Proceedings of the 2015 4th National Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
806 authors
- An, Luling
- Interference Detection Algorithm of Aircraft Components Assembly based on Measured Data
- An, Maobo
- Efficient Acoustic Modeling Method for Unsupervised Speech Recognition using Multi-Task Deep Neural Network
- Ba, Qianqian
- Landslide susceptibility evaluation based on GIS and information value model
- Bai, Yan
- Design and optimization of knee varus vibration orthopedic rehabilitation correction mechanism control system
- Bao, Yiping
- Research on Database Design of Military Equipment Data Engineering
- Bi, Zhimin
- The Analysis of the Thickness-predictive Model Based on the SVM
- Bian, YaJing
- The First-Order Derivative of Atmospheric Electronic Field in an Optimal Time Window Improves the Accuracy of Lightning Warning
- Cai, Zhiyong
- Study of Platform Passenger Evacuation Simulation Based on GPU
- Cao, Xiuling
- Developing Situation and Research Advances of Structural Damage Detection Using BP Network
- Chai, Tianfu
- Image Processing and Analysis Based on Partial Differential Equation Method
- Chao, Yong-Jing
- Research on Crowd Behavior Based on the Velocity Field
- Chen, Bibo
- The Practical Inquiry of the AC Withstand Voltage Test Technology of the Same Frequency and Phase Based on the GIS Equipment
- Chen, Changying
- Performance comprehensive assessment method for intelligent transportation system of Shandong Province
- Chen, Chunrong
- The Research and Design of Remote MCU Learing Plaform Based on the Combination of Virtual and Reality
- Chen, Chunyi
- Characterizing Instantaneous Difference between Received Powers at Two Ends of a Bidirectional Optical Wireless Communication Link through Atmospheric Turbulence
- Chen, Dan
- Virtual Machine Scheduling to Minimize Resource Wastage in Cloud Computing Environment
- Chen, Dianbin
- Molten area detection in laser cladding based on vision detection
- Chen, Fangni
- PAPR Reduction of OFDM Signal for Visible Light Communication by Using Hartley Transform and Companding Techniques
- Chen, Gang
- A Novel New Energy Power Transmission System and Its Coordinate Control Strategy
- Chen, Gang
- Analysis on ferroresonance over-voltage of UHV converter transformer bushing tap
- Chen, Gang
- Wavelet-Based Power Network Disturbance Identifying Part I: Theory and Method
- Chen, Gang
- Wavelet-Based Power Network Disturbance Identifying Part II: Application in Large Scale Power System
- Chen, Guangbing
- A 6GHz Input Bandwidth Track-and-Hold circuit in HBT Technology
- Chen, Guangcheng
- Wall-Stability Analysis of a Climbing Robot
- Chen, Guoliang
- Wall-Stability Analysis of a Climbing Robot
- Chen, Hui
- Rao-Blackwellized Free Clustering Particle PHD Filter For Multi-Target Tracking
- Chen, Jia
- An Approach for Protecting the OpenFlow Switch from the Saturation Attack
- Chen, Jie
- An Energy Efficient Node Scheduling Algorithm of Wireless Sensor Network
- Chen, Jing
- An Adaptive Texture Synthesis Algorithm
- Chen, Jinhui
- Information Services Model based on Publish/Subscribe for Large Scale Sensor Networks
- Chen, Jinhui
- Architecting Sensor Networks Publish/Subscribe Applications: A Semantic Technology-Oriented Approach
- Chen, Jinsong
- Research on Applications of Fuzzy Self-adaptive PID Control in Synchronous Control System Based on Electro-Hydraulic Proportional Technology
- Chen, Kaiyan
- Correlation power analysis for AES encryption device
- Chen, Kun
- The Pig Food Intake Measurement System Based on TinyOS and WSN
- Chen, Shaoping
- Research on convexity-preserving of the weight factor of cubic NURBS interpolation curve
- Chen, Shuqiao
- Efficient Regular Expression Grouping Algorithm Based on Label Propagation
- Chen, Shuxiang
- Simulation of Poisson process
- Chen, TianYang
- The Pig Food Intake Measurement System Based on TinyOS and WSN
- Chen, Wei
- Research on Database Design of Military Equipment Data Engineering
- Chen, Wenwei
- Energy efficient optimization method for green data center based on cloud computing
- Chen, Xi
- Efficient Regular Expression Grouping Algorithm Based on Label Propagation
- Chen, Xiaoqiang
- A VoD System Model Based on BC Graphs
- Chen, Xiupeng
- Study on Reserve Capacity Optimization Model of Wind And Solar Power Generation System Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
- Chen, Yue-Tong
- An Energy Efficient Node Scheduling Algorithm of Wireless Sensor Network
- Chen, Yumin
- ANOVA for Spatial Data after Filtering out the Spatial Autocorrelation
- Chen, Yumin
- Landslide susceptibility evaluation based on GIS and information value model
- Chen, Yushi
- The Development of the Power Management Circuit of Vibrational Energy Harvesting Devices
- Chen, Zhifu
- An Efficient CPK-based Key Management Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Cheng, Baolei
- A VoD System Model Based on BC Graphs
- Cheng, Dawang
- Research on the Intelligent Power Communication Network Management Information Model Based on the Web Technology
- Cheng, Mo
- ANOVA for Spatial Data after Filtering out the Spatial Autocorrelation
- Cheng, Xiefeng
- Design and Realization of Pulse Compression Method of Radar System Based on FPGA
- Cheng, Yiping
- Study on Reserve Capacity Optimization Model of Wind And Solar Power Generation System Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
- Cheng, Yiping
- Forecast on Short-Term Wind Speed and Wind Farm Power Generation
- Chi, Guanxin
- Development of the adjusting and inspecting equipment for EDM
- Chong, Xin
- Remote-sensing Fusion by Multiscale Block-based Compressed Sensing
- Chu, Fei-huang
- Micro RF sensor applied in grid radio monitoring system
- Cui, Bo
- Information Integration of Engineering Construction Project Based on Management Process
- Cui, Bo
- Design of Construction Project Management Information System Based on CPR Theory
- Cui, Haolin
- Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Runway Incursion based on Fault Tree Method
- Cui, Weijia
- An Adaptive K-nearest-neighbor Interference Alignment Algorithm Based on Minimizing Projection in Cellular System
- Dai, Jiuru
- Analysis of Graduation Thesis Information Based on Decision Tree
- Dai, Longzhen
- An Adaptive K-nearest-neighbor Interference Alignment Algorithm Based on Minimizing Projection in Cellular System
- Dai, Qinghui
- Research on the Classification of the Advanced Manufacturing Mode
- Dai, Ting
- Design and Implementation of Credit Assessment Service Platform for International Trade
- Dai, Xiaolin
- Evaluation of Low Cost Fresnel Lens for Portable Concentrated Solar Cell Application
- Dehui, Yang
- Research on a Remote Sensing Image Classification Algorithm Based on Decision Table
- Deng, Qianni
- Study of Platform Passenger Evacuation Simulation Based on GPU
- Deng, Qilin
- Molten area detection in laser cladding based on vision detection
- Deng, Ruren
- Application of open network knowledge in data mining and Information retrieval
- Deng, Ya-qing
- Research on Logistic Management Quality Evaluation Based on Support Vector Machine
- Di, Jie-jian
- Structure Design and Simulation of A Bionic Continuous Hopping Robot
- Ding, Jie
- Research on Character Recognition Technology based on Computer Vision
- Ding, LiJie
- Analysis on ferroresonance over-voltage of UHV converter transformer bushing tap
- Ding, LiShan
- Design and Realization of Pulse Compression Method of Radar System Based on FPGA
- Ding, Lijie
- Wavelet-Based Power Network Disturbance Identifying Part I: Theory and Method
- Ding, Lijie
- Wavelet-Based Power Network Disturbance Identifying Part II: Application in Large Scale Power System
- Ding, Liqun
- The Development of the Power Management Circuit of Vibrational Energy Harvesting Devices
- Ding, Xuewen
- An Adaptive Texture Synthesis Algorithm
- Dong, Biao
- Information Services Model based on Publish/Subscribe for Large Scale Sensor Networks
- Dong, Biao
- Architecting Sensor Networks Publish/Subscribe Applications: A Semantic Technology-Oriented Approach
- Dong, Xingye
- A special resource constrained project scheduling problem: model update and ant colony optimization solving
- Donghan, Wang
- The Ramsey Type Model with Endogenous Birth Rate
- Du, Ning
- Threshold Selection Algorithm of Joint Metric for TOA Estimation in 60GHz Sensor Networks
- Du, Ye
- Design and Implementation of Key Management System in IC Card Application for Public Transportation
- Duan, Fengfeng
- Distributed Cluster Multidimensional Transcoding for Stereoscopic Video Stream
- Duan, Ran
- An Adaptive K-nearest-neighbor Interference Alignment Algorithm Based on Minimizing Projection in Cellular System
- Fan, Bijian
- Semantic-based Distributed Version Control Model
- Fan, Chao
- A study about the improvement of Ant colony algorithm
- Fan, Jianxi
- A VoD System Model Based on BC Graphs
- Fan, Jinsheng
- Developing Situation and Research Advances of Structural Damage Detection Using BP Network
- Fang, Hao
- Research on Protocol Conformance Testing Method Based on Petri net
- Fang, Hao
- Method Realizing both Protocol Performance Evaluation and Validation Based on Petri Net
- Fang, Jiacong
- The Research on Anti-interference Performance of Ambiguity Function Based Digital Communication System
- Fang, Wenchong
- Research on diagram automatic generation based panorama dispatching technologies for smart grid
- Fang, Wenchong
- Research on dynamic viewport display method for automatic generation of power flow diagram
- Fang, Yuming
- The Development of the Power Management Circuit of Vibrational Energy Harvesting Devices
- Fangliang, Leng
- Single-phase-to-ground fault line selection in distribution networks based on similarity of wavelet energy spectrum
- Feng, Duo
- Automatic Facial Feature Points Extraction and Expression Recognition Based on Video Database
- Feng, Han
- A method research based on acceleration unbalance power fast estimation of generator tripping sensitive spot search