Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science (TEAMS 2018)

160 authors
Suarmanayasa, I Nengah
Determination of Potential Economic Sectors to Support Economic Development Planning
Suarmanayasa, I Nengah
Poverty Reduction Through Strategy of Regional Tourism Development
Suarmanayasa, Nengah
Job Characteristics Analysis and Its Influence on The Performance at The Employee’s Local Government of Buleleng Regency
Suci, Ni Made
Debt Financing Behavior of SME’s Entrepreneurs
Suharsono, Naswan
Character-Based Education to Develop Culture of Entrepreneurship in Higher Education
Sujana, Astawa
An Analysis of Information Materiality on Corporate Sustainability Report: A Comprehensive Study from Mining Industry in Indonesia
Sujana, Edy
Testing of Fraud Diamond Theory Based on Local Wisdom on Fraud Behavior
Sujana, I Nyoman
The Influence of Internal and External Factors on the Return of The Composite Stock Price Index with Country Risk Beta Modeling
Sujana, I Nyoman
Subak as A Scientific Learning Model
Sujana, I Nyoman
An Analysis of Cooperative Performance Using Balanced Scorecard Method
Sulindawati, Ni Luh Gede Erni
Analysis Use of Academics Information System by Undiksha New Student
Sulindawati, Ni Luh Gede Erni
Women's Empowerment Model: A Strategy for Increasing Local Economic Resources
Sulindawati, Ni Luh Gede Erni
An Analysis of Learning Devices Need in Budget Reporting
Susila, Gede Putu Agus Jana
Determination of Potential Economic Sectors to Support Economic Development Planning
Susila, Gede Putu Agus Jana
Poverty Reduction Through Strategy of Regional Tourism Development
Sutanto, Jennifer Evelin
Differentiation Strategy and Market Competition as Determinants of Earnings Management
Suwena, I Kadek Rai
The Influence of Fraud Triangle and Theory of Planned Behavior on Students Academic Fraud in Bali
Suwena, Kadek Rai
How Personal Grooming Influenced The Entrepreneurship
Suwena, Kadek Rai
Library Service Productivity in Building Learning Communities
Suwendra, I Wayan
The Influence of Internal and External Factors on the Return of The Composite Stock Price Index with Country Risk Beta Modeling
Suwendra, I Wayan
Subak as A Scientific Learning Model
Suwendra, I Wayan
An Analysis of Cooperative Performance Using Balanced Scorecard Method
Telagawathi, Ni Luh W. Sayang
Customer Satisfaction on Company Image and Its Impact on Loyalty of Banking Service Industry Customers in Bali
Telagawathi, Ni Luh Wayan Sayang
Analysis of Competitive Advantages at PT. Dipo Star Finance Bali Branch
Telagawathi, Ni Wayan Sayang
Implementation of Students' Information System to Improve Discipline and Database of The Students
Tilis, Romana Ruan
Implication of Financial Information Services System (SLIK): Case Study on BPR Christa Jaya Perdana Kupang
Timuneno, Tarsisius
Strategy to Accelerate The Development of Indonesia’s National Border Village in Belu, East Nusa Tenggara Province
Tirtawati, Ni Made
The Typology of Wellness Tourism in Bali
Trianasari, Nana
The Economic Impact of Mount Agung Eruption on Bali Tourism
Trianasari, Nana
Exploring The Transportation Service for Tourists: A Strategic Issue of Small Island Tourism in Nusa Penida
Trianasari, Nana
The Online Transportation from The Perspective of Strategic Entrepreneurship
Tripalupi, Lulup Endah
How Personal Grooming Influenced The Entrepreneurship
Tripalupi, Lulup Endah
Entrepreneurship Forming Through Entrepreneur Education
Tripalupi, Lulup Endah
The Effect of Blended Learning Method Toward Enterpreneurship Learning Activity and Learning Outcome of Economics Undergraduate Students
Tunti, Maria E. D.
Competence Analysis of Internal Supervision Unit Auditor (SPI) in Nusa Cendana University of Kupang
Wahyuni, Made Arie
Testing of Fraud Diamond Theory Based on Local Wisdom on Fraud Behavior
Wahyuni, Made Arie
The Examination of Tax Evasion Behavior of Tax Payers from The Perspective of Planned Behavior Theory
Wahyuni, Made Arie
Use of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing to Calculate the Unit Cost per Students at Faculty of Economics of Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Wedysiage, Mayesa
Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Firm Value: Does Jokowi’s Era Matter?
Widiastini, Ni Made Ary
Why do Women Choose to Continue Their Studies in Tourism?
Widjaja, Deborah C.
Culinary Experience of Domestic Tourists in Indonesia: A Study on Denpasar and Yogyakarta Tourist Destinations
Widjaja, Deborah C.
Culinary and Destination Experiences of International Tourists in Bandung and Solo: The Effect on Behavioral Intentions
Widuri, Retnaningtyas
Differentiation Strategy and Market Competition as Determinants of Earnings Management
Wiendiyati, Wiendiyati
The Optimizing Strategies of Village Fund in The New Village Fund in The New Villages of Southwest Sumba District-East of Nusa Tenggara
Wiendiyati, Wiendiyati
Cultural Values in Modern Context: Developing Heritage As an Alternative Tourism in North of Bali
Wijaya, Purba Andy
Learning Style Preferences and Self-Regulated Learning and Their Effects on Learning Outcomes Students of The Accounting Education Study Program Faculty of Education - The Islamic University of Riau
Wijaya, Serli
Culinary and Destination Experiences of International Tourists in Bandung and Solo: The Effect on Behavioral Intentions
Yasa, I Nyoman Putra
Testing of Fraud Diamond Theory Based on Local Wisdom on Fraud Behavior
Yasa, I Nyoman Putra
The Analysis of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) on The Use of Accounting Information System
Yudantara, Gede Agus Pertama
Value-Based Management Assessment and The Improvement of Creditors’ and Investors’ Confidence in Bali
Yudantara, I Gede Agus Pertama
Analysis Use of Academics Information System by Undiksha New Student
Yudantara, I Gede Agus Pertama
Women's Empowerment Model: A Strategy for Increasing Local Economic Resources
Yudantara, I Gede Agus Pertama
An Analysis of Learning Devices Need in Budget Reporting
Yudiaatmaja, Fridayana
The Online Transportation from The Perspective of Strategic Entrepreneurship
Yulianthini, Ni Nyoman
Customer Satisfaction on Company Image and Its Impact on Loyalty of Banking Service Industry Customers in Bali
Yulianthini, Ni Nyoman
Debt Financing Behavior of SME’s Entrepreneurs
Yulianthini, Ni Nyoman
Analysis of Competitive Advantages at PT. Dipo Star Finance Bali Branch
Yuniarta, Gede Adi
Analysis Use of Academics Information System by Undiksha New Student
Yuniarta, Gede Adi
The Role of Government, Entrepreneurship, and Business Competence In Order To Improve The Competitiveness of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
Yuniarta, Gede Adi
Value-Based Management Assessment and The Improvement of Creditors’ and Investors’ Confidence in Bali