Proceedings of the International Conference on Tourism, Economics, Accounting, Management, and Social Science (TEAMS 19)

202 authors
Musmini, Lucy Sri
Epistemology of Accounting Practices: Another Frame of Objectivity Claims
Mutia, Karmila D. L.
Analysis of Green Accounting Implementation Based on University Social Responsibility (Study at Nusa Cendana University Kupang)
Naim, Noor Jannatun
Developing Traji Tourism Village in Temanggung, Indonesia through SWOT Analysis
Nathanael, Audley
Typology Taxpayers in Indonesia
Ndoen, Wehelmina M.
Analysis of Small and Medium Industry of The Tenun Ikat Craft in Kupang City
Nugroho, Alfi
Development of Financial Statement Applications for SMEs based on Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Nursiani, Ni Putu
Competitiveness Strategy Formulation for Peoples Bank of Crediting In Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Nyoko, Antonio E. L.
The Effect of Visiting Decisions on Destination Images Post Disaster
Panie, Alessandra Natasya
The Influence of Millenial Generation Lifestyle on Purchase Decisions Online in Shopee by Seeing Risk Perception as Moderating Variables
Parma, I Putu Gede
Principles of Tourism Code of Ethics and Community Priority Rights in Tourism Management Based on Regional Regulation No. 1 of 2014 Concerning the Implementation of Tourism in Buleleng Regency
Pasek, I Nyoman Suadnyana
Impact of Conflict of Interest on Accounting Policies Overview of Gender
Pello, Titania Ariance
The Effect of Visiting Decisions on Destination Images Post Disaster
Permata, Agnes Ayu
Earning Management or Tax Avoidance? Company Decision on Accounting and Tax Reporting Cost
Pradipta, I Gede Mulya
Application Of The Principles Of Financial Management In The Management Of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) Bhakti Karya Kalibubuk Villages A Study Of The BUMDES Bhakti By The Village Of Kalibubuk
Prasetyo, Widyananda
The Perceived Risk Influence on the E-Loyalty of Online Shoppers in Using Internet of Things
Pratama, Putu Dio Artha
How Culture Resources Developed As A New Tourism Destination In Buleleng Regency
Prayudi, Made Aristia
Women and Its Job Opportunity in Hotel Industry in Bali
Prayudi, Made Aristia
The Effect of Socialization, Training and Assistance Activities on Pokdarwis Satisfaction and Participation Levels in Managing Tourism Villages
Prayudi, Made Aristia
The Research and Development Study of Tourism Accounting Dictionary
Prayugo, Livia Erlyn
The Acceptance of Accounting Students on the Use of Internet of Things
Purnamawati, I Gusti Ayu
Family Entrepreneurship Development Model Based on Social Capital through Women Empowerment
Putra, Komang Endrawan Sumadi
The Improvement of Students' Interest in Business in Economics Faculty, Ganesha Education University, Through Motivation and Knowledge of Entrepreneurship
Rafael, Sarinah Joyce Margaret
Competitiveness Strategy Formulation for Peoples Bank of Crediting In Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Rahmawati, Fentya Dyah
Developing Traji Tourism Village in Temanggung, Indonesia through SWOT Analysis
Rahmawati, Putu Indah
Measuring Hotel Customer Satisfaction: Who Cares?
Rahmawati, Putu Indah
Feasibility Study of Magister Management Program in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Regina, Maria
The Perceived Risk Influence on the E-Loyalty of Online Shoppers in Using Internet of Things
Rozari, Petrus E. de
The Influence of Rupiah Exchange Rate, Interest Rate Levels, and The Composite Stock Price Index to Financial Deepening in Indonesia
Rozi, Fahrur
Developing Traji Tourism Village in Temanggung, Indonesia through SWOT Analysis
Sangging, I Wayan Budi Sujana
The Influence of Customer Satisfaction in Terms of Service Quality and Perceived Value
Saputra, I Wayan Krisna Aris
Welfare Level of Arta Murti BUMDes Members Anturan Village, Buleleng District in Term of Social Entrepreneurship Approach reneurship Approach
Savitri, Luh Asri
Effect of Auditor Independence, Fee Audit, Audit Tenure Toward Audit Quality (Case Study at a Public Accounting Firm in Bali)
Soegihono, Alvin
Intergenerational Perception of Tax Audit and Voluntary Tax Compliance
Suarmaja, Ida
Role of Informal Employment to the Economy
Suarmanayasa, I Nengah
Investment Profile of Bangli Regency
Suarmanayasa, I Nengah
Role of Informal Employment to the Economy
Suci, Made
Feasibility Study of Magister Management Program in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Suci, Ni Made
The Effect of Big Five Personality of Entrepreneurs on Business Growth in SMEs
Suharsono, Naswan
The Influence Of Attitude, Subjective Norm and Self Efficacy On The Intention Of Students Entrepreneurs
Suharsono, Naswan
The Way to Develop an Entrepreneurial Culture in Higher Education
Sujana, Edy
The Research and Development Study of Tourism Accounting Dictionary
Sujana, I Nyoman
The Influence Of Attitude, Subjective Norm and Self Efficacy On The Intention Of Students Entrepreneurs
Sujana, Nyoman
Development of the Designing Capability of Scientific Approach-Based Learning Tools
Sulindawati, Ni Luh Gede Erni
Analyzing the Need to Develop Materials in the Teaching of Hotel Accounting that Meet the Requirements of the Graduate Users
Sulindawati, Ni Luh Gede Erni
Epistemology of Accounting Practices: Another Frame of Objectivity Claims
Susila, Gede Putu Agus Jana
Investment Profile of Bangli Regency
Susila, Gede Putu Agus Jana
Role of Informal Employment to the Economy
Suwena, Kadek Rai
The Effect of Social Entrepreneurship on the Welfare of the Village Community
Suwena, Kadek Rai
Identification of the Failure of Waste Bank Enterprises as Undiksha Students’ Entrepreneurial Activity Unit
Suwendra, I Wayan
The Effect of Social Entrepreneurship on the Welfare of the Village Community
Tanaya, Graciella
E-Tax Satisfaction and Taxpayer Expectation Toward Tax Consultant
Tandean, Ervina Clowdya
The Perceived Risk Influence on the E-Loyalty of Online Shoppers in Using Internet of Things
Tarigan, Josua
Corporate Social Responsibility Policies in Indonesia Manufacturing Companies
Telagawathi, Ni Luh Wayan Sayang
Analysis of Brand Image and Promotions and their Effect on Purchase Decisions
Telagawathi, Ni Luh Wayan Sayang
Factors Affecting the Amount of External Information Business Search for Use of Aviation Services in Bali
Thei, Yolanda Patricia
Analysis of the Effect of The Commodification Sotis Woven Fabric on Hotel Occupancy Rates (Case Study on Local Hotel Brand - Hotels Sotis Kupang)
Theresia, Jessica
E-Tax Satisfaction and Taxpayer Expectation Toward Tax Consultant
Timuneno, Tarsisius
The Influence Of Organizational Cultural On Organizational Citizenship Behavior Through Spirituality Workplace As Moderating Variable
Tjioewinata, Gladys Paramita
The Relationships between Technology and User Satisfaction in Online Tax Filing: The Mediating Role of Confirmation of Expectation
Tjondro, Elisa
Earning Management or Tax Avoidance? Company Decision on Accounting and Tax Reporting Cost
Tjondro, Elisa
Intergenerational Perception of Tax Audit and Voluntary Tax Compliance
Tjondro, Elisa
E-Tax Satisfaction and Taxpayer Expectation Toward Tax Consultant
Feasibility Study of Magister Management Program in Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Trianasari, N.
Measuring Hotel Customer Satisfaction: Who Cares?
Tripalupi, Lulup Endah
Public Interest in Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) in Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD)
Tripalupi, Lulup Endah
The Influence Of Attitude, Subjective Norm and Self Efficacy On The Intention Of Students Entrepreneurs
Tunti, Maria E. D.
Perception of Stakeholders on Internal Supervisory Unit and Competence of Internal Supervisory Unit (Study At Nusa Cendana University)
Tunti, Maria E. D.
Analysis of Green Accounting Implementation Based on University Social Responsibility (Study at Nusa Cendana University Kupang)
Developing Traji Tourism Village in Temanggung, Indonesia through SWOT Analysis
Utari, Woro
Detection of Healthcare Fraud in The National Health Insurance Program Based on Cost Control
Valencia, Jesseline
The Acceptance of Accounting Students on the Use of Internet of Things
Vijaya, Diota Prameswari
Perceptions of Accessibility and Knowledge in Small and Medium Enterprises based on Interest Using e-Banking
Vijaya, Diota Prameswari
Carbon Information Disclosure Practice in Indonesia: A Comprehensive Study from Manufacturing and Mining Industry
Wahyuni, Made Arie
Effect of Auditor Independence, Fee Audit, Audit Tenure Toward Audit Quality (Case Study at a Public Accounting Firm in Bali)
Wahyuni, Ni Komang Sri
The Role of Entrepreneurship Education and Subjective Norms on the Intention of Entrepreneurship
Wanandi, Felix
Intergenerational Perception of Tax Audit and Voluntary Tax Compliance
Whitney, Gabriella
The Relationships between Technology and User Satisfaction in Online Tax Filing: The Mediating Role of Confirmation of Expectation
Wibowo, Nugroho Mardi
Detection of Healthcare Fraud in The National Health Insurance Program Based on Cost Control
Widiastini, Ni Made Ary
Women and Its Job Opportunity in Hotel Industry in Bali
Widiastini, Ni Made Ary
The Effect of Socialization, Training and Assistance Activities on Pokdarwis Satisfaction and Participation Levels in Managing Tourism Villages
Widiastuti, Yuyun
Detection of Healthcare Fraud in The National Health Insurance Program Based on Cost Control
Widuri, Retnaningtyas
Individual Tax Compliance: Trust versus Power
Widuri, Retnaningtyas
Tax Fraud Reporting: The Effect of Envious Motive and Financial Reward
Widuri, Retnaningtyas
Tax justice perception and trust in government on tax compliance
Widyatama, Arif
Does Corporate Governance increase the Financial Reporting Quality?
Wiguna, I Gede Nandra Hary
The Research and Development Study of Tourism Accounting Dictionary
Wismanjaya, Komang Agem
How Culture Resources Developed As A New Tourism Destination In Buleleng Regency
Yanida, Maria
Does Corporate Governance increase the Financial Reporting Quality?
Yasa, I Nyoman Putra
Impact of Conflict of Interest on Accounting Policies Overview of Gender
Yasa, I Nyoman Putra
Revealing The Perception of The Justice of UMKM Taxation on Government Regulation Number 23 of 2018
Yudantara, I Gede Agus Pertama
Analysis of Competitiveness Determinants of The Woodcraft Industry in Bali
Yudantara, I Gede Agus Pertama
Analysis of Acceptance and Success Implementation of Academic Information System (SIAk) Based on Technology
Yudantara, I Gede Agus Pertama
Epistemology of Accounting Practices: Another Frame of Objectivity Claims
Yudistira, Kadek
Welfare Level of Arta Murti BUMDes Members Anturan Village, Buleleng District in Term of Social Entrepreneurship Approach reneurship Approach
Yulianthini, Ni Nyoman
The Effect of Big Five Personality of Entrepreneurs on Business Growth in SMEs
Yulianthini, Ni Nyoman
Factors Affecting the Amount of External Information Business Search for Use of Aviation Services in Bali
Yuniarta, Gede Adi
Analysis of Competitiveness Determinants of The Woodcraft Industry in Bali
Yuniarta, Gede Adi
Supervision of the Government in Strengthening the Influence of Community Participation of the Effectiveness of Village Funds in the District Buleleng
Yuniarta, Gede Adi
Analysis of Acceptance and Success Implementation of Academic Information System (SIAk) Based on Technology
Yuniarta, Gede Adi
The Meaning of Economic Literacy for Women Entrepreneurs