Proceedings of the International Conference on Trends of Technologies and Innovations in Economic and Social Studies 2017
363 authors
- Miller, Alexander
- Investment efficiency of securities market: assessment methodology
- Miller, Andrey
- Investment efficiency of securities market: assessment methodology
- Milova, Yulia Y.
- Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Tourism Development
- Minaev, Nikolai
- Development of New Methodology to Assess Effectiveness of Low-rise Housing Construction
- Minaev, Nikolai
- Development and Justification of System of Effectiveness Indicators Applied to Public Control Models in Field of Housing and Utility Sector of Tomsk Region
- Mironova, Ljudmila Ivanovna
- Managing educational process in university based on database management system
- Miroshnichenko, Olga S.
- Current state and possibilities of development of long-term bank lending to non-financial institutions in Russia
- Mitrofanova, Alexandra
- Human resource risk management in organization: methodological aspect
- Mitrofanova, Alexandra
- Improvement of quality of state customs services based on development of labor potential of customs officials
- Mitrofanova, Elena
- Human resource risk management in organization: methodological aspect
- Mitrofanova, Elena
- Improvement of quality of state customs services based on development of labor potential of customs officials
- Musina, Dilara R.
- Formation of strategy of effective management of fixed production assets of oil company
- Myznikova, Tatyana
- Influence of Credit Ratings on Bank Soundness. Russian Aspect
- Nagapetyan, Artur
- Comparison of banks of China and Australia by Return on Assets and Capital
- Nagapetyan, R. Artur
- Stocks return volatility clustering in Russian market: preconditioms and interpretations
- Nazarova, Ulyana Anatolyevna
- Sustainable development of system of social-labor relations in conditions of transformation of labour and entrepreneurship
- Nechaev, Andrey Sergeevich
- Innovation risks: challenges and prospects
- Nechaev, Andrey Sergeevich
- Analysis of Articles of Fixed Assets Renewal of Russian Business Enterprises
- Neklyudova, Natalia
- Households consumption and savings in volatile social and economic environment
- Nikitenko, Sergey Mihailovich
- Intellectual property as instrument for implementation of innovative technologies
- Nikituk, Lyubov
- Investment Tax Credit as Instrument to Stimulate Investment-Innovative Activity of Housing and Public Utilities
- Nikituk, Lyubov
- Performance Evaluation Technique of Life Cycle Contracts for Innovation-oriented Companies
- Nizamova, Gylnara Z.
- Formation of strategy of effective management of fixed production assets of oil company
- Nurmukhamedov, E.R.
- Financial Strategy for Establishing Leasing Company
- OSECHKINA, Tatiana
- On effect of resource constraints on optimal distribution of commodities
- Ognev, Dmitrii Vladimirovich
- Innovation risks: challenges and prospects
- Ohanova, Alexandra Mikhailovna
- Hierarchy Analysis Method as Investment Decision Support Tool
- Oleynik, Galina Sergeevna
- Applying experience of APR countries in field of environmental business to Russian economy
- Opletaev, Anton
- Marketing Research Prospects for Bioenergy Development Based on Use of Wood Fuel
- Orekhova, Svetlana V.
- Resource Investment Model in Specifics of Developing Countries
- Osipova, Elena
- Role of Higher School in Formation of Innovative Potential of Region as Element of Sustainable Development of Shipping Cluster
- Osipov , Vladimir
- Market Architecture as trigger of regional development
- Pakholchenko, Valentina Mikhailovna
- Banking supervision: current trends and prospects
- Pakhomova, Elena Anatolievna
- Forms of cooperation of government, business and science to create innovative sectors of economy (regional aspect)
- Pakhomova, Evgenia Olegovna
- Intellectual property as instrument for implementation of innovative technologies
- Pakova, Olga Nikolaevna
- Monetary and financial risks in International relations
- Palatkin, Ivan V.
- Influence of investment climate of Russian Federation constituent entity on regional statistic indicator
- Parakhina, Valentina N.
- Innovative development of Russian industry: regional problems and opportunities for their solution
- Pashchenko, Nikolay
- Financial risk management
- Pashchenko, Svetlana
- Assessment of Investment Attractiveness of Agroindustrial Complex in Republic of Bashkortostan
- Pashchenko, Svetlana
- Financial risk management
- Patianova, A.O.
- Elaboration of conceptual framework of providing competitiveness of production with use of forecasting techniques
- Perepechko, L.N.
- Intellectual Property Protection in Field of Information Technology
- Petrik, Vitaliy
- Sustainable forest development: problems and prospects
- Pevadchuk, Vladimir
- On effect of resource constraints on optimal distribution of commodities
- Piskovets, Ekaterina L.
- Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Tourism Development
- Plakhin, A.E.
- Methodological aspects of ontogenesis of regional industrial clusters
- Plakhin, Andrey
- Role of international clusters in economy of Russia and Belarus
- Plastinin, Alexandr
- Investments in oil production and development in conditions of oil price stagnation
- Plutova, Mariia I.
- Employment of Women with Toddlers Sustainable Development Resource within Staff Shortage
- Plutova, Mariia I.
- Management of Family Business Organizations as Tool of Sustainable Economic Development
- Pokrovskaya, E.
- University infrastructure as vector of region sustainable development
- Polushkina, T.M.
- Competitiveness of Rural Areas Due to Development of Organic Agriculture
- Pridachuk, Maxim
- Small innovation businesses attached to higher schools as new funding source of Russian higher education
- Pridvizhkin, Stanislav Victorovich
- Assessment of Factor Influencing Attraction of Foreign Direct Investment to Developing Economies
- Pridvizhkin, Stanislav Victorovich
- Assessment of Direct Investment Influence onto Economic Results of Copper Industry Enterprises
- Proshkina, Aleksandra Sergeevna
- Impact of regional policy on evolution of innovation clusters in Asia-Pacific region
- Pryadilina, Natalia
- Marketing Research Prospects for Bioenergy Development Based on Use of Wood Fuel
- Pshenichnikov, Vladislav Vladimirovich
- Phenomenon of financial pyramids: nature and design
- Puchkova, Nataliya Viktorovna
- Analysis of Articles of Fixed Assets Renewal of Russian Business Enterprises
- Raitina, M.
- University infrastructure as vector of region sustainable development
- Rakhmanova, A.R.
- Intellectual Property Protection in Field of Information Technology
- Rastova, Yulia Ivanovna
- Binomial model of profitability of sales
- Rodionov, Vladimir
- Economic security of Mongolia in context of Northeast Asia prospects
- Rodnyansky, Dmitry
- Distribution of Households by Equivalent Income
- Rodnyansky, Dmitry
- Relative Poverty Measurement by Equivalent Income
- Rogov, Viktor
- Multi-polar trajectories of tourism development within Russian Arctic
- Rogova, Elena
- Tools for Assessment of Intellectual Assets of Enterprise Based on Fuzzy Information
- Rogova, Elena
- Intellectual offshoring as tool of regional innovative system development
- Rozhkova, Olga Vladimirovna
- Forms of cooperation of government, business and science to create innovative sectors of economy (regional aspect)
- Rubinshtein, Evgeniia
- Comparison of banks of China and Australia by Return on Assets and Capital
- Rubinshtein, Evgeniia
- Tendencies of economic development of Pacific territories of Russia and their integration into Asia-Pacific region
- Ruposov, Vitaly
- Multi-polar trajectories of tourism development within Russian Arctic
- Sadovin, N.S.
- Modeling and forecasting of GRP based on R. Solow model
- Sadyrtdinov, Ruslan
- Distribution of Households by Equivalent Income
- Sadyrtdinov, Ruslan
- Relative Poverty Measurement by Equivalent Income
- Saltykov, Maxim
- Comparison of banks of China and Australia by Return on Assets and Capital
- Saltykov, Maxim
- Tendencies of economic development of Pacific territories of Russia and their integration into Asia-Pacific region
- Saruchev, Vladimir
- Investments in oil production and development in conditions of oil price stagnation
- Savdur, S.N.
- Dynamics of cancer in Republic of Tatarstan and approaches to development of mathematical methods for analysis of clinical trials
- Savostina, Olga V.
- Integration of Structural Components of Russian and Chinese Accounting Systems
- Sazonov, Sergei
- Small innovation businesses attached to higher schools as new funding source of Russian higher education
- Schitova, Natalia
- Geographical features of investment activity in Stavropol Krai
- Seliverstov, P.V.
- Small entrepreneurship as factor of sustainable development of region's economy under environmental restrictions
- Seliverstova, Nataliya
- Human behavior in digital economy
- Semenov, V.L.
- Elaboration of conceptual framework of providing competitiveness of production with use of forecasting techniques
- Semenova, Nadezhda Nickolaevna
- Estimation of Tax Administration Efficiency in Russian Federation in context of budget tax revenues
- Sergeevich, Sablin Kiril
- Global Value Chains and Search for New Ways to Develop Resource-Type Regions
- Sergeevna, Kolegova Nadezhda
- Methodology and practice of organizing work on extremism prevention at regional level (experience of Sverdlovsk region)
- Sevodin, Mikhail
- On effect of resource constraints on optimal distribution of commodities
- Shakirov, Timur
- Intellectual offshoring as tool of regional innovative system development
- Sharina, I.A.
- Intellectual Property Protection in Field of Information Technology
- Shemonayeva, Ludmila Ivanovna
- Information Support for Making Standard Management Decision with the Help of Hardware-Software System
- Shirenkov, I. V.
- Econometric models for evaluation of marketing activities` indicators of social network
- Shirikhina, Elena
- Role of Higher School in Formation of Innovative Potential of Region as Element of Sustainable Development of Shipping Cluster
- Shirokova, Olga
- Relative Poverty Measurement by Equivalent Income
- Shurova, Irina I.
- Periphery of Old-Industrial Region Challenged by New Industrialization
- Shvakov, Evgeny
- Methodical bases of forecasting volume of investments in innovative projects
- Sidorova, Nataliy
- Market Architecture as trigger of regional development
- Sinianskaia, Elena R.
- Integration of Structural Components of Russian and Chinese Accounting Systems