Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Computers & Informatics
1004 authors
- Wang, Zhongpeng
- Research on D2D Communication
- Wei, Guangzhang
- An improved DNA coding image encryption algorithm Combining entropy and chaos
- Wei, Guo
- An Active Noise Control Algorithm Principle and Analysis without Secondary Path Identification Based on Kalman Filter
- Wei, Jiang
- Research on Lean Cloud Process Management
- Wei, Lihao
- Improved BP Neural Network for Intrusion Detection Based on AFSA
- Wei, Xing
- Analysis of dividend policy of listed company and its financial impacts
- Wei, Xing
- Application analysis of financial indicators
- Wen, Bin
- A Novel Modification of the Weibull Function Model for Software Reliability Evaluation based on Cloud Model
- Wen, Wenhua
- Analysis on Low-carbon & Green Container Port-building Goal System
- Wen, Yuqin
- Friction parameters identification and compensation of LuGre model base on genetic algorithms
- Weng, Yu
- A Design of Lightweight Distributed GIS
- Wu, Chuanbao
- A Novel Composite Based on Straw: PVAC/RSS
- Wu, DaQin
- Automatic-Generation and Optimization of Elastic Scaling Rules Based on Neural Network
- Wu, Der-Bang
- Analyzing Communication Competences in Professional Mathematics of University Students by Using GRA
- Wu, Di
- Development of Tower Crane Simulation System with Flexible Wire Rope
- Wu, Fuying
- Analysis of Binary Anti-collision Algorithm Based RFID Position Technology
- Wu, Huapeng
- Bat Swarms Intelligent Optimization Multi-Modulus Algorithm and Influence of Modulation Mode on It
- Wu, Huarui
- Organization and management system based on workflow and web technology
- Wu, Huarui
- Urban Sustainable Development Capacity Evaluation Model Research and Application Based on entropy and distance functions
- Wu, Jiabin
- Study on Estimating Methods of Evapotranspiration in Cold and Arid Region
- Wu, Jian-ping
- A Multi-reference Viewpoint Selection Algorithm Based on Viewpoint Similarity Judgment
- Wu, Li
- Numerical Simulation Analysis of Subway Station Deep Excavation Pit
- Wu, Panlong
- An interacting multiple models probabilistic data association algorithm for maneuvering target tracking in clutter
- Wu, Peng
- Design and Research of Intelligent Mobile Platform
- Wu, Qian
- On the Modeling of Airport Arrival and Departure Delay Distributions
- Wu, QingXiang
- The Design of Parking Space Intelligent Management System based on Technology of Visual Identification
- Wu, Qingxiang
- Eye Localization Based on Maximal Complexity of Rotating Scan Lines
- Wu, Tingyun
- Risk Evaluation Model of Supply Chain Logistics Service Outsourcing Based on FAHP
- Wu, Xianghu
- An Embedded Software Testing Requirements Modeling Tool Describing Static and Dynamic Characteristics
- Wu, Yaohui
- A Novel Method for Minimum Comprehensive Cost Network Coding in Wireless Network
- Wu, Youfu
- Vertical distribution of Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Jiaozhou Bay
- Wu, Yuan-yuan
- Improved Rate Allocation Algorithm for DVC without Feedback Channel
- Wu, Yue
- The Location of Appliances Garbage Recycle Bin Based on AHP
- Wu, Yunjie
- Vertical water body effect of benzene hexachloride
- Wu, Zhifeng
- Development Strategy of fruit and vegetable intake based on comprehensive evaluation model
- Xia, ChunHe
- On the Security of a Public Auditing Protocol for Shared Data with Efficient User Revocation in the Cloud
- Xia, Leilei
- Impact Assessment of Seafaring Occupation using Fuzzy Aggregation Method
- Xia, Lili
- Two-dimensional DOA Estimation in Monostatic MIMO Radar with Double Parallel Uniform Linear Arrays using Propagator Method
- Xia, Wen-Xiang
- Prediction Algorithm for the Capability of Health Service Support Based on Support Vector Machine
- Xian, Jin long
- Multi-user Detection Based on Weight approaching particle filter in Impulsive Noise
- Xiang, Yan
- Image segmentation based on gray-level spatial correlation maximum between-cluster variance
- Xiang, Yu
- Design and Implementation of Smartphone Rapid Triage APP in Emergency Medical Rescue System
- Xiang, Yu
- Communication Interface Design of Data Acquisition System Based on AT90CAN128
- Xiao, Da
- The hardware modeling and analysis techniques based on Kripke structure
- Xiao, Feng
- Towards More Security Distance Bounding Protocol to prevent relay attacks
- Xiao, Guoguang
- A Novel Composite Based on Straw: PVAC/RSS
- Xiao, Qijun
- Hydraulic System Design of Engineering Vehicle Based on the Distributed Control
- Xiao, Ruiqing
- The hardware modeling and analysis techniques based on Kripke structure
- Xiao, Zhiguo
- Application research on 3D reconstruction based on Kinect
- Xie, Dong hai
- Introduction of Techniques Reducing Construction Waste
- Xie, Feng
- Optimal and Robust Data Aggregative Fusion in Internet of Things for Data Collection on Equipment Status
- Xie, HaiHui
- The Design of Parking Space Intelligent Management System based on Technology of Visual Identification
- Xie, Huicheng
- Time-Frequency MUSIC Encephalon Source Localization Algorithm in Impulsive Stable Distribution Noise
- Xie, Huichun
- Study on Effect of Intermittent Exposure to Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields on Development of Zebrafish Embryos
- Xie, Lijie
- Research on the logistics distribution model of RT Mart supermarket chain
- Xie, Shengli
- Design and Implementation of Comprehensive Anti- Electric Larceny Remote Online Monitoring System
- Xie, Xusheng
- Technology of UWB Communication System Synchronization Capture
- Xie, Zhuojuan
- Research on the Spatial Distribution Characteristics of b-value in Southwest Yunnan
- Xinghui, Zhu
- Bank Customer Classification Model and Application Based on SVM
- Xiong, Guang Ming
- Modeling and Simulation on Revolving Movement of Log for Veneer Lathe
- Xiong, Runze
- Study on a Certain Type of Equipment Order Device Test System
- Xiong, Yali
- Research on the Key Technology of Distributed Network Management System
- Xiu, Jiapeng
- General Research on Database Migration from RDBMS to Hbase
- Xiu, Zhenyu
- Response analysis of curve beam bridge under high earthquake intensity
- Xu, Bing
- Research on the Hardware RBF Fuzzy Neural based on the FPGA
- Xu, Birong
- Chaotic Synchronization of Nonlinear-Coupled Fractional-order Liu System and Secure Communication
- Xu, Guangping
- Study on TCP Performance Improvement in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Based on Spectrum Switch Estimation
- Xu, Hongxuan
- Design of OFDM-CPM Transceiver and Its Application in Optical Access System
- Xu, Jiafang
- The simulation study on montmorillonite and its effecting to borehole stability
- Xu, Jian-nan
- The Research and Implementation of 3DES Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaos System
- Xu, Ming
- Application of dual threshold image processing technology in the android Chinese font recognition system
- Xu, Tiecheng
- The implement of Internet of things in the College building energy saving design
- Xu, Xiaoxiao
- A survey on failure prediction methods of information systems
- Xu, Xiaozhou
- A New Video Stabilization Method for Airship Surveillance
- Xu, Yong-lin
- Tourist route optimization design and algorithm
- Xu, Yu-qing
- Research on “Real-Network-in-the-Loop” Simulation Based on OPNET
- Xu, Zhenchao
- Software project risk probability assessment based on dynamic Bayesian network
- Xu, Zijun
- Research on the vertical distribution of Cadmium in Jiaozhou Bay waters
- Xurigan, Saiyin
- Research of Clothing Sales Prediction and Analysis Based on ID3 Decision Tree Algorithm
- Yan, Binbin
- The design and implementation of high-speed data interface based on Ink-jet printing system
- Yan, Cairong
- Research on Evaluation of CAM Image Segmentation Algorithms on a new Database
- Yan, Fu
- The design for restructuring translation model based on multi-feature inference hypothesis
- Yan, Hui
- Research on the Fuzzy Clustering of Communication Data
- Yan, Hui
- Research on the Library Seat Management System Based on Zigbee
- Yan, Kaige
- An Innovative Design of Automatic Feeding System for Fuel Injection Pump Plunger
- Yan, Pengcheng
- Research of flow velocity measurement system based on polarity correlation algorithm
- Yan, Xiaoya
- Study on Gypsum Plasters with Modified Waste Mycelium as Retarder
- Yang, Dali
- A Design and Implementation of Programming Examination Platform with Compilation Feature
- Yang, Dongdong
- SAR Image Segmentation by Cooperative Populations and Multi-objective Kernel Clustering Indices
- Yang, Dongfang
- Vertical distribution of Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Jiaozhou Bay
- Yang, Dongfang
- Vertical water body effect of benzene hexachloride
- Yang, Dongfang
- Distribution and homogeneity of petroleum hydrocarbon in Jiaozhou Bay
- Yang, Dongfang
- Research on the vertical distribution of Cadmium in Jiaozhou Bay waters
- Yang, Dongfang
- Input features of Petroleum Hydrocarbon in Jiaozhou Bay
- Yang, Fan
- Research on the Optimal Design of Computing Security based on Cloud Computing
- Yang, Feng
- Optimal Channel Exploration for Cognitive Radio Networks
- Yang, Ge
- Parking Demand Forecasting in Airport Ground Transportation System: Case Study in Hongqiao Airport
- Yang, Hualong
- Optimization of Logistics Network Configuration for Fresh Agricultural Products
- Yang, Hui
- SAR Image Segmentation by Cooperative Populations and Multi-objective Kernel Clustering Indices
- Yang, Jin
- Tourist route optimization design and algorithm