Advances in Biological Sciences Research

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2367 articles
Proceedings Article

Prevalence of Endoparasites in Timor Deer In-Situ Breeding at Tinanggea Sub-District Using SAF (Sodium Acetic Formaldehyde) Method

Restu Libriani, Putu Nara Kusuma Prasanjaya, La Ode Agus Salim Mando, Dedem Sutopo, Andini Sulfitrana, Achmad Selamet Aku, Purnaning Dhian Isnaeni
Management of wildlife in captivity that must be considered is the use of feed additives and prevention of diseases caused by endoparasites. The digestive tract is one of the organs that are susceptible to helminthiasis. This study was aimed to determine the prevalence of endoparasite infection in Timor...
Proceedings Article

Growth and Productivity of Lurik Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L. var. Lurikensis) after Biofertilizer-Sludge Biogas Application

Dwi Umi Siswanti, Nur Hidayah Pangestuti, Niken Wulansari
One of the most important crop commodities in Indonesia is peanut. Ipeanutse peanut production can be done in various ways, including plant breeding, and improving land quality through organic fertilization. The effect of the use of biofertilizer combined with sludge on crop productivity of peanuts,...
Proceedings Article

Vegetables for Food Security and Economic Growth

Idha Widi Arsanti, Henri Wira Perkasa
The agriculture sector is one of the sectors that showed a positive trend during the Pandemic Covid-19 in Indonesia. This positive trend is partly contributed by an increase in horticultural products such as fruits and vegetables during the period. Vegetables are considered a highly-valued commodity...
Proceedings Article

The Potency of Sugar Palm (Arenga piñata) Household Industry to Contribute Into the Farmer’s Income in Sindang Jaya Village, Rejang Lebong

Enggar Apriyanto, Satria Putra Utama, Putranto Budiono Agung Nugroho, Siswahyono, Elnita M Ulina Tarigan
Rejang Lebong district is one of the palm sugar producers in Bengkulu Province. The sugar palm (Arenga piñata) household Industry has been establishing for a long time ago. The household industry plays an important role in society’s welfare. The aim of the study was to identify the farmer characteristic...
Proceedings Article

Development of Cloud-Based Decision Support System for Fertilizer Management - A Case Study in Wilmar Oil Palm Plantation

Ardan Wiratmoko, Andri Prima Nugroho, Mukhes Sri Muna, Muhdan Syarovy, Suwardi, Sukarman, Lilik Sutiarso
Indonesia is one of the largest palm oil-producing countries. The industrial management system in oil palm plantations is essential to realize the company's goals. On the other hand, many oil palm plantations in Indonesia still apply conventional data management. The deficiencies have an impact...
Proceedings Article

Cerebral Microbleed Detection by Wavelet Entropy and Naive Bayes Classifier

Hai-nan WANG, Beatrice Gagnon
(Aim) Current cerebral microbleed detection methods are too complicated, and difficult to train. (Method) We enrolled 10 subjects diagnosed as cerebral microbleed.Our method combined wavelet entropy and naive Bayes classifier. (Results) The simulation results over 10 times of 10-fold cross validation...
Proceedings Article

Cellulase Production from Paecilomyces Lilacinus ICP1 Using Coffee Pulp as Substrate

Trianawati, Rudju Winarsa, Siswoyo, Kahar Muzakhar
Cellulase can be produced by a microorganism, such as fungi. The cellulolytic microorganism used in this study was Paecilomyces lilacinus ICP1. P. lilacinus ICP1 is one of the indigenous fungi from coffee pulp that has been known to produce cellulose. Coffee pulp is expected to be able to replace the...
Proceedings Article

The Preventive Effect of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) with Lime Acidification (Citrus aurantifolia) on Total Cholesterol Levels and Expression of Hepatic TGF-β on Hypercholesterolemic Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

Indah Amalia Amri, Falyudhanto Aryo Wibisono, Aulia Firmawati, Nurina Titisari, Dahliatul Qosimah
Hypercholesterolemia is an excessive level of blood cholesterol condition. Fat and high cholesterol overconsumption cause atherosclerosis, coronary heart diseases, and liver diseases e.g. fatty liver and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). One ingredient that can be used to prevent hypercholesterolemia...
Proceedings Article

In Silico Analysis of the Phalaemopsis amabilis FLOWERING TIME (PaFT) Gene Function

Ireneus Seno Prasojo, Febri Yuda Kurniawan, Nuzlan Rasjid, Muhammad Dylan Lawrie, Ni Putu Ayu Erninda Oktaviani Suputri, Endang Semiarti
Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Blume, as one of the charms of Indonesia, this orchid is very popular with the public because of the beauty of its flower shape and the long duration of flowering. In plant, the flowering period begins when the vegetative stage switched to reproductive stage. Some genes play...
Proceedings Article

Stability of Production of Active Antibiotic Compounds by Andalas Endophite Bacteria (Morus Macroura Miq.) at Several Subculture Frequency

Dwi Hilda Putri, Iffa Sakina Haq, Dezi Handayani, Violita, Nurhasnah, Irdawati
To maintain the viability of bacteria during the development and utilization process, it is necessary to rejuvenate the bacteria through a subculture process. It is interesting to know whether the activity of the antibiotic compounds and the genetic stability of Andalas endophytic bacteria will remain...
Proceedings Article

Antibacterial Activities of Endophytic Bacteria Isolate AKEBG28 from Yellow Root Plant (Arcangelisia flava (L.) Merr) Against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus

Sipriyadi, Risky Hadi Wibowo, Welly Darwis, Resli Siboro, Sal Prima Yudha
Yellow root plant (Arcangelisia flava (L.) Merr) is one of the plants widely used as a medicinal plant. Yellow root plant stems have secondary metabolites of the Alkaloid groups that have the potential as antibacterial. Antibacterials can be produced by microorganisms such as endophyte bacteria. So far,...
Proceedings Article

Potential High Conservation Value of Mount Ungaran as a Step-stone for Essential Ecosystem Area Plan

Margareta Rahayuningsih, Nana Kariada Tri Martuti, Dyah Kartikasari, Lutfian Nazar
High conservation value (HCV) helps stakeholders conduct sustainable forest management by considering social and environmental aspects. It requires a high level of protection to ensure the high conservation value of an area persists in the long term. Mount Ungaran is one of the essential areas in Central...
Proceedings Article

Abundance and Distribution of Medicinal Plants in Madapi Forest Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP) Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu

Guswarni Anwar, Oktariani, Agus Susatya, Putranto BAN, Wiryono
Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP) as a conservation area posses a strategic role as a source of medicinal plants. This research on the potential of medicinal plants as one of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in the MADAPI Forest in Rejang Lebong Region of KNSP, in Bengkulu Province, aimed to determine...
Proceedings Article

Correction of Sleep Staging Based on Sleep Spindle Detection

Xue-mei JIN, Jun-zhong ZOU, Jian ZHANG
It has been demonstrated that sleep has a great relationship with humans' health and activities. Sleep staging is an important method to analysis sleep. Lots of methods have been adopted for automatic sleep staging. Some of the results are good and some of them are poor. For the poor, the sleep spindle...
Proceedings Article

Farmers’ Interest in Processing Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) in South Binjai, Binjai, North Sumatra, Indonesia

Farmers Interest, Factors, Sweet Potato, South Binjai

Nurliana Harahap, Gusti Setiavani, Ameilia Zuliyanti Siregar, Lukman Hakim
Sweet potato is one of the typical foods of the Indonesian people. In addition to its sweet taste, nutritional value, sweet potatoes are foods that are easy to process so they have the potential to increase added value through processed products. This study aims to analyze the interest of farmers and...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Identification of Hemicellulolytic Bacteria from Indonesian Coffee Pulp Waste

Sattya Arimurti, Yulia Nuraini, Tri Ardyati, Suharjono Suharjono
Coffee pulp waste contains 25.9–33.0% hemicellulose. Hemicellulolytic bacteria possess the ability to depolymerize hemicellulose by producing hemicellulase enzymes. The objective of the research is to isolate and identify the hemicellulolytic bacteria from Indonesian coffee pulp waste. Hemicellulolytic...
Proceedings Article

MSMEs’ Technology Readiness: Indicator and Index in Adopting Digital Marketing

M. Wahyudin, N. A. Muhammad, W. Supartono, C. C. Chen, K. M. Tsai
The presence of e-commerce accompanied by online shopping trends has excellent potential to move and drive the economy of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Digital marketing utilises electronic media to promote products or services to attract customers' attention and allow customers to...
Proceedings Article

Activity of Ethanol-derived Fraction of Clove Leaves and Eugenol Compound as Antiaging Agent in the Yeast Model Organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe

Sity Azizah Anwar, Rika Indri Astuti, Dedy Duryadi Solihin
Clove is known to have high antioxidant and antivirulence activity. The antioxidant activity of clove extract presumably correlates with the extension of cellular life span (antiaging activity). Crude extract of clove leaves has been reported to prolong the life span of yeast cells, however lack of information...
Proceedings Article

A Meta-Analysis Study on Spodoptera exigua and Spodoptera litura Control: Biopesticides vs. Synthetic Pesticides

Nadya Sofia Siti Sa’adah, Hipny Alwandri, Laurentius Hartanto Nugroho, Sukirno Sukirno, Tri Rini Nuringtyas
Polyphagous lepidopterans like Spodoptera exigua (Hübner) and S. litura (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are well-known economic importance insect pests that defoliate a variety of economically important crops. Currently, the most widely used control for both is the use of insecticides. Applying large amounts...
Proceedings Article

Primers Design and PCR Optimization for Developing Salmonella Sp. Detection Method on Refillable Drinking Water Sample

Oswal Yuselman, Dwi Hilda Putri, Yuni Ahda, Afifatul Achyar
One of the parameters of drinking water quality is not contaminated by coliform bacteria such as Salmonella sp. This bacteria can infect humans through oral routes causing infection of the gastrointestinal tract (Salmonellosis). Generally, analysis testing of coliform bacteria in water can be done using...
Proceedings Article

MEG Weak Source Imaging Methods Based on Functional Connectivity

Ting WU, Yuan CUI, Zhi-guo ZHANG, Jun-peng ZHANG, Tian-zi JIANG
Beam former, as a class of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) source imaging methods, is widely used. However, it has difficulty in locating weak electromagnetic sources within brain. To solve this problem, this paper attempts to develop a method for MEG weak Source Imaging. Firstly classical beam former is...
Proceedings Article

Assessment of Unexpected Mine Closure Towards Sustainable Landscape: Case of a Coal Mining Lease at Central Bengkulu

Hery Suhartoyo, Arif Husaini, Agus Susatya, Muhammad Faiz Barchia
Managing environmental risks of any mining activities is critical factor during mining operation, mine closure and post closure periods. Mine closure can be temporarily or permanently. Uncertainty associated with the post closure phase of mining lease, it is crucial to adopt sound management practices...
Proceedings Article

Motivation of Farmers in Controlling Powdery Mildew (Peronospora destructor) on Shallot in Food Estate Hortikultura, Humbang Hasundutan Regency

Tama Sari Kartikasih Napitupulu, Tience Elisabet Pakpahan, Elrisa Ramadhani
This country has a big responsibility to the National food fulfillment. Food Estate is a big step taken by the Government to maintain the sustainability of food security in the country as well as a certain step to anticipate the occurrence of a food crisis especially in horticulture sector. Shallot is...
Proceedings Article

Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Variegated-Leaf Pattern in Dendrobium ‘Burana Green’ Based on the Structure of VAR2 Gene

Saifa Usni Putri, Aviesta Linggabuwana, Febri Yuda Kurniawan, Muhammad Dylan Lawrie, Endang Semiarti
Some plants developed variegated pattern on their leaves, where the leaves color separated to green part that indicate normal chloroplasts and white part that indicates abnormal chloroplast. Dendrobium ‘Burana Green’ is a hybrid orchid that has variegated phenotype on its leaves, where the middle part...
Proceedings Article

Pigmented Rice Niche Market Expansion: Green Consumer Attitudes and Purchase Intention to be Considered

Dyah Ismoyowati, Shafira Wuryandani, Fadhila Kurnia Wijayanti
The current global trend leads to a healthy lifestyle related to environmentally friendly and green product consumption. Pigmented rice is one of the most popular healthy food choices for consumption by Indonesian consumers. Information regarding green consumer behavior in the pigmented rice market must...
Proceedings Article

Effects of Jinjiang Granules on Immunologic Function of Immunosuppressive Mice Model Induced by Cyclophosphamide

Ming-san MIAO, Li-hua CAO, Xue-xia ZHANG
Objective: To explore the effects of jinjiang granules on immunologic function and to provide evidence for jinjiang granules as the application of clinical medicine in the initial stage of cold, through the observation of the effects of jinjiang granules on immunologic function of low immune mouse model...
Proceedings Article

Agricultural Inputs for Organic Agriculture

K. Soytong, J. J. Song, R. Tongon
Sustainable development concerns on saving energy and the environmental friendly reservation and to serve healthy and safety food. The history of agricultural production using chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other synthetic chemicals for crop and animal production is to increase yield become harzardous...
Proceedings Article

Isolation and Identification of Cellulase- Producing Encophytic Bacteria From Yellow Root Plants (Arvangelisia flava (L.) Merr) From Enggano Island

Stella Reformanda, Sipriyadi, Welly Darwis, Risky Hadi Wibowo, Rochmah Supriati, Resli Siboro
Endophytic bacteria are bacteria that live in plant tissue without causing disease in their host. In general, endophytic bacteria enter through stomata or wounds in plants by producing cellulase enzymes to degrade cellulose in plant cell walls that contain cellulose, one of which is yellow root (Arcangelisia...
Proceedings Article

Linker Optimization in Breast Cancer Multiepitope Peptide Vaccine Design Based on Molecular Study

Fadilah Fadilah, Rafika Indah Paramita, Linda Erlina, Khaerunissa Anbar Istiadi, Puspita Eka Wuyung, Aryo Tedjo
Breast cancer is most common cancer diagnosed in women. The urgency of developing effective therapeutic approaches is needed, both passive and active immunotherapy using vaccines. Immunoinformatics approach for epitope prediction of cancer proteins is one of promising approach in peptide vaccine development....
Proceedings Article

Effectiveness of Bio-Catharantin Induction to Increase Red Spinach (Alternanthera amoena Voss.) Production

Nabila Shafura, Laras Nur Janah, Muhammad Syafi’atol Huda, Budi Setiadi Daryono
Red spinach (Alternanthera amoena Voss.) is a plant with high nutritional value and contains anthocyanin compounds that act as antioxidant compounds to prevent the formation of free radicals in the body, besides that anthocyanin can also treat anemia. The increase in demand for red spinach in the market...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Multiplex PCR for Detection of Rat Meat-Contaminated Beef-Based Food Product

Afifatul Achyar, Moralita Chatri, Lisna Khairiyah S
Food safety is an important point in consuming food, in order to produce good health for the community. But lately there were many foods circulating in the community that are no longer guaranteed to be safe, namely the existence of counterfeiting and mixing beef with other meats such as rat meat. Rat...
Proceedings Article

Operator Workload Analysis of Corn Seed Planting Equipment in Corn Planting

Ansar, Nazaruddin, Atri Dewi Azis
The use of a push system planting tool to plant corn seeds requires a lot of energy because workers act as controllers, so it often creates a physical and mental workload. Workloads that are too heavy and exceed work capacity can cause fatigue. This fatigue will eventually cause pain. Therefore, the...
Proceedings Article

Application of Fermented Rice Bran Using Lactobacillus sp. in Artificial Feed For Survival Rate and FCR of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

Surianti, Fitratul Muaddama, Rini Sahni Putri, Hasrianti, Damis, Wahyudi
Rice bran is the result of the process of milling rice plants into rice, but rice bran has not been utilized properly in the Sidrap area. Feeding with the addition of fermented rice bran using Lactobacillus sp. is expected to increase the use of feed in tilapia aquaculture. This research aims to realize...
Proceedings Article

The Effects of High-Fat Diet and CCl4 Administration on Liver Function and Lipid Profile in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Rat Model

Marwan Rosada, Widya Wasityastuti, Yanasta Yudo Pratama, Ken Siwi, Dewiyani Indah Widasari, Tutik Sri Wahyuni
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is often encountered in the field of hepatology. The disease has a broad spectrum ranging from non-inflammatory fat-accumulating macrovesicles (simple steatosis) and develops to fibrous and cirrhosis. The rate of NAFLD is 15-30% in western countries and around...
Proceedings Article

Performance and Yield of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Granola Variety from Five Generations in Toba, North Sumatra

Vitho Alveno, Awang Maharijaya, Nerlileng Purba, Bambang S. Purwoko
Potato is one of the major horticulture crop in Indonesia, but potato productivity in Indonesia is still relatively low compared to several European countries such as Belgium and Netherlands. One of the major problem was the availability of Generation 4 tuber as potato extension seed, which then forced...
Proceedings Article

Enhancement of Viability for Staphylococcus Aureus During Freeze-Drying Using the Response Surface Methodology

Hai-li YANG, Jin-xia LI, Dong-guang XIAO, Hai-bo DU, Bo LIU, Yi LIU, Hai-rong HU
Response surface methodology (RSM) was used to optimize a protective agent for enhancing the cell viability of Staphylococcus aureus during freeze-drying. Using a previous Plackett-Burman design, it was found that sodium glutamate, trehalose, L-cysteine hydrochloride and bovine serum albumin were the...
Proceedings Article

The Study of Economic Factors Affecting Sustainability of Rice Farming

Rachmiwati Yusuf, Indra Fuadi, Nurhayati, Sri Swastika, Parlin H Sinaga
The study of economic factors affecting sustainability of rice farming was conducted from January to September 2018 in Siak Regency. This study aimed to identify economic factors that affect the sustainability of rice farming in Siak Regency. The number of respondents in this study was 203 farmers, determined...
Proceedings Article

In Silico PCR Study Amplifying Mitochondrial ND5 Gene to Detect Food Adulteration

Moralita Chatri, Afifatul Achyar, Dwi Hilda Putri, Dezi Handayani
The design of the primers affects the PCR's specificity. A mitochondrial gene called Cyt-b is frequently used in PCR to detect the presence of pork, but because the sequence is nearly identical to that of bovine Cyt-b, false positive results frequently occur in lab tests. Therefore, the purpose...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Tannin Sources from Acacia mangium Willd, Swietenia mahagoni, and Artocarpus heterophyllus Leaves in Pellets on In Vitro Nutrient Digestibility

Rofi Prima Maulana, Chusnul Hanim, Muhlisin, Muhsin Anas, Lies Mira Yusiati
The objective of this research was to determine the effect of pellet with a combination leave tannin source from Acacia mangium Willd, Swietenia mahagoni, dan Artocarpus heterophyllus in pellets on in vitro nutrient digestibility. This research used three substrate tratments with different tannin levels...
Proceedings Article

Phytochemical Screening and Antimicrobial Activity of Cordyline fruticosa Leaf Infusion and Ethanol Extract Against Shigella dysentriae and Candida albicans

Vilya Syafriana, Amelia Febriani, Hera Ratnasari
Cordyline fruticosa, also known to Indonesians as andong, is one of the simplest plants to grow. This plant is commonly used as an ornamental plant in yards, gardens, cemeteries, as well as a road barrier. Although it is primarily grown for ornamental purposes, the leaves of this plant empirically have...
Proceedings Article

Antimicrobial Activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Bacillus subtilis on Different Dilution Concentrations Against Various Citrus Post-Harvest Pathogens

Unun Triasih, Yogi Adhi Nugroho, Sri Widyaningsih
Pseudomonas flourescens and Bacillus subtilis are common antagonistic bacteria to various pathogens. These bacteria can produce various antimicrobial substances such as chitinase, siderophore, and antibiotic. This research aims to obtain the optimum dilution concentrations of Pseudomonas flourescens...
Proceedings Article

Reproductive Aspect and Embryonic Development of Wader pari Fish (Rasbora lateristriata Bleeker 1854) from Malang East Java

Hilyatuz Zahro, Khoirudin Anshori, Sandi Fransisco, Amalia Audina Rosa, Bambang Retnoaji
Indonesia is well known for its high freshwater fish diversity. Wader pari (Rasbora lateristriata) is one of the endemic fish, which is very popular, but experienced massive exploitation in wild, due to high market demand. High demand and high economic value of this fish in the market induced a massive...
Proceedings Article

A Review of Post Harvest Handling of Mango (Mangifera Indica L.) in Indonesia

Ahmad Zulpan, Novia Dewi Asmoro Wati, Nurinda Abellifia, Anjar Ruspita Sari
Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a climacteric fruit category horticultural commodity, namely fruit that is able to continue the ripening process after being harvested, has a respiration rate, and high ethylene production so that mango is a fruit that is easily damaged and the marketing distance is limited....
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Various Agitation Speeds on Lipid Production from Fungal BR 2.2 Isolate

Adriana Tita Suryawati, Miftahul Ilmi
Biodiesel is an alternative energy that can be sourced from oleaginous microbes to form of single-cell oil. BR 2.2 isolate is classified as oleaginous organisms because of their ability to accumulate lipids for 28.44% of the total dry biomass. The speed of agitation in the lipid production process is...
Proceedings Article

Liver Vessel Segmentation Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Enhance and Hessian Matrix

Yue-jing QIAN
This paper proposes a liver vessel segmentation algorithm based on fuzzy enhancement and Hessian matrix. First, a method with two steps based on the theory of fuzzy enhancement is proposed to enhance the liver image. The first enhancement step is to make the local changes in the image more obvious on...
Proceedings Article

Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Akar Kaik-kaik (Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Merr.) Leaves Against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans

Vilya Syafriana, Erwi Putri Setyaningsih, Nabilah Rachmawani, Desti Kharisma, Fathin Hamida
Akar kaik-kaik (Uncaria cordata) or known as hook vine is one of the medicinal plants whose leaves are used in traditional medicine as an antidiabetic by the people of Riau. Other than that, this plant also has potential as an antimicrobial agent due to the dominant of alkaloid content possessed by members...
Proceedings Article

Blue Economy and the Digital Transformation of Micro Small Medium Enterprises

Chrisanty V. Layman, Sabrina O. Sihombing, Liza Handoko
Entrepreneurs engaged in the MSME sector have a strategic role in economic growth in Indonesia. During the Covid-19 pandemic, the blue economy sector including MSMEs engaged in digitalization strategies, given the limited face-to-face interactions. Henceforth a plethora of research on MSME digitalization...
Proceedings Article

Operational Risks Identification of Fattening Company Business: Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Approach

W. R. Meriyani, M. Romdhon, B. Sumantri
The operational risk of cattle fattening company business runs from the selection of seeds to marketing the cattle ready for sale. These risks, if not properly handled, could result in the potential losses that can interfere with operational activities or even threaten the survival of the company business....
Proceedings Article

Determinants of Member’s Participation on a Business Development of Processing Ceriping Puyur

(Case in Condongraos Business Group, Ngaditirto, Selopampang, Temanggung, Central Java)

Halimah Nur Hidayati, Rika Nalinda, Suharno Suharno
Study aims to determine the influence of internal factors (age, level of education, motivation) and external factor (family support) on the participation of Condongraos Business Group’s members in a development business of processing Ceriping Puyur. This study held on November 2020 to July 2021 in Ngaditirto...
Proceedings Article

Cytological Analysis of Aerides odorata Lour. from Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta

Kireida Asta Nugraheni, Febri Yuda Kurniawan, Anindita Della Rosa Riyadi, Anggiresti Kinasih, Hadyan Pratama Lutfi Ilmam, Endang Semiarti
Aerides odorata is a species that belongs to the Orchidaceae family and lives as epiphytic orchids. This orchid is distributed across Southeast Asia, India, and China. This orchid occupies one type of habitat. Morphological characters of flowers in this species vary, depending on the habitat occupied....
Proceedings Article

Tobacco Stalk as Source of CMCase Enzyme Production of Actinomycetes Isolated from Rhizosphere of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) by Submerged Fermentation

Esti Utarti, Annisa’ul Jannah, Sattya Arimurti
Tobacco stalk is tobacco plant waste which contains about 56% cellulose so that it is possible to use it as a substrate for the production of cellulase, namely CMCase. The study conducted in several stages, namely screening the cellulolytic activity of 71 actinomycetes isolates, optimizing CMCase production...
Proceedings Article

Analysis of Risk Factors for Uteroplacental Apoplexy Complicating Placental Abruption: A Systematic Review

Ning LIU, Yang LI, Yang CHEN, Yuan TIAN, Fu-ju WU
The paper explored risk factors for uteroplacental apoplexy complicating placental abruption, the condition's clinical characteristics, and maternal and fetal outcomes.62 pregnancies of placental abruption were collected from Second Hospital Jilin University during Jan. 2007-Dec. 2012.According to uteroplacental...
Proceedings Article

Allelopathic Potential of Basil’s Leaves Extracts on the Germination Characteristics of Several Vegetables

Kartika Yurlisa, Shofiyya M. Sholihah
Some plants can prevent seed germination and other plants’ growth by producing poisonous allelochemical ingredients. This research aimed to study the effect of basil leaves extracts on the germination characteristics of several vegetables. The experiment was conducted in factorial based on a completely...
Proceedings Article

The Combination Effect of Auxin and Cytokinin on Callus Induction of Patchouli (Pogostemon Cablin Benth.) from Leaf Explants

Rut Normasari, Estri Laras Arumingtyas, Rurini Retnowati, Wahyu Widoretno
Patchouli, also known as Pogostemon cablin Benth., is a plant that yields patchouli oil, a crucial essential oil used in the perfume industry. Stem cuttings are the conventional method of vegetative propagation for patchouli plants. Tissue culture techniques offer alternative approaches for vegetative...
Proceedings Article

Antibacterial Potency of Lichen Teloschisthes flavicans From Kepahiang District Against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Welly Darwis, Rochmah Supriati, Sipriyadi, Risky Hadi Wibowo, Yofaldo Umara Al Siddiq
Lichen is one of the organisms with a high level of biodiversity and rich of antibacterial secondary metabolites compounds. One species of lichenes found in Kepahyang Indonesia is Teloschisthes flavicans. This study aims to find out an antibacterial effectiveness of Teloschisthes flavicans extract against...
Proceedings Article

Performance Analysis of MOS Sensors on Electronic Nose for Synthetic Flavor Classification

Radi, Barokah, Luthfi Fadillah Zamzami, Andi Setiawan
An electronic nose is a device designed to sense, classify, and recognize a product based on its aroma. The electronic nose is generally designed from four main parts, namely: sample handling and delivery system, detector system, signal conditioning and preprocessing, and pattern recognition software....
Proceedings Article

Financial Analysis of Sweet Potato Farming in Gunung Talang Region, West Sumatra, Indonesia

Zul Irfan, Khairini Syak, Mahmud, Delsi Afrini
West Sumatra province has three sweet potato’s central regions, one of its is in Solok regency which is named Gunung Talang region. Farmers in this region have planted sweet potato for a long time as a secondary crop in lowland after lowland rice being harvested. Some of them planted sweet potato in...
Proceedings Article

Reproductive Aspect and Embryonic Development of Wader Fish (Rasbora lateristriata Bleeker, 1854) from Purworejo, Central Java

Inayah Rizkia Lailiati, Devi Annisa Suci, Amalia Audina Rosa, Veronica Aurelia Fernanda, Bambang Retnoaji
Indonesian native fish “Wader pari” (Rasbora lateristriata) from Purworejo is one of the fish has high economic value, which is related to the community enthusiasts and high requests for the fish stock. The demand for fish availability and supply is increasing drastically, which caused fish population...
Proceedings Article

Farmers’ Preferences in Implementing the Six Right Principles of Pesticide Application During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Sumedang Regency

Lukman Effendy, Yoyon Haryanto, Rudi Hartono, Tri Mulyana
A study on the tendency (preference) of farmers in the application of the six proper principles (P6T) in the application of pesticides to conventional farming communities has been carried out in several villages in Tanjungsari Sumedang District. The research objectives were (1) to describe the level...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Green, Corn, and Rice Seed Media Composition on Mycelium Growth of F2 Main Seeds (Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. Ex Fr) Kummer)

Welly Darwis, Risky Hadi Wibowo, Sipriyadi, Raden Roro Sri Astuti, Lam Way Sitorus
White oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) is a type of fungus wood that has a high nutritional content. White oyster mushroom cultivation begins with the provision of good quality seeds which include 4 stages, namely F1 seeds, F2, F3 and baglog. This study aims to influence the composition of the green...
Proceedings Article

Determination of Vitamin A and Mineral Levels (Zinc and Selenium) in Asam Kandis Fruit Peel Extract (Garcinia Cowa Roxb)

Prima Minerva, Elsa Yuniarti, Ringga Novelni
Traditional medicine has historically employed the West Sumatran herb Garcinia cowa Roxb, often known as asam kandis. Flavonoids are one of many phytochemicals found in the rind of asam kandis. Since the rind of G. cowa has been shown to have antioxidant action, it is frequently utilized as a medicinal...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Key Technology of Micro-arc Oxidation of TA2 Titanium for Medical Use

Yu-lei LI, Yue-lai DAI, Jin-jun TANG, Xiao-yu JIN, Qun WANG
By micro-arc oxidation technology, the TA2 titanium metal surface modification, by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) experiments, the effects of different voltage parameters on film thickness and surface microstructure were studied. The results show that as the voltage increases and the oxidation time...
Proceedings Article

Response of Semiconductor Sensor in An Electronic Nose with Multi-Sample Delivery System

Radi, Barokah, Luthfi Fadillah Zamzami, Andi Setiawan
An electronic nose is a device designed to sense, classify, and recognize a product based on its aroma. The electronic nose is generally designed from four main parts, namely: sample handling and delivery system, detector system, signal conditioning and preprocessing, and pattern recognition software....
Proceedings Article

In Vitro Selection and Total Phenol Analysis of Moon Orchid [Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Bl.] Results of Induced With Fusaric Acid

Endang Nurcahyani, Risma Rasmani, Hardoko Insan Qudus
Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Bl. is an orchid that is included in the list of endangered plant species. The Fusarium wilt disease on P. amabilivirala vital disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum, which of one constraint and up to now days is not well yet managed. Disease control that does not cause negative...
Proceedings Article

Anaerobic Digestion Potential of Cocoa Pod Husk and Cocoa Bean Shell: Case of Gunung Kidul, Indonesia

Amelia Christina Atmowidjojo, Razif Harun, Francis M. C. S. Setyabudi, Arini Wahyu Utami, Syazwani Idrus
Biomass waste conversion to biogas through anaerobic digestion offers an array of benefits from disposal management, clean energy provision, and economic inclusion. Cocoa processing wastes are abundant, yet their recovery alternatives are still underexplored in Indonesia. Therefore, this study emerges...
Proceedings Article

Susceptibility Status of Culex quinquefasciatus to Malathion in Brebes Regency, Indonesia

Husnatun Nihayah, Budi Mulyaningsih, Sitti Rahmah Umniyati
Brebes Regency is a bancroftian filariasis endemic area. Culex quinquiefasciatus mosquito is accused as a vector transmitting bancroftian filariasis. The eradication of disease vector that has been widely performed in Indonesia relies on the use of malathion insecticide. The use of such insecticide in...
Proceedings Article

The Induction of Callus in Four Diverse Black Soybeans (Glycine soja Sieb. & Zucc) with Various Combinations of Cytokinins and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetinic Acid

Atra Romeida, Hesti Pujiwati, Supanjani, Fahrurrozi, Marlin, Reny Herawati
The black soybean (Glycine soya Sieb. & Zucc) is a species of legume native of East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean, which has numerous uses. Furthermore, it is used as a raw material in the soy sauce industry, and its protein and antioxidant content is preferred to yellow soybeans. This study...
Proceedings Article

A Novel Indicator for Quantitative Assessment of Articular Cartilage Degeneration Using Ultrasound

Jing-chen ZHANG, Qiong HE, Zhi-xiu HAO, Jian-wen LUO, Li-ying XIAO
Assessment of articular cartilage degeneration induced by degenerative diseases using quantitative ultrasound method is promising but challenging. Currently, in literature, proposed methods have limited diagnostic abilities, and some quantitative ultrasound cartilage evaluation results are inconsistent...
Proceedings Article

Isolation of Seed-borne Fungal Endophytes on Sengon (Falcataria Moluccana)

Yunik Istikorini, Noor Farikhah Haneda, Ulfah Juniarti Siregar, Dhea Amelia Kusuma
Isolation of seed-borne fungal endophytes on sengon (Falcataria Moluccana). The purpose of this study was to compare seed-borne fungal endophytes from tolerance and susceptible sengon (Falcataria mollucana Miq) sampled from Kediri, East Jawa Province, Indonesia. Seed sampled is taken from plants that...
Proceedings Article

Classification of Macronutrient Deficiency in Chili Leaves using Support Vector Machine

Deffa Rahadiyan, Sri Hartati, Wahyono, Andri Prima Nugroho, Lilik Sutiarso
Chili is a horticultural crop that has high economic value in Indonesia. The productivity level of chili in the country is not proportional to the level of consumption, one of the causes is malnutrition. Each plant requires different amounts of macronutrients and micronutrients to support plant growth...
Proceedings Article

Anti-Infective Properties of a Sea Cucumber Associated Actinobacteria Kocuria sp. HL 55

Joko Tri Wibowo
“Antibiotics golden era” can end when resistant strains spread immensely. To find new anti-infective agents, we examined sea cucumber associated bacteria isolated from the intestinal part of the echinoderm Holothuria leucospilota. Partial identification using 16S rRNA gene Sanger sequencing revealed...
Proceedings Article

Optimization of Multiplex PCR for Detection of Pork-Contaminated Beef-Based Food Product

Moralita Chatri, Afifatul Achyar, Cahay Kamila Putri
The development of globalization affects Indonesia, especially science and technology in the field of food biotechnology. Molecular analysis method, namely Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) can be used to detect the food authentication. One of the modifications developed from the conventional PCR method...
Proceedings Article

Optimalization of Yard Land Through the Lumbung Mataraman Program to Support Urban Food Security During the Pandemic Covid 19

Siti Astuti
The COVID-19 crisis has had a lasting impact around the world, including Indonesia. Indonesia as an agricultural country that makes farmers has an important role in the national economy. Farmers hope in this pandemic outbreak they can still carry out farming activities as usual. The method of this research...
Proceedings Article

Study of N, P, K, and C on Degradation of Indigosol Batik Dye Effluent by Aspergillus sp. GPN

Ratna Stia Dewi, Mardiyah Kurniasih
Indigosol dye batik effluent is toxic since it excesses contain decreasing agent sodium hydrosulfite that is oxidized to alkali and alkaline earth metal sulfate (SO42-), sulfite (SO32-), and thiosulfate (S2O32-) that very corrosive. Therefore, the role of environmental biotechnology in the technology...
Proceedings Article

The Comparative Effects of Branded and Local High Fat Foods on Body Mass Index and Vascular Wall Thickness in Male Wistar Rats for Development of Atherosclerosis Animal Model

Prasetyo Sarwono Putro, Dono Indarto, Bambang Purwanto, Widiastuti Soewondo, Sulistyani Kusumaningrum
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality over the world, which is approximately 17.9 million patients’ death in 2019 or 32% of all deaths worldwide. Atherosclerosis formation due to accumulated plaques in the tunica intima of vascular walls underlies the pathogenesis of cardiovascular...
Proceedings Article

Study on the Infrared Spectra of Superoxide Dismutase with the Different Treatment Intensity of Electric Field

Siqin-gaowa BAO, Yan-ru WANG, Zhi-chao CHEN, Zhao WEI, Zhan-xin MA
With the different treatment intensity of electric field, we analyze the influence of electric field on infrared spectra of superoxide dismutase by using infrared spectra method. The results show that, superoxide dismutase (SOD) is treated with different electric field intensity, the absorption peak...
Proceedings Article

Contribution of Vegetable Urban Farming to Household Income in the City of Yogyakarta

Salsabila Nur Almagthani, Kodrad Winarno, Irham Irham, Anung Pranyoto
Urban farming adopted technological advancement in agriculture, beautify the environment as well as resilient future farming. Within household level, this paper examine endowed income through vegetable urban farming, its share to total household income and its determinants in Yogyakarta. Purposively...
Proceedings Article

Level of Knowledge and Behavior of Students in Maintaining Reproductive Health

Nurul Huda, Didik Priyandoko, K. Mimin Nurdjani
This study aims to determine the level of knowledge and behavior of students on reproductive health. This research is quantitative research. The sample consisted of 30 students (XI IPA SMA). The instruments used in this study include a need assessment to find out things that have been/have not been studied....
Proceedings Article

Agri-Tech and Agribusiness Integration to Support Agricultural Ecosystem in Indonesia

Bayu Dwi Apri Nugroho
Indonesia’s farmers face many challenges, from low productivity, pest attack, uncertainly commodities price, unscrupulous off-takers to difficulties in getting loans. One of the biggest challenges right now, however, is climate change. Speaking of weather conditions, level of weather predictions covers...
Proceedings Article

Availability and Information Needs of Traditional Medicine in Urban Community, Surabaya, Indonesia

Oeke Yunita, Fernanda Rizky Putri Heriwana, Erlin Theterissa, Jimmy Jimmy
Indonesian traditional medicine has been widely used in the urban community to treat several symptoms and prevent diseases before accessing the hospital for professional help. Information is critical in modern culture, since it aids in the development of people’s health knowledge. The purpose of this...
Proceedings Article

Article Review: Commodity of Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus Polyrhizus)

Azka A. U. A. Rouf, Dinda Wardhany, Rifqi H. Mukti, Anjar R. Sari
Red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is one of Indonesia's commodities widely consumed and developed nowadays. Dragon fruit or pitaya is a non-local fruit that is much favored by the public because it has efficacy, benefits, and high nutritional value. The most well-known efficacy of dragon...
Proceedings Article

Qualities and Aroma of Watermelon Juice during Storage at 4 øC

Yu-bin WANG, Yue MA, Xiao-yan ZHAO, Chao ZHANG
The watermelon juice was pasteurized by the ultra-high temperature treatment, and stored at 4 øC for 2 weeks. The ultra-high temperature reduced the initial microbial counts of the watermelon juice. The aroma of the watermelon juice was reduced during the storage at 4 øC for 2 weeks. The typical volatiles...
Proceedings Article

The Influence of Gum Inducer Solution Administration on the Gum Production of the Jaranan Plant (Lannea coromandelica (Houtt.) Merr.)

Hidayat Teguh Wiyono, Selin Monika Prihasinta, Dwi Setyati, Nadhea Ayu Sukma
Jaranan plant (Lannea coromandelica) grows massively in the buffer zone and utilization zone of Baluran National Park. This plant produces gum in branches and stems. Local people extract gum by cutting down stems as medicine for diarrhea, typhus, and eye infections treatment. The study aims to test gum...
Proceedings Article

Traditional Knowledge of Women from the Ammatoa Kajang Custom for COVID-19 Mitigation in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi

Sri Endang Sukarsih, Makkarennu Makkarennu, Andang Suryana Soma
The condition of the COVID-19 pandemic is difficult to predict when it will end. Community resilience is needed in the face of this pandemic. Indigenous women have traditional knowledge in mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Indigenous people believe traditional knowledge as potential resilience that can...
Proceedings Article

Self-regulated Learning and Metacognitive Ability in Neuroscience

Vica Dian Aprelia Resti, Siti Romlah Noer Hodijah, Mudmainah Vitasari
Online learning makes great demands, including in terms of self-regulated learning. Self-regulated learning in terms of using learning resources to find solutions to learning problems in terms of concept discovery and problem-solving of their own learning patterns. This is related to the concept of self-knowledge...
Proceedings Article

A Bibliometric Analysis of Post-Harvest Research and Innovations in Tackling Grain Crisis using VOSviewer

Redika Ardi Kusuma, Jamaludin
Grain security has been a significant concern over the decades since global food consumption is almost entirely grain-based, especially in developing countries. Food security can be achieved if grain security, as a prerequisite, is met. However, grain security for a country is not only a production issue...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Bokashi and Rabbit Urine Addition on The Tubber of Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.)

Muh. Alwi Husen, Sugiyarto Sugiyarto, Esna Dilli Novianto
Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) have been cultivated intensively in Indonesia for a long time. These horticultural crops have high potential and economic value. However, the domestic production itself is not able to meet national demands. Continuous use of chemical agents will negatively impact the...
Proceedings Article

Article Review: Post-harvest Handling of Cavendish Banana (Musa acuminatacavendish)

Restu F. N. Zein, Yoel Sawi’eo, Zahra N. Arum, Anjar R. Sari
Because of its nutritional value, banana fruit is very important for food security and the economy in many tropical and subtropical countries. However, banana is a climacteric fruit with a short shelf life, so an alternative method is needed to delay their ripening. This article aims to explain postharvest...
Proceedings Article

Preparation on Sustained-Release Drug of Na-MMT-Miglitol

Jie-bing ZHANG, Hui SHI, Xiu-bin REN, Guang-heng WANG
In order to sucessfully prepare Na-MMT-Miglitol composite, the adsorption effect factors of the different concentrations, temperature , pH and time for miglitol were investigated respectively. By means of the adsorption capacity changes of Na-MMT, the maximum adsorption capacity of Na-MMT as the experimental...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Variations in Sugar Types and Fermentation Time on Enzyme Activity and Total Titrated Acid on Eco-Enzyme Results of Fermentation

Imam Abu Hanifah, Ni Putu Vidya Primarista, Sasangka Prasetyawan, Anna Safitri, Tri Adyati, Arie Srihadyastutie
Eco-enzyme (EE) production is an alternative for reducing organic waste such as fruit peels and vegetables. EE is widely used as natural organic fertilizer, purification of contaminated groundwater, pesticides, herbicides, and natural insecticides. EE is made through a fermentation process for 3 months...
Proceedings Article

In Silico Study of Antigenicity and Immunogenicity of the D7 Protein from Salivary Glands of Aedes aegypti

Kartika Senjarini, Susmaya Atmandaru, Ari Satia Nugraha, Syubbanul Wathon, Rike Oktarianti
The Aedes aegypti mosquito has been known as the primary vector in the transmission of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). D7 protein has been reported as a protein expressed in the salivary glands of mosquito vectors that can increase the transmission of the pathogen because of its ability to immunosuppress...
Proceedings Article

Best Practices Intercropping Citrus Controlling Asian Citrus Psyllids (Diaphorina citri) in Indonesia

Haris Setyaningrum, Edhi Martono, Alan Soffan, Jianhua Mo
Asian Citrus Pysillid (ACP), Diaphorina citri is one of the important pests in Citrus plantation. It as a vector of Candidatus liberibacter (CLs), caused Huanglongbing (HLB) diseased in citrus. Citrus is one the primary tropical fruit product in every region in Indonesia including in Java, Sumatera,...
Proceedings Article

The Effect of Rabbit Urine Fertilizer Application on the Growth of Water Spinach (Ipomoea Aquatica)

Budi Wijayanto, Anang Sucahyo, Geraldo Adinugra Rimartin
Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) is a highly nutritious vegetable. The demand for these vegetables, as well as consumer awareness of the importance of eating vegetables, is increasing. The application of fertilizers has an impact on the growth of water spinach. The study aimed to determine the effect...
Proceedings Article

A Micro/Nano Structural Model for Wettability of Moth Wing Surface

Yan FANG, Gang SUN, Jing-shi YIN, Wan-xing WANG, Yu-qian WANG
The micro-morphology, wettability and chemical composition of the moth wing surfaces were investigated by a scanning electron microscope (SEM), a contact angle (CA) meter and a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR). The micro-morphological models for hydrophobicity on the wing surface were...
Proceedings Article

Ethnobotanical Study of Hindu Society in Tabanan Bali and The Conservation Efforts

Putri Sri Andila, Tri Warseno, Winda Syafitri, I Gede Tirta
Balinese have traditionally preserved plants for the ethnobotany used hereditary, such as the utilization of plants for traditional medicine and Hindu ceremonies. Most of the Tabanan people are still live in the villages traditionally. They have used plants for the traditional purpose for hundreds of...
Proceedings Article

Small-scale Fisheries Management Strategy on the Eastern Coast of the Bangka Regency, Indonesia

Endang Bidayani, Yeyen Mardyani, Kurniawan, Siti Aisyah, Fahri Setiawan
The spatial allocation arrangement for the utilization of the eastern coastal area of the Bangka Regency, based on the Zoning Plan for Coastal Zone and Small Islands (RZWP3K) is multipurpose and multi-sector. The simultaneous use of marine space creates a trade-off for interested economic actors, which...
Proceedings Article

DNA Barcoding of Vanda tricolor Lindl. Based on matK, rbcL and ITS2 Sequences

Mukhamad Su’udi, Waki’atil Rosida, El Shania Ravitamala, Dwi Setyati
Vanda tricolor Lindl. is one of the important ornamental plants favored by many people in the world. However, this plant required many years for vegetative growth before the first flowers emerge. Since the flower is one of the most important organs in morphological identification, an alternative approach...
Proceedings Article

Design of Harvesting Tool Using Ergonomic Approach for Musculoskeletal Discomfort Prevention in Low-Cost Farming System: A Case Study of Korean Melon (Cucumis melo var. Makuwa)

A. S. Sulaimana, R. N. Alfiani, F. S. Adiatmaja, N. Khuriyati
The Korean melon greenhouse applied fully involved workers (manual production) during fruit harvesting. The incorrect postures during this process cause permanent damage to body tissues, such as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). The results showed that workers harvesting the Korean melon fruits at the...
Proceedings Article

Identification of a Bacillus Thuringiensis Cry8Ea3 to Xin-Binding Alkaline Phosphatase from Holotrichiaparallela

Wei WANG, Dan ZHAO, Wei GUO, Xiao-ping YAN, Ya-kun ZHANG, Kun-li ZHAO, Yu-jie GAO, Xiao-yun WANG
In order to further study the Insecticidal Mechanism of Bt protein against Holotricia parallela. In the study, According to the results of midgut transcriptome sequencing and RACE-PCR, the full-length hpalp gene was cloned. Sequencing analysis showed that the open reading frame of hpalp (GenBank accession...
Proceedings Article

Diversity and Estimated Above Ground Biomass of Shade Trees in Some Coffee-based Agroforestries, Banyuwangi Regency

Jehan Ramdani Hariyati, Dian Siswanto, Endang Arisoesilaningsih, Luchman Hakim
This study was aimed to assess the diversity and estimate the above-ground biomass (AGB) of the shade tree in several coffee-based agroforestries in Banyuwangi, East Java. The data was collected from three villages, i.e. Gombengsari, Papring, and Kopendukuh. Vegetation analysis and biomass measurement...