spatial correlation maximum between-cluster variance
- Yin, Desen
- Research on Finger Vein Acquisition Based on Wavelength Choice
- Yin, Li
- Small shortwave whip antenna broadband research
- Yin, Weiwei
- Design and Simulation of a Circularly Polarized Square Horn Antenna
- You, Tengfei
- Enhancement of Time-domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Stationary Wavelet Transform
- You, TuYun
- Application analysis of financial indicators
- Yu, Bing
- A Low Cost Method for Establishing Hardware-In-Loop Platform for Aviation Piston Engine Electronic Controller
- Yu, Guangming
- Research and Analysis On the Electromagnetic Interference Characteristic of SVG Power Module
- Yu, Guangming
- Research On the Application of Chain STATCOM Redundancy Technologies in Power Grid
- Yu, Hong
- Improved K-means Algorithm Based on the Clustering Reliability Analysis
- Yu, Jianqun
- Development of an Optimal Design Software for Conveyors based on the Discrete Element Method
- Yu, Jing
- A New Video Stabilization Method for Airship Surveillance
- Yu, Qingyun
- Input features of Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Jiaozhou Bay
- Yu, Xin
- Research and Analysis On the Electromagnetic Interference Characteristic of SVG Power Module
- Yu, Xunjian
- Development Strategy of fruit and vegetable intake based on comprehensive evaluation model
- Yu, Yongyan
- Identification of the Background from Video Based on Motion Constraints
- Yuan, Chunying
- The Effect of Glycosaminoglycan from Urechis unicinctus on the Protein C system and Relevant Factors Expression of HUVECs
- Yuan, Hongqi
- Southeast slope belt sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary facies of pear rift
- Yuan, Jianguang
- Prediction of the Costs of the Missile Equipment Based on SVR
- Yuan, Li Hua
- Reactive power optimization of power system based on niching differential evolution algorithm
- Yuan, Renmin
- The analysis and management of Wärtsilä engine control system-9520
- Yuan, Yan
- Integration of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System for Urban Air Quality Assessment
- Yun, Xiaoqing
- The study of a risk model based on martingale theory
- Zeng, Ping
- Video Denoising based on Sparse Transformation and Low Rank Matrix Completion
- Zha, Dai-feng
- Time-Frequency MUSIC Encephalon Source Localization Algorithm in Impulsive Stable Distribution Noise
- Zhai, Fengwen
- Review of Traffic Safety Situation Based on Analysis
- Zhai, Fengwen
- Road Safety Evaluation Based on Direct Approach for Identification Problems and Significance of Countermeasures
- Zhai, Linbo
- Optimal Channel Exploration for Cognitive Radio Networks
- Zhang, Bin
- Simulation and Test on Vibration Characteristics of Power Transformer Windings
- Zhang, Chengchen
- A Service-based Congestion Control Strategy for Content Centric Networking
- Zhang, Chun-Rong
- Prediction Algorithm for the Capability of Health Service Support Based on Support Vector Machine
- Zhang, Deng-yin
- Improved Rate Allocation Algorithm for DVC without Feedback Channel
- Zhang, Enying
- Analysis on Low-carbon & Green Container Port-building Goal System
- Zhang, Genyuan
- The Overview of Many Light Rendering
- Zhang, Hao
- White List Security Management Mechanism based on Trusted Computing Technology
- Zhang, Hong
- Improved K-means Algorithm Based on the Clustering Reliability Analysis
- Zhang, Hongbing
- The Pattern Analysis on the Variation of speech
- Zhang, Hua Ying
- Introduction of Techniques Reducing Construction Waste
- Zhang, Huabing
- The Overview of Many Light Rendering
- Zhang, Huaxun
- Study of Motion Blurred Image Restoration Method
- Zhang, Huaxun
- Analysis and Comparison of Image Restoration Methods
- Zhang, Huiyan
- Fuzzy Evaluation Modeling and Simulation Research on the Skin Condition Based on CRITIC
- Zhang, Jiabin
- Research on Coal Seam Spontaneous Combustion Mutation and Precise Detection Technology
- Zhang, Jian
- A Multi-reference Viewpoint Selection Algorithm Based on Viewpoint Similarity Judgment
- Zhang, Jiangong
- Study on Effect of Intermittent Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields on Development of Zebrafish Embryos
- Zhang, Jianjun
- An Improved Firefly Algorithm and its application in Time-table Problems
- Zhang, Jianyong
- Design in the Authentication and Billing System Based on Radius and 802.1x Protocol
- Zhang, Jingmei
- The Research about Data Mining of Network Intrusion Based on Apriori Algorithm
- Zhang, Jun
- Research and Analysis On the Electromagnetic Interference Characteristic of SVG Power Module
- Zhang, Junguang
- Software project risk probability assessment based on dynamic Bayesian network
- Zhang, Junlei
- An improved DNA coding image encryption algorithm Combining entropy and chaos
- Zhang, Kaiyuan
- Research of flow velocity measurement system based on polarity correlation algorithm
- Zhang, Kuan-xin
- Ultrasonic Enhanced treatment wastewater dairy farming organics of single-factor test
- Zhang, Kun
- Research for Emergency Exercise Network System based on Scenario Analysis
- Zhang, Lan
- Image Denoising Based on TVD Runge-Kutta Method And Projection Algorithm
- Zhang, Lei
- Research of Distributed Virtual Agents Based on Queuing Theory
- Zhang, Li-jun
- Numerical Simulation Analysis of Subway Station Deep Excavation Pit
- Zhang, Lieran
- Encrypted Searching with Adaptive Symmetric Searchable Encryption Security in Cloud Storage
- Zhang, Limin
- Text Retrieval analysis based on Deep Learning
- Zhang, Ling
- Digits and Numeral Expressions Analysis in Machine Translation
- Zhang, Lingling
- Risk Evaluation Model of Supply Chain Logistics Service Outsourcing Based on FAHP
- Zhang, Liwei
- Research on Two-Stage Model of Project Risk Assessment Based on Knowledge Discovery
- Zhang, Mengjiao
- A New Algorithm for Ranging in Wireless Sensor Network
- Zhang, Mengyuan
- Design and Implementation of Comprehensive Anti- Electric Larceny Remote Online Monitoring System
- Zhang, Mingjun
- On Evolution Properties of E-bound Growing Network Models
- Zhang, Na
- Study on Estimating Methods of Evapotranspiration in Cold and Arid Region
- Zhang, Ousimani
- Application of Mobile Technology in Activity Design
- Zhang, Peng
- Study on TCP Performance Improvement in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Based on Spectrum Switch Estimation
- Zhang, Pengfei
- Design and Implementation of Parallel LVDS based on RapidIO
- Zhang, Qiang
- Training and Application of Radial-Basis Process Neural Network Based on Improved Shuffled Flog Leaping Algorithm
- Zhang, Qing
- Research of Clothing Sales Prediction and Analysis Based on ID3 Decision Tree Algorithm
- Zhang, Qingqing
- Irregular Partitioning Method Based k-Nearest Neighbor Query Algorithm Using MapReduce
- Zhang, Qiukun
- Enhancement of Time-domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using Stationary Wavelet Transform
- Zhang, Qiwen
- Face Recognition based on Sub-pattern Sparsity Preserving Projection
- Zhang, Quan-Xin
- The Storage Protection of Block Device in Android
- Zhang, Ruo Feng
- Dynamic Behavior and Exact Expressions of Traveling Wave Solutions for a class of nonlinear partial differential equations
- Zhang, Ruo Feng
- Dynamic Behavior of Traveling Wave Solutions for a class of nonlinear partial differential equations