Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Transportation Studies in Developing Countries (ISTSDC 2019)
118 authors
- Suwandi
- Freeboard Monitoring System as an Early Warning System on Railroad Bridge with Solar Cell as Resource Energy
- Syahputri, Jeanly
- Investigating the Role of Activity-Travel Participation on Daily Travel Satisfaction in Bandung Metropolitan Area
- Tajudin, Annisa Noor
- The Relationship Between Trait Anger and Traffic Accident History in Denpasar, Manado, and Padang
- Tangkudung, Ellen Sophie Wulan
- Evaluation of Odd-Even Vehicle Registration Number Regulation Before and After Expansion of the Rule in Jakarta
- Tinumbia, Nuryani
- Dynamic System Modeling in the Selection of Regency Road Pavement Construction Types
- Tjahjani, A R Indra
- Dynamic System Modeling in the Selection of Regency Road Pavement Construction Types
- Waloejo, Budi Sugiarto
- Urban Transportation: Performance and Problems (Case Study: Route of ABG, CKL, and AT)
- Waloejo, Budi Sugiarto
- The Effect of Commercial Areas and Industrial Zone Improvement on Road Service Levels Between City Surabaya-Sidoarjo
- Wardani, Sri Prabandiyani Retno
- The Effect of Curing Time on the Engineering Properties of Sawdust and Lime Stabilized Expansive Soils
- Wibowo, Sony Sulaksono
- Calibration and Validation of Walking Behavior Parameter (Case Study: Sky Bridge of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport, Palembang)
- Wicaksono, Achmad
- Analytic Hierarchy Process for Priority Policy on Road Access to Tourist Areas of Berau Regency, East Kalimantan
- Wicaksono, Achmad
- The Probability Prediction Model of Motorcyclist Accident Against IRSMS and AIS from the Police Department, East Java (A Case Study in Kediri Regency and Surabaya City)
- Wicaksono, Ahmad
- Online-Taxi Choice Model Based on Passenger Perception in Indonesia
- Wicaksono, Y I
- Improvement of Potholes and Rutting Assessment in Surface Distress Index*
- Wijayanta, Setya
- The Influence of the Water Level in the Brake Fluid on the Rate of Increase in Temperature and Boiling Point of the Brake Fluid
- Yamin, Muh.
- Design and Load Analysis Toward the Strength of Rim Modification Using SolidWorks Software on Motorcycle as a City Transportation
- Yosritzal
- Identification of Factors Influencing the Evacuation Walking Speed in Padang, Indonesia
- Yusup, Lovvina Arida
- The Effectiveness of Speed Limit Sign and Marking as the Speed Management Devices